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Personal Style



Accent: Rendering



4.65 m
3.52 m
879.34 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 30, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Skydancer
EXP: 6 / 8380


Aurora runs the Travel Agency as an AI from the Digiverse.


DAY ONE: Training


"Welcome," Aurora greeted, welcoming Tiili back into the Travel Agency. "I know you're excited to begin exploring the Digiverse, but before we do so, I'm afraid that there's some training we must complete. Since you booked six days, I think we'll spend the first preparing you for the code inside- how does that sound?"

Tilii's talons twitched. She wasn't sure. She wasn't sure what to make of the idea of Aurora's Digiverse, and she wasn't sure what sort of training she'd need.

"What will we be doing?" she asked, warily turning her hourglass. "What sort of things will I need to learn?"

Aurora nodded, ducking his head and pulling a clip out of a drawer. “Attach this to your goggles,” he instructed, offering the clip to Tiili.

Fisher's Companion

She clipped it on, and suddenly, the world around her flickered. Panicked, she yanked it off, scrambling backwards.

“What was that thing?” She asked, breathing heavily, head back but eyes forward. She couldn’t help her curiosity.

“It brings you into the Dimension Between,” Aurora explained, bending over to pick up the clip with a swish of his pixelated tail. “I wear one to keep myself here- it allows us to remain in control ourselves when in the other realm.”

He smiled, showing her the clip in his ear. “Otherwise, you’d be an avatar in the Digiverse, controlled by a video game or computer somewhere, and I would not be visible or even able to speak. Make sure you keep your clip on you at all times- it reaffirms your presence in the foreign realm.”

He held the other clip out to Tiili, and, cautiously, she took it and clipped it to her goggles. Immediately, the fizzling began, but this time, she knew what it was: the realm in-between, between her and the Digiverse, Aurora’s realm.

It was strange. Aurora seemed a bit more solid, and everything else seemed almost translucent. She could see the drawer where Aurora had pulled the clip from, but it was clear and seemed more like a lump of glass than the solid wooden chest it had before.

“Whoa,” she breathed, turning around. When she looked up, she could see straight through the ceiling and into the sky above- a sky where wisps of code drifted around on the breeze. “This is… I’ve never seen…”

“Anything like it?” Aurora filled in, smiling and drifting to the ground. “Can’t float here,” he explained. “I have to walk normally. It might be more difficult for you- look, see, you’re already hovering.”

Tiili looked down to see her feet already lifting off the ground, and started, scrambling around. “My feet! My feet aren’t on the-“

“Think of something heavy,” Aurora instructed quickly, pushing her down to the ground. “Weights. Heavy weights, you’re heavy, you’re going to stay down on the ground. Got it?”

Tiili nodded, concentrating hard until Aurora was able to let go.

“Ready to walk?” Aurora asked, a grin twitching on his snout.

“Oh, be quiet,” Tiili grumbled, unable to hide a laugh. “Yeah, let’s do it.”

DAY TWO: Crossing the World In-Between

“Watch your step,” Aurora encouraged, offering Tiili a talon.

“No, no, I can do this,” she said, shaking her head. She put her foot down, then again, and then again until it stuck. “There,” she said with a satisfied smile. “What’s next?”

Aurora grinned and tapped his clip. “Next, we cross over into the Digiverse.”

Tiili looked at Aurora, raising an eyebrow. “You mean it? I thought we’d have to waste more time- I mean, invest in more training. You know.”

“No, you should be ready,” Aurora said, nodding, and then opening a translucent drawer. He pulled out a drive, circuitry open on the side panel, and plugged it into the computer at the side of the room. All of a sudden, everything was spinning and whirling. Tiili frantically clutched at the wall as the room shook. “What’s happening?” She yelled over the din, heart pounding.

“This is normal for a crossing,” Aurora shouted back, nodding to her. “Hold onto something and stay calm, okay?”

Tiili took a deep breath and concentrated as the world twisted around her. She could do it. She could handle this. She was an immortal alchemist, after all. Giving her hourglass a determined twist, she flared her wings and landed as the room stopped spinning.

But something seemed… different. It was the same room, but everything was tinted a blue-ish color, ranging from the light blue of the code in the walls to the dark navy of the ground.
Code in the walls? Tiili spun around, taking in everything around her.

“Amazing,” she breathed, running a hand along one of the code-formed walls. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Well, it’s my home,” Aurora said, smiling and shaking off the remainder of what looked like little wisps of smoke. “It’s good to be back. Hard to move in your world.”

“I’ll say,” Tiili said, making sure her feet were on the ground. They were finally in the Digiverse.

DAY THREE: The Digiverse

The world around her was strangely silent save the constant hum and whir of code as Tiili gingerly followed Aurora out of the Travel Agency.

“This place is weird,” she whispered, glancing at her feet where the code was rapidly shifting out of her way.

Aurora shook his head. “No, your world is weird. Here, everything makes sense. You read the code, and it tells you what’s about to happen. See, look at your feet- the combination of the binary flowing there tells me that some clover is about to spawn.”

Tiili looked down, surprised, and, sure enough, clover began to grow, popping and stretching out of the ground at a rate much faster than in the real world.

Aurora picked a few stems and handed them to Tiili. “They look a little more blue in here- everything does- but it’ll turn back to regular clover when we get back.”


Tiili examined the plant, tucking it into her satchel. Maybe she could use it to discover how to make things grow quicker, like cells or even gold.

The ultimate goal of alchemy, she mused, a smile coming to her snout. Growing gold from lead.

Then another thought struck her.

Maybe it can help me live forever without my hourglass, she thought, twirling the glass of sand back around.

Aurora was quickly moving on, crossing the street. Instead of bustling with dragons hurrying from shop to shop, the street was eerily empty, the code clicking along methodically.

