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Personal Style


Golden Sage Lantern
Daisy Flowerfall
Enchanted Orca Necklace
Luminous Sundrapes
Hewn Philosopher's Veil


Skin: Frigid Gale


Scene: Unfathomable Odyssey


25.83 m
22.58 m
8744.71 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 05, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




Water Sorcery

— Naharon only exists in your dreams, in your ilusions and deliriums.

The crown stopped walking and turned to face the hand for he couldn't believe his nonsense. The sea was serene under the castle, but the day was foggy, like his mind lately.

— Naharon will take us to better days. She chose me and I shall no longer be questioned about this matter.

— Your lineage will end.

— But the city will remain standing, and that is all that matters.


Yvind was an isolated place in Sigvard. Albeit hard to reach, those who lived there were fine on their own.

Long days ago, years ago, centuries ago, the town was known as Owl Tower and it was in this town that everything started. Yvind was flooded with magic and thrived on its own, long before the empire came to exist. It thrived without any support of other cities. Sorcerers and royalty lived together in harmony.

But the tides turned as the water's All Father casted their rage upon Yvind. It rained, a strong rain. While Yvind was seen by it's people as a blessing in the north, the deities saw it as a piece of rock whose magic was growing out of control.

In their final pleas, the sorcerers made a pact with the sea in order for the city to survive the rage of the ocean. The sorcerers loved that piece of land in the cold north sea of Sigvard that meant so much to them with much effort the pact worked and they had power to save yvind.


As the Tides subsied, Yvind prospered like never before. Sorcerers now held power, more duties and responsibility. The leaders now had to rely on them for everything and a feeling of unease came with this new era where sorcerers held a higher importance than the balance seen before. As days passed, the unease grew, forcing the Leaders to end the control of the Sorcerers.

The leaders found a counter spell, and with it, they ended the sorcerers lives. This counter spell made the sorcerers dry, thirsty, and desperate for water, a sarcastic tragedy to fall upon the ones who did a pact to the sea. Taken to the shores and to the sea in chains, the thirsty let them mad, to the point of drinking the salt sea water end their quench; until they were finally surrounded by the salt ocean embrace; all sorcerers drowned by the hand of leaders. But all great magic came at a cost, and the price paid for the death of the Sorcerers came with a high toll on the Leaders, most of them dead too. However, even with the difficulties they stood their ground, if even one survived that was enough.

Alas, poor sorcerers. As they drowned, sadness flooding them from the inside, lungs filled with ocean, they cried and cried, their tears mixed with the salty ocean became one and so their spirits bounded with Yvind, never leaving it and seeking revenge upon the bloodlines of the ones who sent them to a watery grave. They became spirits, wandering Yvind in search of revenge.

The sea sorcerers were legend now, bedtime stories for hacthlings. The story was retold, as the magic of the ocean was now said to have been the cause of Yvind's demise, the Leaders were saviors, the evil sorcerers a part of the curse from the Tides. All lies. Lies whose creation was seen by the spirits, filling them with a growing rage and hatred.

"We loved that land, we lived for Yvind, it was our land as well."


Evertything was rewritten, in this new story, the Leaders thrived because of their own spells, at the cost of Yvind having no more magic afterwards. But who would give up on it entirely? Magic was definitely something they dreamed about, longed for. Who wouldn't love being blessed by it after witnessing it's great power and coming out on top?

Lies became truth as truth became lies and with it, centuries passed.

Long forgotten, the cursed sorcerers could only conjure so much influence now. Strong enough to bring forth just one of them before the heir of the bloodine of the Leaders. Thus Naharon existed, but only in his mind, only to him.

The truth in the past was long gone, the price paid was simply a curse, suddenly averted by Jucidos, who suddenly had great magic by his side. Yvind believed that the new leader had a great destiny. Magic had returned to Yvind through it's new leader! The curse was broken, the spell was lifted! He would bring back the glorious days of the past, where magic ruled in favour of Yvind

Nay... He was but enchanted by her, following everything she said to him, every whisper, every order. Soon he put Yvind on a bad course. Disasters happened, disease spreaded and each step they took forward, felt like two bakwards. Jucidos no longer listened to his partners and friends. In his crazy deliriums he only heard what Naharon had to say. As the final part of the Sorcerer's revenge curse, Naharon sapped the life out of him, little by little until he was weakened beyond healing. In the right time she drowned him, with the same spell their ancestors had done to their sorcerer allies who once defended and loved Yvind.

As the cursed bloodline paid it's own price, the counterspell which sealed magic faced the sorcerer's own revenge curse, putting Yvind in a state of stillness, as all it's people paid the highest price for the conflict and greed of it's true leaders and traitors, whether sorcerers or royals.

Yvind became an odd land, cursed to both exist and not, all at the same time. Those who lived there could no longer leave, and upon their death, they had to keep wandering as spirits, trapped in a life that never ends. And so day by day it goes, Naharon speaking on Jucidos ear, Jucidos on his delirium and Yvind's people opaque as ghosts.

It was done. The heir, blood of the blood that started everything had perished drowned. His body held by Naharon, two beautiful statues in the depths of Yvind.


A white winter garden gives welcome to those who cross the path to Yvind, a long stone path like a bridge which leads to the island's entrance when the tide and will of the sorcerers allows it. You can speak to them, but never stay for long. They will welcome you and treat you well, the idea of leaving never crossing their minds, like the concept of deserting Yvind wasn't even a possibility.

Perhaps you will meet Jucidos whos claims himself to be a king, you will see their citizens daily lifes, you even can maybe see Naharon in the tower of owl or maybe meet her in the woods. If you manage to witness the discussions that Jucidos goes on and on with his partners and friends, you even maybe hear the sea speaking to you.

Nozette and Khelgaro know about the place, but they want no part on it. They leave Yvind alone, advising agaisnt any journey to the cursed Island in the Northern Sea.

The North is a harsh and difficult place and somethings aren't meant to be conquered.


By AlastorRD #519316
>> In my mind I call them Juju and Nana

>> Jucidos really think he's a king and everybody there thinks he's one so they call him by it

>> Ghost town vibes, but well they will speak with you, they will actually treat you well

>> Whisp and glowing floating things around them

>> Naharon loves to be on Owl Tower, favorite place of her, or in the woods.

>> If Naharon does not like you, well...

>> Yvind was the place with strongest magic by them and now it decayed. In sornieth magic is everywhere, but in Yvind it is no longer strong as it was



Old Mood board
Me: I'll revamp this pair! They will look awesome in some grey or black! Toxin looks even better!
Also me: I can't exalt the previous, I love them too!
The future me: Oh yes... now I need the genes... Hmmm :|
Actually Jucidos should be a Skydancer hmmm... watch me doing mistakes and not saving treasure to get a breed change for him.

Lore written by me and edited and corrected by Mudy (cause her english skills are awesome!)
By Etherclan #533976
I didn't bother looking at the rest of your lair. Naharon is too pretty to not choose. I love how the soft gray tones of her own hide match the vivid golden apparel
By Madsyte #512021

"Has to be Naharon! I love how the golds look with her colors. How she only exists in my dreams? She does look otherworldly."
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