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Personal Style


Haunting Amber Clawrings
Haunting Amber Taildecor
Haunting Amber Ghastcrown
Golden Sage Shawl
Haunting Amber Grasp
Gold Renaissance Shirt



Scene: Arcanist's Domain


5.01 m
3.78 m
505.39 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 18, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Skydancer
EXP: 3860 / 8380
Bright Bolt
Blinding Slash


YwTdKmZ.png ___________________________________________________________
Clan Leader


"A leader can only go as far as those around him push him; those around him can only push him to be better if they want to be better."

Lightweaver ♛ ‘Ser-o’ ♛ No mate ♛ Silail ♛ Citrine ♛ Remauria

______ Stoic yet compassionate, wise yet energetic, Cirro is an intelligent young leader full of surprises. Although still quite young, Cirro is a powerful leader. He, along with a local Imperial merchant, Citrine, founded the clan. Together they turned it from a small trading hub to the mighty clan it is today. He is a dreamer and sometimes too idealistic, so he uses the dragons around him to keep him grounded. The dragons he surrounds himself with, including his friend, Silail, and the Clan Conjurer, Aridatha, have an incredible impact on his decisions. While still young and having not been leader for long, all of his decisions have been out of benevolence and the good of the clan.


Perhaps pursuing the life of a monk wasn't for Cirro. The young golden Skydancer had never wanted that life - he felt he was more suited for humanitarian work. But, growing up in a small civilization on the Sundial Terrace meant he would never get to choose his path. Not in his home, at least.

A journeyman seemed to be a more appropriate term. He journeyed throughout the land on his 'special' pilgrimage, hoping to receive wisdom, visions and bountiful gifts from the Lightweaver.
Throughout his past year of journeying he had acquired a few items; new armor, studded with gems that made him feel just as powerful as his clan Patriarchs and a new familiar, his prideful Golden Lionsnake that he had named Phinneus. These acquired treasures seemed to be the only decent thing to come from this journey.

He dreaded the day he would have to return to his clan, hand over his newly acquired treasures (including his dear Phinneus) and decide upon an loosely Archeological based career. He was told he would learn to love his place in the Lightweaver's plan.

But what if he didn't?

He had already been to a multitude of clans, some small, some rather large and promising for the future. He'd seen one small clan on the border of Sundial Terrace, just across the river into the Everbloom Gardens. Only a few dragons seemed to live there. It's most sedintary resident appeared to be a kleptomaniac Pearlcatcher.

He shivered at the thought of ever having to go back there, though he wished many of the Lightweaver's blessings upon them.

No matter, this next stop would mark the midpoint of his four year journey. Incredibly enough, he'd managed to do two years worth of traveling in less than a year. Perhaps he should have spent longer in each village...

He had been told this next clan was rather small, described as more of a trading post by his clan Patriarchs. Few stayed at this clan for very long. It seemed to be a hub for traveling merchants who gathered from the Sundial Terrace, Dragonhome, the Veridian Labyrinth and the Tangled Wood. It was tucked neatly on the river, in a location perfect for travelers of all four flights to gather at.

Another day and he'd be there.

The clan was not at all what Cirro expected. In his head, he had pictured an open field with a few trading booths dotting the landscape and the occasional tent. Instead, the scene was much more beautiful.

Incredible stone spires rose high into the sky, taller than the highest trees around. A small river wound its way through the landscape, trees growing along it edge. To the west, a brilliantly green and lush forest grew, the sun setting gently behind it at night. The ruins of lost civilizations sprung from the ground, ivy clinging to the stonework and flowers blossoming out of the cracks.

Cirro was sure he had never seen anything more beautiful. After only two hours of time spent there, he already knew he could spend the rest of his days in this beautiful, yet shabby, clan.

He sighed contentedly, basking in the warm sunlight. He rested his head on his claws, talons digging into the soft riverbank sand and his nose barely skimming the water.

He loved this would-be clan. Why nobody but a few carefree merchants traveled through here, Cirro would never understand.

The warm sun was setting on another long day of travel and he still had yet to meet any of the traveling merchants. Cirro rolled slightly onto his back, warming his stomach.

