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Personal Style


Simple Darksteel Necklace
Thresher Flatfins
Maroon Head Wrap
Maroon Wing Wraps




6.18 m
4.52 m
464.23 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 09, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245



Wandering Dragon
Dont's - no tert genes please.
Items - darksteel necklace, blue quartz. Thresher flatfins, Maroon Head-wrap, Maroon Wing-wraps, Simple Pearly Wing Bangles
Treasure - 0
Unnamed -> Pearl -> Calypso

personality - she is very shy, preferring to listen to the other dragons around her rather then taking part in the conversation. though seen as strange she finds that it is a good way to gather gossip and other tidbits of information that may be useful later on in her life. when she does speak it is in a very matter of fact tone. she does not believe in anything but facts and proof.

Bio -

Rintalia's Lair-
Born to Fenrir, a noble skydancer, and Gala a pearl catcher with a vibrant personality this dragon has spent her hatchling days in a lair full of many different kinds of dragons. recently she has come of age and grown to be an adult.

many of the other dragons in the lair had earned their names while they were still hatchlings, yet she had not. she had not done anything notable enough to have earned her a name as of yet. she simply sat, listened, and took care of her precious pearl. there had been many days that her mother commented that she needed to find her name, to find her place in the lair, and yet she felt that she would not find it here.

though only slightly older then a week, this young dragon has decided to go on a journey to find her name and her place in the world.

Her first stop was the Lair of Gypsygothic, Where she bunked with several dragons that suited her Personality. They were similar in color and temperament and seemed to be somewhat outcasted from the rest of the lair. The Young Dragon felt slightly more at ease with the quite dragons and learned much about the rest of the clan.

The Clan was run by a matriarch named Valourie, a Leader of a Group of Amazonian Dragons. The Women definitely had the command. Aside from a few Older Males, Notably Cernunnos, and Elder Druid. The Clan was split up into 3 Groups: Inner and Outer Guard, and the Stationary Matriarch. The Inner Guard Consisted of Guardian dragons and Imperials. They were in charge of the Lair defense Inside the walls of the Nests, the Outer Guard was in charge of the Hunting, Gathering and Scavenging Jobs as well as outposting Scouts and Amazons to explore and be alert to Intruders. It was the Outer Guard that welcomed her to the Lair. The Stationary Matriarchy was full of Strong Women who raised the younglings and hatchlings, maintaining the Nests and Eggs.

What the "Young Pearlcatcher" as they called her, didn't understand was why there was a small group of Dragons without assigned placements. They lounged around the lair, gossiped and sparred for most of the day. Throughout the Week, the dragon began to realize certain dragons escorted away and never returned. They were being Auctioned, Because the Lair of Amazons found them unvaluable. It seemed the Nest of Amazons favored Forested Dragons or at least those with Natural colors that could blend into their surroundings.

Though they seemed to treat the Young pearlcatcher with Care, because she was female, they didn't seem to welcome her into the clan or the lair with open arms. She realized soon afterward it was because of her coloring. She turned to the one friend that she made there. Daenerys. A beautiful white and blue dragon of shadow Origin. She seemed to pity the young Pearlcatcher and advised her whenever she felt it was needed. And She agreed to help the Pearlcatcher find a safe retreat from the lair. Exactly one week from her Arrival, the Pearlcatcher left the Lair of Gypsygothic with no Name, and a heavy heart. She took with her only two things... her precious Pearl and a beautiful Blue Quartz from Daenerys as a token of their Friendship.


the little Pearlcatcher flew, the strong winds lead her to the vast ruins of the Plague lands. holding onto her new precious treasure and her Pearl. Suddenly a gust of wind knocked her Quartz out of her claws. quickly it plummeted to the ground. She dove, The wind lashing at her scales almost painfully. the ground grew closer and closer. she thought she wasn't going to make it. only to see a sudden greyish blue blurr swish past, and the Quartz was gone. opening her wings suddenly, she braced for a rough landing. her body heavy landing onto he ground kicked up red dust that stung her eyes.

looking around franticly, a Tundra slowly landed near her. puzzled she looked at the fluffy male, seeing his memorizing eye spot wings, Grey fluff and Bluish crackle. suddenly her eyes locked onto bluish quartz in his mouth. her ears dropped down as she crouched, showing her fangs in an aggression. so show the tundra that the quartz was hers, and he better hand it over. this was unlike her, however it was rare for her to receive a gift, and she was going to protect it!

however despite her uncharacteristic aggression. the tundra only set the quartz on the ground in front of him and smiled at her with a almost dopy expression. "hello little one, im Kalashin from Echo's lair. you need to hold onto that better if you don't want to lose it. don't worry im not like other Plauge dragons. I wont take this from you. come and get it, maybe you can even come to my lair and get a meal. you look hungry."

the Peralcatcher still crouched looked at the tundra confused. why was he so friendly? why was he helping her? what was going on! she stayed where she was, her shyness kicking in. she couldn't bring herself to step forth and get her treasure.

