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Personal Style


Archer's Tail Twist
Celadon Fillet




11.75 m
19.83 m
8338.78 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 01, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 16 Guardian
EXP: 11449 / 71966
Might Fragment
Might Fragment
Natural Might Fragment




  • none



Thanks to LordOrochimaru for writing the lore below!

Noman was always a talented and smart dragon. She was one of the best hunters in the entire clan, and was famous for setting records for "biggest game caught" and "most dangerous creatures killed". Not only was it because of her talent, but also because of her scale color, a deep black. It helped her blend in with the night, maybe a little too well. When she was hunting with her clan at night, she became separated, and could not find her clanmembers. She searched far and wide, but could not find them.

"They abandoned me!" she thought.

She walked along the forest floor trying to get home, but by day, she was completely lost. She had nowhere to go. She searched desperately for somewhere to stay, and found a nearby cave. She stayed for years, only leaving to get food, each day growing more frustrated and angry at her clanmates for abandoning her. One day, she saw a familiar set of wings in the sky. It was one of her clan mates. She silently followed him, in hopes of him returning to the lair, which he did. She slowly approached the lair, gathered her confidence and strode in. "I'm finally home!" She exclaimed. All the dragons turned around. Suddenly, her rage disappeared. She recognized all of them. She greeted them.

"Who are you....?" they said. Noman stood in shock. "You don't remember me..? I-I..." But she couldn't remember her name. The same anger she had festering inside her came back, only worse. She took a deep breath and devised a plan.

"I am noman." She said.

She began to kill the dragons one by one. They called for help. A nearby lair said, "what's going on!" One of the dragons near Noman said "Noman is killing us!" "Oh, okay! Good to know nobody is attacking you!" While Noman was slaughtering every dragon in that lair, the nearby dragons didn't suspect a thing. And that it the story of Noman.

Noman was found wandering the back roads behind the trading posts by Raja, and was asked if she would like to stay in this den. Since then, she has grown fond of the others, becoming more and more relaxed with each passing day. She and Lungwort, whenever alone, exchange info for info, learning about whatever secrets they each have. Everyone else leaves them to it, knowing that they mean no harm to anyone. Still, it would be nice to know why Noman has such an unusual name, or why Lungwort sometimes looks at Primrose like she is a long sought memory, just out of his reach. Oh well, I may never know.

Noman, once she decided to stay, became our top hunter, her pitch black scales perfectly matching the darkness of night that she hunts in. She is very careful as to never hunt alone, always bringing at least one person along with her. It's unfortunate that very few big creatures live nearby, she is so very talented. While she isn't hunting, she is stationed outside of the lair, just kind of looking around. I think she may feel as though the lair is her charge, and I don't really blame her to much; the poor thing had her tail drooping into the doors of death!

The small spirit of wind gracefully gliding along side Noman is her familiar, named Homer. She apparently named him Homer because of his increadible ability to find any location he has ever been to before, even if he is trapped in the most confusing of landscapes, (she uses him to find home, so home=Homer?). Noman seems to find this talent especially amazing, and makes sure Homer never leaves her side. It's strange, how the creature can find any place on the island; he is completly blinded by the symbol adorned plate on his head...
From the journal of Lungwort:
I seem to have met another dragon who had killed others in their clan. This dragon is wildly different from me, however; while I killed because I could, and they were there, she killed because her lair had wronged her, forgetting she even existed. I imagine that is very frustrating, and I am glad it didn't happen to me. Of course, the price of me knowing her blood covered past means she knows mine; a fair price, and a good insurance so that the other doesn't tell. I feel like I can trust her, I just hope I'm not wrong.
A page in Scrolls poem book is labeled: "The Herculean Hunter:"
Its a mysterious tale, yes,
that you tell with your eyes.
I can see the sorrow and the pain and the loneliness,
Behind the laughter and the lies.

I have wondered what life was like for you before
our common friend brought you here.
I have wondered what you had lost before you came to our lair,
And made yourself someone we hold dear.

