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Personal Style


Brown Felt Cavalier
Simple Gold Wing Bangles
Leather Wing Wraps
Leather Tail Wrap
Leather Leg Wraps
Tanned Rogue Gloves


Accent: Smuggler Tundra



2.71 m
3.83 m
424.64 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 16, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Tundra
EXP: 1261 / 27676





The Smuggler
This dragon represents an OC!

Theme Song: Discombobulate- Hans Zimmer

“The more hidden the venom, the more dangerous it is.”
-Marguerite de Valois


Thief, smuggler, liar, charmer, freelance agent, “respectable conductor of reputable business deals...” Goldzahn wears many hats, alongside his dashing cavalier with its extravagant feather. First and foremost nowadays is his role as the unnamed clan's liaison. Since, by nature, they operate in secrecy and shadow, Goldzahn serves as the clan's face. Anyone who wishes to hire out their particular services has to speak to him first. If they don't have the right contacts or the courage to get in touch with him, well, they probably don't have any business with what he affectionately refers to as his “family” anyway. He has a nose for treachery too, literally, since he claims he can smell lies with his especially keen tundra sense of smell. Anyone who thinks to hire the clan and double-cross them, or renege on the promised payment once the job is done, always regrets crossing paths with him.

Goldzahn lost his right fang when he was young, and the golden one he later replaced it with became his namesake. Although gold is normally a soft metal, he uses a little bit of his innate earth magic to strengthen it, making it hard as diamond, and giving him a wicked bite. He keeps it sharpened to a needle-like point, and uses it as a point of intimidation during negotiations. Anyone giving him lip is treated to a wide, friendly grin, with the light glinting off his golden fang. His story about how he lost it changes every time he tells it, from claiming that it was knocked out by an interrogator who failed to break him, to saying he wrenched it out himself to give himself an extra little weapon. But whatever the reason, it's something that's become distinctive of him, and Goldzahn has always been clever enough to turn such things to his advantage.

Goldzahn can serve as the clan's liaison since he already has something of a reputation, at least amongst a certain crowd. Before he joined the unnamed clan, he led a small band of thieves, and under his leadership they became successful and known for their stealth, cleverness, and uncanny ability to slip out of whatever net was cast to try to snare them. And as their leader, Goldzahn himself is a well known name, spoken in tones of admiration, or bitter dislike, by the criminal underground in whose sphere he moves. He simply made it known, when he joined the clan, that the services he could offer to those with the money to hire him, and the cleverness to make sure no one knew they did, had expanded. After all, one of the unnamed clan's specialties is assassination, and there were always disputes that grew heated enough to make one part decide to settle it for good, in gold and blood.

He still leads his small band of thieves, although they're more interested in burglary and picking pockets than in the assassination and political intrigues the clan deals in so often. Still, he thinks it's better to specialize in what you can excel at than be mediocre at a number of things, and encourages them to continue honing their skills in thievery. Although managing his job as their leader and the clan's liaison, along with any number of other things he's currently involved in (and he's always got something on the boil) might seem difficult, to him there was never any question of it. Goldzahn values loyalty, and is in turn loyal towards those he deems his own, his “family” in particular. He wouldn't have dreamed of leaving the band who had put their trust in him to flounder on their own. If anything, he's used his increased connections to help them become even more successful. He's always looking for a good deal, for himself or those he calls his own. His thieves, smugglers, employers, and fences who stay true to him often reap the benefits of his shrewdness and sense of loyalty, but those who cross him doom themselves to being cheated at every turn.

His personality, for the most part, seems to be that of a laid-back and good-natured joker much of the time. He's the relaxed sort who's always ready to drape himself across the nearest comfortable chair and kick back. However, those who see this and underestimate him do so to their folly. He can move surprisingly fast, and those who think to catch him off guard when he seems to be relaxing might find themselves being the ones caught instead. Those who keep his company had better be quick witted enough to keep up with him, because Goldzahn always has something up his sleeve, and likes to engage in friendly mocking of those around him. Admittedly, some of it is not so friendly mocking towards those he genuinely dislikes, but his barbed wit is difficult to contend with. They sometimes don't realize they've been insulted until they would look like a fool to respond to it now, or better yet don't realize they're being insulted at all, while everyone around them does. He's started no few fights with his tendency towards such acid humor.

Despite his sharp jests, Goldzahn is extremely charming and silver tongued. When one of his darts hits home more than he expected, and the recipient takes offense, he always manages to smooth it over, talking them around until they believe that it wasn't mockery at all, but a compliment. This makes him an expert negotiator, which he's used to both his clan and his band's advantage. He doesn't scruple to use it for devious reasons, lying rings around someone until they do exactly what he wants to, or blackmailing them and convincing them that what he wants can't possibly be worse than what will happen if the information he has gets out. He takes particular pride in one time he managed to convince someone that he had incriminating information about him that would require a hefty sum for him not to reveal, when not only did he have nothing, but actually gained even more blackmail material from his victim's attempts to figure out what he knew. Whether he uses the sharp or the silver side of his tongue, he can convince someone of almost anything if he sets his mind to it.

