
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Vivid Wavehopper
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Whirlwind Emblem
River Royalist Tail Rings
Tree Warden's Garb
Map Kit
Windbound Mask
Simple Gold Bracelets
Primal Claws
Green Birdskull Wingpiece
Aerborne Halo
Aerborne Gustgather




6 m
4.22 m
637.81 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 27, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


M e l o n

Role here • Role here • Role here

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All throughout his childhood, Melon always had a taste for adventure. Taking after his adoptive father, Serpentine, the young pearlcatcher traveled everywhere with the imperial. Together they explored the reaches of Viridian Labyrinth, Scoured the libraries of the Starfall Isles, and tracked down relics and charms in the markets of the Windswept Plateau at The Cloudsong. With a keen eye for other languages and texts, Melon has proved to be a bit of a scholar, even at a young age, baffling many dragons who meet him. Having read nearly every book he could get his claws on, Melon always had a mystical wonder in his eyes, and with that wonder came a yearning to learn how the world works. Along with studying the sciences and geography of Sorneith, Melon also indulges himself in fantasy and myth. One of the topics that fascinates him the most it local tales of creatures and mknsters, or the lore and beliefs of different clans.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



Bio template by Mibella, find it here.


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Letters, RP Achievements, Sketches
Monday, May 28 wrote:
Dear Dad,
Ive been having a great time with the biologists! I've made a bunch of new friends and everyone here is so nice! Sadly i can't do much feild work becuase im too little, but the stories the exploration team tell are amazing! But thats not the best part! We found one! Just like i told you we would! It was a Leaf Wurm, and everyone says it was huge! I wish i could have seen it! Maybe next time I'll get to be there when we catch another! But dont worry! I'll make sure to stay safe! Still... i cant help but wonder how the Leaf Wurm spits acid... maybe you could ask AmazonianRelic! Her familiar can do the same thing right? Wouldnt it be cool if Acid tounged Serpenta and the Leaf Wurm where somehow biologically related? But dont worry! i wont be running any tests on acid anytime soon! Besides, i still have a whole bunch of work at camp! Everyone is always so busy, and they all need help! So I've become an assistant! Im learning all sorts of things and i cant wait to tell you all about it! Anyways, its almost time to eat and i wanna get some before all the sweet rolls are gone! Lots of love!

Wednesday, May 30 wrote:
Dear Dad,
You know how I said I might get to be there when we find another cryptid!? Well this time I was! The other biologists let me tag along this time, and you wont believe what we saw! It was a jackalope! Isnt that one of the things you said didnt exist? Well, I guess that means that even you dont know everything... AmazonianRelic always said that just becuase you havnt seen it, doesnt mean its not there! It was amazing! Ive never seen something move that fast before, and it was so little! But this isnt even the best part! Im getting to help! You know how I always studied maps with AmazonianRelic and you? Well Im gonna get to help out and work with a few of the professional cartographers! Im so excited! By the time you get this letter we'll probably already be done, but still! Wish me luck! Lots of Love!
Friday, June 1 wrote:
Dear dad,
Today we went out on another expedition! Me and the other cartographers put together a map, and then all the explorers set out! I didn't get to go out right away becase of the tenacity of the situation, but once i was allowed it was still really cool! See, alot of cland nearby have been reporting this type of strange activity, and they say that something has been killing off some of the nearby wildlife! Not only that, but this farmer told us all that what ever it was is massive! Like a big cat or a bear! I almost expected some kind of mutant familiar, but what we really found was far more amazing! It was a Cupacabra! It really did look like a cat, but its teeth where huge! I got pushed to the back when dragons thought it was going to attack so i didn't see what happened next, but apperently something else showed up! Whatever it was, it sounded hurt... I sure wish we could have helped the mystery animal, and apperently the Cupacabra had the same idea becuase it went into the brush to see what wad makimg all the whimpering sounds. (Some dragons are saying it wanted an easy meal, but i think it had good intentions) But then the strangest of things happened! The Cupacabra ran off like it was hurt! What ever was in the bushes must have done a number, becuase i didn't think i would ever see a predator that scared of something! Sadly, before anyone could check to see what it was, the other animal was gone, but now wr have a new goal! To fimd the mystery predator! I know it sounds kinda scary, but im really excited! Maybe we'll discover a new species! Lots of Love!