But, alas, such information is out of my reach!
You don't trust anyone with the person you were before;
whoever they were clearly frightens you now,
whoever they are, now you both are at war.

If you ever feel like you can tell us
what secrets you hide,
Just know we are trusting people who love you
we won't be hurt if you have, to us, lied.

- What are the first impressions others have of them typically, and do they notice how others treat them as a result?
Noman is a bit of a intimidating dragon, and other dragons are generally more timid and cautious around her. As a result, Noman goes to considerable lengths to make herself more friendly and presentable when she is aware that the lair is having guests.

-How do they speak? In regards to tone, vocabulary, topics of choice.
When disinterested in conversation, Noman generally speaks in a low, bored, and passive-aggressive kind of tone. In this type of conversation, she usually only answers questions in simple sentences or replies with a grunt or a nod. When she is engaged in the conversation, however, her tone and vocabulary shift dramatically. Her voice is still low, but it has a more smooth and rich quality to it, like a chocolate cake. Her sentences often turn into monologues - Noman never realizes this - and her words become those of well written mystery novels or epics. Noman doesn't really prefer one converstation topic over another, but she does like to avoid politics.

-How do they react to conflict? Are they often the perpetrator, the pacifist, or neither?
If someone was trying to pick a fight with Noman herself, she would probably simply be amused by them and shrug them off. If someone was trying to mess with someone she cared about, however, she would go on the offensive. She becomes pushy, taunting, and tries to lure the perpetrator away from their original target. If that doesn't work, she will often simply pick up the annoyance and throw them into the ocean. Bigger threats that are too heavy or nimble to pick up result in Noman switching into her hunting mode, where she becomes eerily quiet and unmoving. At this point, even if the perpetrator walks away, she will follow them for at most a mile before turning back and flying swiftly home, satisfied.

-What are their sleeping habits? Do they fall asleep easily, hardly sleep at all, etc
She sleeps standing up. Unfortunately, nobody actually knows when she sleeps, and it's a running joke that she doesn't actually sleep and is, in reality, a giant magic statue of some sorts. It's also hard to tell how easily she sleeps, but from the evidence given, it would probably be a deep sleep; she manages to sleep with her eyes open.

...Unless it’s cold. Then shes wrapped around Bau like a deity-damned vine.

-What is their relation to the gods & the associated religion?
Noman doesn't really work for the gods in any way. Sure, she knows they exist, but she is much more of an "I'll help you if you help me." Seeing as the gods haven't really done much recently, she wouldn't exactly put herself in any danger for them.

-Do they have any strong opinions on any one thing? If so, how do they express said opinions?
Whatever you do, don't ask her about her hunting techniques, less you get an earful of the disgrace that is the modern hunting tactics.

-What is a motivator for your character?
Petty revenge. Noman could climb mountains without flying if she thought it would p*** of her most recent rival.

-Does their personality ever clash with someone in their group? If so, do they do anything to resolve this?
Most people in this lair are forgiving and/or are able to ignore others. The ones who aren’t generally aren’t brave enough to voice their concerns to her if they are trivial.

-Pick one aspect, be it physical, emotional, psychological or otherwise of one character and go into depth about it.
The eyes of a hunter are said to be especially acute to movement and prey should be fearful. Her eyes didn't fail to meet and surpass this, able to catch the smallest twitch from a minuscule creature. Her eyes were a deep green, resembling a vast forest speckled with every tree imaginable. The brightest parts shone like stars in the vast, black, night sky, twinkling even brighter as the sides of her eyes crinkled while she laughed. The darkest parts whispered of unimaginable pain and secrets as she gazed into the distance with a thousand-yard stare, her eyes vague and unseeing. Her irises almost drowned out the whites of her eyes, giving her a more soft and welcoming look, which looked off and odd in her more unfeeling and stoical face.

-How do they feel about their parents, if they have any relation with them?
Noman was betrayed by her original clan, and killed her parents.

