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18.93 m
11.58 m
7456.37 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Oct 24, 2018
(5 years)



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Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


"Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Born on day of diagnosis. A reminder to stay strong.

Update 10/31: Stage determined to be the lowest of stage 1 which can easily be resolved with a lumpectomy. Thank God!

Update 11/19: Lumpectomy scheduled for the 29th. Internal radiation tagging and lymph analyzation done on same day.

Update 11/29: Lumpectomy successful. Removed lump and cluster of lymph nodes. Waiting for pathology results.

Update 12/04: Out of 5 nodes 4 were positive. Some metastatic and some micrometastatic. Chemo needed...

Update 12/05: Meeting with radio and medical oncologists for Wednesday the 12th. Surgery for chemo port insertion scheduled for the 13th.

Update 12/11: MRI done on sore shoulder. Results showed torn tendon and lump on humerus. Metastatic suspicion.

Update 12/12: Had planar xray. Both oncologists strongly doubt shoulder mass is cancer. PET scan scheduled for Monday the 17th to further examine shoulder as well as the rest of the body. Chemo scheduled for early January.

Update 12/13: Port surgery postponed until further notice. Lumpectomy wounds were infected, so they were cleaned instead and a pin rose drain was installed. Samples sent to lab to test for MRSA and other infections. Pain relieved BIG TIME.

Update 12/20-12/21: PET scan results determined shoulder is cancerous. Biopsy scheduled for Christmas Eve and port surgery rescheduled to the day after Christmas. Fun v.v ... Drain removed in the meantime. The infection is gone and the wound is healing nicely.

Update 12/21: Biopsy moved to same day as port surgery, Wednesday 12/26.

Update 12/26: Surgeries successful. Port doesn't hurt as much as the biopsy. For the biopsy, the bone had to be drilled and the anaesthetic was minimal. Just need time to heal until chemo. The doctors are all good.

Update 01/06: Appointments with medical oncologist and orthopedic oncologist Wednesday 01/09 to discuss shoulder mass. Another biopsy needs to be done on the mass since pathologists state they didn't get enough the first time.

Update 01/09: Only met with orthopedic oncologist today. Discussed possible biopsy on the 24th. Inside of bone will be scraped, tested, then filled with cement and covered with a plate. She thinks it is the breast cancer that migrated to the humerus. Got a sling to help with arm pain in the meantime.

Update 01/11: Biopsy scheduled for 01/16. Not an outpatient surgery so will have to remain overnight or more.

Update 01/16: Biopsy and bone repair surgery a success! Feeling better already. Mass confirmed to be carcinoma, meaning cancer is now stage 4. Pathology will still send detailed results in a few days. This experience and staff involved was MUCH better than the previous experiences despite the news of stage change. Staying positive~

Update 01/21: Healing really well! Pathology confirmed mass in shoulder was metastatic breast cancer ;; Meeting on 23rd with medical oncologist to discuss chemo and radiation dates and process.

Update 01/23: Oncologist stated that the cancer is oligometastatic cancer. This is because, so far, it's bone only metastasis. As of now there is no visible evidence of cancer in the body, but the cancer is still stage 4 and therefore not completely gone. Oncologist will meet with the cancer board to discuss chemo, but the current plan is to save chemo for the chance the cancer spreads more later on (God forbid). For now, take estrogen blockers and proceed with radiation. A chemo-like **** was also prescribed which attacks the cancer without the hair loss and nausea that comes with chemo. Overall decent news today!

Update 02/05: First radiation treatment canceled until better range of movement for shoulder is established.

Update 02/12: Follow-up appointment with orthopedic oncologist went well. She said wound was healing nicely! Prescribed a period of rehabilitation in order to further improve range of movement in shoulder.

Update 02/14:Met with radiation oncologist to make mold which will be used to hold arm in place during radiation. First radiation session scheduled for next week. Arranged for first physical therapy session tomorrow too. Staying positive!

Update 02/21: First radiation treatment went pretty well. No pain, just a little nausea and fatigue. The nausea went away after a while though. Will need radiation every day (except weekends) from now on for about 7wks. They made it so both the breast and the shoulder get radiation at the same time. As for physical therapy, progress is being made! The trainer said she guarantees that my shoulder will be back to normal after all my sessions are completed.

Update 03/15: Halfway point in radiation treatment! Going well!

Update 03/25: CAT scan today. Skin starting to peel and hurt from radiation ): Using aloe.

Update 04/02: Blood test today. Will meet with medical oncologist on the 4th.

Update 04/04: Blood test came back pretty good. Platelet count is a but low but not drastic. PET scan today.

Update 04/08: PET scans showed an improvement in the arm and breast, however 3 lesions were found in the back and pelvis. A lesion on the L4 area of the spine and two on the iliac of pelvis. Not a huge issue now since there is now pain. Will switch to a hormone blocker injection instead of the **** and will start chemo **** and bone shots monthly. Another scan will happen in 3 months. If the area starts to become a bother, radiation will be needed too

Update 04/09: Last day of radiation! Woohoo! I got to ring the bell.

Update 04/17: Started the chemo **** today. So far the only side effects were nausea and an unsettling feeling. Nothing that can't be handled though :) Also have been feeling some fatigue.

Update 04/24: Another hormone blocker injection today. Blood test done too. Ibrance hasn't been bad so far!