He really could imagine himself staying here forever.

The quiet sound of delicate talons on rocks woke the dazed Skydancer from his daydream. He opened his eyes and blinked them to adjust to the setting sun. Instead of harsh sunlight, he was met with a pair of golden eyes, equally as dazzling as his own.

The dragon standing above him was quite beautiful - she could easily be described as radiant. Her long, iridescently blue body shimmered in the weakening evening light. Her flaxen faceted wings cast scattering fractals of golden light across the wet sand. She really was stunning - though most Imperials are. Cirro's face flushed as they locked eyes.

The Imperial surveyed him for a moment before rolling her eyes and sitting back on her haunches. She turned her head away from him haughtily, suddenly very interested in her claws.

"I figured ye might be a new trader," she began, her voice momentarily gruff, like sandpaper. She sounded as though she were far more used to yelling than having a civilized conversation. "I see now that ain't the case. Yer too emotional. Too easily embarrassed."

She ignored Cirro's confused gaze. After a few moments of silence, she turned her gorgeous head back towards Cirro, a few stray petals from her flower crown dislodging themselves.

"Aren't ye goin' to say anything?"

Cirro opened and closed his mouth in confusion, searching his mind for an answer.

"I-I'm Cirro. Son of Sobek."

The Imperial scoffed. "Well, Son of Sobek, don't ye sound proper. Ye from the South Sundial?" Cirro nodded. She rolled her eyes. "'Course ye are. Bunch o' pompous Lightweaver-lovers. Bet ye all can hardly think for yerselves." Cirro didn't respond, unsure of what to say.

The Imperial looked over at him curiously, looking for a reply. She scoffed once again and stood when she didn't get one, arching her back and stretching.

"Well, Cirro, Son of Sobek. I suppose it's mighty fine to meet ye." She extended a large paw towards the young Skydancer, which he happily took. She pulled him to his feet. Even at his full height, she was still a good foot taller than him.

"Name's Citrine," she said, "Daughter o' Rinus an' Harvest. Not that it matters." She laughed and it almost sounded melodic.

Citrine turned away from Cirro, displaying her fashionable merchanting vest and wing drapes. She started walking away from him, heading back towards the spires. The darkening sky and steadily appearing stars only seemed to illuminate her blue scales.

The weak evening sun lit up the stone spires, their slick stone sides refracting the light. To Cirro, it almost seemed like the spires themselves were setting like the sun.

Citrine looked over her broad shoulders at the young Skydancer, a sweet smile on her face.

"Ye comin', Cirro?"

Cirro was currently uncomfortably seated at a large stone table in the middle of Citrine's lair. It was a large, surprisingly welcoming den carved into one of the tall spires. The walls had many hollowed out shelves adorned with numerous trade items and books. For a dragon with poor grammar, she certainly had a lot of well written books and scrolls.

There were many large windows displaying the night sky and the lack of activity in the fields around the town. Lights were strung across the ceiling of the Imperial's den, bathing the stone walls in a soft glow. Cirro would have felt perfectly at home if it was just Citrine and himself in the den.

One of Cirro's major faults was that he had never been good with hatchlings.

As soon as he had entered the sizeable den Cirro had immediately been tackled by a young Skydancer hatchling. The hatchling had tackled the older Skydancer, a 'fearsome' growl escaping his young lips.

"I got him, Mama!" the young male exclaimed, wrapping his legs and wings around Cirro's long neck. "I got the bad dragon!" Cirro stumbled around and attempted to regain balance.

Citrine chuckled. "You sure did, darlin'. Now let Cirro go," she cooed at the dragonet. The child in question laughed, reaching out for his mother. She reached an arm out which he quickly scampered up, resting between her shoulders and hugging her neck.

Cirro was shocked by the resemblance. The two were uncanny, the dragonet sharing his mother's blue coloration and golden wings. Their colors were only slightly off, but they could very easily have been siblings if they were closer in age.

It had taken him several minutes to get over his surprise. Now he was at Citrine's dinner table and being bombarded with questions by her hatchling.

