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Personal Style


Lovebirds Dried Tea
Gold Filigree Wing Guard
Gold Filigree Breastplate
Celebration Sage Sash
Brilliant Healer's Trail
Pathfinder's Leggings


Accent: Pale Morning


Scene: Remembrance


3.35 m
3.27 m
597.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 13, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Mana Bolt


Pohip Figurine Pronouns: She/her
Residence: Carrion Canyon, Shifting Expanse
Allegiances: The Canyon Courriers
Allies: Azra, Kuu
Enemies: Many, but none currently after her in particular


Fish Oil

Vegetable Oil
At any given moment, Dusk is most likely to be found trailing after her preferred duo of morons, Azra and Kuu. Together, this trio makes up a single segment of the Canyon Couriers, a group that takes messeges, deliveries, and whatever else a dragon might want dragged through Carrion Canyon between the fire, lightning, and light territories. While they only work on-and-off with the Couriers, they are one of their most valuable assets as—when there's any trouble along the routes—they arrive to bring cargo safely through these rougher areas and oftentimes 'remove' the problem in the process.

When fighting, her role within their team is to make sure that neither Kuu nor Azra "get in over their heads." Essentially, she makes sure they don't get themselves killed while charging in after a Burrow Bear alone for the third time this week (it's Tuesday). As a result, she's become very skilled with healing magic. One tap is all it takes for her to heal significant damages anywhere from broken bones to bloodloss... enough to finish a fight, anyway. After that, she's begrudgingly stuck tending to injuries that admittedly might've been better off if they weren't actively still fighting whatever creature had given them the injuries in the first place but, in her defense, dead is a whole lot worse than hurt.

Healing magic, of course, isn't Dusk's only talent. In her own words, "the best medicine is to prevent the injury in the first place... which means this golem's goin' down." Though she only really ever uses one or two spells, she weilds the combat half of them equally (and terrifyingly) as well as her healing. Her lack of extra arcane learnings stems solely from the fact that she considers it stupid to "fix something that ain't broke," and she's yet to meet a single situation where her small spell repertoire was too broken to fix the problem she found herself in.

Though she spends much of her time roughing up the monster of the week for the Canyon Couriers and healing her friends, Dusk does more than just work. In her free time, she likes to collect various dried herbs. She argues this is only for medicinal purposes but a dragon with a good botanical eye would notice that she has a large variety of tea leaves stashed away in the cave den her small trio has carved out in Carrion Canyon. She's even got some rarer species growing in a shelf-garden of seedlings she's collected on the longer distance trips her trio takes for further reaching deliveries (the number of which seems to be increasing with every courier added on to the organization).

Wartoad Trainee

Molten Tadpole
With how busy she often is, most would expect Dusk to be exhausted the majority of the time, and yet, somehow, she manages to always have not only enough energy to heal and fight enthusiastically, but also to chew out everyone around her for the whatever stupid thing they've most recently done (usually relating to what she has to heal). Though she never leaves an injured dragon unattended, Dusk never fails to grumble and growl throughout the entire healing process. In fact, she's even bitten some particularly stubborn patients who, despite her protests that she "could've bitten much harder," were left with sore scales for days afterward.

Perhaps it's because of her constant grumpiness that she takes such delight in being able to throw an arcane punch or two once she's finally done giving her teammates refreshers. In fact, the best time to catch a smile on Dusk's persistently scowling face is when she's out training on her own with whatever creature is willing to spar with her (be they attempting to kill her or not). She loves a challenge and, with her earned confidence in her combative skills, there's rarely a foe too strong for her to be willing to let loose with.

That all being said, Dusk isn't without kindness. There is a reason she's a healer, after all. Her affection for her teammates is unmatched and, reluctant as she may act about it, even strangers are often subject of her "stupidly large capacity to care." It's not uncommon for her trio to come across an injured dragon who she absolutely refuses to let go unhealed (regardless of any protests that dragon may or may not have). In fact, if you paid attention to when she got most annoyed, you'd notice that her speech is most complaint-ridden after someone's gotten hurt (her lectures are legendary).

Dire Claw Pelt

Burrow Bear Hide
According to Dusk, there isn't much to her life, and this would ring true to some. After all—to her knowledge—she wasn't born to a particularly important clan. She didn't belong to any particular territory or flight. Her early life was characterized by little more than a lack of links to any one group beyond her family, a small group made up of a single mother mirror dragon and her children.

Of her siblings, she was both the sole skydancer and the only one born within the Starfall Isles. Her siblings, both larger and stronger than she was—then she thought she could ever even dream of being—were by no means antagonistic or bullying with her. Much the opposite. They treated her with a certain fearful carefulness. When they whenever they hunted or sparred, she was forever sidelined. Treated as naught but a glass dragon.