-How would your character react if given a gift they hated from a well-meaning associate?
She would wear it everywhere they went so that it would lose durability quickly and so she could get rid of it sooner. If it's food, she will eat it and stare down anyone laughing at her who may know she hates the stuff.

-Who/what does your character look up to? Why?
She looks up to the trees, who have survived decades without failure and still look as impressive as they do.

-If your character found another character’s secret logs (diary, journal, etc), would they read them?
No. She isn't interested in that kind of reading. She prefers atlases for creatures and the sorts.

-What, if anything at all, fills this character’s time?
If she is not standing guard by the lair entrance, then she can be found training and/or studying migratory habits of many different creatures. Her collection of atlases are some of the few things Noman enjoys doing that isn't slightly intimidating.

-On any given day, what could your character be found doing? What is their schedule?
    MORNING: Wake up and survey the land surrounding the lair. If any intruder is spotted, the are interigated immediately. Eat something. Stand guard until others wake up, then go hunting after informing Primrose of this.

    MIDDAY: After hunting is done, go into lair for an hour or two. Then, go back outside and stand guard until night is an hour away.

    NIGHT: do assortment of casual activities, check perimeter once more, then sleep.

That's basicly how a Noman do.

-If forced to lie, what lie do you think they’d be most likely to tell?
    - "Your hunting skills are fine."
    - "Yes, I have eaten today."
    - "Murder is never acceptable."
    - "You are not actually _______."
    - "My family? Yeah, I had one. What happened to them? They live in a remote part of the world."
    - "No, I don't miss them."
    - "Yes, I'm fine."
-What would it take for your character to completely reconsider their core beliefs and morals?
Noman's core belief is that no one can be trusted completely, and her morals are "I do what you want if you do what I want." It would take some pretty serious mental damage to shake her already reconstructed values.

That, or true love...

-What is their attitude to parenthood? Do they desire it, fear it, etc?
"What is this small thing in front of me? A child? My child? Huh. Hey kid, have an encyclopedia, figure out what you like and stuff and I'll get it for ya."
I don't really think Noman would have a problem with caretaking. Having children in the first place, however, is a different story; Noman doesn't consider taking care of a nest full of unmoving eggs to be a good use of her time. (That, and she’s pretty infatuated with Bau, who doesn’t have he necessary parts to, ahem, make children with her.

-How does your character act when tired, hungry or upset? Do they take it out on others? Do they bottle it up?
If Noman is hungry, she will eat. If she is tired, she will sleep. If she is upset, she will go do something that brings her mood back up. Noman considers those states of being to be useless and intoleratable.

-What interests, hobbies & viewpoints has your character discarded as they have aged? How do they feel about these aspects of their earlier self?
Noman used to be very adventurous and loved to find new places, but left that part of her behind when she was stranded in the woods for a prolonged period of time. From what I can understand, she use to be very bubbly, happy, and energetic. But that was before the incident, and nowadays she simply scoffs at the mention of anything to do with her past. I think, however, that she actually misses that state of mind; I'm very familiar with the hundred-yard stare, and what usually goes on underneath. I just wish she would be more open with others, because I can tell that she still has the old lifestyle she had still in her, but she is just burying it under layers of something more sinister.

-Does your character have any opinion on those hatched out of found eggs? If yes, what is it?
They mortify her, and she generally holds them in the highest regard. The one time she admitted to somewhat understanding the abandonment of an egg was during a Night of the Nocturne, where I told her that it was the natural breeding pattern for nocturnes to put their eggs wherever, as they hatch unreasonably fast.

-What is their emotional capacity? Do they struggle to be empathetic or do they often take on other’s problems as their own?
A bit of both, actually. She generally doesn't understand the other's problems, but she takes it upon herself to fix it anyway.

-What is their stance on authority, such as laws, rules, etc.
According to her, she only follows respectable leaders. Might explain why she listens to Prim and not me, although I’ve been working on the “social anxiety” thing.

