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Personal Style


Veteran's Shoulder Scars
Pathfinder's Tail Twist
Black Head Bow




22.88 m
16.64 m
6379.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 20, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Imperial
EXP: 1266 / 27676




  • none



This dragon has set out on a journey through Sornieth during Brightshine Jubilee '19 from Sunday, June 23 'til June 30. It is one of many that wants to visit lairs and clans, hoping to receive lore before being sent back to their home after the adventure is complete. Even years later they will be able to look back at this time by going through the poetry, prose and art they received, as well as all the encounters, adventure, new friends and enemies they encountered.

Please, keep in mind...
not to purposely edit or delete lore made by other users
not to breed or exalt this dragon while traveling

to send this dragon off to the next designation after 1 day
to return this dragon to its owner MandragoraAutumn as agreed to the rules of the event.

This is the a list of destination lairs for Sheila to keep track of her journey.
Let's get started, shall we?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTemplate made by Juri01

Day One: MandragoraAutumn #424218

Sheila opened her eyes.
It had been long since she last did, a few weeks full of sleep.
He blinked a few times, lids still heavy, looking around to take in the Viridian Labyrinth's familiar color: Viridian, probably, but that looked different to her than to other dragons. A boring color, a color of many things. Other dragons called it ... red, or green, or sometimes orange, but to her those looked all the same.
Her head jolted up and she smiled as she saw something different though - blue! The eyes of her familiar.
"Mavi! It's good to see you,", she told the Mith and got a happy look in response. Then Mavi held up a black ribbon.
"Oh...", Sheila responded, standing up and taking it, to attach it to her antler in a bow. She knew she once had more belongings and - she searched around where she had slept and found the shards she was looking for. Still not everything she used to own, but everything important. Picking them up, she took a moment to feel the fossilized imprints.
She wanted to collect more! "And I want to see the ocean again", she added to her thought.
The ocean was one of her favorite places. Water dragons sure were lucky.
She looked at Mavi, then shook her body to remove the heavy feeling, to wake up fully.
She could use a little more socializing, too.
"Let's go on a journey!"

Black Head Bow Clouded Mith Dickinsonia Vendian

Day Two: Scatterspark #158524

Brightshine Jubilee is in full swing, here in Scatterspark Outpost. The marketplace is adorned with banners and strings of lamps, bright even in midday, and music rings out here and there, both from radios and singing dragons. There's so much to see and so many interesting dragons to talk to, but Sheila's attention is drawn first to a large banner near the inn:

Welcome Traveling Archaeologists!

There's a table set up beneath the banner, but no attendant is present. There are a couple of maps set out on the table, with a list of shops and buildings of note marked on it to help visitors find their way. As Sheila's examining one of the maps, a commotion rises up somewhere in the crowd, moving closer and closer to the visiting Imperial.

"Hey, watch it!"
"No running in the marketplace!"
"Look out!"

Sheila turns to see what's going on, and lets out a yelp of alarm as she spots a grey Mirror, with vivid blue wings and bright eyes, sprinting across the street toward her.


He doesn't pounce, though; instead, he skids to a stop in front of her, kicking up a cloud of dust as he cries, "I'm not late!" He pants for a moment, then flashes a jagged-toothed grin up at Sheila. "Okay, I'm a little late. --Oh, sorry, did I scare you?" His laugh is a harsh cackle, but not a cruel one. That seems to just be the quality of his voice, rough and sharp. "My name's Peril! I'm your guide today, if you want one. I was assigned." He winks both left eyes at her. "What's your name?"

"Ah... I'm Sheila," the white Imperial says. "And this is Mavi."

"Sheila! That's a cute name. Mavi, also cute. She looks so soft. My familiar would just eat her up." He laughs again, then turns to head off into the crowd. "Let me show you around!"

Peril has something snarky to say about nearly everything they encounter, but he seems to genuinely like it all, as well: the shopkeepers who roll their eyes at him, the guards who watch him suspiciously as they pass, the stalls full of books and tools and beaded bracelets. "That's Canyon," he says, as they pass a cliffside-red Wildclaw.

"Stay out of trouble, Peril," the guard says, before giving Sheila a polite nod.

"Hey, do I look like I'm up to trouble to you?" Peril calls back. He grins at Sheila again, murmuring, "He's no fun, is he? Like a few little pranks ever hurt anyone."