"So yer a pilgrim? What's that like? Do ye get to meet a lot o' dragons? Are ye, like, a monk, or somethin'? Do ye know light magic?" Cirro was surprised by the amount of questions the hatchling could get out before he needed to take another breath.

Citrine chuckled heartily. "That's enough questions Ardolen, darlin'. Yer goin' to run Cirro ragged with all yer questions." She hummed sweetly at her son, tapping the top of his head with her chin affectionately. "Why don't ye go wash up. I'm nearly done with supper."

Ardolen humphed at being sent away. He got up from his cushion on the floor and stalked off haughtily down the corridor, his steel gray and amber tail whipping behind him. Citrine watched him go, pure love and affection in her eyes.

"He seems like a smart kid," Cirro said. He had never met a hatchling as knowledgeable about the world, especially at such a young age.

"He certainly is," she replied, turning back to the food she was preparing. "I like to think he gets his smarts from me, but sometimes I feel like the dumber one, ye know what I mean?" Cirro chuckled, trying to imagine it.

"He'll make a great merchant someday, just like his Mama," Citrine purred, her chest swelling with pride. Cirro smiled at the thought.

"Where's his father?" the Skydancer inquired. Citrine snorted loudly in disgust.

"That low-life could be dead for all I care. Only thing that stops me from wishin' I'd never met him is my son. Without that scumbag, I never woulda had Ardolen." Citrine looked absolutely livid. Cirro shivered with worry at her deep scowl.

"Oh," he said, unsure of what else to say, "I'm sorry to hear that."

Citrine shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "It's alright, I jus' overreacted. Banus was a good dragon. He just wasn't good for me."

The room was silent for a bit, the air thick with awkward tension. Cirro wanted to ask about Banus and to maybe offer his condolences to Citrine, but he knew not to push the subject. It wasn't his business, and he didn't need to be an empath like other Skydancers to know that it was a touchy subject.

"Do ye have any kids, Cirro?" Citrine asked, finally breaking the tension. Cirro chuckled awkwardly.

"No, I've only come of age in the last two years. I'm too young to settle down." Citrine chuckled.

"I was only a year or two younger than ye are now when I laid Ardolen's egg. It's been four years now since he hatched. It may have been smarter to wait longer, but I don't regret a thing. Even Banus." She sighed and smiled, lost in her own memories. "I may resent him now, but I'll always cherish the memories I had with him."

The room was silent again, but this time the air was clear of tension. Cirro smiled at the thought of having his own sweetheart in the future (but hopefully it did not include hatchlings).

Dinner was quiet and all three dragons enjoyed the meal together. Citrine's cooking was excellent. Cirro decided to call it a night not long after, and Citrine was adamant about him spending the night.

So, warm and filled with good food, Cirro crawled into a hastily made but warm nest and quickly fell asleep.

Weeks passed and Cirro couldn't bring himself to leave. The quaint little town lacked citizens, but made up for it in charm, with sloping hills and babbling brooks. He had spent the last two and a half weeks exploring the landscape and socializing with the inhabitants and wandering traders.

Truthfully, he had never seen a clan like this - they lacked any sort of government and yet still managed to function just fine. Perhaps it was because they consisted primarily of unproblematic traders, very few of whom stayed permanently.

Cirro's favorite spot had quickly become a neighboring field of flowers, towering hills on one side and a deep, craggy ravine on the other. The water from the river flowed into the ravine, cascading down a gentle waterfall. At the top of the falls sat a watermill, one of the few houses in the town, where a rather friendly Ridgeback lived.

The field was a mess of many kinds of flowers, some towering much higher than others. Cirro felt guilty every time he stepped on one and tried his very best to tiptoe around them as he walked. His tail swished, blowing petals behind him as he sauntered through the field, a pleasant smile on his golden features. He would never get over the smell of the many flowers and nearby brook, now the gentle breeze that raked through his short fur in a comforting manner.

He sat back on his haunches and turned his face towards the sun, extending his wings until the warm sunlight had sufficiently warmed the thin membrane and feathers. He sighed in content, his antennae twitching and shut his eyes to better bask in the Lightweaver's glow.

