
Level 1 Guardian
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Guardian
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Corsair's Seaspray Cap
Privateer's Seaspray Kerchief
Corsair's Rusty Cutlass
Buccaneer's Seaspray Overcoat
Blue Renaissance Shirt
Corsair's Seaspray Boots
Seafarer's Breeches




19.38 m
13.13 m
9274.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 11, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Name: Jack

Quote: Everythin' has it's price, what's rare is findin' a dragon who refuses to be bought.

Position: Pirate Captain

Personality: Jack is a blunt drake and can easily offend other dragons without fully meaning to as he often speaks his mind and gives his opinion without hesitating. he is a friendly drake and would be the first to offer help if it was needed although he can be intimidating he is generally a kind drake with a soft spot for Raelynn and her children. he is a gruff drake and doesn't sugar coat things in any way as that can often lead to heart ache in the end or so it has in his experience, he is firm in his dealings with potential customers and if need be with his crew although he generally doesn't need to do much to enforce his orders. to him his crew is family although a green horn may not last long if they can't shape up they often leave his ship one way or another, he can be cruel at times if there is a need.

Quirks: Scarring, soft spot

Background: Jack grew up in a small village on the coast with his parents and younger siblings, they were not particularly wealthy, but he worked hard to keep his family living comfortably. he worked as carver, using drift wood to carve small figures and decorative things to hang on den walls and such as well as personalized signs when requested. his small village was the target of annual bandit raids, something he had experienced since he was small and knew to be cautious of as if they were in a particular bind for coin they would take abled bodied drakes for work on their ships and sold when they reached port. Jack didn't really want to end up another sale for the bandits and took to closing down shop in the evenings in an attempt to prevent such a unfortunate situation.
Jack spent years like this, he was far from a weak drake at the beginnings of adolescence and competent to work and bring treasure to his family, but he was still unprepared when he was asked to accompany a Pirate captain on a fishing trip, the drake was the captain of a merchant ship which often came to the village with supplies although it was well known he was a pirate not many dragons care much so long as the village was spared his raids. Jack agreed to the fishing trip, having had a odd friendship with the drake from the time he was small, the trip was more a trip to help several fisher drakes who had a haul they couldn't manage to pull in. they didn't see the smoke until they were near the shore again, the village was burning, the bandits had attacked and slaughtered the village.

The Captain immediately barked and order to the fisher drakes and they changed course to come up along side the Pirate ship, Black Wolf, and called for a ladder to be thrown down to them. the older drake helps them onto the ship and bellowed for the anchor to be lifted. once out on the open water the elder drake offered a place on his ship to the newly homeless dragons. Jack accepted while his clan mates declined and were left at a port to start rebuilding their lives and Jack started learning the ropes of living on a pirate ship and found he enjoyed living on the ship and stealing what they wanted from other ships, they rarely had to kill those they robbed and the pay was nice once the valuables they found were sold. he was soon well liked by the crew and well respected by those on the ship, he was happy in his new life although there were several ports they could not go to because of past thefts gone wrong which ended in the crew being wanted by the clan guards.
He spent years like this before an attack when near the Sunbeam Ruins, the attack left the Captain dead and the crew scrambling to figure out what to do. Jack stepped up and barked orders, watching the crew scramble to do as he ordered and get as far from the area as possible before slowing down and giving the former captain a burial at sea. soon Jack was Captain as the crew felt it was only right as he had gotten them to safety. Jack accepted the new position willingly and began working hard to continue as they had been, finding a safe harbor with a friendly town and a decent Tavern was a big boon. Jack was happy for the break the tavern offered and the cook of the tavern was another decent reason to keep coming back as he found a affection for the dragoness.

Temperance was the cook for the tavern and was looking for something better for herself than cooking in a tavern, Jack and Temperance grew close as time passed and Jack offered her a place on the Black Wolf before he left, offering to give her time to think about his offer. bidding her a farewell before they left again, stealing from ships and coastal clans and selling what they had taken and doing honest work from time to time when they were hired. it was one of the legal jobs that took them far from the usual areas they tended to stay in, Jack worried, but focused on the task at hand with the thought that the time it took to get back would pass quickly enough.
They did eventually come back to the familiar port and Jack found Temperance waiting for him in the tavern and asked if she had made a decision yet, her answer was that she would go with him. he courted her after they set sail again and Jack was happy to continue acting as a merchant and taking what he wanted from merchant ships that he happened to be in the area his ship roamed. he grew older and watched his crew grow and change, becoming a handsome adult in little time at all, Temperance, known on the Black Wolf as Dusty, agreed to be his mate and Jack was very happy.

