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Personal Style


Viridian Scale Wingplates
Viridian Scale Bracers
Viridian Scale Greaves
Forest Rogue Hood
Forest Rogue Cape
Honeyed Woodwing
Forest Rogue Tail Binding




4.48 m
5.88 m
588.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 06, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



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  • none


aqzZ2kR.png ___________________________________________________________
The Beastclan Assassin


"Dare not invoke the ire of the snake-kin who live within the woods, lest you face the wrath of their assassin."


______ Racing across the dry, cracked earth of the Shattered Plains; paying no mind to the sharp, jagged stones carving rivulets of blood into the flesh of her paws, Gingersplash quickly skids to a halt as she nears a large cleft in the ground, the sudden movement sending a shower of stones flying over the edge of the cliff. Turning her head at the familiar scent of serpent emanating from close by, the spotted dragon weaves her lithe frame through the small crack in the ground, not wanting to keep her comrades waiting for any longer than necessary. After a short period of squeezing and struggling, Gingersplash finds herself dropped down into one of the many tunnel networks found within the Earthshaker’s domain. Using the scent of her clanmates as a guide, the Nocturne transverses the winding tunnels underneath the earth with ease, looking on in half-hearted interest as she passes by rusted pickaxes and old mining carts that had long since been emptied. ( “A mining tunnel, I guess? First time I’ve ever been in one. I wonder why it’s been abandoned?”) Shaking her head, the Nocturne quickly rids her mind of these pointless inquiries, for they have nothing to do with the mission at hand. Resuming her trek through the sand-swept tunnels, letting out the occasional involuntary sneeze due to the large concentration of dust floating around in the air, Gingersplash notices that this particular passageway was beginning to open up, and the scent of serpent growing stronger along with it. Sticking to the shadows of the walls so as to avoid potential ambush in this open space, Gingersplash cautiously makes her way to the end of the corridor; weaving around fallen stones and slinking around dilapidated stone pillars. Cautiously peeking her head around the corner of the wall, the Nocturne’s eyes widen in awe at the massive cavern thats opened up before her, and what looks to be the ancient ruins of a dead city nestled deep within the heart of it.


Quickly shaking herself out of her stupor, Gingersplash returns to following the scent trail. Plenty of time to explore and gawk once the mission is over. Almost missing the brief flashes of viridian and crimson scales at the corner of her eye, the Nocturne quickly does a double take to see multiple serpentine figures nestled in the crevices of a dilapidated structure near the entrance to the city. Sniffing the air, the young dragon lets out an affirmative nod to herself. Crawling up the side of the building and through a collapsed portion of the wall, the Nocturne was immediately greeted by an ornate spear pointed directly at her chest. Raising her paws in a gesture of peace, the dragon bows her head in greeting to the older male Serthis holding the spear.
“Oh, Gingersplash! My apologies, you came in so quietly that I mistook you for one of their assassins. We’ve already lost a few clanmates to those blighters.”
“No worries, Xylo.” Gingersplash replied with a murmur as the serthis withdrew his spear, huffing to himself in annoyance as some of the poison coating was scraped off in the process. “ ...That Imperial and his clanmates should be here soon, the trail you left shouldn’t be that hard to follow, even for them.” The Nocturne spoke quietly as she settled down beside the affronted Serthis to keep watch.
“ Um, I’m not sure if that was meant as as insult to me or to those dragons of yours, but ok” Xylo muttered as he playfully swatted Gingersplash on the shoulder with his crimson tail. Settling down into a companionable silence, all that was left for the pair of serpents to do now was wait...


______ Born into a family of Nocturne dragons living in the heart of The Wandering Contagion, though Gingersplash was the oldest hatchling out of a clutch of seven, she was also the smallest. She doesn’t remember much of her parents, for they were never around for long, but she does recall fond memories of her siblings, often having gotten into lighthearted scuffles and competitive races with them. Sadly, she knows not what fates her siblings met with, for once they were deemed old enough to survive on their own, they were all cast from their home and left to go their separate ways. She still has the faintest hopes of reuniting with them someday.

Traveling through the Land of Rot on her own, Gingersplash opted to settle within the dense jungle of bracken and low-growing trees that populate the Rotrock Rim, using her small size and camouflaged coat in unison with the dark foliage to effortlessly stalk the tiny animals foraging beneath the leaves. Though preferring to keep to herself and not really one to instigate trouble, Gingersplash developed quite the reputation among the locals for being a fearsome opponent, and a dragon you don’t want to cross. When she first settled in, there was the occasional dragon who would enter her territory to challenge her for her hunting grounds. They usually left with a bloodied hide and a torn ear before they even knew what was happening, never even catching a glimpse of their opponent before they started running out of the forest in fear. Most dragons got the hint after this happened about a dozen times, and stopped trying to pick a fight with her.