Update 04/29: Blood test results show low WBC, low platelet count, and slightly high glucose and protime. Nothing too much to worry about~

Update 05/02: Lab called with more results: WBC is at 1.9 when it should be 3.8. I was also classified as a Grade 2 Neutropenia which I guess is in regards to how Ibrance is affecting my immune system. RBC was also low. Something to keep an eye on, but we are going to continue with Ibrance for now.

Update 05/07: Doctor is out on maternity leave so I spoke to her nurse. She was kind of rude...basically told me they aren't going to do anything about the cancer in my hips or back unless I feel pain. They're just making me "comfortable " and the Ibrance is just to keep it from growing or spreading. Bad day today. Still not giving up!

Update 05/13: Found a hard mass under my lumpectomy scar around 05/08. The therapist determined it wasn't a pulled muscle when I saw her on the 9th. I went in to the doctor on the 10th and he said it is most likely an infection and prescribed antibiotics. I saw him again today and he told me I needed to go get the area aspirated (?). If it really is an infection, it will be drained; If it isn't an infection it will be biopsied. It most likely is an infection though. Staying positive! I would rather have an infection than another tumor!

Update 05/14: Blood work today. Resume Ibrance tomorrow. I found out I have lymphedema which is why my right arm is currently 2in larger than the left. I'll have this the rest of my life and need to wear a compression gauntlet. No big deal~

Update 05/20: Went in to have the possible infection looked at. Nothing could be aspirated, but 5 samples or so were taken as a biopsy and sent to the labs. This isn't necessarily a bad thing! The antibiotics could have just been doing their job and dried the infection up. Staying positive! Blood work on the 21st and shots on the 22nd

Update 05/23: CT scan today. Results showed that the lesions in the pelvis haven't changed but there is deterioration of the L5 and S1 vertebrae. Also, Denise went with me and asked about a generation test which will determine which chemo is best for the specific type of cancer I have. Why didn't they mention this before? Oh well, at least it's being done now and results will be in 3 weeks :) Radiation treatments will also be set up!

Update 05/24: I forgot to mention that the results of my blood work were great! Only three things in the red: WBC (low but 3.8 instead of 1.9), RBC size (large for some reason), and absolutel lymphocytes (low). Even the absolute neutrophils were normal this time! Praise God! I also received a MRI today to back up the CT scan.

Update 05/30: Began radiation set up for my back today. It's going to be a 10 day process and today I got measured for my mold. Shouldn't be bad at all!

Update 06/06: Started radiation today. It's a but more awkward than radiation was for the arm, but at least the process will be shorter. I was told to not expect pain relief until day 7 and to expect nausea. So far I've just been tired. Staying positive!

Update 06/19: Done with radiation today! My back feels better for the most part. My shoulder hurts but I think that's just because I don't have physical therapy anymore.

Update 06/25: Ordered my compression sleeves for my lymphedema today. The people were very nice in making sure I got the right style, quantity, and color.

Update 07/08: Got my sleeves in today! They're so tight it hurts after a while but I'll get used to them. The night time one is more comfortable. PET scan on the 10th.

Update 07/10:The doctor went over my scan piece by piece and even compared it alongside the CT scan. Overall things are ok. The lesions are still present in my spine and pelvis but some seem to have shrunk. There was some new areas in my C6 vert and some in my lungs though the lung ones are thought to be inflammation. The doctor thinks this scan was taken too close to the end of my last radiation cycle and believe the results to be skewed. A new scan will be performed in 3 to 4 months. My WBC and blood pressure were super low so I will need blood tests every week until the numbers stabilize (stay off Ibrance until then).

Update 07/16: My WBC is back up and I'm able to start Ibrance again. Hormone shots tomorrow and an appointment with the radiologist on 07/18 for a follow up :)

Update 07/18: Radiologist confirmed the inflammation in my lungs was from past radiation. He also says he's not worried about the new spots in C6 or L4. Even better, he said that the radiation process went so well on my lower back that nothing new should come back and it won't hurt me ever again! Hooray! I see him again in 6 months. In other news, the location of one of my hormone shots feels swollen underneath the skin though there is no visible bruise. It feels like I'm sitting on a ball.

Update 08/19: They took the wrong blood test so I had to wait extra long for my results to come in. Started next round of Ibrance today.

Update 10/10: Despite some issues with blood tests and keeping my WBC up, we have good news. My recent PET scan shows no new areas of growth and it shows that the existing areas have shrunk! Praise God! The chemo **** and hormone shots seem to be working. The doctor suggested a bone shot, but I will need clearance from the dentist. It will keep my bones strong. Next scan in January.

Update 01/21/20: PET scan today. Results Tuesday

Update 01/28: PET scan results deemed "ok". No movement to any new locations except a possible new spot around L11. This spot could be due to technical error in the scan and an MRI is scheduled to help rule this out and look at the location further. Most spots otherwise are a bit brighter other than the right iliac which seems to have decreased. If the odd spot in the back is a new lesion, we will switch to the chemo **** Capecitabine. If the spot was just a technical error, we will continue another 3 months of Ibrance.

Update 03/12: Just got home from the hospital. I woke up from my Sunday nap on the 9th with a fever of 102F. Family took me to the ER and what I thought was just bad allergies turned out to be the flu type A. I was given antibiotics and put on fluids. Now I'm home and get to recover with Tamaflu.

Update 11/09/2021: After another year of fighting, my mom has died. The cancer spread to her liver and every single bone in her body. We did IV chemo which seemed to be helping but eventually drained her strength. Her body may have been weak, but she kept her spirits all the way through. She died peacefully in hospice after having to go to the facility for pain management. -JellyLu
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