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Personal Style


Tigerlily Flowerfall
Will o' the Wisp
Autumn Breeze
Envious Eye Earrings
Haunting Amber Taildecor
Haunting Amber Forejewels
Haunting Amber Clawrings
Haunting Amber Pendants
Ember Sylvan Headpiece
Ember Sylvan Lattice
Copper Halfmoon Spectacles
Studious Healer's Reference



Scene: Starksand Dunes


4.58 m
5.73 m
661.39 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 15, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Skydancer
EXP: 882 / 16009
Leaf Bolt



  • none



Chimera Hide

▬▬ ABOUT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Rea is remarkably different than the person the members of the rebellion picture her to be. She is every bit as brilliant as they think she is, yes, but when it comes to her personality... the Rea the rebellion pictures might as well be a completely different person who happens to share her talent.

An anxious person by nature, Rea is not at all the no-nonsense all-business person just about everyone thinks she is. No, she is in fact not handling the immense pressure of having a massive role in the potential fate of the clan, thank you very much. She absolutely hates the way others perceive her. But at the same time, she's terrified of how people will react if she is honest about herself. Even if they don't end up resenting her, she fears that she'll crush their hope and let everyone down. So she stays shut in her office, hiding away from everyone's gaze and just hoping that no one will see her true self.

But as overwhelmed as she is, Rea does not want to run away. She can't sit around hoping that her problems will solve themselves or that someone will come along and carry the burden instead. Every bit of time is precious, and she cannot waste any of it. Rea may be terrified, but she is also determined. Not only to live up to everyone's expectations, but also to prove to herself that she is capable.

▬▬ ORIGIN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Rea was (and still is) the child prodigy many parents dream of. The sort of person that a parent could not help but brag about. The classmate who was so talented and smart that they felt almost untouchable. She took courses meant for students years older than her, piled as many classes into her schedule as she could, and was an active member of several math and science clubs. Despite the overwhelming amount of work, she was successful in all of it.

Rea didn't mind the work, despite how busy it made her. She genuinely enjoys intellectual challenges and will seek them out. What did bother her, however, was the attention. Being lauded like a genius was embarrassing, but even worse was her reputation. As more people became aware of her talent and intellect, they began to put her on a pedestal. She was seen as unreachable, so distant from the realm of the ordinary to the point where she was like a legend.

Not only did Rea hate being idolized, she also felt as if she didn't deserve her reputation. Yeah, she was a hardworking person, but there were so many other people in the world that were better than she ever could be. Why give so much attention to her? The skydancer couldn't help but feel guilty whenever people praised her, feeling as if she was lying to them.

Even though Rea has graduated, she still finds herself in a similar situation in the rebellion. People view her as a shining beacon of hope, the answer to their most difficult problem. Rea does not enjoy the attention any more than she did in her school days, but she has developed a different view on her reputation. If people thought she was so brilliant, then she could at least try to become the person they see her as. Or maybe she'll learn to see that she was just that excellent all along.

▬▬ ADDITIONAL ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

» Full Name: Rea Auretta

» Age: adult

» Pronouns: she/her

» Relationship Status: single

» Likes: tomato soup, novelty erasers, and lying down on the floor and doing nothing

» Dislikes: energy drinks, movies, and being alone with her thoughts

___ » a photo album. It is filled with pictures of her childhood cats. Whenever Rea feels particularly overwhelmed, she opens the album to look at the photos.

» a sleeping bag. Rea often sleeps in her office to avoid leaving it in order to go to her room.
____ ▬▬ RELATIONSHIPS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

"...when was the last time I even saw him? It's always Accalia who's checking on me. I mean, I'm sure he's busy, but I don't think he's even talked to me once. He hasn't even sent me any emails or anything."


"I cannot put into words how much I want to tear you to pieces. The day the world is free of you is the day I'm free of this wretched pressure."


"I really, really hate talking to her. Not that Accalia is unpleasant or anything, it's just... out of everyone, she has placed the most confidence in me."


▬▬ NOTES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

» suffers from social anxiety even with people outside of the rebellion

» only talks to the other engineers when it's necessary, though she still talks to them more often than she does with other people in the rebellion

» rarely leaves the secret base she's located in because Adrienne knows what she looks like and she is a high priority target

» has not told anyone about how she's struggling with the pressure

» tired aaaaaaall the time

▬▬ OTHER LORE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Chrome Laser Head


The early days of the rebellion were marked by many sleepless nights of debating the best way to go about taking down Adrienne. Thanks to a reliable informant and spy, the rebellion gathered a small stash of valuable information in a short amount of time. Unfortunately, this new information brought about a terrible revelation: Adrienne is a god. And not just any god; she's an ancient celestial being from outer space, capable of many breathtaking and horrifying feats alike. Though her days of glory are long gone, she's still very much able to stamp the rebellion down into the dirt.

Panic among the rebellion's ranks quickly rose. How could they take down being of such power? Surely they'd die the moment Adrienne saw them coming. Where in the world could they find someone who could rival her in terms of power? The rebellion's elite agents scrambled to adapt to this information. It was Accalia who came up with a solution: Adrienne doesn't necessarily need to be taken down with brute force; the rebellion could be smart about how they took advantage of her weak links.

An army of dragons cannot compare to Adrienne's might, but perhaps with some time and money, technology can. If they could develop something that could even slightly limit Adrienne's power, the inevitable fight would be so much easier. Less lives would be lost, and their chance at victory would increase. Though it would most certainly cost a significant amount of money and time, using technology to achieve the rebellion's goal would be faster and easier without a doubt.

Hired by the rebellion, Rea currently acts as the head of several groups of engineers tasked to design something that could limit Adrienne's power. She's made one thing very clear to everyone that she works with: leave her alone unless you absolutely need her. Upon hearing this, most would think it's because she is the sort of no-nonsense person who despises interruptions. She wants to dedicate as much time to this project as she possibly can, and she's determined to see it through. Considering the fact that the rebellion's plans rely almost entirely on her work, this would make sense. Nearly all of the rebellion assume this is the reason why she prefers to be left alone.

While Rea certainly does feel the pressure of everyone else's expectations, she has not coped with it as well as everyone thinks she has. The skydancer was an anxious person to begin with, and the pressure of her job has made it significantly worse. She's working her hardest to find a solution, but it's taking everything she has to not let the stress suffocate her.

It is true that the rebellion has multiple plans in place in case something goes wrong, but Rea can't shake the feeling that if she so much as makes one mistake, she'll let everyone down. Everyone in this clan will suffer from The Fallen One's actions, and it will be all her fault. The skydancer is not aware of whether there are other forces opposing Adrienne; as far as she knows, the fate of this clan rests almost entirely on her shoulders.

But Rea doesn't want to run away. She couldn't even if she wanted to; the amount of targets that Adrienne has on her back would make leaving the rebellion a death sentence. She does not want to give up on this project or hope that someone else will come along, willing to take over her position. The skydancer does not want to sit there and hope that fate will somehow solve all these problems for her, that suddenly her responsibilities will be gone. Every moment waiting is precious time lost. Even if she feels like the pressure will break her to pieces, even if her chest hurts so much that she feels like she could collapse, she will give everything she has to finding a solution. Because not only does fate rest on her shoulders; Rea wants to show herself that she is just as capable as everyone is expecting her to be. She won't let Adrienne nor her anxiety win.

original codes by Archaic and Auraea
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