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Purple and Black Flair Scarf
Darksteel Glasses
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Bracelet
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Anklet
Veteran's Eye Scar
Phantasmal Halfmask




5.03 m
6.21 m
395.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 18, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


I thought that I could reach you
Through the darkness of the night
And travel through the twisted jungle
That you said hid your mind

I thought that I could reach you
That my flames could touch your heart
Even if you kept it tightly wrapped
In secrets and thorns in equal parts

I thought that I could reach you
And you warned me not to try
But I forged into the shadows
Oh, how I wish you'd lied.

I thought that I could reach you
I thought that I could make you proud
But now I've lost myself to the darkness
How can I face you now?


The Arcane tendency to boldly poke things no one has poked before is supplemented by a kind of confidence other flights would call "blind courage." This usually referred to the ability of an Arcanite to walk into a dangerous situation with absolutely no hesitation, accompanied with notepads and a complete lack of concern for the consequences. In the other flights, this "blind courage" is normally synonymous with words such as "idiocy" and "madness," and for good reason. It's probably not a good idea to light the sacred statue containing a cursed spirit on fire, but try telling that to Arcanites.

To be fair, this blind courage is also what gives Arcane dragons the unique ability to explore fields of research no other dragon has dared explore before. For that reason, this boldness is usually cultivated and encouraged to even greater heights in the Arcane Flight. But everything has a pro and a con. If blind courage was what gave Arcane dragons the tendency to discover new and interesting things, well, it was often the very same thing that led to their doom.

Once upon a time, a Wildclaw was born to a clan on the outskirts of the Focal Point. His name was Melvil, and like many of the Wildclaws that lived in the Arcane Flight, his clan resided in an unnaturally forested section of the Starfall Isles - far enough away from the Star Wood Strand to avoid the weird things that go on there, and still close enough to the center of Arcane magic to draw energy from the land. Safe and secure in his clan, Melvil was raised by a single mother, who early on ingrained into him the importance of knowing and understanding the world around him. Like many Arcane parents, she also taught him the confidence with which to walk his life with, and the necessity of sticking to his choices, no matter how bad other may say they are. Melvil absorbed his mother's teaching, and by the time he had matured, he was eager, bold, and ready to learn more about the world.

In search of more knowledge, Melvil left his clan to travel Sornieth, heading first to the Trading Post to uncover the newest exciting discovery his peers before him had unearthed. He spent far longer than he thought he would at the Post, but for good reason - vendors and merchants alike were always coming and going, bringing new information every time they arrived. And like the roots of a tree, Melvil quickly absorbed all the knowledge that he could find in the marketplace. Every day was new and exciting, and with an endless source of knowledge, Melvil was content.

One thing disturbed him, however. No matter which merchant came and went, there was a simple stand that never seemed to disappear. It was always there, at the corner of his vision, yet it'd always seem too plain to him to be a source of entertainment. Nevertheless, his curiosity got better of him, and one day, Melvil approached the pink and white Tundra that ran the stand.

The Tundra's name was Ube, and he came from a strange island shrouded in mystery that boasted a tree imbued with knowledge of the ages. It was called the Mirage Isle, an island always just barely on the horizon - never there, but always there. Melvil had heard of the strange island before, but he'd never imagined that it was anything more than a fairy tale. Seeing his enthusiasm, Ube offered to lead Melvil to the island, once his business at the marketplace was done. Excited, Melvil quickly agreed. Ube gave him a time and place where they would meet for the journey, and Melvil rushed off to make preparations.

The journey was unsettlingly calm - unusual for a trip across the Starfall Isles, but Melvil was too excited about the prospect of visiting the Mirage Isles to think about it. They made it to the seashore, where the island, as always, could be seen floating on the horizon. Strangely, though the sky was clear, the ocean began to fog up at their approach, to the point where Melvil could barely see his guide. Step by step, on stones that seemed to simply form straight from the mist, Melvil followed Ube for an immeasurable amount of time. Many times he wondered if he was being tricked, and if this was an illusion magic the Tundra was using to keep him unaware of what was happening. But stubborn and confident, he pushed on, until his claws finally touched solid land and the mist evaporated instantly to reveal the Mirage Isle.

Melvil was unconscious for several days after the journey, which was the norm for outsiders who had the guts to pass through the magical boundaries of the island. When he finally awoke, Melvil was congratulated on surviving by Ube, and taken to the Mystic Archives to meet Mirage Isle's mythkeeper, Sakura. The Coatl appreciated Melvil's enthusiasm to learn, though she warned him to never take lightly the many dangerous knowledge the Archives were riddled with. It is unclear what Melvil thought of her message - whether he'd taken her seriously, or if he'd heard her at all - but for months after his arrival, Melvil's stay was without incident. He made a place for himself at the library as a scholar, and eagerly learned all there was to learn.

Then, he learned of Kyrissa.

