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Personal Style


Poisonous Woodwing
Mystic Sage Tassel
Gladegift Halo
Gladegift Garlands
Kiwi Plumed Cover
Forest Rogue Trousers




22.42 m
17.15 m
5827.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 20, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245



-A beautiful Singer

(Married to Angelus)

The blood-driven army halted before her little village, amassed to do only one thing. Kill.

First, the arrows came; burning brightly as they scorched through the Firmament, before quickly devouring the wood of the houses that they had landed upon. Next, the foot soldiers. Whatever villager had not been killed by the fire or arrows, was driven out of the safety of their home by the blaze or the ominous soldiers clad in dark armor.

Lilith had been “lucky”. Her House (hut to be more accurate), was the farthest from where the army had approached. That only meant that she had gotten more time to witness the horror of what was happening. As she stumbled outside, death and destruction was what greeted her. Screaming and crying were the discordant cacophony that crashed upon her ears, and the overpowering stench of blood and burning flesh assaulted her nose. Wildly, poor Lilith’s eyes flitted about, trying to take it all in.

However, it was not this that stole the gasp from her lips. What did, was when she noticed the soldiers begin going over to the newly dead corpses, tilt up the visor on their helmets, and seemingly sink their teeth into the necks of the quickly cooling blooded victims. Realization smacked Lilith in the face as she stumbled back into the cover the shadows cast by her hut created.

The Army. THE ARMY. The Army of the Necroli!
She thought, heart thudding against her rib cage. They had gone under many names (Vampires, Undead, Nosferatu), but all understood that when the dark army came, you ran. It sucked out all hope and blood from wherever it went, converting those who would improve their ranks, and killing those who would not. It enacted all of these atrocities in the name of its “master”, the corrupted and original Necroli who had turned the first human.

It should have killed the courage in any sane man. But it had not. After all, her husband had gone off to fight the day after their wedding. The news had come too soon. They had heard of the threat before, of a tyrant with powers beyond comprehension and a rumored control over death itself, but most had chalked it up to just that. Rumors. How wrong they had been. A call to arms had been sent out to the various provinces, and her husband had enlisted. They had gotten married soon afterwards. After all, why wait?

Then, he had ventured off into the unknown. Lilith had done her best, tried not to get her hopes up. She helped where she could, offered encouragement and comfort, all the while knowing that her husband had probably died on the battlefield, fighting a distant threat.

But now, the threat was all too real. Lilith couldn’t help but witness as it tore through her village, killing and turning her fellow neighbors into one of their own. Screams of the dying and cries of fear pierced her heart, and called her to act. She could no longer stand by in the shadows. Regardless of what happened to her, she had to do something.

As she stepped out into the open, she frantically searched her mind for something to call upon. Anything of use, any weapons or expertise, even unknown magic for heaven’s sake.
But nothing. There was nothing. So, she faced the incoming horde, and waited.
She could not fight, nor run, so she waited.
The army advanced, taking more lives, and still she had not been noticed.

A thunderous voice broke through most of the chaos, shouting orders and heinous words. Lilith’s eyes were directed to the owner of the voice, a man clad in black armor from head to toe. He was obviously the General with the way he carried himself, albeit newer possibly, as his armor did not retain the wear and tear of older generals.

At the sight of him, something in her stirred. Whether it had been the waiting, or the realization of the true danger of the situation, a memory came to mind. A memory of a song. Her mother had taught it to her. She had told Lilith that she had learned the song from an old man with an even older, leather bound book, weathered from fond reading.

Now, the memory of that same song sprung to life in her heart with such a force, that Lilith could only open her mouth and let it flow from her lips. It started softly at first, hesitant, but as soon as the first notes were released, silence swallowed up her surroundings. It was as if the entire raid had been put on pause, as the Necroli soldiers seemed to freeze, before every eye, alive or undead, was soon turned to look upon Lilith.

