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Personal Style


Winterwatcher's Arctic Tail Cozy
Winterwatcher's Arctic Goggles
Winterwatcher's Arctic Coat
Winterwatcher's Arctic Boots
Darktwine Ice Pick
Winter Wind




5.49 m
6.96 m
772.89 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 17, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 2 Skydancer
EXP: 410 / 641





The Traveler in Snow

{ rex ûs }
Nickname: Rexy
x. name origin: name meaning

• origin of dragon

song title
by artist







54456588p.png JADZIA
Love Interest

Short description~
49247267p.png ANGEL
Best friend

Short description~
46970770p.png PYRO

Short description~

Blue Quartz Ice Crystal
Unhatched Ice Egg Snow Streak Pinion
Furry Icewarden Puppet Icewarden Ice Sculpture
written by xNEVERLANDx

Rexus heaved a long, heavy sigh. He just had another fight with his father, and he was personally getting sick of it. He was an explorer at heart. Ever since he hatched he was up and on the hunt for something new, something he could discover. Sadly, his strict parents wouldn't let him go as far as the Arcane flights border. He was sick of seeing the Crystal Spine reaches, where his clan resided. What he really wanted to see was snow. A traveling dragon who stayed with his clan one night told them his tales of traveling Soreingth. Of all the territories, what fascinated the young Skydancer the most was the Icewarden's land. Bright, blinding white powder that was soft and seemingly harmless, but in a storm and the right temperature could kill a dragon with little experience in the frozen tundra. A frigid ocean where huge chunks of ice floated like mini cold islands.

It was his dream to travel to this winter wonderland, and he was going to do it, no matter what. That night, he snuck away under the cover of the night and set off to the Snow flights land. He felt his heart ache for leaving his clan, and most importantly his family behind without a note, or anything at all. But his heart belonged on the go, always thirsting for more adventure.

It didn't take him long to arrive, and the Skydancer was amazed by the sight. But oh, it was so cold! He landed a ways in, on a slippery iceberg, to his slight dismay there were no dragons in sight. In fact, he didn't see any life forms period. This began to worry him, but he pushed it to the back of his mind. It probably was nothing to get worked up about, he just got there, he just hadn't traveled enough yet. While he was lost in thought, he didn’t notice the wind was picking up, and temperatures dropping. One particularly large gust of frigid air ruffled the dusky feathers on his wings, making him snap back to reality.

“Great Arcanist it's FREEZING out here!” he cried out. Spreading his wings he took off, slower than anticipated because of his wings being numb. He flew for hours, still no sign of life. It was beginning to grow darker, and the wind had picked up drastically, blowing him off course. At some points he was suspended mid-air, the wind now laced with large heavy snowflakes battering him. He needed shelter, desperately. After an hour or so of backtracking, he spotted a large mound jutting up from the flat tundra. Praying to the Deities that it was a cave filled with warmth and a hospitable clan, he landed gracelessly on top of it, rolling down the side tail over head. Landing at the entrance with a loud whompf, he was immediately greeted with the face of a concerned looking Tundra.

“You look frozen half to death! Why in the Deities names are you doing out in a blizzard, without the proper apparel or even a buddy!” She cried, and grabbed him by the tail, dragging him into the cave. He didn’t object, his body letting out little shivers. His feathers where encrusted with frost, icicles hanging from his horns. The Tundra tsked, shaking her graying head. “You poor thing, first time in the Tundra I presume...”

She wandered deeper into the cave, mumbling to herself about careless young ones, and blizzards. Rexus closed his eyes, breath shallow. At Least it was somewhat warm in here.. The Tundra that saved him returned quickly, a bundle of clothes clamped firmly in her mouth.

“Here, wear these.” She said, dropping them at his head. Rexus was about to object, but this old dragon didn’t look like she should be messed with, so he held his jaw shut. Letting out a huff, he slowly sat up, and slowly put on the outfit. He didn’t like looking so...poofy, but at least it was warm and soft.

“What's your name young’un?” She asked, settling down across from him.

“Rexus.” He replied, shifting awkwardly. “Um, thank you for saving me.” He added, and she replied with a grunt.

“Oh just doing my job, you definitely are not the first cloud head that I had to save.” She chuckled.

“What's your name?” He asked, and she shook her head immediately. “Oh don’t you worry your head about my name. But if you need to know me by something, just call me Granny Angel.” She said, her bright white eyes sparkling.

The two talked well into the night, sharing stories. Rexus his adventures, and Angel all the dragons she had rescued from past blizzards. When asked about her past, she immediately grew cold, telling him never to ask her about it, fury burning in her white optics. So he never asked again. Rexus stayed with Angel for a couple months, helping the elderly Tundra with hunting, or just someone to talk to. After a few fitful night's of sleep, he finally confessed to her that he felt bad for leaving his family without notice. Angel immediately told him to go back and explain, assuring him that they would take him back, he just had to be honest.

“But I feel more at home here than I did there!” He cried, feeling despair gripping at his heart. Angel and the frigid land that she called home was like a second home to the Skydancer. There was so much to explore, oh so much more than he first thought. Angel gave him a small smile, pressing her forehead to his. “Just, go back to your family and explain. You know this area of the land well, you know you can always come back and visit.” She said. So after a tearful farewell (Mostly from Rexus), he was sent on his way home. With an apology, a story, and a new friend.

Coding and stat bars made by Disillusionist. Vista BGs are from Hazeledpoppy's FR blog.
"Theme" music graphics made by Diamondsuits.
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