He buys some fried fish to share with her at one of the stalls, and asks, "So what d'you wanna see while you're here? I could take you by the library, but that's kinda boring... Do you wanna check out one of the excavations?"

"Are there fossils there?" Sheila asks, hopefully.

"Oh, sure, I bet we can dig some up!"

The pair of them spend the rest of the afternoon picking through rocks in a pit outside of town, and sure enough, they do find a few more fossils to add to Sheila's collection. Sunshower Pass, the region that Scatterspark Outpost is located in, used to be entirely underwater! Peril explains to her how the sandstone walls of the canyon were once the walls of a deep river, and although sandstone doesn't often preserve fossils, there are layers and deposits of limestone throughout the canyon as well, deeper down. "You'll find lots of cool fish and stuff in limestone!"

The scenery of Scatterspark Outpost might not be much to Sheila's eyes, but the wide-open blue sky above is something new and beautiful, not hidden by the sheltering treetops of her home. At the end of the day, Peril walks her back to the inn, and they share a couple of drinks over dinner. "Well, it's been fun!" he says. "You can keep those fossils, I prefer my fish alive and wriggling. Come back any time you like, maybe I'll take you fishing with me next time!"

Trilobite Fossil Sea Scorpion Fossil

Day Three:KallyPaige, Cosmotoral #245055

Unlike her last destination, this one she didn't wander into intentionally. She was grabbed by a black and white Pearlcatcher, lead into a walled city, half blind by a sandstorm that had blown in. They lead her deep into the city, into a dome. Safety, away from the blinding sand. After being given a bowl of water to clean her eyes with, she blinks at him and the grey wildclaw beside him.

The wildclaw speaks up, giving her a gentle smile, and exuding a calming presence, "Hello, it seems you got caught in the sandstorm? They're common here. Here, take this." She hands her a blue bandana.

Sheila takes it, tying it around her neck, "Thank you..." She then looks around, frowning when she can't find her constant companion, Mavi. She looks at the Pearlcatcher who brought her in, "Where's my friend, Mavi?"
He blinks at her a moment, frowning, "Ma'am, I don't know what yer talkin' 'bout. I didn't see nobody else out there."

She gapes at him, a bit upset that he didn't even try to look for her best friend, "A Clouded Mith! Her name is Mavi! She's still out there!" She turned to wildly charge out when the Pearlcatcher bolted past her, out into the sandstorm as thunderclaps.

The Wildclaw stops her, "Hold on! Let Domino go find your friend. He will, I promise you, then you can both be on your way." She rests a paw on Sheila's chest gently, and she quickly calms. Sheila sighs, frowning. And so they wait. In doing so, the wildclaw introduced herself as Frelia, her companion's naming being Domino.

Whilst drinking tea, Domino trudges back inside with a weathered and ruffled Mavi under his wing. She also carried Sheila's bag, that seemed bigger than she recalled. Mavi wandered over to her friend and plops down in between her paws, resting against one of Sheila's legs and drifting off into sleep in an instant.

Domino does something similar, crawling up onto the couch, and flops down comically with a Woff! Of air from him when he does. Frelia stifles a laugh, now that he's asleep, it seemed rude to speak at usual volume. And so she and Sheila converse into the evening when the storm abates.

Sheila shuffles her way out into the sand cloaked city, in awe of just how much sand there seemed to be. Mavi settled on one of her horns, still resting.

"I know you must leave soon," Frelia began, "But you'll always be welcome here, Sheila. Don't be a stranger." She smiles at the tall Imperial, who smiles back at her.

"Thank you, Frelia. I'll visit again someday, I promise. Maybe after you and Domino have some hatchlings." She wiggles her eyebrows at her and Frelia laughs.

"Not anytime soon, Sheila. Not anytime soon." And with that, Sheila begins her way again, while Mavi tells her how she found a magnificent cavern just full of relics! She had brought some of what she found.
Items Aquired
Pulsing Relic Canopic Jar Parched Clay Jar Azure Highnoon Hank
Day Four: Snek / Split Heartwood, 46014

If there is one thing to be grateful for in her travels, it is that one generally does not need to be able to see every color under the sun to successfully navigate the parched browns and greys of Dragonhome. So the scrub brush and gnarled trees don't look as green as they could. So what? It doesn't matter when navigation instructions come in the shapes of boulders and signposts instead of things like "turn left at the ring of orange strawflowers and continue on until you find a house decorated in red ones".

