
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Spirit Armor
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Iron Filigree Helmet
Iron Filigree Banner
Iron Filigree Wing Guard
Iron Filigree Breastplate
Iron Filigree Gauntlets
Iron Filigree Boots
Iron Filigree Tail Guard




4.42 m
4.77 m
577.57 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 06, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Diem graduated from his academy with distinction and was immediately drafted into Nazara's Hand for further training and deployment. Soon promoted to rank of commander, he led over 90 successful missions, usually with high casualties, but never ending in failure. Diem became both respected and feared within Nazara's Hand for his ruthless efficiency, Nazara even claiming him to be her best student. Recently deployed to investigate a lead on a highly sensitive data cache stolen from his clan. It turned out to be a trap, and all deployed forces were vaporized in a remote thermonuclear blast, Diem barely surviving. Later recovered and rehabilitated secretly by the clan Elders and fitted with a prototype Hermetic Cyborg Battle Platform.

A combat genius, Diem is one of the most lethal and efficient soldiers in history, even before he was placed inside of the suit. His success record is unrivaled, and his survival skills are extraordinary. He is exceptional in the majority of combat situations, trained to kill with nearly any weapon imaginable, including his body, as he is well-trained and proficient in the most advanced defensive arts exclusive to the Nazara Corps. The Hermetic Cyborg Battle Platform enhances combat potential exponentially, possessing vastly superior replacements to Diem's currently-destroyed sensory perception. The suit is very durable to the point of near invulnerability--almost more durable than a battleship's hull--and houses several different weapons in its limbs, as well as increasing Diem's mobility and strength.

Underneath the suit, Diem is now just an incredibly frail and weak individual, unable to survive even two minutes without core suit functionalities. His lungs are hypersensitive following the prolonged inhalation of radioactive particles, necessitating heavy-duty filters for breathing. Without the suit's camera system, Diem is completely blind. Without the suit's synthetic ears, Diem is effectively deaf. With or without the suit, Diem has no tactile perception, unable to feel pain, pressure, or temperature on the skin level. Various mortal wounds are kept in check by his suit, leaving Diem with one foot already in death's door. The suit is his walking life support, and were it to be cut off, Diem would perish very quickly but very painfully.
Diem's newfound schizophrenia severely impacts his combat performance for the worse, interrupting his concentration and perception of reality. He has no control over it, and leaves his mind slowly deteriorating the longer it affects him. On rare occasions, it has been observed to nearly cause Diem to inflict self-harm, attesting to the severity of the condition. Diem has a lesser need for sleep, rendering him more vulnerable to this illness, and given his already basic and Spartan personality, he has no methods or preexisting tendencies to distract himself from this torture.

Cold-blooded, perceptive, silent, and devoid of emotion. Considered by many to be the model soldier and Nazara's finest student. Diem is driven by only one desire: succeed in the mission objectives. Everything else is irrelevant. More often than not, Diem will be the sole survivor of his assigned missions, disregarding the lives of those under his command as long as it gets the job done. This reputation makes him both highly respected and highly despised at the same time.

By extension, he is incredibly loyal to his clan, though more specifically Nazara. Under the command of Nazara, who works to ensure the clan's success, prosperity, and most importantly, dominance, Diem understands that all his missions are directed towards this one ultimate mission. Though Nazara's ideas of such concepts are quite different from that of the Elders and general populace, he, like Nazara and the rest of her soldiers, put on a face devoted to the current clan and the Elders. Rarely does this come into play on missions, but it sometimes factors into Diem's decision-making.

He is also noted for his silence. He usually speaks only to give commands or acknowledge them. For him to speak in any other scenario is a very rare occurrence.

It is unknown what the cause of his unnatural behavior is. Psychoanalyses have proven ineffective in deducing what makes Diem so cavalier and mission-oriented, much to the disappointment of those that would exploit the knowledge to breed more soldiers with the same nature.

There was a marked change in behavior following his first failed mission (mentioned above). Unconfirmed by professional sources, Diem has suffered severe visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as spouts of confusion and nausea. These hallucinations have been observed by some to be a result of some onset schizophrenia, cause unknown. It is unlikely caused by the stress of Diem's first failure, as his previous psychological screenings described him as unafraid of failure, but still willing to do anything and everything to achieve success. The more likely theories are either some severe psychological side-effect from the initial dose of radiation or a side-effect from the treatment of said radiation. Further details of the situation are scarce.
High Admiral Nazara,

As you requested, I've written up a report on the prototype Hermetic Cyborg Battle Platform operated by Commander Diem. Unfortunately, all official documentation regarding the suit and its operator were lost in the Battle of Irk, and no Elders exist to share their information. The information I've collected comes from our own analysis of its systems, as well as firsthand accounts of its brief operational history from Resistance witnesses.

