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Personal Style


Silver Seraph Anklets
Silver Seraph Armpiece
Silver Seraph Headpiece
Silver Seraph Hip Drape
Silver Seraph Necklace
Silver Seraph Tail Bangle
Silver Seraph Wing Ornament
Glitterfreeze Halo


Accent: Snow Light


Scene: Moonbeam Aqueduct


23.21 m
20.46 m
7632.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 26, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Dark Sclera
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level
Gust Slash




  • none


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Clan ruka had always embraced its reputation of a hub of fortune tellers, and this reputation had in turn attracted those dragons with an ability to connect with the mystic realms. Her mother and father were no exception. Words from the other side floated easily on the wind, and the simple, contented lives of wind dragons lead to pleasant dealings with their spirits. They were well paid for their time, and decided to start a family nestled among the bamboo.

It came as no surprise that several of their offspring were gifted in their parent's art of fortune telling. From an early age, they displayed a knowing and premonition uncommon in the main population. One daughter, Alcen, was especially gifted in this regard. She was chosen to become the clan's next spiritual leader, and trained in the art of scrying, alongside developing her premonition and traditional fortune telling techniques. She was an eager student, and begun offering readings alongside her parents.
However, as she reached maturity, it became apparent that something was not quite right with Alcen. She became totally nocturnal, and during the full moon, would fly as high as she possibly could to get close to it. She would sit in her cave and angle mirrors to bounce the moonlight across her room, letting it flood into her eyes and strengthening her psychic power.
This behaviour continued until she experienced a vision, a prophecy from the moon itself. It spoke to her, calling her name, and bestowed its power upon her. She was to stop her services for money immediately, and instead begin to enact the will of the moon on Sornieth. It was a mission she accepted without hesitation, and took extremely seriously.
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Despite the somewhat serious nature of her personal mission, Alcen is a lighthearted dragon. She enjoys fashion, and is often seen around with the clan's tailor, Sepia, enjoying some tea and discussing the latest apparel on offer in the marketplace. The clan is important to her, and while she can see Tremor's plan to turn on the Lightweaver, she is frankly unconcerned. It is not her god, and not her problem.

Her silver Kitsune, Gin, is another emissary of the moon, and is absolutely adored by Alcen. They are always together, with the former riding on the horns of the latter, communicating through a language only known by them. Gin is often seen bedecked in various jewels or rich silks, especially on nights of the full moon.

No-one, bar Gin knows how far up she can fly, or what she gets up to when she gets there.

by AxxKat

commissioned lore

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The darkening sky was an endless abyss of secrets, murmuring softly into Alcen’s silvery ears despite the furious shakes of her head. She felt her dark, starry eyes glazing over with wonder, and she squeezed them shut, letting out a whimper of horror. No, she mustn’t see the swirl of stars dancing through the night like fireflies. No, she mustn’t listen to whistle of the wind rustling the silver leaves to a solemn melody. No, she mustn’t sense the call of the crescent moon that lit her scales in a luminous sheen.
“Please. I-,” Alcen broke off, trying to snap away from her trance to no avail. “If only…”
Before she could finish that thought, echoes of haunting laughter rang in her ears, clawing at her heart with merciless talons. Those were her clan members, always watching her with scornful eyes. The daughter of the famous fortune tellers was doing odd things again. What was she thinking, flashing moonlight from her mirrors? Where was she going, leaping so high into the air? Why was she speaking those dark words, hovering over them as if she was entranced? Maybe she had been entranced then. She certainly was now, whispering prophecies beneath the mystical glow of the moon.
Alcen once loved the night, and she still did if she was being honest. She had loved gliding among the sea of stars with her parents by her side. Her father, Himmel, would grasp her talons, tracing the constellations with its shimmering tips. He would point out all the creatures woven from the tiny lights as her mother, Yoake, watched with a fond gleam in her eyes. Yoake was always the one who encouraged Alcen to peer at the moon, murmuring promises of her bright future.
Alcen’s expression softened with longing, and she reached for that tiny sliver of light in the sky with a trembling talon. As she gazed into that shimmering orb, a ghostly shape appeared before her eyes, a playful grin spreading across his face.
She lashed her tail furiously, digging her talons into her palms until she drew blood. She had done it again! She had summoned the silver kitsune again!
“No, Gin. Please, leave me alone for once,” she sobbed, forcing herself to turn away. “Saying goodbye to everything is hard enough. I- I don’t want to part with you too…”
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The six-tailed being backed away, hurt flashing in his eyes. They had shared so many happy memories together. The creature had curled in the comforting crook of Alcen’s arms as he hid from the thundering storm. They had chased the whirling fireflies as they danced in the breeze. They had shared secrets beneath the stars, understanding passing through their eyes despite the different languages they spoke. Now, they had to say goodbye beneath the twilight as if they had never met before, their happy moments fading like breath in the breeze. Gin paused for a long moment, staring sadly into Alcen’s eyes as if he couldn’t believe what the dragon was saying.
“Go, please,” Alcen urged, ignoring the aching pang of her heart.
This time, Gin did not hesitate, blinking away his tears as he dashed away with whisks of his six tails.
“No, Gin, wait!” Alcen wailed, desperately racing after her friend.
She couldn’t just let him leave without a word. She couldn’t let him leave without a hug. She really couldn’t let him leave while he’s hurt and crying.
“Gin! Gin! Come back! Please,” Alcen trailed off, blinking back her tears.
It was for the best. It was for acceptance. It was for… Money? Family? Fame? Alcen didn’t know anymore. She just knew that Gin was gone. Her only friend was gone. Maybe he would forever believe that Alcen didn’t care about him. In truth, Alcen loved him as long as the moon and stars shone in the night….
Did the moon shine anymore? Did the stars still tinkle with laughter? Did Gin miss her? Alcen felt hollow and empty, her eyes dulling to a pale sheen. Every step she took on her bleeding talons hurt, and she knew she deserved every piercing ripple of pain that coursed through her.
“Gone… Gone…” she muttered dully, staring vacantly at the setting sun with a solemn sigh.
She was searching far and wide for something… She just couldn’t seem to remember what it was. She didn’t even have the energy to cry anymore. Everything was gone, wasn’t it? Did it even matter if she still lived or not? Would anyone really miss her?
Alcen squinted down at the tiny silhouettes of the dragon clan below her, heaving a heavy sigh. She was a famous fortune teller now, every cent they paid her coming to good use. She got what she wanted, so why wasn’t she happy?
There was no smile on her face. There was no energy in her eyes. Her powers seemed to be fading. All because she was missing something that could never be reached beyond the horizon unless…
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"No, that’s not how I desire to live. That’s not what I desire to be,” Alcen cried, taking flight with a single flap of her mighty wings.
The wind shrieked with the babbling voices of the dragons below. They had gathered gold for days and days just to get a glimpse of their future, and now Alcen was soaring away. They gave chase, madly flapping after her. Still, Alcen circled higher and higher, bursting free into the endless galaxy. The voices died away, the gusts dying away to a hushed whispering breeze. It was silent. She was free! No, she wasn’t truly happy yet.
“Gin? Gin,” she called, chanting summons for the silver kitsune.
There he was, a shadow waiting for her beneath the moon. Everyday he had been watching her from above, waiting and hoping. He never been mad at her, understanding gleaming in his solemn eyes. She tapped his shoulder, their eyes meeting for a long moment.
“Oh, Gin!” she sobbed, burying her head in his silky fur as he covered her face with kisses. “I love you so much.”
Yes, the moon and the stars always shone in the night, and they forever will.

Lore by Dragonfairy1034.

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