
*angry stare*
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Pinpush Mirror Doll
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


White Linen Wing Wraps
Inkwell Feathered Wings
Grim Healer's Vestments
Mysterious Cowl
Dusk Rogue Mask



Scene: Battlefield


5.65 m
6.66 m
570.04 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 20, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 17 Mirror
EXP: 25773 / 81619
Blinding Slash
Field Manual



  • none



16471.png DN5c8R6.png
Pancake the Wounded Crow

"...I needed a light in my life, someone who would dragged me out of the dark... but I'm concerned about dragging her back with me."




Alpha Founder





Loud noises,


Pancake is a killer with cannibalistic vibes. He will never eat an animal because to him they are too pure and innocent. He loves birds the most even though they always remind him about his ailment - he cannot use his wings. Despite all of this creepy stuff he's actually a good person in heart and wants to change and someday become an Alpha of his own lair. His best friend since childhood is Ravioli and his... partner let's call it, is Blueberry. He doesn't seem to dislike her but when asked about his relationship with Blue he gets very sour and avoids the topic. It's unknown what name he had before he became a wanted criminal and he doesn't remember it as well.


How is it like to feel the sky? The wind in the wings and mysterious, distant horizont, thats what tormented him the most. How is it like to be a real dragon? The pack of swannas were flying in a key position on the crimson sky. The small mirror was smiling to himself and waggling his tail. What a beautiful sunset.
"What do you think you're doing?" Said the annoyed voice behind him. He knew who it was even without turing around. He standed up and jumped off the monuments predestal he was sitting on. The memorial belonged to the founder of their clan and was there for generations.
"I'm sorry Sister." He said to the angry dragon in a leather armor. She had an sour expression and looked at the statue.
"I don't want to see you disrespecting fathers statue like this agian. You have no right to even be here, you darn drake!" He hesitantly noded. Thats right, the very founder of their clan was no one other than their father. With his tail between legs he left but he could hear her saying very quietly:
"I'm very sorry for him father.". The statue had its usual mighty look and a comforting aura. Their father died a long time ago in a war of flights, before the small mirror was born. He never had a chance to met him but their mother often said that he was very brave and adamant. This could be the reason why he died. He always wanted to ask him - Would you despise me just like her?
The small mirror was standing next to his mothers throne. She was busy in making arrangamets for the ambassadors welcoming. He was really bored but this was a lot better than spending time with his sister so he were just leaning on the pearls predesral and staring at its white color. The pearlcatcher was deep in thoughts and walking here and there from one corner of the room to another.
"Right the white would be nice... Or maybe black... No thats too dark...violet?... Hmmm..." Her whiskers were waving on the air. The pearl was just sitting on a small pillow on a predestal next to the throne. On top of it was lying a small golden crown. She didn't wear it too often because she never liked to be called Alpha. She just wanted to be normal and go on a peaceful walks in the forests with her friends, not to be their leader and rule the clan. She never thought that shes a good leader but everyone were saying that shes even better than father because of her peacefulness. Finally she stopped and came towards him with a warm smile:
"What do you think? Would you like to go for another foraging with mommy and pick the color of flowers? I really need help with that." She kindly pat him. The small mirror sat down and made an anxcious grimase.
"I need to go on the training today..... with sister.... I'm sorry mom." The pearlcatcher deeply sighned and sat down as well.
"You are both very skilled in whole lot of different ways but both of you have what the other one doesn't. You are braver than you think. Just because you sister is stronger than you in muscle power it doesn't mean that shes BETTER than you. Please remember that." She hold him tightly and gently smiled.
"And don't be afraid. She might seem like shes a monster in dragons scales but trust me, sometimes shes as immature and afraid as hatchling. The training might be hard but why do you think that she even came up with this idea in the first place, hm? Thats right, because she wants you to be stronger and even without flying, be able to protect yourself." He looked up and didn't knew if what his mother is saying true or not but for the very first time in a long time he felt ready for this hellish training his sister preapared for him.
It hurt. The burning feeling in his muscles. It felt as terrible as always. The "training" shouldn't be even called like that. Its a expurgation. Ever since he agreed for this he never had a chance to laid a single blow on her. She outpowered him in every way. She was faster, stronger and of course - she could fly.
"Whats the matter Drake? Can't you stand it? Its only been ten minutes and you're already waving the white flag?" She smiled with pity on her face. He was lying on the ground and trying to get up. The female mirror came closer and stepped on his head.
"Pathetic." She spitted on the ground and left without saying anything or even turning around. Only leaving the sound of the leather armor rustling on the ground.
*What did I do to deserve to be this weak? Why do you hate me so much Lightweaver?* He hid his face in paws in embarrassment. The orange sunbeams were falling on the training ring. The caw of ravens could be heard from the outside of the cave.
