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Personal Style


Earthsong Haori
Daisy Lei
Dustrunner's Arctic Boots
Dustrunner's Arctic Gloves
Dustrunner's Arctic Pants
Frostfinder's Arctic Bags




20.74 m
20.72 m
6166.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 27, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245





Welcome to



Noteworthy Roles
pauci sumus


DEPUTY: Flavius

HEALER: Panora



The Enso Council
vide, audi, duc

|Panora of the Dusk Sanctum|

|Aadi of the Lanternlea Port|

|Wicasa of The Source|

|Wanda of The Lightning Farm|

|Zaulen of the Tourmaline Archives|

"The five members of this council work together to help rule the clan and guide the Matriach"


The Enso Council is comprised of five dragons at all times. These dragons are chosen for a variety of reasons but mainly for leadership qualities such as patience, experience, loyalty, etc. If a member of the council for some reason can no longer perform their duties due to age, injury, death, or is found guilty by a trial of breaking clan law or a defined unforgivable act, a new member will be appointed by the remaining members.

The Enso Council's main purpose is to support and advise the Matriarch of the clan on a number of topics. Although a Matriarch's word is final over the council. This holds exception only in times of crisis (the clan as a whole is in danger) or when a Matriarch has passed or for some reason has become unfit to lead (in which they will appoint a new Matriarch).

I will note that 'in times of crisis' is a loose term on purpose due to the unpredictabilities of clan life. To help define it a bit better I will note that in the case the Enso Council has to take control of the clan from the Matriarch there might be a few ways that might end up looking like;

1. The Matriarch has willingly and without prompt by the council relinquished control, most likely meaning they don't deem themselves able to help or lead in the present situation/s. After the time of crisis has passed the Matriarch might ask to lead again or the council might prompt them. Very rarely in this case is the Matriarch's ability to rule questioned by the council afterward as it is seen as the most honorable course they could have taken.

2. The Enso Council has had to come to an agreement together (all members must agree) that the Matriarch must relinquish their control of the clan to them for a time of crisis, in this case, the Matriarch has stepped down upon their prompting without altercation. Upon the ending of the time of crisis, the council will give back control to the Matriarch, though depending on how certain events transpired might lead to the council questioning the Matriarch's ability to rule.

3. If a time of crisis has arrived and the Matriarch is unwilling to relinquish control after being prompted by the Enso Council, then the council will band together and use physical force to make the Matriarch submit for the good of the clan. The council does not aim to kill the Matriarch, simply to contain them if they refuse to submit. If in the sad circumstance that the council is unable to contain them and they refuse to submit the council is permitted to then use lethal force.

If after the time of crisis is over and the Matriarch is still alive but had to be contained and never submitted the Enso Council may then find the current Matriarch unfit to rule and appoint a new one, voted for and decided by the members of the council.

If the Matriarch is killed after failing to submit to the Enso Council, the council will appoint a new Matriarch at the end of the time of crisis.

The 'time of crisis' is the only time/way for a council to question the abilities of the Matriarch and have the power to appoint a new one of their own volition.

The only other way for a Matriarch to be deemed unfit to rule is if the clan has a majority of dragons that are upset with the Matriarch for a variety of reasons, upon which the problem will be presented to the council. The council will then take a vote of all dragons within the clan and upon the majority being displeased, they will take action and appoint a new Matriarch. Though if the dragons are unhappy this doesn't always mean the Matriarch will be dethroned or a vote will take place as the council will always try and revert to trying to fix the problem presented before resorting to new leadership.

Clan Facts
nihil didicit

Dominant Language:
Common Draconic

Mate Definition (how I view what 'mates' are): A dragon's perfect match, their opposite side of their coin so to speak. One does not exist in happiness without the other. For Flight Rising's gameplay, I do not restrict dragons to only have offspring with their 'lore mates'. This is just for convenience and so forth but within the lore of the world they do not reproduce with other dragons that aren't their mate.

You may also note that within my 'lore', some dragons are technically mates but their bios say they are unsure of each other or their relationship. This isn't a plot hole, to me mates are fated but also require the work of each dragon to be successful. Meaning they are perfect for each other and are drawn together, but if the work isn't put in the relationship will end, though emotionally excruciating for both dragons. If both dragons do agree to end things or do not put in the work for a prolonged period of time I believe the bond will break, something that is painful even with a lack of interest or with any disdain they may feel for each other. This means a dragon can then go forth and find a new mate, though most find they lack the drive to do so after a bond has been freshly broken.

Mated Pairs:


Clan Alliances
Andronai - An alliance based on the leader's childhood friendship with each other. The clans are very close, including having offspring from each other's clan and dragons from each clan having had hatchlings together

Clan Laws
Fatum parere

1. Do not harm other clan mates in physical altercations that might result in injury or death unless in self-defense

2. Respect the ideologies of other dragons in the sense you may not oppress them and their beliefs unless it harms your or others' physical health

3. You may not harm other dragons familiar's unless in self-defense

4. Under no circumstance may you harm a hatchling

5. Clan members shall be allowed to come and go from the clan as desired unless fairly judged and sentenced by the clan to be imprisoned for breaking the laws or committing a defined unforgivable act.

6. All dragons within the boundaries of the clan's territory have the right to a fair trial upon being accused of having broken a clan law or committing a defined unforgivable act.

7. When following a direct order, you follow the Matriarch's word first, the Enso Council second, and the deputy's word third. This is only given exception when the Enso Council has taken control in crisis or in loss of the Matriarch.

8. If a dragon accuses an individual that they judge as needing punishment but the crime is undefined by the clan laws it is the job of the accuser of defining the unforgivable act. Upon the unforgivable act being described the Matriarch will either refuse or accept this as being worthy of punishment. If the Matriarch decides it is not the trial will be dropped and the individual released from any form of custody. If it is agreed upon as an unforgivable act the trial will continue and equal punishment will be issued by the Jurors. Upon conclusion of a trial where an unforgivable act was defined and accepted by the Matriarch, it will be formed into a law to be referred to in the future.

9. If you have broken the clan laws, defied an order that upheld the clan laws, or found by trial to be guilty of a defined unforgivable act judged by the Matriarch, you shall be at the mercy of equal punishment for your crime, as defined by the Jurors of the trial. Some of these punishments may include banishment, imprisonment, and in extreme cases execution.


Written and coded by munchingoblin
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