Now, the bird-folk infesting this part of the land? Them, she could do without. No doubt Mavi feels the same way; the mith had hidden in her travel pack the moment they began encountering every form of avian under the hot, hot sun, afraid of being caught and devoured.

She hisses at a dodo of one kind or another as it approaches her, tired and beaten. It has the solid head and patchy wings of the kind well known for carrying diseases, and the last thing the wounds trailing blood down her sides need is to become infected. There is precious little water out here with which to cool a fever, and if she should be overwhelmed and fall unconscious with no one around for miles--!

Suddenly, a dried and shattered patch of dirt rises up on wings she did not know it had and plows into the bird with a shriek that's had a rasp taken to too many of its edges. The bird's neck cracks audibly as they roll, and the dirt--a nocturne, she thinks--rises into the air, shaking the creature in its jaws to be sure it is actually dead.

The sight is too much for one as terribly weakened as she has become after three straight days of ambushes and fighting. Sheila drops like a stone.


When she wakes, it is to another horror: a two-tailed creature with draconic scales, wicked claws, the head of a wolf, and the horns of a rambra. The beast is even bigger than she is, though not quite as long, and its dark, beady eyes are locked on her throat.

Her panic eases when it pulls the head away to reveal itself as a ridgeback and sighs, albeit not by much. He is unfamiliar--a stranger to her--and so is the cave in which she has found herself. Where is she? What is happening?

"Calm yourself," he murmurs, setting a paw on one shoulder to keep her still. "You will reopen your wounds. The raw meat is beginning to knit--I sewed the worst of the gashes as best I could--but it is not enough. You must wait until your flesh grows stronger."

"Who are you? What is this place? I was walking. There was a--a hooded dodo, and a nocturne, and I--I think she saved me from--Is she all right?"

"Shh. It's all right. You tried to pass through the Harpy's Roost without protection. Bonedust found you half-dead and flew to find me. I brought you to one of my caves," he continues, motioning to a spot on his own neck. "I use them during hunting trips. They are protected and well-stocked. You have nothing to fear here."


"...I'm sorry; what?"

"Mavi! My friend!" Sheila shouts, trying to get up again. "Where is my friend?"

The ridgeback quickly pushes her back down, careful to be gentle but firm. "Please, be still! Who is your friend?"

"The mith. They were in my pack when I--I fell!" Her already pale face drains of what little color it has. "Did I crush--"

"No! No, no. They're fine. Mavi--that's their name?--is fine. You landed on your belly, not your side. She sleeps in the storage room. We found her in the pack; I thought her a prisoner, not a companion."

"Oh. Oh," she sighs, nearly boneless with relief. "Please, will you bring her to me?"

He nods. "I will get her at once. Would you like some water? Food? I am afraid I have only fish and a few herbs, but I can make them into a soup."

"Yes, please."

"All right. My name is Linus, by the way." He dips his head low, offering a greeting bow.


"A pleasure to meet you, Sheila, though I would have preferred better circumstances."

"As would I."

"I do not doubt it. Now, rest and grow strong. Your mith will be here in a moment, and I will return with supper after a while. When you are healthier, we will return to my clan. You cannot carry on without a map. There are worse things than harpies and clouddancers hiding in these stones. I know; I have seen them. We all have."

"Thank you." She means it, too. The trip through Dragonhome had turned into a closer encounter with her own mortality than she'd bargained for when first setting out. Anything to avoid a repeat incident. "I'm going to nap, I think. I'm exhausted."

"That's to be expected. Sleep well."

It takes a long minute (and a careful hug from her mith friend), but she manages.

Veteran's Shoulder Scars
level increase: 1-10

I am stronger than I knew, but must never mistake that for invincibility. A permanent reminder.

Day Five: Kaivyrin | Burningsky Aerie | 434752

Mavi is, unsurprisingly, hiding in Sheila’s pack. Sheila herself is watching the harpy through half-lidded eyes, but the harpy is not fooled: it stares right back.

Gladekeeper help her if she doesn’t trust the birds. Even a dragon’s companion, like this one, would snap up her mith without hesitation. It’s perched on Ckivsil’s shoulder, head half turned to look at Sheila while Ckivsil faces away from her. The Mirror, discussing some matter or another with the head lairguard Tivirn, hasn’t noticed the stare-off between harpy and Imperial.

“You good, Sheila?”