Kalashin smiled again only to pick up the quartz and walk over to her slowly. keeping his wings folded and his Demeter small, even though he was bigger then her. a few feet away Kalashin set the quartz down again and laid on his belly in front of it. nudging it with his nose closer to the Pearlcatcher. Carefully she inched toward the Quartz stretching her neck until she managed to grab it dragging it closer to her.

"see there you go im not all bad." Kalashin raced his head but continued to lay still on the ground. "do you have a name?" he tilled his head curiously. After a moment the pearl catcher shook her head no. "hmmmm" Kalashin pondered. "how about I call you Pearl?"

it wasn't the most ideal name for her no, but it was something. she was always called the Pearlcatcher anyway. might as well. she nodded her head and smiled slightly. "ok Pearl, why don't you come with me to my home Lair. its safe, and stocked on food. why don't you come and eat your fill and rest up." Pearl continued to smile as she rose with Kalashin, he even offered to carry one of her treasures for the short walk they had.

after arriving at Echos lair, Pearl was overwhelmed by the Dragons that greeted her. some where cold and standoffish others where way to nice. she felt slight uncomfortable. she stuck close to Kalashin. she even stayed for 7 days longer then she intended, Echo taking another blue quartz she had gathered and turning it into a necklace For pearl as token of friendship between her and the Lair. even Charming took a liking to her, however ivory keep him away. this made Kalashin giggle. she knew soon she would have to leave, even though she had grown attached to Kalashin and Echo. maybe perhaps, she would return, if only to say hello.

her heart fluttered at the idea, indeed she would have to return one day.
As the pearlcatcher flew, she started to feel better when the land beneath her changed from the dismal, dark and downright scary landscape of the plaguebringer to the more forested land of the shadowbinder. Her goal of the day was to leave that place behind her. The few dragons she had befriended there did not make up for the unforgiving and cruel land.

As the forests of the Tangled wood became the only landscape beneath her, she realized that she was beginning to tire. Cursing the Stamina of flight that her kind did not share with their close cousins, Imperials, Pearl began to crane her neck around for a place to land…and preferably somewhere with water.

A sparkle of water caught her eye and she changed her course. But it was still rather far away and she was tiring quickly, her altitude dropping more and more with every moment. Clutching her pearl tightly, she banked down into a small clearing, just big enough to accommodate a landing.

Blinking at the sudden darkness under the shade of the thick trees, the pearlcatcher folded her sore wings. If she was correct, she just had to continue venturing north to come to the river. But when she turned to wall of trees fear struck her. This must be the reason it was called the tangled wood. The trees were so thick they nearly formed a wall, the brambles and vines twining around to almost create a net.

But she was thirsty enough to swallow her fear and venture it. Navigating the trees was not a quick or easy task. The brambles kept grabbing at the soft white hair of her mane and tangling with her long whiskers. After about an hour she was about ready to give up and allow herself to just melt into the tangled vines and brambles like a spider caught in a web. But a distant sound suddenly caused her delicate ears to swivel forward. Water!! She could hear it.

Forcing her sore and exhausted body forward, she nearly cried out in relief when the forest finally gave way in front of her and she emerged onto the river bank. Trotting forward, she collapsed next to the water and drank. Refreshed, the pearlcatcher raised her head to actually take in her surroundings. The opposite bank had considerable less trees and brambles and she realized that she must be on the border of Dragonhome (the lands of the earthshaker) and the Tangled wood. That would mean that just north east and up the river was the lands of the gladekeeper.

A sudden splash in the river drew her out of her thoughts then. Her keen eyes fell on the water just in time to catch the sight of what appeared to be a large blue fin break the surface. Jumping up and shuffling back, fear struck her. There was something in there and it was big. What if it was dangerous.

Just as she was about to take flight, the creature broke the surface completely. In a very dramatic and graceful display a pearlcatcher burst from the water. She realized in awe as she watched that his freckled blue wing was what she thought had been a fin. Spinning in the air for a moment, the other dragon snapped open his wings and banked over to her, tilting his head curiously at the new arrival.