This should have frightened her, but the song gave her courage, and as her heart swelled with newfound bravery, so two did the song. She began to walk forward, arms upraised as the song floated throughout the village, stopping and seemingly calming the destruction and bloodlust as if by magic.

However, that magic was shattered by a hard, raucous laugh. Lilith flinched, as she recognized the laughter to be coming from the black-clad General, who strode through the center of the village, coming towards her, sword in hand.
“Woman! You think you can stop this army with a simple song? Bah!”
He spat, coming to a stop a few feet in front of her. He then began to chuckle again, and some other soldiers, beginning to get over the effect of the enchanting Melody, began to laugh as well.

Lilith shrank back, before gritting her teeth, eyes hard, yet filled with fear, and still trained on the general. Then, he did something astonishing. He took off his helmet. Her heart stopped.

Despite the pale as death skin, the fangs that grinned so greedily at her, and the mark upon his forehead, he was still unmistakably...Angelus. Her husband.
She couldn’t help but gasp. His once warm, dark brown eyes, were now a stunning carmine color. His once humble, kind, handsome face, was now twisted and marred, enhanced to an unnatural beauty due to what he had been turned into., No, NO...NO! NO! NO!
He had gone off to war, and had been changed into the very monster he had been trying to fight.
PLEASE! NO! God please! Not my Angelus!
Tears blurred her vision as she trembled, eyes fixed on who was once the partner of her heart.

His next words snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Worthless thing, you do not even have the will to fight, so you try to sing, as if by some miracle you will be saved.”
His eyes flashed, and his grin widened. He took a few more steps towards her, sheathing his sword.
“Ah, But you are a pretty thing. Don’t worry, I will make this quick and painless.”
He stopped short, finishing with,
“You will join us, but you will not be saved.”

Something seemed to click in her brain, and she stopped shaking. As if issued a challenge, the shattered song rose once more to her lips, with greater force. For now, she realized; she was not singing for herself.

The song burst forth, and the force of it seemed to stun anyone nearby. It rose and shook the very earth, reaching into every crack, every crevice, and every darkest point in those soldiers and people. The general himself stumbled back, shock and awe written on his features, before the pain took hold. Any and every Necroli soldier began to scream, trying to drown out the searching, purifying song with their pain. But the song would not be silenced.

The general himself fell to the ground, trembling, trying to cover his ears as Lilith strode towards him.
I do not sing for myself. I sing for my friends, my village, my people, my Husband. I sing for all of the goodness that is still in this world! I sing for them all!
And as the song reached the crescendo, there was a brilliant flash of light, before there was silence once more.

She was the first to recover. Still on her feet, Lilith blinked, taking in her surroundings. Where there had once been death, destruction, and enemies, there was now new life, and peace. Some had still truly died, but all that had been turned, or who had survived, were now healed, alive and well.

The song had changed the Necroli back into humans.

She could not believe her eyes, but a sob quickly brought them back to the general, her husband. He was shaking, violently, but after a few moments, he lifted his head. Tears flowed anew down Lilith’s face, as she looked upon the true, unmarked visage of her husband.

He croaked out, brown eyes clearing as they focused on her, and he managed to sit up. She did not need any further sign. She ran towards him, before dropping to her knees and engulfing him in a hug.

“ you. I love you.”
He sobbed out, before wrapping his strong arms around her, and holding her close to his chest tightly, as if assuring himself that she was there, alive and breathing. Lilith leaned as close to him as she could, shaking in her husband’s embrace. She was close enough that she could hear his new heartbeat, loud enough to be heard even through the dark armor.
“I love you too.”
She whispered in return, tears pouring down her face.
He is alive! He is alright!
The grateful mantra was all that she could repeat in her brain.

However, something else stirred, deep in her mind, heart, and her very soul. Something new had awoken with that song. A certain magic had answered the long awaited call of it’s mistress, and she knew, subconsciously, that things would never be the same.

But who says that that can be a bad thing?


Credit to RosyWave for the Winderdul Art!


Credit to pupbeat for the wonderful Art!


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