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Personal Style

Hatchling dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Woodland Path


0.42 m
0.18 m
1.10 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 25, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


EmE1cNr.png xx



It was by chance that Penina
came across the strange little bundle in the woods. She had been searching carefully for seeds and berries to grow in her new garden. She had only been staying with this new clan for a few months, having followed her brother in his search for regular work. So far he had been quite successful, but she had been less so. In an attempt to stave off boredom and feel useful, she had started work on a little garden. So far she had quite the green thumb with herbs and small veggies, but now she was hoping to expand her knowledge and kills with more difficult greenery.

Her musings over a particularly strange looking bush practically overflowing with pink and green berries were interrupted by the unmistakable cooing of a baby dragon. Curious and more than a little concerned, she padded carefully through the underbrush, listening carefully for the sound to repeat itself. Suddenly the trees whispered quietly a sharp wind started up, carrying with it the scent of something acrid and unnatural, like lab chemicals and acid.

She wrinkled her nose at the scent, but knew better than to ignore the signs of the forest. More hesitantly than before, she followed the horrid smell through the trees. She hadn't gotten far before she nearly tripped over the whatever-it-was, that merely made a small purring noise at the sudden touch. Penina looked down curiously. It was small and wrapped in a frankly disgusting frayed blanket, sticky in places and coated with silver leaves and dirt from the undergrowth. The forest's wind kicked up again, brushing past the blanket and the creature within shivered and sneezed, a soft squeaking noise.

Penina looked around, but found no one in any of her senses. Whoever it was that had left this bundle here was long since gone, not even the scent of their departure still remaining on the angered wind.

The creature shifted again. Reaching down hesitantly, she pulled away the edge of the blanket. A strange looking creature blinked up at her, seeming surprised by the sudden light. It had wide brown eyes like a a spiral, but it's snout was squared and short like a tundra. It shook its head and sneezed, revealing a green-striped mane, large floppy ears, and horns that curved downwards instead of up. It yawned wide, revealing a mouth that was mint green and no teeth of any kind.

As it moved, it dislodged a small note, yellowed and slightly burnt at the edges. There was scratchy black handwriting on it and dotted with ink blots. It seemed to her that whoever had written it was clearly in a rush. She picked up the note, which had tumble to land facedown in the leaves, and flipped it over to read it.

"To whom it may concern,
I am but a simple scientist, lawfully employed by our great Aracanist and gloriously tasked with the duty to create life. It is my humble goal to create that which is the most complex of all forms from little more than magic, alchemy, and the greatest scientific knowledge at our disposal. This is the remnants of one of many failed experiments. Though it is certainly long dead when you have discovered it, I ask that you dispose of the remains in whatever manner you see fit. I'm afraid I have little time for such manners, my duty to my research is of much more pressing concern and waits for no one.

~ Anonymous"

She gritted her teeth distastefully after reading the letter. The poor thing was certainly not dead, though who knows how long it had been abandoned here by its creator. It shivered in the cold wind that was now blowing through the whispering trees, the forest leaning in towards her. She shook her head. She wasn't a cruel dragon, and Arcanist knows she wasn't cruel enough to leave the little thing by itself out here to die. Carefully, she reached towards it.

It sniffed back at her, wide eyes staring without blinking. There was a moment of silence before it clicked way back in it's throat and climbed upwards into her arms. She froze for a moment in shock, supporting its weight, but not altogether certain what to do with it. But as the little creature snuggled its head in the crook of her elbow, a purr beginning in its chest, she held it close, a small smile gracing her face.

Evergreen tilted his head as he looked at the array of soft and warm plushies before him. He clicked in his throat as his mother leaned over him.

"Now, now, my little árbol, which one do you want?"

Evergreen clicked again, a different sound, this one formed in his mouth not his throat. He leaned forward, swaying side to side and examining each of the plushes with a critical eye. He waved the tip of his tail and tapping it against the ground in a rhythmic pattern. The large imperial who ran the stand tapped his claws irregularly, rolling his eyes at the young dragon and huffing in a way that he knew meant 'frustrated,' 'upset,' or 'angry'.

Evergreen uncurled himself from his mother's arms and slithered onto the wooden surface. He smacked his lips and huffed out a grumble in disapproval as the wood notches dug unpleasantly into his soft underbelly. As he reached the line of plushes, he reared his head, his messy curled mane flaring out around him like a cobra's hood. He looked over the line, flicking his tongue in and out.

He reached out towards one plush, soft and red. He ran his thick, stubby fingers over the material and hissed as they touched it. He didn't like it. That was a bad sort of texture. He moved onto the one next to it, this one was made of smooth silk. It was a nicer texture, but he didn't like the way the button eyes looked over at him. And so it went down the line, him stroking the material and dismissing every plush.

