
Level 25 Imperial
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Ghosthost Viola
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Energy: 50
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Light icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Imperial
Male Imperial
Hibernating icon
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Personal Style


Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Unearthly Onyx Forejewels
Unearthly Onyx Taildecor
Unearthly Onyx Nightshroud
Unearthly Onyx Clawrings
Unearthly Onyx Pendants
Unearthly Onyx Ghastcrown




31.95 m
18.45 m
9384.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 12, 2019
(5 years)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level


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Son of the Icewarden

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Abandonded as an egg, he was born under the shine of the Lightbringer, and was left unnamed and shamed by his peers. Though he was kind and social as a hatchling, those around him looked down on him as if he were worth nothing. He had no one to turn to, and no family to call his own. He thought to himself often "What am I doing wrong?" "Am I somehow broken beyond repair?", and as he grew, so did his loneliness. With every glare or pointed scoff, his skin grew thicker. He became hard and indifferent to the land and the dragons around him. He locked himself away in his own mind, until he finally decided it was time to go.

He set off on his own with what he could carry on his back to find a new home, and maybe find a lost piece of himself along the way. The days were long, and the nights tiring. He rarely stopped, for fear he would be shunned by those he were to see. His travels took him well outside of his homelands. As he pushed forward through the Foxfire Bramble, and swam across the Fishspine Reef, his hope that he would find somewhere for himself trickled down to near nothing. He flew high above the Scarred Wastleland, and wove through Crystalspine Reaches until he landed in exhaustion on a broken chuck of ice. "How fitting." He thought to himself. "This ice and I are both hard and broken, set adrift, alone, with no destination to find.". He lay there, floating in silence as a cold wind blew through his wings. He then heard a voice, seeming to call to him from somewhere very far away. "My boy, look around you. The ice is not hard, it is strong. The silence is not loneliness, as it, itself, is listening to your troubles. The wind is not cold, it is exhilarating and eternal. You are the same. Find yourself, and you will find your place." He listened, eyes wide at the words that fell down to him. For once, he did not feel indifferent, he did not feel hard or cold, he felt hopeful. But the voice faded away as quickly and quietly as it arrived, and he knew not where to find it again. He rose up, shook the tired feeling from his trembling legs, allowing the icy wind to refresh him as he breathed deeply. And he ran. Only this time, he was running toward something.

Leaping from glacier to glacier, he sped blindly through the ice and snow. His head snapped rapidly from side to side, hoping to catch a glimpse of what could have spoken to him. He made his way through the Tundra and, eventually found himself at the base of the Crags. He looked up, the mountains towering over him, peaks so high that one could not see them through the clouds. His breath was swift and shallow, his body cold and his energy depleted, but yet, he braced himself and began his journey up. The winds got stronger, and the snow heavier as he trudged upward. He then stopped abruptly, his ears twitching with anticipation. He heard a voice. But this one... Was different. Softer, fearful... Calling for help? He called out into the distance, and heard a muffled cry back. He moved slowly in the direction of the voice, wondering why he intended to help in the first place. No one ever helped him, so why should he help anyone. But yet, he continued to search.

The white emptiness ahead of him finally began to break, as he caught a glimpse of a small, dark cave. Wary, he creeped forward, and heard the cry again. He peered inside, unsure what was drawing him to the voice. A glint of light caught his eye... A pearl? It was a pearl, but it was being gripped tightly by a dark figure. He called out "Who are you?", unwilling to go farther in until he assessed the danger. "... P-please..." Cried the figure. "Please help me." It continued. He moved forward slightly while his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He then realized the figure was a dark-colored pearlcatcher, and she was obviously injured. They locked eyes, and his wariness left him as he rushed to her side. "What happened? Can you move?" He worriedly asked. "I am too tired. I got lost in a blizzard, and fell down a hill, hitting broken tree limbs along the way. I have been stuck here for days, and I don't think I can move..." She admitted, through raspy breaths. He held her gaze and his eyes softened. His hard exterior was gone for the moment, although he hadn't noticed. He only knew one thing. He wanted to save her.

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He gave her what few supplies he had left and went to search for more. He, too, was tired and slowing, as he hadn't had proper rest since he left his homelands, but he continued. He eventually found his way to a small clan, and pleaded for help. They had him rest while they gathered food and supplies for him and the pearlcatcher he had left behind. They offered to assist him with the trip back, but he politely declined, not wanting them to have to extend themselves any further. He thanked them for everything they had done for him, and began to make his way back to her. In the rush of fear, he had not stopped to realize that the clan who had helped him treated him like any other dragon. They did not laugh at his request or usher him away. They aided him even though they had never laid eyes on him before. The realization nearly made him stop dead in his tracks, but he had to think of her, as time was precious.

Finding the opening of the cave once again, he quickly bandaged her wounds and draped her in clothing to keep her from freezing. He stayed there with her for days, tending to her wounds and keeping them both fed and warm as they watched the howling winds from the mouth of the cave. She turned to him, her voice much sturdier this time, "My name is Myrna, by the way. I never caught yours...". "I do not have a name." He replied. "I had no family to name me at birth, and I never named myself, as I never knew who I was". She looked at him sadly, but with understanding. She left it alone as to not upset him, and simply laid her head on his shoulder.

Little by little her wounds healed and she grew stronger. But by the time she was well enough to continue her journey, she did not want to say goodbye to the Imperial who had saved her. And although she did not know it, he did not want to say goodbye to her either. They sat in silence, waiting to see who would speak first and how they would part ways. But neither spoke. The day past and the night set it, so they curled up and slept, assuming they would figure it out the next day. That day, however, did not come. Neither of them ever spoke of leaving each other, as neither of them wanted to. They had grown close during their time in the cave, and learned more about each other than they knew of themselves. She felt safe around him. And he felt wanted around her. They had found each other in the strangest of ways, but something wanted them together. And they did too.

As time went on, they became more familiar with the frozen world around them. Many dragons feared those barren lands, but they found a home, and a family, within them. For the first time, they were both happy, and he slowly forgot what it was like to be an outcast. He made allies and friends among nearby clans, including the one that had so generously helped them when they were of desperate need. He had a mate who saw past the hard shell that surrounded him, and she chipped away at it effortlessly. They eventually settled in a spot of their own in the Crags, and started a clan that was open to any dragons who needed assistance, or simply a welcoming place to feel they belonged. He had almost everything he ever could have wanted.

Some time later...

While heading back to Myrna after his weekly hunt for the clan, he felt a familiar presence. He turned around, alert, expecting to see someone behind him, but he did not. He had been especially on edge lately, as Myrna was expecting their child and he was beside himself with worry, so he chalked it up to delirium and went on his way. But then he heard it. The voice. The voice that somehow sounded so far away yet right in his ear. The voice that had pushed him to continue his journey until he found his love and a whole new life, when he had had no clear goal in mind. It rang in his ear, "I see you have found yourself and a place to call your own. I am proud of you, my son. Though you come from a different land, you belong here, under my watch. Always remember - You are strong, you are mindful, you are eternal. You are ice. And you are home, Nelacar."

To be continued...

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Bio template by @Mibella, find it here. Imperial emblem by @Drytil. Lore by @Bones.
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Exalting Nelacar to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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