Unable to pull her electric eyes away, she watched in awe as landed on the bank near her. His charcoal hide glimmered with water as if they were the very river stones he stood upon. But what really caught her attention was that just behind his black tipped ears were long fins and gils. What was he?? He was a pearlcatcher, sure enough considering the shining pearl he carried in his back claws.

“A thousand pardons, my dear.” His voice was soothing. “If I knew I was going to be joined I would have made sure I was presentable.”

Unsure how to react and suddenly nervous, Pearl glanced down as her feet. “It’s fine…”

The male tipped his head to the side slightly in confusion but smiled. “You look exhausted. Would you like to join me for dinner?” He then pulled a couple leather satchels that were hidden behind a tree and started rummaging around in them before withdrawing a large and strange looking fruit.

“Here.” He hopped over to her on two legs and offered it to her.

Suspiciously, Pearl accepted the fruit slowly, eyes never leaving the other dragon. “Who are you?”

“My name is Armada.” He spoke casually, turning back to his satchel. “I’m fishing for my clan.”

“You’re from….the shadowlands?” It could go either way; they were right on the border.

“The naturelands actually.” He pulled out a couple bandana’s tying one around his neck and then the other around his head to keep back his long and unkempt blue mane. “Sometimes I just like to get away though. Be on my own.”

She nodded, before breaking open the fruit and tasting it. It was sweet! Really…really sweet. “What…is this?”

Armada grinned. “Sugarmelon. It’s from the sea of one thousand currents. But I managed to trade with a shadow clan for a few. They’re my favorite.” Pearl offered a smile before biting into the melon again. She could tell why they would be his favorite.

“So what about you?” the male settled down, his own melon in his claws. “Are you from around here?”

“No…wandering. I left because I hadn’t earned a name or a place.”

Armada frowned but nodded solemnly. “I understand. I did the same. Wandered until I found a clan and then just ended up there.” He tipped his head slightly looking at her. “Did you find a name?”

The pearlcatcher looked down. “Kind of. I don’t know. The last dragons who I was with called my Pearl.”

“Pearl…” The charcoal dragon frowned slightly. “Do you like it?” She shrugged slightly. It would have to do.

“Well if that’s the case then why don’t you stay here with me for a while? Maybe we can find you a good proper name.”
In the days Pearl spent with Armada she found much more than a proper name. He taught her many things during that time; how to swim like he did and all the best ways to fish. They gossiped long into the night about dragons they’ve met and about the things they’ve seen.
the greatest gift came from a night of passion spend on the river bank by the light of a fire. Two eggs that hatched the most beautiful hatchlings she’d ever seen. Probably because they were hers.

But the time on the riverbank was not something that could last. It was a dream in the night of the shadowlands. It was something they both knew but it made they’re parting no less sad.

“If I wanted to see you again…how would I find you?” She spoke softly as she cradled her beautiful little girl in her arms. This would be the last time she saw any of them for a while since she had made the decision to leave her children with Armada.

“At the base of the Behemoth…the tree of the horizon…look for a clan that is led by Thranduil or Rahziel.” He spoke sadly, reaching forward to take the tiny pearlcatcher hatchling from its mothers arms. “I will think of you every time I visit this river; every time I look into the face of our children, and every time I close my eyes. My dear Calypso.” It was the name he had fondly given her; a goddess of the sea.

She smiled sadly. She was no romantic. But that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy it when he was. “Goodbye Armada.”