Finally, he came to a large brown plush, vaguely shaped like a mirror dragon. It had loosely stitched limbs and messy looking patches along its body. The creature was just about his size, larger than any of the other toys there. It had yellow and green button eyes and an odd texture. The Imperial running the stand tilted his head, blowing out a ring of smoke from his nose.

"I don't remember putting that there," he grumbled, reaching down to pick it up. Evergreen yapped, squinting his eyes, and poking out his tongue and grabbed on to the plush. He could vaguely feel the large thing squirm in his grip, leaning into his hug. He barked at the Imperial, growling and swaying, willing him to understand.

His mother smiled behind him and turned to look at the Imperial. "Well, he wants it, so how much?"

The Imperial sighed before muttering, "Just take it, that thing creeps me out too much."

His mother chuckled and bared her arms, letting Evergreen slither back in, soft plush now curled up in his body. "Come along my little rama, let's take your new friend home."

Evergreen purred, nuzzling his snout into the plushes soft and mismatched fabric pieces. The thing that looked like a mirror made no movement, but there was a feeling of contentment from them both as they were carried back into the welcoming embrace of the forest.


Stuffed Alstroemeria Fox Kelp Tender Plush Moth-eaten Mith Doll Luminax Plushie Stuffed Mith Mammertee Plushie Flowering Vulpine Plushie



25952654p.png Mother Evergreen was found utterly by chance, wrapped in a musty old blanket and left to die. But found he was, by a stranger who took him home and wrapped him in soft warm blankets and held him tight to her chest. She was sweet and loving and she was a mother to him in all but blood. She liked to sing him lullabies in an old tongue. He never understood the words, but the sound of her voice was soothing and always lulled him right to sleep.
Mother He did not know Kaida at first, she had come after his first mother. But she was gentle and kind and always found the best smelling flowers. She always seemed to know exactly which things he would like or not, and she was rarely wrong about it. She loved to curl around him and nap in the warm afternoon sun, plushie in paw and watching mother work in her garden. Her fur was always soft and smelled of the dawn sun rising and fog in the woods.


Four-Eyed Phylactery
Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll
Exotic Arcanist Idol
Pinpush Mirror Doll

Evergreen is a strange creature, a mishmash of different shapes and breeds, both like them and not. His speckled brown scales are smooth, almost impossibly so, slick and shining -- when he isn't coated from playing outside in the mud and moss. He has a body like a spiral, long and winding, yet a snout like a tundras, square and short. His horns which ought to be point up, curve sharply downwards and his big expressive ears are large, even if he were a tundra. He has a mane like a tundra, wild and curled and the prettiest shade of green. He is chubby for his age, with stunted thick fingers that lack any sort of claws and blunt teeth only really suited for eating plants.

Evergreen has no love of strangers, of new things, or of talking. But he's far from silent. His many noises, excited coos, concerned chirps, and angry squawks make him easy enough to understand without words, and those who know him well enough certainly don't need any. He has many sensitives, especially to textures. He adores plushies and has an extensive collection of them, despite his pickiness towards choosing the perfect one. His closest companions are a pair of pinned mirror-shaped dolls he picked up at some sketchy vendor somewhere. Although they are perfectly docile around him, other members of the clan swear they can see them moving when they think no one is looking.

Evergreen loves his mother more than anything. He loves her large garden with its pretty flowers and their soft stems she grows only because he likes them so much. He likes to sit in the flowerbeds and watch as she weeds the ivy away from her carrots and tomatoes or talks with the many visitors that come to pick up orders from her. He especially likes the nice, pretty yellow one who comes and makes his mother flush and stumble over her many rambling words.



Evergreen was the creation of a deranged scientist who was searching to create some form of artificial life. When the experiment failed, Evergreen was abandoned in the Starwood Strand. Luckily he was picked up by the kindly Penina who felt pity on the young creature. She took him in to love and raise as her own.




By DragonJade

By DragonJade

By DragonJade

By CelticFox

By Ghilanian

By osstali



A happy little Christmas tree to brighten my spirits when I was feeling down, even on Christmas Day

Special Note!
Permababy scroll and firefly gene were graciously gifted to this soft bean by Lestyn on January 13, 2019!


Little Evergreen loves his plushies and some kind users have wonderfully donated to his mini collection of little Luminaxs!

Fiendishly - 08/17/2023
bismuthlamb - 08/20/2023
SugarHoneySweet - 12/21/2023

Luminax Plushie


Icons and banners by Serpentra + Natron
Dividers by Banyan
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