-What is something the character would find devastating if someone were to find out?
What happens to her clan.

-What is your character’s opinions on breedchanges or those who have partaken in a breedchange?
She just assumes they are cosmetic. Anyone shifting into a pearl catcher consfuses her, however, because they don't have a pearl. It’s a point of wondering for me, too. Perhaps they just grab a ball of whatever and quick make it shiny?

-What is scatterscrolls/gene changes to your dragon? How do they feel about them?
Also cosmetic. Also non judgmental.

-Does your character fit within the stereotype for their breed? If they don’t, how do more traditional members react or impose on them?
I'm fairly sure Noman is the stereotype for guardians.

-Does your character having varying opinions on the basis of a breed’s commonality? If so, expand on those views?
We get a handful of travelers stopping on the plateau of the mountain quite often, and we trade with them often for goods we need and/or want. She has a running tally of the number of different breeds that stop by, and has expressed concern on the lack of some species. After I told her that some species are simply recessive, gene-wise, and therefore rarer, she relaxed.

-What do they think of others with unique eyes, such as rare or primal, if they are a dragon with different eyes, how has this impacted their life?
With most eyes, it's still just cosmetics. Mutigaze and primal, however, are intriguing to her. She and Rainbowbrite hang out a lot, and she asked him a lot of questions about his eyes when he first wandered in.

-What are some views that your character has which may be labeled as controversial? Do they openly express these views or instead keep it to themselves?
She doesn't worship the gods. Nobody should be worshiped, and leadership should be earned, in her opinion. It's not exactly a secret, but she doesn't go boasting it; she understands that a lot of dragons think very highly of the deities, and she hates being rude to her friends.

-Is there anything about your character that they would prefer to not be openly known?
Her murderous, psycopathic tendencies, perhaps?

-How do familiars work in regards to your character?
Homer - her little wind spirit - is basically a GPS, but with companionship, too. Noman's mazeophobia is a bit of a hassle to deal with, so I got her the spirit to help her cope. It seems to be working, and Noman has been a lot more confident with her abilities.

-Do they have any strong opinions about the coliseum, and those who take residency there?
Weave, Primrose, and Lungwort used to be the lairs coliseum fighters, and are all very respected by Noman. Weave, being the most powerful, is held fairly high, rank wise, but not as much as Primrose. Prim's assertive attitude makes her a very good leader, so Noman takes most of her orders from her. Lungwort, being the secretive person he is, isn't really respected as much, but isn't disrespected in the slightest.

The Coliseum Dept. is also a group of people she respects, Although it takes a little while for the newest members (whoever they may be) to earn her trust. She likes Venglacium in particular, I think. They both have fairly stoic mindsets.

-What do they think about history? Is it interesting, is it wrong, should it be forgotten?
The only history Noman is conserved with its migratory paths and seasonal shifts. But, if she had to choose, she would keep it around.

-What does your character consider the most important aspect in a companion?

-How does your character feel about the celebrations, such as Brightshine Jubilee? Do they partake in them?
She doesn't really like them much, most likely because I make her hunt in the festivals flight, and that can be on the other side of the continent sometimes.

-If they are a guardian, how do they feel about the fact they need a charge? If they are not a guardian, what are their thoughts on charges?
Noman had always felt a absence of something, but wasn't really concerned with it until Bau showed up.

-How would your character feel if chosen as a Guardian’s charge?
A bit annoyed, honestly. She has enough trouble trying to keep her own charge out of harms way, and who knows how protective they might be. I feel as though Bau would welcome them warmly, as most guardians are ride-or-die for their charges, and Noman isn’t the most careful when it comes to hunting.

-Are their any seasonal changes, be it attitude, appearance, in your character? Such as Tundras’ varying fur
She is a bit more grumpy in the winter, due to a lack of prey, but that's about it.

-Can your character write or read? If no, do they get help or simply deal with the consequences?
She can read and write fine, she just chooses not to. She does like reading about hunting and similar topics, however.
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