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Personal Style


Mage's Thicket Bag




12.66 m
20.16 m
11627.35 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 08, 2019
(5 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Notes: Azyr x Mals Siblings


Azyr is a calm and collected dragon. At first there is nothing else that seems to stand out about him. At least that’s what most dragons think.The Guardian is just calm and in an always serious mood. He tends to be always trying to keep himself busy. He organizes and overwatches the distribution of the food supplies aswell as many other Clan activitys that no one wants to do. If theres no work left for him to be done, he lends his companion a willing claw. You could say that he just loves to work and thats it.
But theres more about him that catches the eye. Azyr never seems to be happy, he never really smiles or laughs. Hes just always serious. But that doesnt mean that he is grumpy. Not at all, hes pretty polite.
Farore tried to make him laugh, he saw it as a funny challenge. But none of his attempts, even the most creative ones suceeded. At one instance he nearly made it. A nearly unnoticeable glimmer of amusement was in Azyrs eyes. But it wasnt long till it faded away, never to be seen again. This faint glimmer of happiness was soon replaced by guilt and great sadness. Without a word the great Guardian turned arround and dissappeared into the cave. Farore never got an answer as to what excactly happened on this day.


Azyr hatched inside a Clan, which worshipped the Plaguebringer. He lived there without any incident until a irresistible urge grew inside of him. Soon he could not longer ignore it and so under sadness he bid farewell to his family and flew away into an unknown land.
Years passed but Azyr still travelled arround, searching for something he didnt even knew. He travelled trough many lands, met many dragons, made friends but he never stopped for long. The urge never stopped and so he also didn’t. Until one day..
As the now adult dragon landed on the snowy grounds of the lands that were home to the Iceflights, he saw that the cave he was aiming for, was already inhabited. It was a lone sleeping Tundra. The Guardian, not wanting to disturb the dragon, initially wanted to take off. That was until he saw and smelled a certain red liquid.
Allarmed he cautiosly approached the white Tundra with black markings and inmediately saw where the blood was coming from. She wasnt asleep but unconscious. Something seemed to have attacked her.
Frantically the dragon tried to stop the bleeding to save her life and suceeded. Exhausted but relived the dragon exhaled and lay down beside her. He woudnt leave her until she woke up. Or maybe he woudnt leave at all.. His urge was suddenly gone and he felt great affection for the dragon at his side. He didnt even knew her ! But still..all he wanted was to be with her and protect her.. Has his journey finally ended ? Whas this his female Charge ? It seemed like it..
With this thoughts in his mind he fell asleep, only to be awakened by something poking him rather painfully. As he opened his eyes, he saw the Tundra standing in front of him, she eyed him wary. "Why did you save my life ?" Her voice was pretty harsh which irritated the Guardian.
Was she angry about him saving her ? "Because it was the right thing to do.". She snorted at that.
"The right thing to do would have been, letting me die !" Shocked the Guardian looked into her icy blue eyes. "No, that wouldnt have been right !"
Seconds after he sayed these words, he was met by the sight of bared teeth only inches away from his snout "How do you know whats right or whats wrong !" the Tundra snarled. The Guardian flinched backwards, he didnt saw that coming.. „It’s..just not right to leave a dragon in peril to himself“ he repeated and only got an angry glare. „I wasn’t in peril ! Ich chose this !“ „You chose to die ? Why ?“ The words came out before he could stop them.
The Tundra went to the entrance of the cave and shot one last angry look at him. „I deserve no better. My Clan is dead because of me“ With this she jumped into the air.
But Azyr followed her. „You shouldn’t fly ! You’re still weak !“ he yelled. „I’m not weak, now go before I’m really getting angry ! Care about your own stuff“ Azyr didn’t gave in and so the dragoness was flying faster which worried Azyr. When she continued with this, she would likely faint and fall to her end.
„Stop ! Please slow down“ the Guardian pleaded but that just made the dragoness gaining even more speed. „Care about your own stu-„ the Tundra growled and suddenly lost consciousness mid sentence. Terrified Azyr watched as the dragoness was plummeting into her death. He immediately dived after her in but he would never reach her in time.
In pure desperation he unleashed his magic to make him faster, it worked and he grasped her. But he couldn’t escape the Ground, which were mere inches away. The only thing Azyr could do was to turn himself midair so that his body would be between the hard ground and his Charge. Hopefully he would cushion the fall for the Tundra. As he met the ground, he felt a great pain in his right foreleg and his vision grew dark.