The voice snaps her attention away from the harpy. Sheila glances down to see Aspera at her shoulder. The Pearlcatcher is looking up at her curiously. “You’ve not moved from right there for some time now.”

Sheila sighs. “Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”

Aspera hums, but doesn’t press.

When Sheila glances back up, Ckivsil and Tivirn have been joined by several other dragons, and the harpy’s attention has been drawn away from her, and to the conversation.

“I’m going to go for a walk,” Sheila says abruptly. “Do you want to come?”

Surprise crosses Aspera’s expression for a moment, but she nods. Sheila stands and stretches- she had been sitting for longer than she’d thought- and pads toward the edge of the caldera. She easily makes the leap up, and glances back to see Aspera open her wings to propel herself enough to get up.

The two walk in silence for a time. After the bottom of the caldera is no longer in view, Sheila says, “Alright, Mavi. You can come out now, it’s safe.”

The mith pops her head out of Sheila’s pack, and happily buzzes up to perch on the top of her head. Sheila chuckles softly, crossing her eyes to look at her friend.

“You’re really close with your mith, aren’t you?” Aspera says. It’s less a question and more a statement of fact.

“You’re one to talk,” Sheila responds, pointedly looking at the small sparrowmouse nestled between Aspera’s wings.

“That’s different,” Aspera protests. “Vin’s not... intelligent, on a dragon level. Not like the Beastclans, and not like Mavi there.”

Sheila tips her head in assent. She has a point.

“And you really don’t like Sersee,” Aspera continues, though her tone is more teasing now. “Don’t think I missed you glaring at her all morning. Only thing that makes me feel better is that the feeling is clearly mutual.”

Sheila ducks her head, and Mavi squeaks, jumping to find a different perch on Sheila’s horn. “Well- yes, but don’t you feel a little uncomfortable around a harpy? It could hop over and devour Vin in a single bite.”

Aspera halts, and shrugs. “Not really. I guess I’ve been around her enough to get used to her? Sersee wouldn’t hurt Vin, not in a thousand years. Katalune, though-“ she huffs, “I don’t trust that Raptorik as far as I can throw him.”


“Oh, you haven’t met him yet? Huh, he’s always with- Charin’s companion, he’s Charin’s companion,” Aspera says, “Really, I don’t understand those two. Sometimes it seems like they can read each other’s minds, but they’re just so different. It’s bizarre, it is.”

Sheila doesn’t have an answer to that, so the conversations lapses into silence. It’s only broken when Vin wakes, hopping up to Aspera’s shoulder to chatter in her ear.

“You hungry, huh?” Aspera asks the sparrowmouse. “Come on then, so am I. You ready to head back to the Aerie?” she asks, directing the question at Sheila.

“Oh! Yes, yes I am. I could go for a snack, too, actually.”

They hadn’t gone far, walking in a loose loop around the caldera. When they reach the ridge over the clan’s home, Aspera nods to the guard on watch before hopping down back in.

Sheila follows her, and they head towards the kitchens together.

Day Six: username, clan #
Boring. everything looked so... boring.

Sheila followed the paving stoned way for a while now, still not sure if it would actually lead somewhere or just ended in the middle of this meadow.
Boring stones. She looked down at them while walking, as if she would search for something interessting, but they where just as monotous as the rest of this region.

No ocean in sight, but at least a river, a small blue line in some distance, left to her.
If she was interpreting the map correctly she got from Linus, this area was somewhere bewteen the mirrorlight promenade and hawn City.
If she was going in the right direction, Sheila should arrive the waterfall sooner or later. It was the fastest way to The Sea of a Thousands.
"The Ocean.", she sighted, kicking a stone, looking up. "If I could touch the sky, I probably would be satisfied with it." She pinched her eyes in the bright light.

"Oh my - Sorry! Sorry, sorry sorry!" Sheila turned her head, checking on mila, then looking up to the dragon who run into her.
It was a Pearlcatcher, sitting towards her, his paws feeling over the ground.
"I am... sorry.", he mumled again, "Are you hurt? We have a healer in the village... I mean, she's somewhat... creepy, but I could lead you... ah!" He found his glasses, putting them on, lifting his head to look at her.

"I'm fine." Sheila answered, inspecting the pearl the other dragon hold tight to his body.
"Good! Good. A traveller?" His eyes followed her, when she stood up.
"Wow! Interessting, really interessting!" The Pearcather laughed, grabbing his dusty bag, then the paw of the Imperial, who offered him help to get up. "Oh thanks. So... are you looking for someone?"
"Where do you come from?"