Saturday, June 3rd wrote:
Dear dad,
I know that after my last letter you where a little worried... but i think you might get a little bit anxious with this one too. The groups came back together after the weird experience with the mystery animal, and then all the clans around us where acting super weird too! Well.. I got tasked with a group of dragons to ask the locals what had happened to cause the shift of mood, becuase before they had been so happy and cheerful! So i walked around and talked to a bunch of people... but what i found out is kinda.. disturbing. Apperently a hatchling and his mother went Missing a few days ago... and some clan guards saw something digging up the graveyard last night too. We're all on edge now, but we're explorers! Its our job to find out what going on! So I guess things are gonna get a little hectic soon. Anyways, I'll probably write more later, for now we're going to go out and set up camp closer to the sighting.

Dear Dad, im writing this becuase i can't sleep... we made camp in the woods, and almost immediately we started hearing sounds. Im not sure if anyone can get any shut eye with what we're hearing... whatever it is that we're hunting, has an impressive mimic ability... its been trying to mimic us and lure us from our tents.. it even used my voice a little bit ago! Its eerie and some are loosing their nerves, but we got a short break when thr animal fell silent for a few hours. I only got about an hour of sleep however, but now im awake again... im trying to get my mind off of whats happening... whatever we're facing has gotten worse. Theres been these screams... a dragoness calling for help and a hatchling along with her. We think its mimicing the two that went missing... some dragons left to go investigate despite everyone saying not to.... i know you always said to be brave, but i cant stop my claw from shaking as i write this. I love you.
Monday, June 4 wrote:
Dear dad,
After an exhausring night, the sun broke over the horizon and seemed to chase off our tormentors. It was noted the creatures where nocturnal, and once we where sure the coast was clear, we emerged from our tents. A few dragons remained at camp to continue to sleep, a few went to a nearby clan to see if anything else happened there, and others investigated the camp ground to see if the animal or aninals left any clues to their identity. I tried to investigate the clues around us, however i quickly retreated to my tent for more rest when i realised the footprints i have been tracking in the mud where my own. The group of dragons that went out to the clan returned, and relayed the message that it had been uneventful for our new friends, but the guard had heard a distant scuffle of 'dragons' in the distance. When they where asked if it could be another clan, they denied it, saying that where the sounds came from was completely and utterly abandoned. With the possibility that our devious mimics could be the source, the camp has started to pack up, and i was woken up in time to put my own things away and tag along on the expedition. We traveled for a long time, and the other team joined up with us, seeming to have had a quiet and well rested night. I envy them. We all walked together, heading to where the clan guard pointed us and soon footprints became visible. The more we walked, the fresher they got, and eventually we found an abandoned clan. It was eerie to say the least, with the forest overgrowing into the streets, and ivy and moss creeping up the building walls. A few of our scientists became skittish the further in we walked, especially when we started to see scattered bones and carcasses of forest animals. I think where where all tense... and subconsciously we all feared we would see the missing mother and hatchling. Despite this, we carried on, feeling it our duty to find out what was tormenting the surrounding clans. Eventually we found a building that seemed particularly run down, with muddy tracks surrounding it, an unhinged door, and broken windows. It was obvious animals hsd been entering and exiting from the structure, and a few dragons, all fighters, approached first. Sadly, i wasn't one of them as you of all dragons know im not a fighter... however i was still able to peer into the old home through a shattered window. Inside laid a large group of sleeping Crocatta. While small, it was easy to tell they where predators, and we where all advised to keep our distance as to not disturb them. With sunlight already starting to fade, we scrambled to collect as much information as we could. I drew up a few sketches of the animals, others cast the footprints and collected fur and other DNA samples, and another group tried to find a place to camp for the night that was closer nearby... I only hope that we dont get tormented as we where last night. Soon we all regrouped, and the scouting team arrived excitedly. It seems that they found a camp site not far, and evem better, there where strange footprints by a nearby river. It seems we're still far from done with our exploration! Lots of love!

A exert from Melon's sketchbook wrote:

Outfit Concept

A Worried Parent wrote:
Serpentine huffed softly to himself, mulling over the letters his son had been sending home from the cryptid hunting expedition. From the sound of it, the teams appeared to be running into all sorts of trouble, and the imperial couldn't help but feel pangs of worry for his young child. Of course he trusted that Melon would stay safe, but it was a parental instinct that kept him from sleeping well. Besides. it certainly seemed that the longer this went on, the more dangerous the creatures involved seemed to get! With the most recent discoveries being rather dangerous, Serpentine couldn't help but wonder if he would run himself into the ground with worry... but if Melon was happy and had no such concerns about what could be waiting in the woods for them, even if the creature was more fearsome than the chupacabra, then he supposed it was up to himself to calm his nerves and trust his son.
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