As he came to, his whole body had hurt, the worst pain was in his right foreleg. The Tundra was standing in front of him and commanded him that he shouldn’t move while she was patching him up. The Tundra was seriously bewildered and shocked that Azyr, a stranger risked his life to save her. „You idiot could have died there !“ she said and then looked him in the eyes. „Why ?“ This time her voice was much softer. Azyr coughed and said „Because Life is precious. You shouldn’t throw your life away, you only live once. You only got this Chance“ „But I already wasted my chance..“ whispered the Tundra griefstricken. Hesitantly Azyr asked her what happened and after a short silence she finally told him. She was the healer of the Clan as her comrads slowly succumbed to a unknown sickness. Despite all attempts to help them, she couldn’t do anything, just watch helplessly as one by one they all faded.
Shocked by this revelation, Azyr immediately tried to convince her that it wasn’t her fault. „You did everything you could“ But he failed. „It wasn’t enough.. I should have tried harder“
Due to his injuries he sustained, Azyr couldn’t even stand so the Tundra with the name „Ice“ had to bring him food and molten Snow. Something she wasn’t really good at. But because of Azyrs Advice she improved at hunting pretty quick.
Their relationship to each other also improved significantly. Ice decided that it wasn’t her time to die just yet, her life has after all still some worth. She should live on, for her family. After some time, Azyr could even convince Ice that it wasn’t her fault that her family died.
Even after the Guardian has recovered, they stayed together. They had found a liking in each other. So they roamed the land together, sitting tightly together in the nights and having long conversations and were playing together. Soon both couldn’t even think of leaving the other.
Years passed and all was pretty peaceful until Azyr one day went to a hunt alone. Ice was currently sitting on their nest in a lair. So he had to keep her sustained. Azyr licked his mates snout affectionately which she returned and then departed the cave. Little did he know that this was the last time that he would see Ice alive.
As he got back, he could smell blood. Alarmed Azyr stormed into the cave only to see his mate dead on the floor and the eggs broken. The claw marks indicated that his mate tried to defend her eggs from something, to the death.
The prey he caught earlier, dropped to the ground. Defeated the Guardian uttered her name, shook her gently and then collapsed right next to Ice lifeless body and sank his head into her soft fur. He breathed in her well known smell and just wanted to go with her. Suddenly she moved and Azyrs heart poundet in hope. „I wasn’t strong enough..“ she whispered and looked at the broken eggs. „It’s not your fault ! It’s not your fault !“ Azyr quickly said and pressed his snout tighter into her fur to give her comfort. „It is..“ she concluded sadly. „Im..sorry.. So sorry Azyr..“ Then she went still. „Ice ? Ice ! ICE !“
As Azyr fully had realize that Ice was truly gone, he found the strength to stand on his hindlegs to let out a roar full of anguish.
A Part of him died that day, he would never be the same.
After two days, Azyr buried Ice with their eggs on a beautiful Location. After one last moment in which he thought of all the time they spent together, he swore to take revenge upon the creature who killed her and their unborne children’s.
So he set out and killed every creature that could have be the one that killed Ice. Azyr didn’t care anymore if he would be harmed or killed in the process. Oh no, he wanted to die. He wanted to die like a Warrior to see Ice again. His life didn’t had any purpose anymore. He had failed at protecting her when she needed him most. He should have been there as the creature came. He should have died not her. It was all his fault.
Azyr became a mere shadow of himself, vengeful and depressed at the same time. Sadly for him no creature stood a chance against him, nothing could take him down.
Or ? After months, Azyr finally found his match. The Battle was fierce and merciless and as the creature finally collapsed, so did the dragon. As the snow around him slowly turned red and as he felt his life fading away, the Guardian smiled slightly for the first time in months. Now, finally he would depart this nightmare. His vision darkened.
But Azyr didn’t die, he was found in time by Marsh and was healed. As he awakened he was enraged and yelled at her why she didn’t let him die. Marsh answered that this wouldn’t be right. Azyr just growled as he remembered how he said the exact same words to Ice. But now the roles were different. Now he wanted to die.
Azyr tried to get up and leave but he didn’t came far, he collapsed after he stood. Marsh told him that the fight seriously damaged his hindlegs, he would no longer be able to run, he could just limp. Marsh also forced the Guardian to stay. Not with strength but words alone. She can be very sternly if she needs to.
After some time Azyr after having recovered, Marsh allowed him to leave her chamber but threatened the dragon that she would have an eye on him. So that he couldn’t try to destroy what she just healed.
The Guardian was forced to stay and tried to busy himself with as much work as possible to drown out his guilt and sorrow. It mostly works.
Marsh and Azyr were growing close to each other during his recovery, Marsh is the only one who knows Azyrs Story. And so she also knows why he never looks happy or laughs. He just can’t. And he feels guilty when he sometimes feels like he could or is.

Likes and Dislikes

+Work, Work and Work

+Speaking with Marsh

+Dreamless Sleep (he avoids Sleeping as long as he can because he often has nightmares)

-Farores Attempts to make him laugh

-Not being able to run cause of his injuries

-to have nothing to do
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