It was during a crisp autumn morning when it happened. Settled beside a fallen tree, Gingersplash was currently using this rare moment of respite in her territory to lazily read a book she purchased from a merchant. Currently engrossed in a short poem about ducks, the Nocturne twitches her fingers in annoyance at that all-too-familiar sound of fighting in the distance. With an agitated groan the Nocturne slams her book shut and stalks off towards the direction of the noise. So much for relaxing.

Reaching a clearing where the forest opens up, the Nocturne is stupefied at the sight before her. Within in the tall grass were a bunch of odd-looking snake people, the only obvious differentiation between them was the strange black robes that some of them wore. Confused at what was even going on, the Nocturne’s original plan to just keep out of it was shattered upon some of the Black Robes turning their spears on her. Taking a closer look at the situation, Gingersplash finds that the group not aggressive towards her seems to be fairly obviously on the losing side; most of their members being either young or elderly and already riddled with a myriad of minor and major wounds. Seeing one of the Black Robes pinning down a young snakeman that looked to be no older than his teens, the Nocturne, in an uncharacteristic action, races along the shadows and bowls him over! In the ensuing battle that lasts all morning, the additional strength of a dragonkin joining the losing side enables them to push back the Black Robes, forcing them into a temporary retreat. As the chaos of battle resides and the last vestiges of adrenaline fade away - the reality of the situation sets in. Gazing at the field of corpses littering the bloodsoaked grass and the exhausted creatures struggling to stay upright, Gingersplash takes pity on the snake people and offers to let them rest in her territory until they recuperate. Met with wariness and distrust by most, the Serthis realized that they really had no other options, and begrudgingly accepted the offer.

The ensuring weeks were... intense, to say the least. Normally beastclans, especially a species as violent and distrustful as the Serthis, would never accept the help of a dragon, much less grow close to one. So I suppose one can say that this was a very special case, no doubt molded by the predicament both parties found themselves cast into. What was intended to be a brief period of rest before the Serthis would be on their way again had devolved into the Nocturne having to protect her weakened guests from the frequent attacks and ambushes of the Black Robes, who seemed unnervingly intent on wiping out the other group. Left with no other option but to rely on their dragon acquaintance for protection, for most of their spears were dull or broken and their medical supplies were practically nonexistent at this point, the Serthis would eventually grow to trust in the Nocturne. During a point in time when both groups were feeling more comfortable around each other, Gingersplash was taught by a young Serthis a bit more about his clan. Composed of individuals shorn from their parent clans for not being cunning, ruthless, or strong enough, the ragtag group of snake-kin formed a clan between themselves to defend from other clans seeking to assimilate or wipe them out. Originally based in the Earthshaker’s domain, they have been relentlessly pushed back by the Hollowthorn Serthis, a particularly vicious parent clan that has no qualms about wiping out other groups or even attacking smaller dragon clans.
Realizing that this problem would never cease until the Hollowthorns were dealt with, and that based off what her comrade told her, they currently had neither the strength nor numbers to take them on, Gingersplash began to devise an alternate plan. If they hadn’t the numbers to combat the threat, perhaps they could ally themselves with one of the nearby dragon clans also experiencing issues with the Serthis. Nodding to herself, the Nocturne slips away into the brambles to begin her search.




~ Exra Lore Blurbs ~

* If you were to ask Gingersplash why she intervened between the warring Serthis factions, she would probably say it was a spur of the moment thing. Truth be told though, she knows in her heart that it was because of her disdain for the whole “only the strong are permitted to live” mantra that seems to permeate everything around her. If it wasn’t for that mentality the Plaguelands probably wouldn’t be such a mess and she probably never would have lost touch with her siblings.

* Reading and writing were never really considered essential to survival in the Plaguelands, so it was never thoroughly taught. Though she loves reading, it takes her a long time to get through a paragraph. Hopeless with advanced books.

* Coincidentally, her handwriting looks like chicken scratch.

* Nicknamed the “Beastclan Assassin” by those who know her due to the fact that if you threaten her clan of snek, expect a visit during the night along with a dagger in your back.

* The Serthis taught her all about poisons. She now coats her talons and spines in the deadly substance when hunting.

* Allied with Mirewalker’s clan over their mutual troubles with the Hollowthorn Serthis. As a dragon, she normally acts as the medium between the two groups

* The Serthis clan she allied with are called the Royalfang Serthis

* Together with the clan elders, established trade relations between Mirewalkers clan and the Royalwood Serthis.

* Tries to avoid hunting birds when possible. No reason, she just likes them.

* Likes the smell of fresh syrup, loves to drizzle it over meat

* Her favorite foods are Cottontail Rabbit Forester Squirrel Grey Squirrel Hopping Mouse Plague Bat

* Hates the taste of frogs and toads

* (props if you got this!) The picture of the temple used in the bio is concept art from Dark Souls 2

* The main encampment of the Hollowthorn Serthis was located within the Earthshaker’s domain, in case you were curious about the prologue’s change of location.


Bio template by Mibella, find it here.

Murkwater Assassin
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