However, there are times when the relaxed attitude and charm are simply a mask he uses to hide his true nature. Goldzahn is a vicious fighter and adept at thinking on his feet. There are, after all, always times when charm doesn't work. He likes to flatter himself that there aren't many he can't win over or at least trick, but there are always a few. The one thing that's guaranteed to make him show his claws, however, is someone breaking a deal, or threatening him or the ones he counts as his own. He does not take kindly at all to being cheated or threatened. His demeanor can change in an instant from laid back and amused to snarling and vicious. He's very difficult to intimidate, because all threats do is make him angry. All that charm can turn to acid, and with his skills at reading someone, he's exceedingly good at digging up the thing that scares them most and turning their threats back around on them. He'll carry them out too, and those who've crossed him have watched their lives fall to ruin around them as a result of his manipulations, before he comes to finish them off.

~by Mirrorstone

Short Stories


Captain O'Connor was nearing the end of an esteemed career. As a boy, he made top marks in his class. As a young man, he served in the way and was promoted to Sergant. Once the war was over, he came home and studied in the Guardsmen's Academy, where he made top of his class and graduated with honors. He spent the next twenty years serving his city, weeding out crime and stifling corruption as an unflinching sword of the state. Eventually he became the city's guard captain, and now he was a paragon in the community. Nothing got past him. No scoundrel was safe. In this city, that was not just law - it was a fact.

So when O'Connor received word that a well-known criminal was planning to sneak stolen diamonds into his city, he took it not only as a personal challenge, but as an insult. An information broker had offered that little tidbit in exchange for a good deal with the cops. Everyone was a winner, but it still left a bad taste in O'Connor's mouth. It implied not only that his own man was dealing with some shady people, but it also implied that this smuggler, presumably from a distant land, was disturbingly well-connected.

That would just make the game more interesting.

He liked to imagine that the villain did a comical double-take when his ship was seized in the middle of the harbor. He liked to think that the scoundrel started to sweat when he realized that most of the ship's crew were in fact O'Connor's men, sent across the sea to man the ship before it even left port. For two long months, they'd been watching the passengers with fervent interest, taking every care not to blow their own cover while still searing for any hint of dishonesty. They'd been thorough and prudent. They were the best of the best.

As O'Connor approached the anchored ship in a commissioned schooner, he couldn't help but smile with pride. He'd put so much forethought into this sting. Months, he'd planned! There was no escape for the smuggler now. Somewhere on that ship, he was confident that his men had identified the criminal and marked him for capture.
"You're mine, Goldzahn," he muttered to himself, relishing those words as he climbed onto the passenger vessel.

He was quickly met by the ship's captain, who saluted him and fell into step beside him as they made their way to the cabin. A number of O'Connor's other guards filed onto the ship's deck.
"How was the voyage?" O'Connor asked. "Entirely too smooth," the ship's captain replied. "Your men have kept me up to speed. They say there's been no sign of any wrongdoing." O'Connor froze, and a vexed look crossed his face. "Nothing at all? How is that possible?" "I don't know," replied the ship's captain. "I suspect he caught wind of your plan, and avoided boarding the ship entirely." O'Connor's expression soured further. "Impossible! I had a solid tip, and the execution was flawless. How could he have known?"

The captain only shrugged. Stunned, O'Connor left him and searched instead for his second in command, who'd played the role of first mate on the vessel. It didn't hard to find him, either; he was on the main deck, near the place where the schooner was moored, trying his best to console a distraught woman.
The lady cried into his shoulder, trembling in fear. "Why are there men with swords?! Have we done something wrong, sir?!" she asked. She had an obnoxious voice, and she was wearing the largest hat and the most needlessly billowing dresses that O'Connor had ever seen.

"Pardon me, ma'am," he said as he pushed her aside. She squealed, and he cringed at the awkward sound. He guided her a few steps away, then left her by the guard rail while he addressed his second. "The captain said that you found no sign of him. How can that be?" O'Connor demanded.
His second looked puzzled. "I don't know! Just...nothing, this whole time! We've turned this ship upside down!" he said hastily. "Then turn it upside down again! This ship isn't going anywhere until we find him!" A short argument ensued, interrupted only when one of the other sailors wandered by and let out a cry of shock.

On the deck lay a fang-shaped tooth cap, spat out with haste as the scoundrel moved from the passenger vessel to the schooner. O'Connor sneered, then dared to peek over the edge, only to find the rope cut and the schooner already well on it's way to the shore. "There he is! After him!" he cried.
The first mate ordered the crew to lift anchor, but it was already painfully clear that the large passenger ship wouldn't be able to catch the smaller, lighter vessel. O'Connor watched with white-knuckled outrage. "Confound it," he growled.

He shouted something over the water, but whatever it was, Goldzahn couldn't make it out. "Nice to meet you too, Captain. I'm sure we're going to have such good times together," he said to himself in a chipper voice. He didn't even bother to look back. He kept both eyes locked on the shore, where his newest fortune awaited.
An anxious member of Goldzahn's band waited on the docks. When the schooner landed and Goldzahn climbed to safety, the young thief's eyes lit up with joy. "Boss, you made it!"
"Of course I did," Goldzahn purred. The two took off at a sprint, weaving through the crowd and quickly disappearing into the city's labyrinthine streets. As they ran, they erupted into a chorus of laughter. "You look ridiculous in that," the young thief teased. "And your voice is terrible." "But it worked!" Goldzahn said with a laugh.
"It did! It's a shame you had to abandon the diamonds, though..." replied his companion.
Goldzahn smirked. "What makes you think I abandoned them?" he asked. "Or have you forgotten how loosely ladies' clothes fit?"

by sirrush88














by hellieace

by Rinny
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