
Level 25 Skydancer
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Energy: 48
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Male Skydancer
Male Skydancer
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Lucky Woodbasket
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Lucky Woodtreads
Bloody Arm Bandages


Accent: Starwood Drifter


Scene: Mire


3.47 m
5.74 m
844.73 kg


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Jul 30, 2018
(6 years)


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Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
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Beryl's avatar
Primrose Mith

Well, Alba had to get his stories from somewhere, and while he has plenty for all of the hatchlings, he craves more stories, fresh stories that he can tell other dragons without a sigh and a rolling of the eyes. That was all that Alba wanted, but he found himself afraid to leave the comforts of the Family's Lair.

That is when his son Beryl, just barely out of the grasps of childhood, confronted Alba and willingly took the task to find new stories for him. The morning after this talk, Beryl left without a trace. Never again would he be seen in the Family's Lair.

He spends as much time as possible traveling, often far from any civilized Lairs - and he enjoys it that way. Why bother with other dragons when he's set out to find adventures and brawls?

Along the way he's met a Primrose Mith, and named him Debbord. He is the only company Beryl has until he decides to return home. Ever since meeting Debbord, the Mith has acted as a messenger. Every now and again the Family's Lair will see him with a decent number of scripts, all for Alba to use when Storytime approaches.

And while Alba is glad for all of Beryl's hard work, he wishes his son would return home soon...


The following story in which you are about to read has been written by the talented wolfdragon112. You can view this very work again, along with other works in their Lore Shop forum!

Beryl walked along the barren ground of the Abiding Boneyard. The dragon usually flew around but his wings were sore and tired so he decided to give them a break. He heard a flutter of wings and his primrose mith Debbord gave a small shriek at the dragon before hiding on Beryls other side. Beryl let out a growl at the dragon wondering what they were doing. “Who are you and what do you want.” Beryl said curtly hoping to get rid of this dragon as fast as possible. “Hello to you to mister, I'm Tolmun, i'm from your Clan. I'm a friend of Alba, well maybe not a friend but I do love to listen to his stores. Which is the reason I came to find you actually. I really want to team up-” Beryl cut the annoying dragon off. There was no way he would even think about teaming up with what seemed to be a hatchling. “No way will I be teaming up with some hatchling. Now fly along I've got stories to write and adventure to seek.” Beryl said hoping the dragon would realize he didn't want him near him and just go away. “Sorry buddy but I won't be taking no for an answer.” Beryl was about to say a hard no but Debbord flew up to his ear and whispered “Accept.” Not many familiars could speak and even if they could they usually chose not to but when they did speak it was smart to listen to them. “Fine, but if your going to stay. You're going to abide by my rules.” He snapped, he wasn't used to being in another dragons company, and he really wished he didn't have to deal with this dragon but he didn't seem to be backing down. Even though Beryl would be cold to the younger dragon most of the time he did grow to like him.

The pair of dragons would stay with each other for a long time. They faced many challenges and were rewarded with great riches, their favorite being knowledge. The two dragons seemed to equally crave it, that and the stories they acquired through that knowledge. Beryl’s favorite experience and one of the more dangerous ones. Tolmun and Beryl had just recently gotten to the Windswept Plateau or more importantly the Twisting Crescendo. The two dragons were buzzing with excitement that had been looking forward to this adventure for a while. They had heard that in the Windswept Plateau there were small whirlwinds that you could ride through. Dragons said it was a great way to find adventure because you never knew were you would end up. Beryl still remembered so distinctly that they had just arrived. The two dragons had planned to stay in a small den for the night to allow their wings some time to rest. One moment they were discussing their plans the next they were being scooped up by the wind. Beryl remembered yelling out to Tolmun but the violent wind carried his voice away before it could reach the other dragon. That was when Beryl noticed that this wasn't one of the normal whirlwinds, no a normal whirlwind wasn't this violent and you could usually escape it if you tried. But this whirlwind wasn't letting either of the dragons go. No it was strong to strong, Beryl still remembered the fear he felt as his body started to be pulled in two different direction. The whirlwind had felt like it was about to rip him in two, but before he could be a force barreled into him. Beryl felt his body leave the whirlwind and go tumbling towards the ground. Right when he was about to splatter on the ground he regained his senses and spread his wings. He gave a few heavy pumps and was able to land somewhat gracefully on the ground.

Beryl would then go on to learn that it was Tolmun that saved him. Apparently the whirlwind had gotten close to a mountain and Tolmun had been able to push off of it and happened to run into Beryl on the way. Beryl smiled fondly at the memory but snapped out of it when Tolmun said “Beryl it's time you have been adventuring for years. Go back to our clan. Settle down and start a family. The clan will probably give you an amazing role considering how much you've done. Plus i'm sure your family misses you.’’ Beryl knew this conversation would have to come some time but he wasn't ready to give up all the adventure or was he. He had been doing this for years, without ever getting to visit his family. The older male let out a deep sigh before reluctantly agreeing. After a depressing hug Beryl watched as his partner in crime flew away. He gave his friend one last wave before he to turned around and flew away. After day of flying Beryl finally started to see the sights of his old home. That's when he spotted it his old den. He looked at it fondly before landing down. Berly slowly and carefully creeped towards the den. “Mom! Dad! I anyone home. He called softly. There was a flutter of wings before the dragon was crushed in a hug. He smiled, happy to finally be home.

A Familiar Encounter
Excerpt in progress...

Quick Notes:
- Since the incident that led him to Debbord, his Familiar, the Mith has stuck almost desperately close to him. He's deduced that Debbord may have been harmed by other dragons, considering how suspicious he is when near other dragons. (This also gave him more reason to travel alone, until meeting Tolmun.)

- As a Skydancer, Beryl is inclined to magical prowess - however, he has rather taken to claw-to-claw combat. Battle stories aren't as fun with a far-range weapon (or so he believes)!

- Upon returning home, he has settled down some. However, he still craves the excitement of battle. He originally filled this craving by forming a team with Maista and Dariam. This team has since disbanded, and Beryl now acts as a Battle Trainer in the Mires. He also occasionally joins his mother, Torere, and her colleague, Sida, to battle in the Kelp Beds.

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Exalting Beryl to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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