Even when she found her talent for magic, she was delegated to a healer's role. Useful, appreciated, loved, but never equal. Never included. Never one to share in the excitement that sparked between them when an elk herd passed close by or the frustration of a lost fight. An outsider in every meaningful sense of the phrase.

Still, Dusk was many things, but a coward has never been one of them. As her resentment grew, so too did her hunger to prove herself. One night she snuck away from her family's chosen resting place, found a local arena where dragons casually sparred... and immediately proceeded to fight like a leafy moth in the breeze—that is to say, not well. And the next night she did it again. And again. And again. As they travelled across Sornieth, she got her scales handed to her in just about every fight she participated in.

That is, until she eventually found herself up against a spiral opponent about her age. Up until this point, she'd been trying to fight the "traditional" way, relying only on claws and strength just as her family did, but that night—for a reason she still can't quite fully explain—she decided to try something new. Magic.

To Azra's credit, she was a very inexperienced fighter at the time, but—long story short—Dusk absolutely whupped her. Afterward, of course, she made sure to heal her, and they both enjoyed the fight so much that—for the short clawful of months her family spent in the area—they practiced relentlessly. Dusk became fast friends with both Azra and her friend, Kuu, and together they honed their skills until Dusk finally felt ready to show her family.

Then she did.

And they didn't seem to care.

Sure, they thought it was neat that she'd discovered this new spell of hers. And wow, it really did a number on that tree there, huh? But not enough to sway their long-held views of her. She wasn't sure it ever would be.

Then and there, she decided to leave. Her family, confused, but attempting to be supportive, made no step to stop her. Her travelling lifestyle continued with Kuu and Azra and, with one another at their sides, none feared roughing it by themselves. Eventually they managed to catch the eye of the Courriers and they started accepting jobs—it was nice to be able to buy a few ammenities here and there, after all. Ever since, they've been the resident bruisers of the Canyon Courriers. If there's any rough mission in need of taking, the trio is the first people they'll call, and Dusk is happy to answer.

Note: No members of Dusk's mechanical Flight Rising lineage are considered members of Dusk's lore and her Flight Rising age is not canon

Sakura Moss Pressed Flower Unicorn Dust Pohip Planter Vengeful Claws Herbalist's Satchel Wildwood Moss

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"Why are you asking about...did Benson get into the medical supplies again? No? Are you sure? Why are you interrupting me, then, can't you tell I'm busy? You want to know what I think about her? She's a pain in my tail, she's better than every single one of you, and I'll bite anyone who says otherwise... What're you staring at? That's just a toy mammertee. I'm keeping him because Azra gave it to me... No, he's not cute, he's ferocious and intimidating. Shut up!"
"Kuu's the most tolerable dragon I've ever met. Sure, that stupid smirk of his he does whenever he's got a deal going on's annoying as being the only healer around during chipskink nesting season, but it gets the job done and he's a heck of a lot better about it than anyone else. Plus, he gets injured a lot less too. That's always something I appreciate. Speaking of him, I'm working on a new tea blend for his hatchday. Which means I'm busy, get out."

Threats by Dusk
"Try that again and I'm going to rip off your tail and feed it to you."

"Oh, you're scared of dire bears? I've lost count of the number I've killed. Solo. Remember that."
"Careful. I bite."

"Just a little tidbit about me—I know where every bone in the dragon body is and exactly how to break it."
"If I have to treat one more chipskink bite, I'm becoming an exterminator."

"Do you value your face? Do you want me to scratch it?"

Headcanon by endsinger
While Dusk may seem very rough around the edges at times, she does harbor a soft spot for those she cares about, and this includes her brilliant psywurm familiar, Tarragon.

They met one another during some uneventful, easy delivery trip near light territory. Tarragon was but a baby at the time, and seemed to be abandoned and injured, perhaps by another dragon who forgot to finish him off. The little psywurm, afraid of Dusk, tried his best to defend himself from what he perceived to be another threat, but alas, he was too young to control his magic and his meager nibbles and scratches did nothing to the powerful dragon. He was simply too weak.

Dusk, feeling sorry for the psywurm, and perhaps even being reminded of her own past of feeling too fragile, decided to heal him as best she could before they left to continue their work.

But psywurms have excellent memory, and never forget someone who helped them. And thus, the little psywurm followed the couriers, sneaking at first, unsure of if he could trust the other dragons. Then, slowly, he made his presence known to Dusk. She had cursed herself for allowing a creature to sneak up on them at first, but once she realized which one it was, she let her guard down.

It seems the poor thing just wanted a family. So she took him in, training him and not-so-secretly pampering him like a spoiled hatchling, until he was brave and strong. He even finally gained control of his magic, just as Dusk had, and could even help in battles from time to time! She named him Tarragon, after he snuck into her garden the moment they got back to the lair and ate some she was growing for culinary purposes. She couldn't be mad at him though, it was nice, seeing him happy.

She was his new family.
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