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Personal Style


Bloodstone Roundhorn
Furious Headdress
Red Birdskull Necklace
Carapace Arm
Contaminated Infectalons
Bloody Head Bandage
Archer's Tail Twist
Bloody Arm Bandages
Bloody Neck Bandage




22.81 m
23.94 m
9345.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 23, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 18 Imperial
EXP: 66390 / 92435


w r a t h
"moon drunk monster
beautiful and strange
howl your melancholy question
and tell me
which you dread more
the echo or the answer"

Carapace Arm Eliminate Red-Breasted Hainu

After his parents died and his siblings disbanded to serve deities and start families elsewhere, Aries wandered around in Sornieth. Growing up in the Scarred Wasteland made him itch to do more than fight to survive and see more than the filth of the Wyrmwound. So he wandered. He wandered far away from his original home and saw the lonely Observatory, and eventually made his way to the Pillar of the World. There, he met the love of his life and stopped wandering aimlessly for work in Sornieth alone. He had Airena, and the two of them made their way into the Tangled Wood and settled down with a welcoming clan.

He should have never done that.


Leaving his home in the Abiding Boneyard shortly after his parents passed away, he and his siblings disbanded and decided to find a new clan and a new purpose, and some went on to serve deities. Fighting and scavenging was what he was used to, and he found he could make money off of such simple things quickly. He fought, he killed. And he liked it. Too much. He’d like to think there might have been more factors that made him how he was. The rush of adrenaline in a fight was addictive? He liked to strategize? But the reality was that he’d liked the feeling under his claws and ripping dragons and beasts things apart on his teeth, and he was drunk on unleashing every bit of rage he ever held and it was far too easy to keep going.

He didn’t think much of it when it began. Being a traveling mercenary had morphed him into someone quick to anger, quick to violence. It began with small things at first. Just thoughts of shove the jerk who’s getting up in your face, just this once. Once grew to twice and then three times until he was ripping someone else apart with his claws. His mind grew clouded with thoughts of kill, kill, kill and make them bleed. Make them b̧͏̨͠ĺ͘̕e̶͡e̡̢̕̕͞d̵̡͡͡͞. All he could see was the next kill, the next task he’d enjoy.

Then he met Airena. When he was on a job based near the Pillar of the World. Friendship and romance started out simple as him liking her and her liking him back. The biggest hitch with being with her was how off putting it was for her to see him go zero to a hundred at the twitch of a tail. Aries wanted to be with her, and she was worth changing for, but—

But things change, he just didn’t change fast enough. The damage was done already and there was simply nothing he could do anymore other than make sure he wouldn’t do it again.

It seeped into his scales, it poured out from his mouth and glowed through his eyes. It scraped against his wings and broke his bones. All his sins weighed down on him, first his lungs to suffocate him and sinking deep into his heart. Aries drowned in it that day.

It was Wrath. It had become what he had become. Actions had consequences, and all of Aries’ actions were full of blind Wrath. His teeth grew sharper and longer. His claws grew jagged. He ceased to be a dragon that needed a beating heart who needed lungs with air. (He wasn’t really much of a dragon anymore).

With Airena, he was one of the luckier ones. Someone was there for him to stop Wrath from seeping into his veins. That day hadn’t stayed in his mind without haziness, but the ritual Airena had used involved candles that smelled strongly of lavender. (He thinks it did, at least. patient angels are needed sometimes)

Airena had only locked away Wrath. Aries grew quieter, less conflict-seeking than he had been before. Any risk of letting Wrath out again wasn’t worth taking in his eyes, but it was only a matter of time before Aries went back to snapping at the smallest inconvenience that crossed paths with him. The only old habits he allowed himself to keep was being alert, along with his childhood tendency of never making conversation. Being a quiet person, never much of a talker, was something he never grew out of. Small-talk was Airena’s thing.

Aries had bad days. Those bad days were mostly him twitching and clawing at himself to not let an ounce of rage out. If he’d known that all his anger issues would manifest into a shade-like monstrosity then he would have never let himself get to that point. Those bad days involved Wrath eating at him, never letting wounds heal back and his wings never being able to truly fly unencumbered. Some days Wrath would leak out of his eyes and softly eat away at whatever it landed on.

His bad days piled up until his wounds wouldn’t heal enough for him to stop healing pain. Luckily, a healer had lived in the Tangled Wood, where they were traveling through at the time. Aries’ wounds had been severe as death. Sibylle the Apothecary nearly fainted at the sight of his wounds and simply stated, “you should be dead by now” (but he and Airena knew this, deep down).