It should be noted that the battle platform seems heavily customized and tailored to the commander's specific case, so it is unknown just how much of the suit is considered standard and how much is specific to Diem alone. For reference, the details of Commander Diem's injuries according to him and other witnesses:

Diem was exposed to a thermonuclear blast, which vaporized his armor and nearly Diem himself. He was in such a position at the time of the blast that his front right leg was completely severed from his body, and his eyes were blinded from the sheer brightness of the explosion. His ears were also completely burnt off, as they were the only fully exposed part of his body at the time. He survived the explosion due to his proximity to a nearby canyon, which he fell into when the blast knocked him back initially, leaving only his armor completely disintegrated, but his skin still suffered major burns, frying his sensory nerves in his body and destroying his tactile perception. This saved him from being completely vaporized, but he fell the entirety of the canyon's 6,000 ft+ depth, landing on his pearl, which broke his fall. The drop, however, broke several vertebrae, among some other relatively inconsequential bones, leaving Diem paralyzed from the waist down. He claims to have never lost consciousness, and managed to climb all the way out of the canyon through what he recalls as "some mysterious, powerful force of will." Reportedly, the climb likely took 12-16 hours. The team sent to assess the situation arrived shortly before Diem reached the surface, and upon discovering him planned to summarily execute him for his failure in the mission. This decision was quickly belayed by the Elders once they learned that someone had survived the event in such a shape, and they immediately ordered that Diem be treated and brought back for rehabilitation.

That's all that's known of the event. What happened between then and the Battle of Irk is lost with the Elders themselves. The only known detail of the operation is that the paralyzed part of Diem's body was amputated and replaced with a synthetic endoskeleton, along with his missing right leg. It was also learned that Diem's [lungs] were very damaged from the inhalation of radioactive particles following the explosion, and he requires a respirator at all times to breathe. But of particular note, our doctors are mystified not just by how Diem managed to climb out of the canyon in his condition, but his survival afterwards. His initial exposure to the blast was brief enough to not immediately kill him, but he would still be victim to neurovascular radiation poisoning. By all accounts, he should have died shortly after he was recovered by the assessment team. Diem does claim to have suffered nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and at least one seizure following the blast (the seizure almost causing him to fall back down the canyon). No known living being can survive that level of radiation and live for more than a day or two. But somehow, we detect absolutely no radiation in the commander's body, as though his body completely metabolized the radiation, which is impossible. Our doctors theorize that the Elders may have augmented Diem on some more radical, biological level, but our tools cannot detect such specific information from underneath the suit, and since the suit is completely sealed and unable to be opened without risking the commander's health, any solid inquiry into Diem's survival and current medical condition is impossible for the time being.

On another note, if the radiation poisoning hadn't killed him, his other injuries would have. By the time he was recovered by the investigating deployment, he was found to have several broken ribs, a flail chest segment, several lung ruptures, pulmonary bruising, and minor ballistic trauma to the core organ. It is unknown whether these injuries were caused from the initial event or from Diem's climb back up the canyon, which would have likely caused problems of its own. These injuries still persist and are now inoperable conventionally. What we have observed, though, is that the inner layer of the suit has merged with these injured parts of the body and healed into the wounds, preventing the damage from worsening and killing Diem. This keeps him alive, but if the suit were to be removed or heavily damaged (both scenarios being very unlikely with the Elder's efforts at making the suit incredibly durable), he would suffer a slow and painful death.
Essentially, the suit appears to be inseparable from Diem, forming some kind of symbiosis, where one cannot survive without the other, doubly so as the suit's been programmed to purge itself when Diem dies, seemingly to prevent reverse-engineering or capture. For all intents and purposes, Diem is a dead man walking.

We were unable to conduct a thorough psychoanalysis of Commander Diem, however. Outwardly, he appears to be fine, but it is unknown if he has suffered any kind of deeper mental trauma. Given his training and record, though, it's unlikely that there are any issues in this regard. We did detect some slight abnormalities in his brainwave activity, though the doctors attributed this to the suit's interference and not as an accurate depiction of his brain's health.