"Good grief. She really doesn't hold back, huh?" He heard a similar voice and a small shadow appeared on the ground. He looked up with a tired expression. The hatchling came closer and sat next to him.
"Hi. How was it like to see her whooping my butt like a carpet?" The small mirror said and hold his paw on a lump on his head. The skydancer hatchling slightly smiled and crossed his arms.
"You put up quite a fight. I think that you are either very sturdy.... or she was going easy on you. Haha." The small skydancer scrached his head and closed his purple eyes. Small mirror didn't moved and continued to lie down on his belly.
"You didn't had to add that you know." He pouted at the skydancer.
"Ah, sorry. Anyway, you wanna go for a scavanging today while the sun still up? I found a really cool abandoned cavern near The Beacon." The skydancer asked with enthusiasm. Mirror looked at the white hatchling with a doubtfull look.
"Do I look like I have energy to even walk?" The skydancer slightly giggled.
"Oh, right. Well, do you want me to drag you to Your lodging, then?" The small mirror sighned and slowly got up.
"Well if you say so." The cawing outside got quiet and the sunset was slowly getting more red.
On the next day as promised he and his mother went on a foraging to find the flowers. He was happily following his mothers trough the bushes and tree trunks. The chirping of a unknown bird could be heard from the sky. He looked up in curiosity and bumped into his mothers back. She was looking in the sky as well and holding her pearl.
"My, how beautiful. Do you know what kind of bird is this?" She turned towards him and smiled. He standed on a big rock and squinted his eyes.
"Can't see it." He sighed and sat down.
"Thats the chirping of a Gold-Throated Sparrow. We are lucky, they are rare in those forests." The  pearlcatcher put her pearl on a small stump and went into a big bush with wild roses.
"What should I do mom?" He asked and jumped off the rock. The pearlcatcher stayed in the bushes and he could only see her tail and horn sticking out of it.
"Try to find something purple but don't run off too far." He smiled and went to the nearest bush.
Hours passed. Lots of hours. He gathered so many flowers that he could open a flowers shop but it wasn't enough. His mother was still going after new ones while he gave up a long time ago and just lyed down on the grass next to the stump.
It was taking forever and he was starting to get bored, so he approached her pearl and stared at it's shining, colorful shell. It was beautiful. He touched it with his paws, it was cold and smooth, like an egg. Before he realized it, he started to roll it on the grass between his arms like a ball. *Mom never said anything about not touching it, soo... * He continued to roll it, it was fun enough to stop the boredom. Suddenly, his small paw slipped, and the pearl started rolling down the hill. He saw stunned for a second but then immediately ran after it. The pearl was fast. It hit a giant rock, bounced off and began to roll down. He was getting closer and was so focused on getting it, that he didn't noticed edge of a canyon on horizon. The pearlcatcher came out of the bush and put the newely harvested flowers on a pile of flowers and noticed that her pearl and her son were nowhere to found. She felt a chill and stood on top of the tree trunk, and looked down the hill. What she saw made her frown and spread her big wings. She jumped off the stump and began to glide off the hill top with lightning speed. The pearl was getting near the edge of a cliff, and he knew it'll be lost forever if he won't do anything, so, with his full force, he jumped after it and could feel it with his clawtips. At the exact moment his mother pulled him back by the tail right into her arms, and landed on the other side of the canyon. He was shocked for a moment and didn't know what just happened, but he knew one thing - the pearl was gone. He could hear a thin sound of crashing glass from the bottom of the canyon. He slowly looked up to his mothers eyes, they were not as lively as always. In fact, they looked empty. She was holding him tightly, but the grip slowly loosed and he stood in front of her and with tears in his eyes said:
"I-I'm so s-sorry mom... It's all m-my fault that it cras-" He couldn't said it out loud and just bursted out with tears. She seemed to finally notice him, and she asked with concerned look on her face:
"...Why are you crying little boy? Are you lost?" She smiled, but her eyes were still dead inside.
Years passed. Since that day, his mother began to act like an empty shell - completely emotionless and lost. And all the attempts of bringing her memories back obviously didn't work. All the dragons at the den were concerned and looked at him with judging look in the eyes.
"What a tragedy.", "Why is he still here?", "Who is going to rule the clan now?" Those kind of voices were tormenting him every time he came out of his lodging. His sister was furious and completely crushed after what happened. All the training sessions were canceled of course. Not because she wanted to but because he felt like shes gonna rip him apart as soon as she gets the chance. Despite what the mother said, She hated him even more now. Alpha without memories and personality is completely powerless. It didn't took long for dragons to decide that lair needs a new lord, and decision was easy. An offspring of the previous monarch should rule the lair, and it was no one other than Her. A few days Later after the decision was made their mother suddenly disappeared without a trace. Everyone knew that this day would eventually come, it is a will of a pearcatchers after all. The preparations to her statue began and his sister as her first task as an Alpha demanded to get rid of her meddling brother the same way he got rid of their beloved birthgiver. All dragons gathered at the edge of a cliff, and she was sitting in the middle, looking at the full moon, waiting for her two bodyguards to bring him here. When they finally showed up and put him on the ground in front of her, without turning around she said:
