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Personal Style


Enchanted Owl Necklace
Hip Black Frames
Marigold Flower Crown
Primary Alchemist Tools
Mage's Walnut Overcoat
Dusty Highnoon Vest
Leather Wing Wraps
Leather Tail Wrap
Heraldic Scale Greaves
Diaphanous Sylvan Lattice




6.59 m
6.24 m
380.77 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 19, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245


     Melvin Jones
     The Doctor

Married to: Dante
Father to: Cyril, Amberly & Aylira
Theme: The Phantom Forest
━━ story ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

“Be careful Doctor Melvin! It’s a long way back home.” The elder lady quickly looked around, then handing him the basket full of herbs. “A lot of people have been dying and disappearing here overnight, we wouldn’t want to lose such an amazing doctor as yourself to whatever creatures are roaming the night!” Melvin looked down at his basket for a moment, checking all the herbs to make sure he had everything he needed for his next batch of medicines. Lunabells, Peppermint, Casia, Morningstars, Chamomile… And tons of other plants that could help him the next couple of months.

“Thank you… This is all I needed. I’ll be careful, promised. Can’t catch me if they can’t see me haha!” He made a fingergun motion at the lady, trying to lighten up the mood for a moment, before quickly forcing himself back into polite manners. He thanked her, then handed her a purse full of gold before leaving.

It was clearly slowly becoming winter, the sky was covered in a huge blanket of big, puffy, grey clouds most of the time, the first snowflakes had already made their way down and a cold and eerie wind, gushed past Melvin, making a shiver run down his spine. He coughed for a brief moment, pulling his long cloak closer to him. The sun was already setting and his only source of light was a small lantern at this point, he had to hurry up if he wanted to get back home before it would get below freezing point.

He pushed himself to walk faster, the sounds of breaking branches being the only noise for a long while until eventually… His ears managed to pick up a faint sound. And suddenly everything was awfully silent, dreadful silent… Like even the wind had stopped for a brief moment.

Melvin’s heart jumped in his chest and his eyes quickly looked back and forth as if trying to look for something. Suddenly there were footsteps and as he turned around to look into said direction he was only met with more forest, blurring most of his vision. He swallowed, quickly pacing faster until he realised he was started to sprint. But while he was running faster, the noise also seemed to come closer… Melvin didn’t trust this one bit and as much as he wanted to ask who was following him, he was too afraid that might cause the creature to come even closer.

Someone as helpless as him would be an easy prey, he was a doctor… Not a fighter. He was capable of using his claws for self-defence whenever necessary but that was about it! Never had his parents taught him how to use a simple sword, or a dagger… Yeah a pitchfork or a scythe perhaps, but only to move haystacks and farm crops.

Sweat started to pour down his forehead, even in the cold like this and as he started to sprint faster, while clumsily trying to dodge all the trees he suddenly bumped into something. A slight yelp escaped his lips as he fell down to the ground, his lantern shattering on a nearby rock, the herbs from his basket scattering across the ground and his glasses falling from his face.

His breathing started to become faster as he frantically started to look for them. No way that he could see without them, especially in the dark. Everything was a blur and his hands and toes had become completely numb from the cold… Oh Melvin, how did you ever manage to get yourself into this mess? Perhaps his parents were right and it would have been better if he had gone here in the early morning. But no, he had decided to be a total idiot and wait for the last moment to do so because he wanted to finish his other works first. Foolish decision, he could have decided to go and get the herbs in the morning and do everything else later during the day.

Suddenly he felt an arm on his shoulder and he quickly snapped his face into said direction. Behind him stood a tall figure, which he could barely make out, their eyes glowing red… Melvin stopped with breathing, his body stiffening at the sight. And the world around him suddenly started to become cold… Colder than usual.

“P-P-Please, make it q-quick!” He stuttered, averting his gaze into another direction, anything so he wouldn’t have to face his own fate. The tall figure said nothing, instead he held out his hand, in which clearly were a pair of glasses.

“I thinkest thou dropped these… Perhaps thou shouldst be more careful in the future, next time thou might be all on thy own.” From the sound of their voice, they were a young male… Friendly even perhaps. Otherwise he wouldn’t have offered him this, Melvin carefully took the glasses out of his hand, trembling as he did so which only caused the man behind him to give a faint laugh.