The sound of footsteps crushing flowers startled Cirro and he spun to face the creature that had made the noise. His golden eyes fell on a gray Snapper, her jaw fixated in a wide smile and brown eyes blazing with an odd sort of recognition.

His eyes traveled over her in surprise, taking in her gray scales. Upon closer inspection, her legs looked to be made of stone, a fact that cause Cirro to jump to his feet and take a few startled steps backwards.

The Snapper laughed and sat back on her haunches, a few pebbles rolling down her legs as she did so. "My apologies, young prince," she spoke, her voice deep and yet comforting, almost motherly. "I had no intention of startling you."

Cirro opened and closed his jaws in fright, his eyes unmoving as his gaze rested on her stony legs. It hadn't been a trick of the light - her scales really were turning to stone, with deep fissures lining where the outline of her muscles should have been.

The Snapper followed his gaze with a soft smile and lifted on of her broad legs to better display them to him. "Mm, I suppose it is a startling sight," she said with a sigh, unfurling her wings and shaking them in the sunlight. "I had almost forgotten - I'm so accustomed to it."

Cirro blinked and opened his mouth, his tongue flaccid as he struggled to form a sentence. "How..? Why..?" he finally managed to croak out, much to the Snappers amusement.

"Earth magic has some interesting effects," she grumbled out, eyes scanning her stony features. "Though I suppose eternal devotion to the Earthshaker isn't a bad thing..." Her voice trailed off, deep in thought, and then her honey colored eyes rose to meet Cirro's. "Devotion is such an odd thing, wouldn't you say, prince?"

Cirro opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unsure of what she was really asking. Did she know of his devotion to the Lightweaver? It was certainly possible. "I-I'm not a prince," he finally stammered out, his wings relaxing from their defensive position.

"No, no, of course not," the Snapper said. "Not yet at least," she said with a teasing lilt and a swish of her moss covered tail. Without another word, she turned her back to Cirro and hobbled away from him, leaving him baffled and pondering her words. He turned his eyes from her for a second, and when he looked back she had disappeared, seemingly into thin air.

Cirro blinked once, twice, and then took a few stumbling steps towards where the Snapper had been, trampling flowers as he went. As if in a daze, he staggered forward in the direction she had been walking; any trace of her heavy, stone feet were gone, and the only evidence of trampled flowers were those caused by Cirro himself.

His heart was beating erratically in his chest, and for a split second he thought that perhaps he could see the muscle beating beneath his skin and thin coating of fur. She couldn't have just disappeared, right? It wasn't possible-

And then he fell.

Cirro hadn't even noticed the ravine, its edge obscured by the field of flowers. How had he missed it? He didn't have much time to think about it as his talons slipped from the edge and he plunged into the chasm, his pale wings stretched wide and his body curled in on itself, bracing for impact.

It never came.

When Cirro pulled the crook of his wing away from his eggshell colored eyes, he found himself in a sea of gold. There was no ground, and he wasn't certain if the golden hues around him were sky. Each time he turned his narrow head, the shades shifted, paler and brighter at the center of his vision.

He shook with nerves, his heart pounding in fright? Where was here? Could this... be the Lightweaver's domain that the Elders had talked so fondly of?

Cirro spun in tight circles, his tail lashing and his talons clinging to nothing but the warm golden glow on all sides of him. He spun and spun, searching the glow until it seemed to fade to a near... pink?

He halted, back rigid and wings flexed tightly against his body. He had just seen something - it was behind him now, this great, colossal shape that seemed to dwarf Cirro. His chest heaved with shaking breathes, to afraid to turn around now. What was that?

A breathy chuckle shook the air, ruffling the fur along Cirro's back. Every fiber of his being tightened in fright, a flinch shaking his whole body. Slowly he cocked his head to look over his shoulder, hoping his micro movements weren't noticeable to the massive being behind him.

"I can see you, you know," came a teasing, powerful voice that held a hint of mystery. Cirro jumped like a cat, his back bowing in fright as he spun to face the colossal being. His jaw fell slack at the massive thing before him.

The Arcanist smiled warmly down on Cirro, his rosy coloring flushed by the vibrant pink background.


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