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Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes
Nebula Starsilk Sleeves
Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes
Nebula Starsilk Socks
Starfall Crystalcloak




24.51 m
20.91 m
8460.35 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Sep 18, 2018
(5 years)



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Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



The Wandering Mage


"Well met, fellow traveller of the cosmos. How fare thee?"

Covin says:
“Well what good are gods really? None of this had been fated; none of it foretold. There had been no prophecies of a sword-bearing king or a mad queen, a venom spewing devil, a blind priest. They were just those who had shown up and managed to survive. Maybe that is the trick of it: to survive, to dare to stay alive, to forge your own hope when all hope runs out.”

Aelig says:
“There is nothing else to do but keep moving forward. You chose your path. You walked it. I am the same. I, too, hope to find my way home again. When I look back at those years, I feel touched and almost pained by the simplicity of the life I was living, because I knew what I had to do, and I did it, that was all.”

Ask Yourself



The Mage

Star Moss
Satin Mouse
Dainty Lilypad

I was born amidst the glistening crystals at the foot of The Observatory. My father always used to say that just above our heads, the mighty Arcanist sat gazing into the vast horizons. I was always enamoured with the Observatory. The Arcanist was not unlike a god, and I loved the thought of him living next door.

Every day, I would crane my head and peer into the windows of that incredible monument, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysteries concealed within its walls. I threw myself eagerly into my studies. My dedication combined with natural talent with magic saw me far outpace that of my other peers. I was so proud, and I always boasted to other Clans how my Clan served directly under the Arcanist, assisting and learning from him.

But my boasts were just that, empty swagger born of childish desire. I had never even seen a flicker of the one I claimed to serve. Time and time again when we asked for his blessings, for his advice, the Arcanist was not there. Prayer after prayer went unanswered.

Enough. I had decided. We dedicated our lives to his name, surely we deserved his acknowledgement! If the Arcanist would not answer our calls, I will seek him out myself.

Wandering into the Observatory itself was both terrifying and exhilarating. For so long I had lived under its all-encompassing shadow, and for the first time in my life, I dared to set foot within the towering spires. Along its pristine marble walls, countless deep magic runes gleamed. Magic saturated the air, pulsing like a living being, and my heart pounded as if one with that ageless beat.

I had waited and wandered. Hoping against hope, exploring deeper and deeper... and yet even as I threatened to get lost within the great chambers, the Arcanist never once gave me his gaze. I could not find any trace of our god. But I was young and hopeful, and I wanted to believe.

Others came and went, other pilgrims and students, hoping like I did to learn from the great teacher. They did not stay as long as I, yet they left seemingly satisfied of whatever answers they had discovered. All except me. In my exploration through the scriptures, all I could find were more questions.

The days turned into months. The weather changed, then so too did the seasons.

Youth came and went, and before I knew it, I was no longer young... and now, no longer hopeful.

If the Arcanist could speak, I could not hear. Is the magic that flowed through these halls proof of the divine? It was the same magic that filled my veins. Perhaps the Focal Point is nothing more than a mirror, reflecting our collective power back at us.

In the end, I was incapable of blessing. My search for truth yielded nothing. And so, the shifting winds now beckons me away, to somewhere far beyond the horizons.

Venturing out into the world was something not many of my Clan dared. They had all they needed - plenty of food, shelter, and the prestige of being one of the most established clans in the area. The territories are all harsh and unforgiving, the different Flights seemed alien to those who have known nothing but crystals, fields and sun.

But I was adamant. The world was bigger than the bottom of a hill. I had decided that instead of sitting rooted to this place my whole life, I would go and leave a mark elsewhere on the world. I said as much to my Clan, but I had other motives for leaving home. I thought that if only I could do something truly extraordinary, something all the dragons of all Flights will marvel at... perhaps then, the Arcanist will notice me at last.

Do I miss the Observatory? In my dreams, I often still see myself still sitting under the stars, gazing up into the night sky. It's hard to imagine now that I was ever as innocent as that little hatchling, blindly following the whispered tales of some all-knowing being. Yet I wish I can go back to those simple years, where the deities of the world were not the stories I now struggle to accept, but a fact of life.

Still, can I know that my dreams are foolish and empty, and still chase them?



Some nice comments from people, I live on sugar and compliments, thank you all!
icarus757 wrote:
Wow! i really like this little dude's lore. We are always presented the story that all of the Eleven are very real and interact with the world, so it is very interesting to see a story where at least the dragon believes the gods aren't real.

Apart from the actual plot of the story, I loved how you wrote it! It fits his character, defining him as a dreamer with how he describes the world around him.
Cytus wrote:
It's not super long, but the first person perspective makes it feel really personal, kind of like a journal entry. I honestly feel really bad for this poor Fae, being ignored by his god despite trying so hard... But it's very motivating as well, how he chose to strike out on his own instead of being complacent in ignorance.

The last two lines gave me a chill, and that's really good! I can only hope the future is brighter for him.
LordBoxman wrote:
I like the first paragraph, I thought it was cute, how he was born among the crystals, thinking of arcanist as his neighbor! lovely thought! I honestly love this bio, the idea that he goes around boasting to seen Arcanist, serving under him, but never seen him, I love how it was written, I normally don't say this a lot, but his bio is pretty inspiring, and gives me tons of ideas! Arcanist must notice this precious boy, I like the idea that, he yearns and hopes to be noticed by his god, but never does.

Honestly I really did love this bio and lore you have written for him, it had a mixure of cuteness, and lost hope in it, the idea that as a child he yearned to see Arcanist his god, but as he gets older his hope fades away. I loved that idea, now he's moved on to the scared wasteland, its very well written, and like I said in the earlier paragraph it's very inspiring, Its unique, its tells a story, and gets to the point, but doesn't rush through it, or overly into detail. I hope he gets to see Arcanist! He might see him during the Starfall Celebration! Don't lose your hope little one
TheAwesoMew wrote:
Okay, WOW.

That was so amazing! I don't see a lot of story-style first person bios, and typically none are as well written as yours was! It made me feel a real connection with the dragon telling the story, which I loved quite a lot!
Dunkarooba wrote:
I really must congratulate you on a stellar six paragraphs without a mistake, and for your grammatically correct tense switching, even if it meant the read was a little rocky for it. I actually quite like this bio! The story was concise, crisply written, descriptive without being purple... really nice all around! I'd have kind of preferred solid past tense throughout, but as it is it isn't wrong.
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