"It is unbelievable. How someone as pathetic as you could possibly be my brother? I feel ashamed over this." She continued speaking with her brutal tone.
"From today on I will never look at you as a offspring of our previous rulers, in fact I will never look at you as a member of our clan. Never. Because-" She turned around and stood in front of him.
"-You are not welcome here anymore." Her look was deadly and gave chills.
He didn't dare to say anything in response. He just sit there, looking at the ground all stressed out and waiting for death. She suddenly grabbed him by his throat with her paws, her long and sharp claws were digging deep down his neck. She looked into his eyes, and said with cold tone:
"I don't want to see you here ever again, understand?" Her gaze was burning with hatred.
He nodded. Then she turned around pulling him by his neck and approached the edge of a cliff. He was dangling in the air and looking down, he could notice a river flowing trough. All the dragons were silent the whole time, but intensely gazed at them. He looked at her, and saw her smiling with satisfaction as she said:
"Farewell" That was the last thing he heard from her.
Then her grip loosed and he started falling down, still looking at her with scared look in the eyes, but it was too late. He could see a full moon and the whole night sky, it was beautiful. His sister was still looking at him. It was probably the first time ever he could feel like he was flying, but even when he straighten his wings, he couldn't do anything about this deadly fall.
*Ah, so thats how its like to Feel the wind i the Wings, huh? Amazing as I expected.* He could feel that he's approaching the bottom of the pit, so he just closed his eyes, and last thing he remember was the cold sensation and heavy current of the river.
The wind howled. The rain was falling heavily. When the lightning crashed, he finally regained consciousness, and had no idea where he is and how he get here. His body hurt and he could see a blood spilling out of his head. He noticed that he's lying on a small rocky beach half in water.
"How did I-" Just when he was about to ask himself, he remembered what happened.
His claws dug into the sand and he grate with his teeth strong enough to feel that he have a major wound on his neck.
"That's no good. It's bleeding heavily." He said holding his paw on the wound to reduce bleeding. He began to walk towards the forest in front of him to find any place to rest and heal. He was walking and walking until he noticed a cavern on top of the mountain.
"Perfect" He said to himself and began to crawl up on the hill. He thought he won't make it, but the grudge towards HER somehow gave him strength. He promised mother to never hate his sirer for her behaviour but... It all didn't matter any more did it? When he climbed on the top, the cave seemed bigger than he thought at first. He quickly researched it to find any materials to stop the bleeding. There were tons of materials and junk lying everywhere. A crow was digging into a drying skin on a rock. Its blank and red eyes were sinister. Looking around he found an old, dirty rug on a tree nearby. He beared the throat wound and the head. He still couldn't believe that he survived that fall, deep in thoughts he slowly fallen asleep. When he woke up the storm has stopped and sunshine falling on his eyes woke him up. The wounds seemed better now so he decided to explore the cave a little more. Deep inside he found a few bowls with food and a couple of bones and feathers. There was a single bird skull lying in the puddle. He didn't knew to Who it belonged. Mother would probably knew this. On the walls were paintings and some sort of a map towards something. There was also a nest filled with cotton and something lying on top of it.
*Someone is here* He thought and gulped. Carefully approaching the nest, he saw a wildclaw, calmly sleeping with peaceful look on its face. For a moment he felt something weird. Something he never felt before, and had no idea what it is, but it was telling him one thing - kill him, and he won't hurt you.
*What? I-I's this? Why?* He honestly couldn't believe what he just thought about, but couldn't deny it. He'll most likely attack him when he'll wake up, so it would be better to do it while he's still asleep. The thought was getting louder and louder in his mind. Kill it. Kill it. Kill it. He wished for it to stop, but he couldn't do anything. He digged his claws into his head and closed his eyes.
*Grrr, Stop!! I hate you!* Suddenly his mind went completely blank, and god know how long he was unconscious, but when it returned he saw something he wish he didn't. It was a massacre. A true horror. The body was no longer recognizable, it was a one bloody mess. He felt sick and had no idea what happened until he felt a metallic taste on his tongue. He was no longer hungry.
"...W-why would I?" He couldn't understand. He was a murderer. Every lesson his mother taught him about not hurting others was completely crashed now. The thought stopped, and new feeling appeared, something like satisfaction and lust. He wanted more. The hunger returned. He tried to restrain himself, but he couldn't, it was stronger than him, feeling of being superior, of being stronger was an amazing sensation, even though he was denying it. He could feel the judging look of his mothers kind eyes on his back. He threw away the leftovers and bandaged his wounded body, and, just when he was about to leave, he stopped and looked at the feathers and a skull. He stared at it and said:
"...I don't want to show my shameful face to anyone ever again. I did something... Unforgivable. I sincerely apologize... mother. " Saying that, he put a skull on his face and walked outside. On that day the sun was shining as beautifully as always.


yes it was and I still can't belive it
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Exalting Pancake to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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