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Personal Style


Fire Aura
Golden Starswirl
Flaxen Unicorn Mane
Amber Shades


Accent: Ginkgo Biloba Butterfly



3.95 m
3.05 m
89.01 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 20, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245






Name: Siddeon (Sid-day-un)
Charge: Diamond Sabre
Species/Model: Cadillac CTS
Personality/Qualities: Quirky, stylish, feisty, spirited, very intelligent and charming.
Accent: Unknown
Specializes In: Stellar aim
Eye Color: Bright green
Hair (when in human form): Platinum blonde with white fade; combed-over mohawk
Likes: Having fun and *occasionally* getting into trouble; strutting around.
Dislikes: Getting scolded.
Best Friends: Jenna, Morgan, Retour, Bryon, Zephyr
Rivals: Kazan
Theme Song:

Partner: Exclusive to Jenna because of his title but can’t be her partner

Parents: Unknown; never mentions them nor has anyone seen them.

Siblings: Morgan


Children: N/A


”Siddeon is a guy with character almost everyone has questioned at some point in his life. He's been part of several anti-clans, and if he wasn't one of the leaders of them, he was high ranking. For all that's fair, albeit grumpy, Sid doesn't seem to have a malignant bolt in his chassis these days. Maybe he's gotten better as he's gotten older, since his most well known endeavor, a Cadillink General, was during his teen years.
It doesn't help that Siddeon seems determined to keep a heartless facade when he's actually a loving and caring guy. He literally does this to everyone, even his closest friends. Maybe he likes keeping others on their treads and making them guess.
As any living morph, especially his human form, Sid has a condition that makes him extremely sensitive to cold. If he gets chilled for too long, he will go into shock and drop like a fly. He's not particularly afraid of cold weather and is actually known to bundle up and play in the snow despite stern warnings. For a two wheel drive with a medical condition, he really likes to live life on the edge, apparently.”

Human Appearance:



Car/truck appearance:


MLMxEyT.gif~Words from Siddeon~

TOGA: Free Falling wrote:

Meanwhile! (Bryon!)

"...So, like, are we getting wiped, or no?" Rudy mutters. "If you're going to do it, Terrance, get it over with! My memories are really sharing the good times here!" What was it going to be like to forget who Jen was, to look at her and not see our history together? Would I still love her like I did now? I sadly slump, remembering every promise I had told her; about me always being there, about me never leaving her, would all be broken. If I couldn't remember the promises, how could ever keep them?

"Where in the Ford is Terrance?" Sid demands over the speaker.

"I thought he was about to wipe us!" Rudy points. "He just ghosted us in the middle of our terror?! Who does that?!"

"Fine! If he doesn't want the honors, I'll gladly take them into my own treads!" Siddeon grumbles before a screen drops from the ceiling. Sid was on it squinting down at us, apparently a live feed from the hall. "This is revenge, Bryon! Do you know how good this will feel? You ruined every plan I ever had! We were going to rule, but you gave that up for some girl who doesn't even love you!"

"She loves me!" I snort.

"I sure as Ford don't see her here to rescue your sorry hatch! Maybe she finally realized what a catch you are. That just means this Jen is pretty darn smart. She sees things as they are."

"Don't listen to the tailpipe." Rudy growls as I blink, hurt. "Bryon, I'm her fleetmate. I can tell you with certainty that she has a burning flame for you. That jerk doesn't even know her or you anymore. You and she are both different. What does he know?"

"Screw it. Say goodbye." Sid mutters, hovering a tread over the red button. To my surprise, he hesitates. He glances back up at us, watching curiously, and nervously frowns. "...But I can't." Sid blinks in realization, then. "I can't!"

"Press the button, bro." I point.

"No! No way! I'm not going to be responsible for that! Somebody else can sell their souls to a creepy Camaro in the shadows, but it won't be me!"

"Would you press the Ford-loving button, Sid?"

"No! Stop getting in my head, dude! Stop that!"

"Ooohh! Bro, I'm putting my magical, sexy, ESV telepathic fingers in your mind!"

"No!! Stop that!! Get your fingers away from me!! I don't want your fingers!!"


"What exactly is going on right now?" Rudy blinks. "Sid, do you still have a friendship going on with your old partner in crime?"

"Of course not! I hate him and you!" Sid bristles. "But the thought of making him forget the times we were friends... Before the Cadillinks and everything... It makes me.... Sad."

"Then let us out of here and never mess with D-3 again!" I snort.


I step out of the break room to see Sid angrily arguing with Bryon over the speaker.

"I'm doing it right this time, dude." Sid hisses. "I'm making this GM forsaken planet into a better place. Civilization! Hotels! Commerce! Better laws and regulations! Bettering the life of everybody matters more than worsening the life of a couple ex friends, Bryon. Fix your priorities! Can't you fools see the bigger picture?"

"Freeze, freaker." I hiss. Siddeon jumps and whips around. He then squints and slams the mute button with his back tire.