Reclusive and mysterious, Kryissa was a mage that lived at the highest point of the island, where she studied the dangerous Shade magic. Like Melvil, she was a Wildclaw, and if that wasn't surprising enough, Melvil learned that she was not of Arcane descent - she was a Shadow dragon. Curious, Melvil began visiting Kyrissa. At first, it was merely to obtain knowledge about Shade magic. Then, his visits became more frequent as he sought to be Kyrissa's assistant. She was always alone, he noticed, and it was by choice. Melvil couldn't understand why she would choose to live that way - after all, every dragon needed company, regardless of what they chose to research. Confident and stubborn to a fault, he insisted on helping Kyrissa. Kyrissa, for her part, was mostly helpless against his demands, as she was far less insistent as he was, and she simply couldn't refuse the other Wildclaw. She did her best to warn him at every turn that her work was not to be disregarded - Shade magic was dangerous. Even for someone like her, a qualified mage, all the precautionary magicks she had may fail at any point.

Melvil didn't take her warnings to heart. After all, why should he worry? He was a strong Wildclaw, just like his mother, and he'd read all the facts about Shade magic. With his knowledge and understanding of the Shade, he felt that there was nothing that could possibly hurt him. Kyrissa was being too cautious. She was shy, and he understood that, but that wasn't going to stop him from helping her.

For months, the partnership actually worked with no visible casualties. Then, on a particularly normal day, when he arrived to help Kyrissa again, she warned him not to enter her laboratory for the next few hours, for she was running a particularly nasty experiment that was potentially fatal. Kyrissa was being serious, but to Melvil, this was just another one of her naggings about how she didn't need help, that it was dangerous, that he should find something else to do. Melvil figured things would be fine.

Things were not fine.

As Kyrissa began her experiment, Melvil snuck into her laboratory to watch. He was awed by the swirls of dark magic Kyrissa was manipulating. Her eyes were narrowed, but she moved the wisps of magic with a firmness that betrayed experience. Melvil was amazed by the performance. What was she afraid of? She could control those shadowy tendrils just fine! As usual, there was nothing to worry about!

But then, the magic shifted, and the experiment went pear-shaped so fast even Kyrissa could do nothing but jump into a previously prepared magical dome for protection. The unleashed magic was so volatile that all she could do for several minutes was to maintain her protective spells against the berserk Shade magic. The aftermath was so terrible, she didn't notice Melvil at first. By the time she did, it was too late. The first blast of magic gone wrong had slammed square into Melvil's face, searing through his right eye and going straight into the marrow of his bones. His feathers scorched, and his scales burned with unholy magic. Melvil didn't notice what was wrong until the pain struck him, numb and shocking at the same time. For a long, panicked moment, he wasn't even sure how to feel - everything had gone his way for so long, the idea of failure didn't even manifest to him.

Fortunately, Kyrissa wasn't as deluded. Risking corruption, she leapt out of her protective shell and retrieved Melvil under the hail of unstable Shade magic. Dragging him back within protection, she bent all her will and frantically extracted as much Shade magic as she could from him. Kyrissa was skilled, and she managed to draw the deadly magic out of Melvil, forcing the venom from his system. The blackened scar that smoldered on the right side of Melvil's face turned white as she worked, and after what seemed like hours, she finally banished all of the Shade's magic from Melvil.

Melvil woke up just as the last bits of magic were being extracted. It didn't take him much time to realize what had happened. He'd disobeyed Kyrissa's warnings, and this was the result. No amount of stubbornness or confidence had protected him from the disastrous consequences. Ashamed, Melvil fled Kyrissa's chambers after she healed him, never again to return. Kyrissa watched him go, then turned away.

After that incident, Melvil was never the same. He became quiet and less confident, hesitating before every word, every act. The mythkeeper, Sakura, knew what had happened. She did her best to cheer him up, but Melvil had been depleted of his usual energy. He stayed away from the paths that led to Kyrissa's tower, and took up a simple role of keeping record of what other dragons did in the library, never again to insist that he could certainly help, that nothing bad would happen. Instead of discussing books and exploring like he used to, he shut himself in the Mystic Archives, surrounded by piles of books he would read and reread again and again, as if to atone for how he had disobeyed Kyrissa.

As for the rest of the residents of the library, they never saw Melvil and Kyrissa together again. Melvil's lack of enthusiasm was a void in their discussions, but for Arcane dragons used to such tragedies, they didn't judge his change in personality. For the most part, they admired the Wildclaw. After all, for someone who wasn't an expert in Shade magic, taking an unprotected hit from Shade magic and receiving only a blind eye and scar was something to be admired. His personality was different, sure, but that was to be expected. He'd seen the true terrors of what Shade magic could do. It would've been more surprising if he hadn't changed.

"It's a medal," one of the other scholars once assured him while he was examining the bleached white mark on his face. "Not many dragons would've survived that." But Melvil knew better. The defect was a scar, proof that he really couldn't help Kyrissa, that he knew nothing about her at all. If he'd known her - truly understood her - he would've heeded her commands. He would've been more careful. He would've listened to her.

He'd failed her, and now, with a terrible reminder burned into his face, he no longer had the courage to see her.

Poem and Lore by MythicalViper
Graphics by PoisonedPaper

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