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Personal Style


Autumn Breeze
Tigerlily Flowerfall
Lustrous Mantle
Standard of the Flamecaller
Conflagrant Halo
Conflagrant Kilt
Ruby Starsilk Scarf


Accent: butterfly peacock


Scene: Autumn Clearing


4.45 m
6.26 m
669.83 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 27, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245



As a general it was her job to notice things, be it the flow of battle or the ever changing interpersonal connections of those she commanded. She led an army no longer, the rampaging emperor saw to that. She lived, many died, gods know what happened to any other survivours. For now she was here, those strange beasts saw to that. The first few days after arriving at the base of what she would soon learn to be the Sky Runners home where a blur. When clarity returned once more observation began, and what she saw was, strange. At first she could not comprehend what she was seeing through her narrow view surrounded by bamboo, dragons of varying elements… coexisting. A complete contradiction to everything she had known, had ever been taught.

To her horror the medic that helped her recover was of all things plague born, and a gifted plague born at that, face always oozing with the sign of his inheritance. She had little choice but to let him work as she had no idea what the consequences of retaliation would be within this strange menagerie she now found herself among. After the third day of her being fully awake the medic informed her that the “gaoler” that rescued her would like to debrief her on the situation, he had the audacity to seem concerned. The offer was accepted, she needed more information than what she could gleam from her limited vantage point. Half-conscious memories failed to prepare her for the creature that soon loomed on high, a massive maned head crowned by mighty iridescent antlers made its way through the opening in the bamboo, piercing light blue eyes staring passively at her. She steeled herself, ice after all is one of fires enemies.

“I am Centenniall, I lead the gaoler division of the Sky Runners” the powerful voice rumbled “You are not a prisoner, you are not in danger, you are receiving necessary medical attention that is all” the creature paused, Uraee had nothing yet to say, the creature continued. “The Sky Runners clan is a rescue organization, you have been rescued, you are not obligated to stay once you have recovered. All we ask is upon your release that you cause no trouble that would require our intervention in the future.” It leaned down “Do you understand?”

Uraee managed not to flinch at the encroaching maw, neutrally she replied with a short “Yes”

“Good, do you have questions?” was the equally neutral response.

“Where am I? Who leads this clan, if you lead only a division of it” she’d go with simple questions first.

With a blink and a nod the voice rumbled once more “We are currently in the windswept plateau, the Sea of a Thousand Currents is not that far north”. Something seemed to shift in the icy eyes of the behemoth as it considered her second question. “The wind dragon known as alpha leads the Sky Runners, they are a mighty warrior you are best not to anger them. My team keeps watch over the medical ward you will see more of my kind during your stay, if you have any needs make them known to them, recovery is not a punishment”.

How reassuring I’m neither prisoner nor being punished she thought sarcastically And of course it conveniently fails to tell me a breed or gender of this clans leader, so helpful. She sighed “Will I be able to leave this room while I stay?”

“Of course, so long as the medics give the ok, you are not required to stay within the confines of this room.” Ice eyes squint “The caveat being that you behave, do not harass the clan or fellow recovering patients”.

“Understood” she replied amicably “Anything I should know about this clan while I’m here then, I’d rather not unintentionally cause trouble”

The beast’s eyes once more squint in thought “Hhmmm” the rumbling noise sounding uncertain “Admittedly my team is new here, you have probably never heard of my kind before now” it straitened “This group represents some of the first gaolers to branch out of the Icewardens domain in some time….” Distantly it looked and Uraee wondered what it saw. “The entirety of the clan is rarely together in one place, I myself in the months I’ve been here have not met everyone. The common culture of this time is foreign to me; the best I can offer is to not do anything intentionally hostile or inflammatory”. Confidence came back into the abyssal voice “However I myself was not the first to arrive here, in a few days one of the early arrivals to this clan should be here from the front lines, providing she is healthy I can have her talk to you?” massive head tilted in questioning.

“That would be appreciated” she shifted, the wounds to her hind legs protesting the change. She needed one more piece of clarification. Quizzically she tilted her head unsure how to politely enquire what she needed to know, the creature leaned down again and mirrored her head tilt.

“Is there something else?”

Here goes nothing I guess “The medic called you “gaoler” you yourself refer to yourself as the head of the “gaoler” division, yet you say I’m not a prisoner? What you said earlier was right I have never heard of your kind before. What are you?”

The being before her let out a soft huff of air “We are as you have heard, we are called Gaoler. My kind is old, ancient, we existed before yours was conceived by the Icewarden to guard what lies bellow the ice. My kind has been hidden for a long time, but now the order of Seekers has been restored and once more my kind branches out to rid the lands of shade.” The gaolers mane puffed out in what Uraee hoped was a non hostile display of pride “This clan has allowed us to stay here to fulfill our duties as gaolers in exchange we help them in times such as these. It seems hunting shade and aiding dragon kind go hand in hand quite often.” The creature moved to leave “I do believe it is time for me to go now you need rest I’m sure, and Aperture hates it when I “harass” his patients too long”.

“Heh, well if it’s any consolation I do not feel harassed. Thank you, I look forward to meeting that other member of your team too”.
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