"Well, well. You came after all." He snorts, unimpressed. "Did you think you could win with an army of one, J.R?"

"I'm the only army I need." I prove, walking right up to him and looking him in the eyes. "Because you're turning over my friends and you can't stop me from making you!"

"We'll see about that in a second." He mutters. I nervously back off as the CTS slowly drives right at me, guns drawn.

"Woah. I, uh, didn't mean kill me." I weakly laugh. "You can stop me for sure that way. I'm not even fighting back! I'm defenseless! We can talk this out!" I nervously back into a wall as Siddeon glances me up and down, taking aim. "Y-you don't have to kill me, d-do you? I j-just got here! I'm 19! I have a long life!!" He just slyly squints and smiles.

"Any last words?" Sid chuckles, amused, almost like he was humored I thought he'd lay a tread on me. Like this was all a joke.

"You're cold." I snort. "You're laughing at me when I'm about to die. I see what Bryon saw in you."

"You'll see why I'm laughing soon." He points. "The feared Welsummer! All hail! Downed by a CTS. A great leader, a fearless rebel, a legend for all, defeated by a Cadillac car when she's shot down dragons 40 times my size before."

"I wish you were at least ugly." I grumble. "It's only fitting I get killed by a freaking good looking guy. Sexy guys are always the murderers, I say. Only in my life; crap never works out the ways I hoped."

"On your knees, J.R." I slowly kneel down with a hopeless sigh. Siddeon triumphantly laughs before flooring it and charging right at me. I cringe in terror before I hear his brakes squeal. I look back up just as he slows down to a near stop and firmly but not unpleasantly bumps me with his front end. I fall on my butt, gaping, unsure as he presses me into the wall; again, firmly but yet not unpleasantly. Sid softly blinks as I blankly stare at him. Apparently he doesn't think I get the hint because he happily purrs and snuggles in a bit closer.

"What doesn't love me these days?" I snort, though relieved that he wasn't out to kill me after all.

"Let's be partners." Siddeon purrs. "You can pretend to kill me, I can pretend to kill you, and we both change our names and move the Ford out of here. Because I want to be yours."

"I realize now how crazy you cars are." I point. "When you guys are in love, you really are in love, aren't you?"

"I wasn't lying though, was 1?" He winks. "You were certainly downed by a CTS. Just admit defeat and come to me." I awkwardly glance down at his hood with a hopeless sigh.

"I need to listen to word choices better. You never really did say kill, did you? Downed, defeated, but yet, not killed. I hate you."

Green Acres Evolution: Top Grade wrote:

Jenna is taken by a trio of possessive, love obsessed loyalists after she offers to take them in off the street. An old enemy trained to act like Jen is posing as her in morph so nobody suspects her absence.
Jen is the first person unless otherwise noted.

“Let’s make a snowman!” Retour pleads. Poor Siddeon waddles over, bundled to the nines.

“I can’t move!” He hisses. “Cursed plush parkas! Always there to destroy your plans like a bunch of Lincolns!!”

“I think your brother was a little over concerned.” I giggle. “It’s only 28 degrees out. I think you can bundle down a bit.” With an eager grunt, Sid throws off his coat. To my surprise, there was another coat under the first. But he thankfully stretches, obviously more comfortable now.

“Snowballs!” Craig sings, running around in hardly any winter clothing. The other short dudes look up as he dashes by, slinging a snow ball at Retour. Poof!

“Hey! Unfair; we weren’t ready, tailpipe!” He cries.

A big crash sounds, and I realize a huge sheet of snow was slothing off the cliff.

Watch out!!” I shriek, going Ram to race to the rescue. I practically plow Craigar and Morgan out of the way, but the avalanche was already bearing down on us. The other two try to jump after us, but the thundering snow engulfs them. I crouch over the two I managed to tackle and bravely deflect the snow. Eventually, it stops falling, and I shake off the inch of snow I had accumulated and cycle my wipers.

Phoo! I can see again!” I heave, the two humans’ heads popping out of the snow drift in front of my bumper like a couple of gophers. Pop-pop!

“Holy GM! That avalanche covered up everything!” Craigar gasps. “And now I’m seriously cold! Baby, cuddle me!”

“Retour?! Siddeon?!” I shriek into the white nothingness. The snow had swallowed both of the human turned cars up in an instant.

Sid?! Holy GM, we need to find them!” Morgan cries. “If they’re still alive, when Sid gets a few degrees colder than normal, he really does get bad sick!”

“Don’t get me wrong; Sid’s an okay Caddy, but I’m far more concerned about Ree!” I reason, desperately scoping around. “Retour?! Holy Dodge, I don’t see them anywhere!”

"Errm! ERM?!"

"Retour!" I crow, mildly amused and heavily relieved. I manage to pull him out by the legs.

Phoooo! This is worse than that trek we had to take to find Geo!” Retour heaves before coughing and choking. “Thanks for—hack—being my life source as—hack hack—always, my sexy gorgeous!”

“Come here, doof nugget.” I hug him and wack him on the back a few times. “Better?”

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