Jack came to a port in hopes of finding a little bit of rest for his crew and maybe some more contacts as the 'honest work' he took at times had been thin and he was hoping to find rumors he could investigate or a job he and his crew could do. Jack heard of a caravan which was supposed to be bringing in two young souls from warring noble houses, Jack snorted in amusement at the though of bratty children running from their homes and families where they undoubtedly had things easy. when he hear of the bandits on he road and the caravan being late he perked up, it didn't matter much one way or another to him if the brats lived, but the caravan had most likely been carrying something of value or the couple had.
He quickly gathered up a few of his crew and went in search of this caravan, finding it was difficult as it had been a few miles walk from the nearest town. finding it Jack and his crew spread and searched for whatever hadn't been taken, the guards who had been there had put up a good fight against the bandits, but in the end brutality had left none of them breathing. seeing two of the supposed bandits Jack's blood ran cold, they were not bandits, the poor fools had insignia for two of the noble houses from the southern Ice fields. he thought about calling his lads and getting out of the area as more of these guards were likely coming, but heard a soft whimpering that made him pause and listen. the whimpering sounded again and he followed it to find a newborn hidden in some soft cloth behind it's parents, both adolescents seemed to have been killed protecting the little one, the thought struck him when he saw the insignia on the two for the different houses to see which would pay more for the hatchling.

Picking the shaking hatchling up he saw the small, but deep wound over her eye, the wound would not take her sight thankfully, but it would leave a scar to mar her pretty features. Jack looked back at the guards and felt a cold chill wondering if giving her to either family would be a good idea if they were willing to go to such lengths. he shook his head and looked at the hatching who was still shivering and crying quietly as she looked back at her parents, he hoped she would not remember what had happened here. he gathered some of the cloth up and wrapped it around her, she cuddled close to him and sniffled a little as she buried her face in his neck; Jack called his crew to him before coming back to the ship.
Dusty was shocked by the hatchling curled into Jack's arms and quickly brought the little one some food and water, the small dragoness happily took what was offered and as Dusty asked him what happened. Jack explained what he had seen and his plan for the hatchling, Dusty didn't seem thrilled with the idea of selling the hatchling back to either family and Jack expressed his own doubts about his plan himself. the hatchling was soon comfortable with them and happy enough to watch the crew work or stay beside Jack, he found himself getting attached to the fearless little dragoness and spoke to Dusty about keeping her. Dusty agreed as she had a affection for the little one, Jack watched the little hatchling and named her Raelynn for lack of knowing her real name.

Jack raised Raelynn as his own, become 'Uncle' Jack to her, he told her she had come from a bandit clan, her parents had been the leaders for the clan and she their princess until the clan was wiped out and he found her. as she grew he taught her how to run the ship and other skills she would need when she was grown, she often went with him on shore when he would meet other captains and was well known as his niece by his allies and was well liked. he decided to send her to a school where she could learn better than he or his crew could teach her although he wanted nothing more than to keep her with him. he took her to the school himself, the walk there was a sad one as Raelynn didn't really want to leave the only family and home she had ever known, Jack gave her the necklace her mother had been wearing when he found her.
Jack looked forward to her letters and finally one came asking if he would mind watching two hatchlings she had adopted, former servants from an abusive master that her patron had adopted and given to her. she had granted then their freedom and given them a mother, he agreed to take them in as he had her and docked after a short time, when he saw Raelynn she darted over and hugged him which he returned warmly. Raelynn introduced him to Falkor and Avita who didn't meet his gaze and tried to stay behind her, he crouched and greeted the hatchlings as Raelynn introduced them to him with a warm smile. as the hatchlings hugged her tightly and bid tearful goodbyes Raelynn followed him to a tavern and confide in him that she wanted to come back to the Black Wolf more than anything and likely would soon as she did not get on well with her companions.

Jack welcomed her home with open arms and smiled as the dragoness raised her hatchlings as he had raised her, he enjoyed watching Avita and Falkor become more confidant and comfortable in their new home. Jack began thinking of finding a place to call home aside from the ship, he would ask around when they docked and eventually found out about a nameless guild run by
a young dragoness and thought to at least talk with her. finding Luna was a difficult task although once he found her and started talking, offering to act as her clan's merchant as well as finding items they want or need for themselves or for sale.
Luna was thrilled with the idea and agreed readily, working on a dock for them within the territory was something she consulted him and several others about as it was beyond her knowledge and Jack was happy to help. allowing his crew to find places to build their dens and building his and Dusty's den himself he was happy to work for his stay in the clan and that he could provide a safe place for his family to live while they were docked. Jack was far from retired and still went sailing often for a job or just because he wanted to, the only difference was which boat he took and if it was just him, Raelynn and himself, or the whole crew with him.

(Thank you to Brewster for Jack's boots! :3)




Adopted niece
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