“Is it random?” Tiili asked, bending down and poking at the code that made up the cobblestones. “Where things spawn, that is. The clover growing there seemed kind of unpredictable.”

Aurora shook his head, and pointed to the sky. “There users everywhere, although we can’t see them and they can’t see us,” he explained. “They code the files and place them in this world, the Digiverse, until they are ready to spawn in Sornieth.”

The ground suddenly hissed, and Aurora looked up sharply. “Follow me,” he hissed urgently, turning and bolting away.

What’s going on?
Tiili wondered, following him as quickly as she dared.

DAY FOUR: The Dangers of the Digiverse

“What’s going on?” Tiili shouted, paws thrumming as she struggled to keep up with Aurora.

“It’s a Familiar,” Aurora hissed, yanking her back behind the Travel Agency. “Stay quiet, or it might hear us.”

A distant thump landed, and then a meow. Tiili risked a glance, eyes widening at the sight:
there was a familiar, an ordinary familiar, tall as a dragon, prowling around.

Scorchpaw Prowler

“It’s a Scorchpaw Prowler,” Aurora informed her quietly. “They’re not like they are in your world. Some familiars are extremely violent in the Digiverse- it’s best to avoid them.”

“I can see that,” Tiili agreed wryly, eyes still glued to the monstrous Prowler. As she watched, it lazily trampled the patch of clover they’d seen earlier, sending spirals of code shattering into the air, then used a mighty paw to smash a hole through the roof of a house across the street.

“Can it destroy the travel agency?” Tiili asked, glancing up at the shed-like building, a spike of terror shooting through her. “Can it get to us?”

Aurora shook his head. “Fortunately, no. Because the Agency exists in both realms, no matter how many times it’s destroyed in the Digiverse, it always respawns within the day.”

“Right,” Tiili said, nodding slowly. “This is crazy. The Digiverse is so weird.”

“Your world is weirder,” Aurora asserted. “Giant monstrous beasts tamed as friends? Natural processes slowing down to a painstaking level?”

“Still more natural than things just popping into existence,” Tiili contended, but she recognized that he had a point. Her world must have been just as weird to him as his was to her. It was a strange thought.

The rumbles from the familiar’s footsteps steadily grew quieter, until Tiili’s risked glances revealed that it was off in the distance.

“Where do you stay?” Tiili asked as Aurora helped her out of the ditch they’d been hiding in. “Do you just… sit in the Travel Agency all day?”

Aurora laughed, a sound that sounded realer and much less digital than usual. “Follow me, I’ll show you where I usually stay. It’s probably not what you’re expecting, though, so fair warning.”

DAY FIVE: Aurora’s Place

The gravity almost seemed more skewed the farther Tiili struggled into the Digiverse.

“Heavy thoughts,” Aurora reminded her. He didn’t offer her his hand tis time, Tiili noted with satisfaction. He knew she could do it. After fumbling down a hill with various trees made of code and- oddly enough- a playground, the two stood at the edge of what Tiili remembered to be a parking lot in the real world.

“See the building across the way?” Aurora said, gesturing to a building at the end of the parking lot. “In the real world, that’s a school. Here… well, I’ll just show you.”

They crossed the parking lot, slowly at first but growing more solid with each step until they reached the school. Aurora held the door for Tiili with a small smile. “After you.”

Tiili nodded, then walked through the shimmering door. Inside of the broad school hallway were bizarre trappings, almost like apartments, where various AIs scurried around. As they walked around, Tiili noticed that the various classrooms had been changed into various hubs, gyms, and labs.

“Wow,” she breathed. “So you just… hang out here?”

Aurora nodded, waving to another AI. “It’s the Hub. Every AI in the world either lives either here or in another complex on the other side of the Digiverse. We have labs to test new code, gyms to work out in, social clubs, security teams. When you are created, you automatically apply for a space to live and set up your own apartment-type space.”

Tiili nodded, laughing slightly. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds normal.”

Aurora shot her a sideways glance, and then snorted a laugh himself. A cafeteria worker offered him an oyster, and he nodded to her and took it, offering it to Tiili.

“It’s made entirely out of code,” he told her, poking it and watching a bit of code unravel. “Here, try it.”

He handed it to her, then turned down the hall.

Shadowmist Oysters

“Let’s check out the labs,” he suggested, gesturing down the hall, and Tiili readily agreed. “I’ll show you how alchemy can work in the Digiverse.”

DAY SIX: The Return

Tiili didn’t want to go back. When the timer rang on Aurora’s strand of timer-code, Tiili was strangely silent. They walked out of the halls of the sprawling AI complex, and Tiili found herself wishing that she could spend more time in the labs.

“We have to go back,” Aurora reminded her softly as they crossed the glittering parking lot. “Even if you were staying, you’d need a break after so much time in another realm. It’s not safe to stay too long, you know.”

“I know,” Tiili sighed, reaching down to pluck a blade of grass before letting it blow away in the code winds. “There’s just so much here. So much to do, so much to learn, so much that’s… different.”

Aurora laughed softly. “Your world can be different, too,” he reminded her, gesturing at her goggles. “Alchemy isn’t exactly a predictable science.”

“Yeah, but I can guess how things respond,” Tiili objected. “There’s nothing I know nothing about.”

“Really?” Aurora asked, turning to look at her. “I’ve found that there’s always something we know nothing about, even if we don’t know that it exists.”

Tiili shrugged, and the two headed back to the travel agency. Aurora started the computer, the familiar hum all around. This time, it was Aurora who spun around and not Tiili. Instead, she merely watched as everything grew more dense, more solid, more real. As soon as she felt her feet solidly on the ground again, she took a deep breath of the fresh air. Yes. It was good to be back.
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