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Personal Style


Twinkling Stardrapes
Gem Trader
Woeful Gambeson
Dusk Rogue Bracers
Fancy Compass
Crystal Censer




19.11 m
17.84 m
7353.01 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 23, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245



"You can call me Anysia! These guys keep me around because I've got a special talent for finding cool stuff, heheh. Sometimes my clanmates will like my little treasures enough to keep them-- and what we don't like, well, we bring to the (surface level, really legal) market for some extra coin. The Vulstalridge are simple folk who mostly live off the land, but we try to maintain a decent store of savings for our rainier days... and that's where I come in!"


Vulstalridge's treasurehunter, if you didn't catch that from her introduction. A reformed outlaw, she now dedicates her skills and talents to a somewhat nobler cause: providing for the clan. She's not stealing anything anymore, at least, which is all anyone really cares about.


In the heydays of her youth, Anysia was a self-proclaimed professional thief and renegade. She got by on her smarts and stealth, swiping rare items and precious materials from the clans she encountered-- and later pawning them off to whichever shady folk took interest in her stolen wares. She traveled throughout Sornieth this way, growing a decent size of appreciative regulars in the underground market and a somewhat larger number of law-abiding enemies. Anysia, however, was content with a life led by whims of wanderlust and thrill-seeking. She was an unstoppable shadow of the night, after all! No one could catch her!

... Except Dawnbringer.

Dawnbringer caught her.

And kicked her [redacted].

The wayward imperial deemed Vulstalridge an easy target for larceny, and after taking advantage of the clan's trademark hospitality, tried to discreetly make off with a handful of treasures. This included one of Dawnbringer's enchanted glass orbs; a grave mistake. The aforementioned mirror was on her trail before long, and to Anysia's alarm, surprisingly fast. She was tackled, promptly defeated in their brief tousle, and pinned in place until the rest of the clan got there.

Furious over the imperial's transgressions, Dawn found herself surprisingly alone in a vote for gratifying punishment. Garen was distressed by the very idea of killing anyone ("I didn't SAY I was gonna KILL her, DAD"), Nightblood found herself respecting their burglar's guts ("Seriously??") and Quizzle politely pointed out that Anysia's wing had been injured in the fight. She wouldn't be making a getaway any time soon.

(Anysia did ask if she got a say in any of this, to which Dawn only responded with a glare.)

After discussing things in an impromptu conference, it was decided that Anysia would be granted a nest to stay in as her broken wing was treated and tended to... on the condition that she would repay Vulstalridge's kindness with services of her own. She was expected to help with low-risk, menial tasks around the home as she healed. From Anysia's perspective, anyone else might have killed her or simply left her to fend for herself, so she took this deal quite cheerfully in stride. Over the next few moons she dedicated herself to her sentence of lowkey servitude.

With the threat of their stuff being swiped no longer an issue, the dragons of Vulstalridge found Anysia easy to like. Her sense of humor, penchant for quips, and surprising love for learning could warm just about anyone up to her in a short amount of time. Garen didn't mind answering her questions about the Southern Icefield, Quizzle enjoyed listening to her various adventures in Sornieth's mainland, and Garod-- much to Dawnbringer's chagrin-- was ecstatic to meet someone even mildly intrigued by space stuff.

Frankly there was plenty that Dawnbringer didn't like as the weeks passed them by. She was gravely annoyed by Anysia's charismatic charms, and her sense of humor was equally vexxing to be subjected to. She was Not A Fan of the outlaw's nickname for her (lilacs. Absurd.) Her scales ruffled whenever the imperial's daily chores brought her to Dawn's study. She was displeased to discover they shared an interest in astrology, and couldn’t stand that their signs were apparently compatible (such knowledge lived in her head rent-free ever since.) She could scarcely fathom why the thief chose to spend her free time pestering her for conversation (it wasn't like Dawn had given her that birthdates book to be nice! It was to keep her nose out of her own space.) It greatly troubled her spirit that the imperial was a more amiable conversationalist than she had any right to be, and that her thoughts on the metaphysical made for some of the most engaging talks the astrologer had had, yet. She most of all hated how the imperial's winks and grins and far-too-friendly one liners sometimes made her feel funny.

Honestly, who gave that imperial any right?

Alas, all things come to an end eventually, and Dawnbringer was sure that this strange chapter of her life would end with Anysia's full recovery. But when the day came that her wing was given the clear and she was allowed to set off, the lavender renegade made the shocking request to stay a while longer. She cited an interest in Ice-clan culture as the cause for this request, as she'd never been this far south of Sornieth and wanted to make the most of it while she was in good company. Garen and Nightblood saw no issue with this, and they welcomed her to stay for as long as she liked (so long as personal property continued to be respected.)

"Hope that's not a problem for you, Lilacs," Anysia said to her in passing with a wink, and Dawn's ears flapped down with the aggravating realization that had she left, the imperial's absence would have been felt.

Anysia pulled her weight by doing what she did best: following her nose to interesting things. Instead of hoarding them to herself, however, she'd bring much of her finds to Vulstalridge's leaders to use or sell however they pleased. This spontaneous system soon became a newly established routine; her clan-hosts looked forward to seeing what she brought back from her latest ventures, and Anysia loved embellishing the daring epics behind her newest treasure-- especially if she had the chance to regal Dawnbringer with them, too. Dawn had to admit she didn't mind the routine, herself. She supposed it was nice to confirm that their wayward guest hadn't gotten herself killed on her most recent exploits, and amusing enough to listen to her stories. She could always just roll her eyes whenever Anysia's tall tales grew a little too ridiculous, although this occasionally backfired with teasing from the latter (she'd just roll them again.)

Winter soon set in, and in anticipation for the Night of the Nocturne-- as was custom in Vulstalridge-- everyone was assigned a dragon to find a secret gift for. Anysia didn't get Dawnbringer as her pick, but that didn't stop her from approaching the astrologer that night with a second present just for her. Dawnbringer made a few sassy jokes as she reached into her friend's bag, but was softened into silence over the sight and warmth of the Crystal Ball now resting in her palms.

She couldn't understand why Anysia would give her something so valuable when the mirror had nothing to give in return. Anysia told her that she didn't need anything back... although a date might be nice.

It was the most direct she'd ever been in any of her antics, and Dawn, startled as she was, found herself saying yes. The rest of their story's blanks are probably easy enough to fill in on one's own.

Default familiar is an Ethereal Trickster.


Canon Offspring: Mistwillow; Edelgard (adopted)
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