Now, for the analysis of the suit itself (organized from top to bottom ((horn to foot)):

While Diem's ears were completely burned off in the explosion, the roots appear to have been left mostly intact, and they were then connected to new, artificial ears that are built into the helmet of the suit. These are inflexible and as solid as the rest of the armor. They serve much the same purpose as normal ears, but have been upgraded to also serve as variable-frequency radio transceivers, capable of communicating with another from miles away.

The helmet's primary feature is its visor. Beneath the visor are four sets of panoramic cameras that are connected to Diem's ocular nerves (his original, blinded eyes having been removed and replaced with these). The panoramic setup provides double the field of view than average. Each individual pair provides its own kind of vision. The first is standard, which views the normal visible light spectrum, but with much increased quality compared to normal eyes. The second is night vision, which greatly enhances visibility in low-light conditions. The third is infrared, capable of detecting thermal signatures. The fourth is an experimental x-ray vision, which, when activated, allows the user to see through various materials, though the effect is not perfect. These cameras are all connected to a small data management system within the helmet that can serve various functions, such as highlighting enemy combatants or displaying important information. Beneath the visor, on both sides of the helmet in the front, are two respirators that connect to tubes that lead to Diem's mouth, serving as a heavy filter to prevent further irritation or damage to Diem's [lungs], and doubling as rebreathers for dangerous underwater activity. The material composition of the helmet overall is incredibly durable and well-armored, and seemingly indestructible. The neck is equally protected with a layered armor plating design that inhibits mobility some. Much of the suit is operated from the helmet, as the cranium is laced with neuroprosthetics that allow the user to operate the suit without any physical interface.

The upper torso of the suit is of a prism design, with a large triangle forming the shoulders, chest, and upper back of the body. This section of the body is heavily armored and nearly indestructible. Beneath the front side is a large, high-powered microfusion nuclear battery capable of powering the suit and Diem's prosthetic limbs for around 7,000 years. The back houses a computer regulates a number of the suit's tertiary systems, such as its internal temperature and the various medical functions of the suit.

The lower torso is composed of heavily armored interlinking plates that provide some mobility while not compromising the suit's defensive capabilities. The hips are covered in a dense fiber that provides less protection than the rest of the armor, but only by a small margin, while increasing mobility exponentially.

The suit's gauntlets are possibly the most complicated structures in the suit, and both are different from one another:

The right has three mechanisms. Inside the gauntlet is a set of small retractable claws, with edges composed of a metal alloy that, when charged with electricity, heats to near-boiling temperatures, making it able to cut through almost any surface with little resistance. The outer side of the gauntlet houses a retractable napalm thrower, capable of shooting an ignited stream of napalm up to about 90 feet. The fuel tank and compressed gas for this weapon are contained within the arm itself, as it is mostly hollow, save for Diem's thin synthetic arm. On the underside of the gauntlet, a retractable projectile launcher, armed with a max capacity of three small rockets, loaded into the arm. All three of these mechanisms lock the hand in a straight position to prevent damage.

The left also has two mechanisms, but of different functionality. The top is a dock for an individual data/net terminal, which serves various functions both in and out of combat, and can also act as a more direct controller for the suit should the neuroprosthetics malfunction. The outer side has a retractable laser, which is small and not powerful enough to damage most solid materials, but is capable of damaging flesh and fabric. These mechanisms do not lock the hand into any position.

The hands are made of a flexible metal alloy that is not as tough as the rest of the suit, but is still quite solid. The fingers are pointed like a normal claw, but much tougher, and able to puncture stone or metal.

The legs are the least complicated part of the suit. The outer thighs have an underlying electromagnetic material, which are automatically powered on when a weapon is brought close to them, for easy carrying. Similarly, the boots of the armor also possess much stronger electromagnets, meant for extravehicular activity whenever it might be needed. The kneecaps house retractable concussive energy blasters, which can only cause moderate burns, but will knock back a foe.

The suit stands at [five feet] tall, slightly increasing Diem's original height. Its weight, however, is much more impressive, weighing over [300 pounds], not counting the weight of the fuel for the napalm launcher.

This is the sum of our current knowledge on the suit. It is very unlikely that there is something our analysis overlooked. We'll be sure to notify you of any new developments.

Coding by 1nfestation (ID#296458).
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