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Personal Style


Buccaneer's Seaspray Overcoat




5.72 m
7.79 m
439.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 11, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



- lifelong friends with Plenkket
- can play guitar/related instruments

1. What do they smell like?
- either like clean fur, or like mint! he likes mint

2. What is their voice like?
- mid-range voice, think avicii

3. What is their biggest motivator?
- himself and wanting to be someone his parents would be proud of.

4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
- probably messing up in one of his first gigs. i could imagine he started off a bit nervous, singing for small birthday parties, and during one of them, his voice cracked and went really off key. it likely would've been while he was still going through adolescence, lmao

5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
- Big Fear. often times he freezes up, other times he makes an exaggerated reaction to get away from the source of the pain

6. What do they like to wear?
- often times, the only things he wears is the jacket his father gave him. it's scuffed up, and has a green pin on the collar. he wears two earrings on his left ear. he's fond of keeping his earpiece in (like a bluetooth essentially), and he'll wear various jewelry, largely different earrings or necklaces. he'll wear a ring or two though!

7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
- oof, that's a tough one. maybe the librarian in the neighborhood he fled to when he was growing up. she helped him learn how to read, and encouraged him when life got tough. she was a parental figure of sorts, despite not being his parent.

8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
- probably something like raw oyster. his world definitely has some foods that're weird to -us-, but are normal to them. but raw shellfish are a universal strange thing, in my book at least.

9. Describe the way that they sleep.
- he switches between moving a lot in his sleep, to being very still. most times he curls up on his side, keeping his limbs tucked in and tails wrapped around himself.

10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
- mushrooms and onions with the equivalent of worcestershire sauce and steak seasoning

11. What do they feel most insecure about?
- his background. most in his position came from well-off families and wealth, while he came from the streets. he doesn't talk about his times growing up much.

12. How do they like to dress?
- relatively simple! he'll have some accessories, but he's not one to pile them up unnecessarily

13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
- he has a small tendency to let himself deal with guilt for longer than is necessary. but, he'll try to make up for whatever he'd done wrong. if the other party doesn't forgive him, he can eventually forgive himself, but he can carry slight lingering guilt for quite a while.

14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
- this is one of the few things that can make him genuinely angry. he does all he can to help those going through a hard time, because he knows what it's like, so when someone betrays him and does him wrong, it deeply insults him. depending on the severity, he'll do anything from demand an apology and make them earn their trust back, or cut ties with them.

15. What is their greatest achievement?
- won a big company award for his music! he's one of the most popular artists in his company, and while he's not super well known around his "country", he's well known in the city at the very least and they love him

16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
- a bit grumpy, all squint-eyed with his ears back. fur's ruffled the whole day unless he gets himself a good nap

17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
- very uh. promiscuous lmao. he's had p l e n t y of others in his bed with him, and he goes both ways

18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
- his own he likes most music tbh. indie rock and rap rock are two big faves, and then the kinda music say, p!atd is?

19. Are they right or left handed?
- both pairs of arms are left-handed

20. Fears?
- physical pain, being alone (not in a room, but like... with nobody to talk to, alone in life essentially)

21. Favorite kind of weather?

22. Favorite color?

23. Do they collect anything?

24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?

25. What is their eye color?

26. What is their race/ethnicity?

27. Hair color?

28. Are they happy where they are currently?

29. Are they a morning person?

30. Sunrise or sunset?

31. Are they more messy or more organized?

32. Pet peeves?

33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?

34. Least favorite food?

35. Least favorite color?

36. Least favorite smell?

37. When was the last time they cried?

38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?

39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?

40. Do they have any scars?

41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?

42. Do they have any bad habits?

43. Why might someone dislike them?

44. Why might someone love them?

45. Do they believe in ghosts?

46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?

47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?

48. Are they dating/married to anyone?

49. Do they like surprises?

50. When is their birthday?

51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?

52. Do they have any family?

53. Are they close to their family?

54. What is their MBTI type?

55. What is their zodiac sign?

56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?

57. What D&D alignment are they?

58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?

59. What are their views on death?

60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?

61. When bored, how do they pass time?

62. Do they enjoy being outside?

63. Do they have an accent?

64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?

65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?

66. How do they feel about sex?

67. What is their sexuality?

68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?

69. Is there anything that they find really gross?

70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?

71. Do they enjoy helping people?

72. Are they allergic to anything?

73. Do they have a pet?

74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?

75. How patient are they?

76. Are they good at cooking?

77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?

78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?

79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?

80. Are they trustworthy?

81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?

82. Do they exercise regularly?

83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?

84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?

85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?

86. Do they like sweet foods?

87. What is their age?

88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?

89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?

90. Do they consider themselves attractive?

91. What is their sense of humor like?

92. What mood are they most often in?

93. What kinds of things anger them?

94. Outlook on life?

95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?

96. What is their greatest weakness?

97. What is the greatest strength?

98. Something that they regret?

99. Biggest accomplishment?

100. Create your own!
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