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Bluelight Chipskink
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Energy: 31/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Spiral
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Contrast Rogue Hood
Contrast Rogue Footpads
Contrast Rogue Bracers
White Linen Neck Wrap
White Linen Tail Wrap
Conjurer's Herb Pouch
Alabaster Filigree Breastplate
Alabaster Filigree Wing Guard



Scene: Rocky Refuge


3.15 m
2.82 m
73.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 04, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Spiral
Max Level
Rune Slash


Silk Spool
Pronouns: She/her
Residence: Carrion Canyon, Shifting Expanse
Allegiances: The Canyon Courriers
Allies: Dusk, Kuu
Enemies: Many, but none currently after her in particular

Wolpertinger Hoodie
Current Life

Questionable Fashion
Azra is best known for her exploits within her specific subunit of the Canyon Couriers. Her trio containing herself, Kuu, and Dusk are one of the main fighters of the Couriers, and thusly are called in often to deal with more dangerous deliveries within them. Though Kuu and her both account for the main muscle of the team, Azra generally takes on a more stealth oriented role. This, however, shouldn't be imagined in any way as your stereotypically stoic assassin because the only reason she does this is due to sheer level of entertainment she takes at the concept. Rarely does she truly need to use stealth to accomplish her goals, and rarely does one of her "stealth missions" go off without her giggling giving her away and requiring her to simply knock out whoever noticed her. After all, they can't alert anyone if they're unconscious, right?

She's not all wham-bam-kick-them-in-the-tail, though. That whole Courrier thing? It's just a job. The rest of the time she usually occupies herself with teasing her friends and making various plush and cloth projects. Her personal favorites are mammertee plushes, but she also often makes cold-weather clothes.

Azra can often be found within a den shared den between her, Kuu, and Dusk in the Carrion Canyon, but she travels a lot due to her job.One of her favorite places to go is the Tsunami Flats because she enjoys collecting seashells. Given the chance, Azra will name every kind along the beach with surprising accuracy considering how little time she actually spends there.

Soft Muff

Azra is most accurately described as an 'experience'. She's talkative, friendly, and quick to approach others given even the smallest sliver of a chance. Her high-energy disposition lasts through even the most grueling of tasks, be they disgusting, difficult, or downright dangerous. Though her perpetually positive attitude can be grating at times, she notably tones it down when the situation calls for it... even if she'll still whisper a joke or two if anyone seems to be needing it.

That being said, even Azra can't keep up that degree of enthusiasm forever. She deeply values the quiet moments she has between missions where she can simply sit in the den working on her latest cloth project while Dusk brews tea in the kitchen and Kuu fills her in on the latest gossip. That mostly-still version of Azra that simply nods and quietly hums more than she speaks is a stranger to many.

From time to time, Azra might appear too nice for her own good. After all, what other kind of dragon goes around gifting small plush toys and blankets to strangers? And this is, to some extent, true. There are many things Azra would do for someone else that she perhaps shouldn't, but make no mistake. When a dragon earns her ire, her revenge won't be long to follow. Be it in the form of a small prank for a minor misdemeanour or a genuine fight for worse wrongdoings, Azra rarely lets a truly unfair act go unpunished. More than one dragon wear scars which Azra holds absolutely no regret for giving them.

Flowering Vulpine Plushie

Stuffed Alstroemeria Fox
Those that have met the current day's Azra would be surprised to learn she was originally was a member of a more reserved sort of clan. It was an arcane one that was extremely serious about their academic pursuits. All dragons within were to dedicate their lives to learning magic, and those that didn't were... not strictly removed from the clan, but quite obviously resented as 'unambitious' and 'unproductive'.

Azra didn't care. Or, at least, that's what she answers when anyone asks about it today, but it's impossible to miss a back-stepping flicker of hurt in her eyes as she speaks. Even when she was with them she claimed it didn't matter what they thought. Magic was something she had no interest in and this was simply something they'd have to deal with—if it bothered them, that was their hangup.

But it was hard. She refuses to admit it, but it was hard. The minute she decided that the life of an arcane scholar wasn't for her—and, really, she knew long before that such a life would bring her no satisfaction—her entire clan regarded her with that same unsaid disappointment that bubbled beneath the surface of their every passive aggressively murmered word and pitying glance. Not to mention the uncertainty that seemed to hang over her in a cloud. If she wasn't to become a scholar, then what would she do? What did she really want? All she knew is it didn't align with what everyone else wanted for her.

Life didn't wait for her to figure it out. It simply plowed ahead, deepening the wounds of rejection from her fellow clanmates as time went on and thickening that storm of nervous wanting for something to want for.

And then one day Kuu came along.

You see, it wasn't unheard of for her clan to take in travelers—usually the more learned type so they could 'assist with the clan's studies'—and Kuu just so happened to be delivering some scrolls. At the time, he worked as a simple messenger. Solo, cross-continent, and quick. He stayed for a few days to recuperate from his travels, telling stories all the while. Most the members of her clan found it fascinating only for the tales of strange, magical beasts the likes of which they'd never personally encountered in the Starfall Isles, but most simply treated it with a slight annoyance, as if they were naught but fairy tales.

Azra didn't. Azra fell in love with the idea of being a messenger right then and there. The night Kuu was scheduled to continue back along his route, she boldly approached him and asked if he wouldn't mind having a travelling partner.

Kuu, a bit startled by the question but always up for trying something new out, said he didn't, and the pair was made.

Eventually, Kuu and Azra met Dusk, a dragon from a background surprisingly similar to Azra's despite its different formation. They found comfort in one another and together the three of them later went on to become a subunit of the Canyon Courriers, a delivery service that runs through the Carrion Canyon and has been rapidly expanding beyond it in recent years. Azra has spent these past few years of her life exploring with her friends, trying new things, and overall enjoying her life far more than she ever could with her original clan.

Note: No members of Azra's mechanical Flight Rising lineage are considered members of Azra's lore and her Flight Rising age is not canon

Red Linen Fabric Scrap Sharpened Serthis Lance Mammertee Plushie Stuffed Mith Flowering Vulpine Plushie Snail Husk Stuffed Pincushion

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"Dusk? She's one of my best friends! And the best healer I've ever met too! I dunno what the heck we'd be doing without her, Kuu and I. She's real sweetheart once you get to know her. Don't tell her I told you this, but I've even seen her get all flustered when someone said her tea wasn't too good once. Spent the whole day reorganizing her garden shelf. That's why I always drink her tea when she offers it even though she's always a grumpy-butt about how much sugar I put in."
"Kuu's my other best friend! He's great! All the combat stuff, and the negoatiating stuff—mostly the negotiating stuff—and diplomacy and such. He's really good at all of it! Body paint and tattoos too! And he loves doing it. He's even put some facepaint on me a couple times, but he says he doesn't want to give me a tattoo 'cause I'm too indecisive. I don't mind, though! I don't think I'd want any one of those forever, anyway, so he's probably right."
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