
Level 7 Imperial
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Dried Flowerfall
Gossamer Wing Silks
Sanguine Rose Thorn Arm Tangle


Skin: Rock Formation



28.62 m
19.13 m
6290.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 10, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Imperial
EXP: 341 / 11881


     Juraika the Piece of Nature
       they don’t like dealing with outsiders

Theme: The Ruined Castle
━━ story ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
“This island is too small for you, Sage.” the Wildclaw mused, picking up the magical artifacts littering Sage’s lab. “Think you’ll ever get out of here?”

“Get out of Juraika…?” Sage thought, smiling. It was the dream. Like most dreams, completely impossible. “I have family, Moss. Responsibilities. I can’t just up and leave them because the mood’s stuck.”

“It’s not a mood.” Moss pouted, returning the artifact to where he found it. “You deserve better than this. Lichen would understand, too.”

Sage considered that, and discarded it immediately. Lichen would understand, but there were many things that Sage personally understood that she thought were wrong. Maybe in a few years; and she’d let Lichen move first. Or maybe he’d finally be able to see the horizon through the trees and they could go together.

“I have to have somewhere to go,” Sage said. “This experiment is the first step.”

Moss shook his head. “Ambitious and crazy, as always. Proving once and for all that Nature is the original and most powerful of the elements… you have all sorts of traditions and ancient ideals against you, you know.”

“That’s why I do it.” Sage grinned and continued her work.

Moss seemed to think about that as Sage scratched a few notes on the unrolled parchment beside her, the twin sage leaf seal at the top. “How are you going to contain it?” Moss asked finally.

Sage looked at Moss, hesitating to tell him her plan, her beliefs. Nature was contained, and that was the problem. Nature wasn’t meant to be like that. Life without death. It was, Sage thought, the way the world ought to be.
Moss-Covered Rubble
Giant Lilypad
━━ history ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
White Quinoa
All that remains of the small island called Juraika is a mass of floating rocks, pebbles, and moss bound together by the magical energies that created them. Constantly seeking for what can never be possessed, the bit of Nature has been almost everywhere, learning and growing. Perhaps there is a bit of her creator in her━a the spirit of the Imperial that perished along with the island.

The creator, an Imperial called Sage, believed that the element of Nature was and ought to be the first of all the elements, for Nature is life. What she did not realize was that life without limits, life without death, would be unstoppable. Now that Juraika possesses a budding will of its own, it adopted the last desire of an unwitting creator.

Juraika seeks Plague.

Like a cancer, Juraika flies across the landscape of Sornieth, moving the land beneath her. Loose pebbles, crumbling cliffsides, and boulders attach themselves to the growing piece of Nature. Perhaps a leftover worry from the last thoughts of a dying scientist, Juraika knows that if growth continues the way it has been, Sorneith could be destroyed.

Growing in size every day is not the only growth Juraika has. Possessing a rudimentary will, perhaps even a personality of its own, Juraika desires nothing than to be a dragon, a creature with real life. The form of a female Imperial was selected, perhaps because Sage was a female Imperial. Juraika seems to want to be like Sage… but also not at all like Sage.

Unfortunately for Juraika, the mass of boulders and pebbles seem to only be affected by magic from a Nature dragon. It may be Juraika’s fate to grow until not only Sornieth is destroyed, but Juraika itself. Nature is a circle of life meant to grow with each cycle; the built-in method of destruction only spurs more growth. Juraika knows another solution has to be found, and fast.
━━ familiar ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
As Juraika took the name of the island it was created from, the Spirit of Nature that travels with Juraika took the name of the tree on the island it once inhabited: Quercus Alba. Most of Alba’s time on the island of Juraika was spent in deep dissatisfaction for Sage’s experiments and motivation. Of course, Alba is not a very exploratory spirit: Nature simply is and need not be moved. Now that Alba’s former hom moves across Sornieth, Alba does, too. Showing itself to none but Nature dragons and Juraika, Alba is quiet and snobbish… somewhat like Sage.
Spirit of Nature            
━━ notes ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
» Juraika believes in fate. After all, the odds of her finding a Nature dragon with the ability to manipulate Plague magic━exactly the dragon needed for the task━was too coincidental for Juraika to ignore.
» Since living with her Nature/Plague dragon companion Dickon has showed Juraika how very much it is unlike a dragon, Juraika takes “dragon lessons” from another dragon that was once not a dragon, Chrys. The only difference is that Chrys seems to be entirely dragon now, while Juraika is entirely not.
» Dickon believes that Juraika may be a Lawful Forest Spirit, a type of dragon believed to have been touched by the Gladekeeper and possessing unusual Nature abilities. It is possible that when the island of Juraika was destroyed, a resident Forest Spirit entwined with the land itself and became what Juraika is now. It’s also possible that the Gladekeeper oversaw the accident and simply made Juraika to be a blessing instead of a curse.
» Though Juraika is as happy as a mass of sapient dirt and plant matter could be expected to be, a single regret remains: Juraika cannot eat. If given one wish, Juraika would want to taste shrimp.
strengths: Nature magic doesn’t injure Juraika: it makes her stronger and larger. She’s made almost entirely of dirt and plant matter, so Earth also doesn’t seem to hurt her.

weaknesses: Juraika’s most effective weakness is against Plague magic. It is the only known attack that makes her both smaller and weaker to physical attacks. In addition, though it may not be a weakness, she doesn’t have a problem discussing how to destroy her should she become dangerous.

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