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Personal Style





12.22 m
17.19 m
8752.96 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 22, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


”Monuments, like men, submit to fate.” --Alexander Pope

A u r i c h
Cemetery Caretaker
compassionate • lonely • dependable
xxxB I O G R A P H Yxxx

In Aurich’s penultimate year of schooling, a tragedy struck. Two dragons and an instructor, out on a routine patrol, were ambushed and killed by Beastclans. The beasts must have been heavy in number, for the school’s instructors were famous for their skill. From the position of the bodies, it seemed that the battlemaster had died trying to protect her students, one who was killed fighting where he stood, the other who had tried to flee and died several meters away.

The bodies were brought back and prepared for burial. Emberlin, the clan’s mortician, carefully bathed and dressed them, so that they might eternally be ready for battle. The dragons were laid out on large pallets in the Great Hall. Guards stood watch over the bodies, while clan members and students filed past to pay their respects.

Aurich felt little as he looked at the bodies. His mother was a necromancer, and he had grown up with death as a fact of life. He was able to admire the skill with which Emberlin had prepared them, disguising the mortal wounds where their life energies had leaked from their earthly vessels.

After three days, it was time for the bodies to be interred. The entire clan gathered together in the still morning, and a eulogy was read for each dragon by the clan’s loremaster. Then the dragons were laid to rest, and a carved marker was placed above each grave.

Most dragons went to the Great Hall then, for the traditional luncheon that followed. It would be a time to tell tales of the dragons, of their bravery and their personal lives. A time to eat, to pay attention to the transient nature of life, even though deaths like this were an anomoly.

Aurich, however, stayed at the graveyard with a few others. He was suddenly devastated, and when he thought about it later, he realized that because his mother could return life to bodies, he was not actually as accustomed to death as he had thought. Rather, he was accustomed to rebirth. He approached the graves and for the first time since the three had been found dead, he began to cry and also to sing.

His song wove its way into the graves, awakening something within. No, not the dragons, for Aurich did not share his mother’s power. Instead, he sang to the very earth itself, and to the energies latent within. As he continued to cry and to sing, roots poked up out of the ground, forming themselves into a twisty, braided, and very solid bench at the head of one of the graves. Flowers, too, poked up nearby, to create a quiet spot for reflection, where visitors could rest.

The air around the next grave began to twist and rumble as Aurich’s song continued its lament. Rocks worked their way through the soil, banding together, spiking upward, until the grave was topped with a pillar nearly 3 meters tall, reaching for the sky, a silent testament to the way this dragon had lived, always reaching upward.

Aurich was beginning to grow exhausted by now, but he kept singing, forcing himself to continue weaving the magic through the earth. And in the next space, bits of metal ore flocked together, finding each other and combining, working their way upward. This part of the song was the most difficult, and Aurich was lying on the ground by the time it finished, crying into the dirt as he barely whispered the magical tune. The metals continued to form together, and when Aurich’s voice was completely gone and he looked up, he saw that this grave had a sword at its head, with sharp looking edges and the word MAGISTER etched along the blade. No, not etched, he thought, that wasn’t the right word. The sword had simply formed itself without putting anything there to be etched away, to mark the grave of the battlemaster.

It was five days before Aurich could get out of bed. He was completely drained from the energy of singing the songs into the three graves. He didn’t even remember collapsing in the graveyard, didn’t remember being carried home and attended to by a healer. But he remembered singing to the graves, instinctively knowing the way to do it. He hadn’t consciously attempted to make a bench, or a pillar, or a sword. He had only sung, and trusted the world to react how it must.

Aurich is the caretaker of the cemetery now. He uses mundane gardening skills to keep the yard pleasant and inviting, and plants flowers on older graves. And on those sad occasions when another dragon is laid to rest, Aurich sings them a monument, making the graveyard of Clan Paratus a must-see attraction for dragons traveling in the area. The songs still exhaust him, though it becomes easier with time, and he has never again done three graves in a single day.

He had thought he learned of death from his mother, but in truth, he learned death from his father, the gardener, who understood the life cycle of plants just as Aurich now understood the life cycle of dragons. The little cemetery is his Charge, and he cares for it, unceasing.

What’s your favorite joke?

”A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says, ‘Why the long face?’”


Do you have any irrational fears and if so what are they?

”I consider all of my fears to be extremely rational.”


Describe your perfect sandwich.

”Oh, salami on rye for sure, with spicy mustard.”




Emberlin- Mortician


They work together, and have a great deal of respect for one another. Emberlin enjoys visiting the cemetery to pay respects to all those who are gone, even the ones gone long ago before the monuments began.


Gilbert - Friend


Gilbert is the closest thing Aurich has to a friend. The bogsneak carves stones for the graves, and very often, Aurich’s magic incorporates those into the monuments.


Nilin - Acquaintence


The pushy philanthropist does not entirely understand the magic behind the monuments, and visits Aurich from time to time attempting to offer money to augment an older grave. She will not listen when Aurich explains that he has to have at least met the dragon for the magics to work.

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