Sheila was confused by his questions. His way of talking was annoying...
"Vetere. A nature clan."
"Vetere!" A bright smile crossed his face. She didn't notice how tensedhis body was, but hearing the clans name relaxed him visibly. "Such a nice place to life, isn't it? Never been there, but only heard good things! Good friends of our clans, some dragons in our humle village used to lived there."
"Oh." Sheila patted Mavi, mumling some soothing words, before she put on her pack.
"Do you need something? I am a travelling mearchant, and it would be a pleasure, to help a friend out! Friendship discount inclusive, of course!"
"I'm fine, thank you... actually, I need to go." With a polite smile she made a step towards the Pearlcatcher.
"Oh! But you can't leave without visiting Sol Auri! Probably you know Pavantis, he's from Vetere too and..."
Sheila shook her head. "I don't. Actually I want to the Sea of a Thousand."
"But the Flowerfield! The ruins! The excavation!"
"Yeah, near the village!" The Pearlcatcher answered overambitious, when he noticed Sheilas interest. "The archeologist are digging up all kind of stuff there! Chests, Reliefs..."
"I guess. We're near water here, so..."

Hel was his name. At least he told her so - Sheila couldn't justify it, but she didn't believe him.
His cocky behaiviour was unpleasant to deal with, but what irritated her most was his... paranoia. Looking around as if he expected something and even if he talked nonstop, Sheila noticed that he was kinda absent.
"Are you nervous?" She asked straight away, interrupting his talk about the vegetation in this region.
The Pearlcatcher laughed insecure. "What? No! It's just..." hel struggled, clearing his throat.
"Floret - my familiar - got hurt a few days ago and it's strange travelling without him."
Sheila looked down to mila. She just assumed the Pearlcatcher didn't have a companion.
"How did he got injured?"
Waiting for an answer she lifted her head, looking at him. After a few moments he answered, his voice low: "He got attacked. I'm not sure who it was, but..." Shaking his head he pressed his pearl closer to his body.
"Oh." Sheila didn't know how to react, confused by the sudden chance of behavior. "Sorry." She looked down to the mith, a weird feeling in her stomach. It was the first time she felt some kind of sympathy towards Hel - understanding his worries about his familiar.
"It's my fault. I made some mistakes... back then."
The Imperial nodded, hestiating."You want to talk about it?"

Walking beside him in silence was... weird. But they arrived the village shortly after and Hel - as annoying as she knew him, as soon as they met the first other dragons - introduced her to Yixing, who agreed to show her the excavations and searching for some fossils under the earth.

In the evening Sheila was invited to the festival dinner. Just a few dragons sat around the fire, laughing, singing and telling stories. A small group enjoying each others company.
It was... relaxing. They offered her a place to sleep in one of the old buildings, apologizing that they couldn't offer much more than a few blankets on the ground. She didn't mind anyway and fell asleep soon.

"Would you mind me accompany you for a bit?"
It was early in the morning, when Sheila decided to continue her journey and she didn't expect Hel to be awake before sunrise.
"You won't leave me alone, no matter what I say, am I right?"
Hel smiled and she couldn't avoid do likewise.

"Did you find some fossils?"
"No." The Imperial couldn't hide her disappointment. "I guess that's bad luck... but it was interessting nontheless. Yixing really knows alot about fossils."
Somehow, he wasn't as annoying as he used to be. Hel actually made her laugh a few times during their walk.

He stopped when they reached a crossway, turning around to her.
"Before you go..." He opened his bag, pulling out some things. "Here. Friendship discount inclusive." he winked at her. "Just don't tell anyone I give away stuff for free. Would make me a worse mearchant than I am right now."
Sheila looked at the objects in suprise. Fossils, from the excavation, as he explained her. She felt with her paws over the surface of the stone, smiling. Her collection extended slowly.
"Oh... what is that?" She asked, when she discovered a small piece of jewellery.
"A tail clasp. Hope you like it." He refused to look at her, looking somewhat uncomfortable, still smiling, though.

She touched the gems. "Pearls?"
He nodded, scratching his head,looking down to his own pearl beneath his feet. "It's just black and white... probably you would like something more colorful. If you don't want to keep it, I could..."
"No." She answered immedately, laughing. "Actually, it's perfect."

Something that looked the same to both of them.
"Thank you."

Day Seven: username, clan #
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