Medicine and stitches wouldn’t hold together his wounds as well as he needed them to, which was where his opal gene was put on him. Sibylle patched him up with opal she would normally use for her pearl, but it was a common fairly common method within her clan, sometimes it was just used for a fashion statement.

Aries and Airena decided to settle together as a family. They started one in the Tangled Wood with the rest of the Court, back when it was only just one court and one court alone. (It didn’t last that way for long, but he’s too scared to look back and try to remember what caused it.)

Sight didn’t come easily to him if he did ever try to recall what happened. Only red static and the feeling of red, red, red in his eyes and his claws coming out and his teeth bared and the sound of his snarls once more. All Airena is willing to tell him about the Incident is that someone had died (someone important) and a follower of Argentum, the familiar-keeper, was blamed for the animal attack. An “animal attack”. The hainu blamed for it became Aries’ familiar when he offered, and they’d trusted him to keep it from then on because he was strong (at least physically), and he’d said he’d move further away from the main Courts when they gave it to him.

“I’ll move away to keep everyone safe from the monster” and it wasn’t technically a lie.


token’s interlude

There was a time where he used to take trophies. Sometime before he met Airena, sometime before he moved into the tangled wood.

Back when he’d travel, he used to take trophies, showed off how tough and strong he was. Made people look twice, made people think twice if they ever tried to cross him. Attracted customers that wanted him for a little task, and repel anyone who didn’t want trouble.

He threw most of them away when he wanted to be with Airena, and the rest out when he realized it made him less approachable.

But one thing, one trophy on his arm, hadn’t left him. It had stayed stuck to his arm like a beak on a bird. It wouldn’t leave, like the guilt settling in his stomach.

(The skull might have belonged to someone as innocent as a hatchling, or someone noble as a knight or a mother trying to protect her young. Maybe it was only a bird skull or only a decorative brooch like the faux skull on his waist. Didn’t matter, it was still stuck to him in the sense he’d never take it off.)

The skull on his arm became a reminder of Wrath. A victim who was one against many.

Anything and anyone can change, he just didn’t change as fast as he should have. The skull could have been a mother that would never make it back to her children or a child never coming back home or something random like a bird hunted for food. The damage was done already and there was simply nothing he could do anymore other than make sure he wouldn’t do it again.

And he wouldn’t be able to do it again if he stayed away.


With his mate, they stayed in their own little corner of the Tangled Wood. They had children together to add to their little family that would stay, and some would eventually leave to serve deities like Aries’ siblings and some would leave to start new families or fall to the same fate as their father.

Others like him would follow, but instead of being taken by Wrath, they’d be taken by Envy and Gluttony and such to the point they don’t remember their original name. Some come orphaned, and some come fleeing.

But they have one thing in common: they’ve become the incarnation of abstract concepts. Little Gera is as old as War has existed, yet she came orphaned to the Eternal Court. Espettra and Invidia don’t quite remember who they are except for a single trait. The Seasons come and go in the Eternal Court as they please. The Eternal Court, is just like him, so young yet ancient and fearsome yet scared. This is where Aries takes them under his opal-encrusted wing. He wasn't alone when he became this way, and he'll make sure no one else wouldn't too.

W R A T H■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

S T R E N G T H■■■■■■■■■■

W I S D O M■■■■■

C O N S T I T U T I O N■■■■■

S O C I A L S K I L L S■■■■■

P A T I E N C E■■■■■


T R A I T S:






mate; airena

■late friend; asphodelia

■active descendants; selene, adriel, aline, bedros

■other "children"; gera, inopia, yersinia, and espettra

■colleagues; invidia, empiirean


wolf howls and angry snarls

■lush and dark forests only illuminated by the full moon

■the feeling of adrenaline in battle



L I K E S:

scented candles (lavender for stress relief)

■red and black

■dogs and dog-shaped creatures


D I S L I K E S:

people trying to talk to him

■people trying to talk to him

■people trying to talk to him


N O T E S:

he doesn't know how old he is and at this point he's too afraid to ask

■aries = ira backwards and the war god ares

■used to be more of a lone wolf type when he first began traveling, and mostly stayed a lone wolf type other than staying with airena

■has never bonded with a familiar other than his red-breasted hainu

O T H E R:

cisgender // demisexual


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