“I-I-It’s not so funny, sneaking up on me like that during the night! You could have been anyone, you know!” Melvin groaned, quickly gathering his belongings before getting back to his feet, but as he turned around to face the mysterious figure, his heart sank. A new fear soon forming along with a new emotion, excitement. Before him stood a man, with long black hair, red eyes, long ears, many scars and… Wings? Even so he appeared to be rather formal besides his rather scary look. And within seconds he knew who was standing before him…

“D-Damon!!” Melvin nearly shrieked, but he was quick to realise that shouting probably wouldn’t be causing any good. The man smiled at him with amusement, tapping his chin thoughtfully before opening his mouth to speak once more.

“So thou hast heard about me… Seems like at least some people are smart enough to look past the ‘legends’.” His eyes darted towards the broken lantern, signifying that he actually was here to help. “Perhaps I could lend thee a hand, it’s dangerous out here during this hour. Thou couldst have met someone far more… Dangerous, than me. A vampire perhaps, or if thou art lucky a werewolf, they usually are quick to kill their victims.”

Melvin sighed, taking a step back, then bumping against a nearby tree. “Can we stop talking about my possible premature death? I know I made a mistake by getting some herbs during the night, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m sure I can find my way home very well, dude.” He said, as he slowly started to make his way back home, this time without a lantern.

“Oh! Not even thanking the person who helped thee? How rude, perhaps someone ought to teach thee some manners!” Melvin stiffened, slowly turning around to face the man again.

“Says the one who has been stalking me for the past hour or so! Why do you want to help me anyways? You’re known for being a killer!” Damon’s expression was no longer as amused and he simply stared at him for a brief moment, crossing his arms.

“If thou knowest that part then thou also knowest the one where I saved thousands of people while trying to protect my Kingdom. Oh wait! Of course that part was never mentioned, because guess what… Humans only use the parts they think sound best to scare other people.” The words were enough to make Melvin think for a brief moment and consider his previous offer… But he still wasn’t sure if he could trust this mysterious figure.

Damon reached his hand out however, a grimace spreading across his face, revealing sharp teeth that could easily snap someone’s neck in half or completely drain them from their blood. “Last offer… Consider it one between mutual Shapeshifters, because that’s what thou art am I correct? It’s rather interesting… I don’t come across ones that often.”

“H-How did you?!”

“Easy… After thou fell, one of thine gloves broke, revealing the truth for me.” He pointed towards it and he was indeed correct. Melvin stared at his left-hand as long, black fingernails pierced through the thin fabric.

“I ah! I’ll keep to my first decision, good da- ehm… Night to you!” Melvin pulled the basket closer to his chest, almost as if trying to protect it from a possible attack. Damon sighed, waving his finger at him before bowing.

“Very well then, I’ll be on my way.” Melvin gave him a quick nod before rushing away himself, but as he looked back once more, trying to make sure he was indeed leaving, he realised Damon was already gone…

Grouse Basilisk Field Notes
Aged Tome
Bottled Bones
Trick of the Light
━━ history ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Intact Parchment
Analogous Pigment Blend
Unstable Serthis Concoction
Melvin was born into an ordinary human family of two parents, one older brother and two younger sisters. Everyone was surprised to find out that he was indeed a Shapeshifter, something that he had probably gotten from his grandfather. His family was pretty open-minded and from a young age was taught how to hide his arms.

Although the name Shapeshifter might mean a lot to many people, Melvin is anything but a great Shapeshifter. He can barely use the powers granted to him and wouldn't even be able to hurt a fly, one of the reasons why he decided to become a Vegetarian on a relatively young age. The only thing that he is rather decent at is defending himself in hand-to-hand combat, something he usually tries to avoid due to his poisonous nails (which is why he can often be found wearing gloves).

History and science were always of great interest to him and once his parents send him to a medical school it didn't take long for him to get to the top of the class and graduate with incredible marks. Soon after he started to work as the towns doctor, trying to find new cures and helping the ill, he also became well known for trying to help other races and species that were often looked down upon. Some thought of this as a blasphemy and avoided him at all cost and while it did partly hurt his feelings he just happened to care more about giving everyone a fair chance.

During one of his appointments he met a rather mysterious figure named Dante, a vampire. He left quite an impression but due to Dante working for a Vampire Master and vampires being looked down upon, they had to visit in secret. But whenever they did they had the times of their lives and they soon became very good friends.

Besides his obvious job as a doctor, he also worked on his family farm and once most of his siblings moved out continued to support both of his parents. In his spare time he would often spend hours reading through books, scanning every detail (which was something he had continued to do throughout his entire life). Legends of Shapeshifters and Damon in particular often managed to capture his interest. And as time passed he decided he just had to go look for him and possibly put an end to the suffering he caused so many people. At this time both of his parents had already passed away from old age and although it deeply devastated Melvin he knew it was something that was coming (after all he would outlive his entire family someday).

He had once met face to face with Damon during one rainy night when he was getting back home with medical supplies. No fight happened, but it was enough for Melvin to continue looking for him. He eventually found a mansion in the middle of the woods, thanks to a few people who could recall and odd person living their and he decided to just waltz in one night.

Damon wasn't too fond of this random stranger suddenly disturbing him, but it didn't take long for him to recognize the familiar face and he quickly was met with against his neck. Damon started to laugh to which Melvin quickly pulled it away realizing he just didn't have it in him to kill someone and if he were to even try he knew chances were close to zero that he would win that fight.

But because Melvin had "tried" to murder Damon, the Shapeshifter wanted him to stay for the night, just to keep an eye on him. Oddly enough they had a rather pleasant evening and Damon was rather amused by the fact that Melvin tried to lecture him. And when Melvin left again in the morning, feeling like a fool for not doing more, he continued to visit until they slowly formed a bond. Melvin was able to change Damon's ways so he would only consume the souls of bad people who hurt others or tried to kill him. And Damon managed to show Melvin more knowledge than he could have ever imagined.

The two quickly became friends and overtime even more and as the years progressed they even welcomed a little girl into their life named Ambrosia. But sadly she was born into illness and died at the age of 8. It put a very big strain on their romantic relationship and after many years of being together they decided it was for the best to remain friends. During this time Melvin moved back into his old home (which he would still often visit throughout the years).

His friendship with Dante was still present, but after a while Dante couldn't take the secrecy anymore. This and because he was too scared that something might happen to Melvin made him decide to break the friendship. It was another difficult time in Melvin's life and he eventually decided to focus on his job for a while, while also keeping a close eye on Damon who's mental health was slowly deteriorating.

A year or so after Damon had met Pique, Dante was finally freed and it was during the wedding ceremony of his dear friend Damon that he met up with him. The two chatted up and not long after became friends again but this time there was more... Feelings started to develop and months after they started dating. Dante didn't really have anywhere to go and he wasn't exactly ready to face his family again after all those events so he started living with Melvin for a while.

As years passed they only grew closer, eventually got married and after a lot of struggling managed to start a family of their own. Melvin always continued to work on his farm and while his job as a doctor became a bit less over time he never stopped with trying to find cures for others. His life is far from normal...

━━ notes ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
» Unlike Damon, Melvin is not rotting away, neither does he have all the extra things covering his body. This is mainly due to the fact that he isn't truly immortal, never consumed any souls and thus also doesn't have a second form.
» Melvin is a Vegetarian and although he doesn't force other people to into this lifestyle, does strongly believe it's the best for him. He would never kill any of his animals and if any of them had to be put out of their misery he would let either Dante or one of his kids do the job.
» Melvin would often experiment on himself to find cures or finish certain experiments. This is why he would often cut himself to get blood samples, he usually covers these scars by wearing longer gloves.
» If something takes his interest he can often be found locked up inside of his room, studying those subjects for hours to a point where he can sometimes even forget to take care of himself. Luckily he has a partner who sometimes comes walking in to remind him of that.
» Besides the fact that he may look a bit introverted at first Melvin likes to surround himself with people and talk his ears off. He's extremely enthusiastic and loves to chat on for hours, sometimes not getting the hints when other people want to go.
Aesthetic: Big pairs of glasses, drinking tea in a comfortable chair with a book in the late evening, a cold winter breeze while taking long strolls, a room full of books, vials and things to experiment with.
Likes: Science, medical things, experimenting, research, history, facts, strawberries, his family farm, being surrounded by people, achieving his goals.
Dislikes: Failing, not being good enough, being cast aside, killing or hurting anyone, being misunderstood, gossiping.


Potential Outfit
Hip Black Frames Marigold Flower Crown Primary Alchemist Tools Mage's Walnut Overcoat Dusty Highnoon Vest Heraldic Scale Greaves Diaphanous Sylvan Lattice Leather Wing Wraps Golden Seraph Tail Bangle Leather Tail Wrap

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