With a final glance towards Armada, Claypso took to the sky. She had only been flying for a short while when something caught her eye below; or rather someone. A bright pink someone at that. Deciding to go check it out she began to descend but she misjudged the distance between two trees and she could feel a sharp pain in her right wing as a branch cut through. She landed, rather ungracefully, on the ground beneath aforementioned tree and spread her wings to examine the damage. The cut was not very deep, but would need to be attended to before she could continue flying. As she was lying there, the pink dragon she had seen earlier wandered over.
"Are you alright?" The dragon asked.
"Yes I think so. My wing is a bit injured though and I do not think I can fly with it like this."
"My lair is not too far from here; if you would like, I can bring you back there and get your wing patched up."
"I would very much like that. Thank you."
The two dragons walked a short while in silence until they reached the entrance to a lair. The pink dragon lead her through a tunnel into a larger gathering area and over to a corner. She laid down to rest while he went to fetch supplies. He returned a few moments later with some water and what looked like a wrap.
"So I don't believe I ever introduced myself properly. I am Roseus. And what might your name be, if you don't mind me asking?" he asked as he started tending to her injured wing.
"My name is Calypso." She replied quietly.
"Well Calypso, what might a lightning dragon like yourself be doing all the way out here in the lands of the Shadowbinder? A bit far from home is it not?"
"Once I reached a suitable age, I decided to leave home to travel; find out more about the world. I didn't want to be stuck in my own lair for my whole life. And so far, my adventuring experience has been enjoyable."
As she spoke, Roseus finished tending her wing. She looked back and noticed that there was now a maroon coloured wrap around her wing.
"Well Calypso, that should heal fairly quickly, but I would recommend you stay here for a few days to make sure you are fully recovered. Don't worry, our leader Nocturnal loves visitors."
Calypso nodded in agreement and then laid her head down to try to get some sleep as it had been a long day.
She awoke the next morning to find the lair nearly empty and immediately started to panic. However Roseus came over as soon as she woke up and explained things.
"Every day we usually send out a party of dragons to collect supplies; fishing, hunting etc. But we've had 3 nests hatch in the last few days and so we have not been able to go out to gather the last few days and we were running low. So we had to send out many more dragons today in order to bring back a sufficient amount to replenish our hoard. I chose to stay behind to make sure you were alright when you woke up. Oh and I brought you breakfast; I figured you would be hungry when you woke up." He smiled at her and placed some food on the ground in front of her.
The next few days went by much the same. The lair was busy taking care of new hatchlings and so she mainly stayed with Roseus. Within a couple days she was fully recovered and decided that it was time to leave the shadow lair.
Roseus walked with her back to the forest and handed her a few items. A maroon head wrap, and a couple silver hoops.
"I thought you would like the head wrap to match the ones you already have on your wings. And the rings are wing bangles. I found them while fishing one day; they had been dropped into the stream. I wanted you to have them as a goodbye present; a little something to remember your time here."
Calypso tucked the items away with the others she was carrying and turned back to Roseus.
"It was very nice meeting you Roseus, and thank you for taking care of me during my stay. If I am ever back in these parts, I'll be sure to stop in and say hello."
"It was a pleasure meeting you as well Calypso; and if you ever need anything, you are always welcome here. Good luck on the rest of your travels." With a smile and a simple nod, he turned and walked back to his lair.
Calypso made sure all her items were tucked away safely and then she once again took to the sky, this time avoiding the tree. She would definitely need to come back some time.


From the Shadow Lair, to a Firelands Lair it seemed that the days had passed by so quickly. She dismissed herself to find the next place to go, which was the Plaguelands.

During her flight she kept an eye upon her supplies and held her own pearl tightly, worried she might lose it mid-flight, that had always frightened her. A pearlcatcher, with no pearl was a disheartening sight.

Crossing over the large sea of a thousand currents she noticed a pure white guardian with a mirror upon her back, it was almost impossible to miss. A pure white guardian, aqua wings and thresher fins much like her own, curious she kept her distance but followed the two dragons.

How strange to see a mirror hitch a ride upon a fellow dragon's back. Such a strange sight, usually most never got along. Yet dismissing those thoughts she followed curious more than anything, the cloud cover offered some protection but it seemed the two were too engrossed in their chatter to notice her.

Cresting over the rotting edge of Plaguelands Calypso adverted her eyes away from the giant bones of a dragon's ribcage. Passing over she locked her glossy white wings into a long glide, the white Guardian wasn't hard to miss, much less impossible to lose. In a decaying landscape with dull colors ranging from brown to red the Guardian stood out like a sore thumb.

The Guardian seemed quite content in her glide and she too noticed the glimmer of gold that flashed at them. A long white imperial was out sunning themselves with a Wildclaw and a Mirror by the looks of it. The Imperial had however noticed Calypso and signaled Lothlorien who eased up beside Faana.

'Yes Fanna?'
'Look, there is a pearlcatcher, they seemed to have followed Elenaril, how curious. Might you have a chance to go and talk to them? Perhaps find out a bit more about them?' She asked gently.
Lothlorien nodded as he watched the pearlcatcher before launching himself off the small ridge.

Calypso was alerted, did they think she was an imposter? An Attacker? She fluttered for a few brief moments before the Imperial rose up around her. He was handsome yes, beautiful greens, he would've fared well in the Gypsygothic clan.

He was large though, surrounding her smaller frame instinctively she clutched her pearl a little tighter.

'Greetings dragoness.' He rumbled softly as he seemed to lounge in the sky before her his great wings giving her a decent breeze to stay aloft on.

'H-Hello.' She responded in kind a little shaken at his sheer size.

'Are you a wanderer as well, or just a casual passer-by?' He watched her almost prey-like but then again his kind was the biggest dragon and considering by the looks of it as she glanced down that there was more than just him.

'N-No, I'm a wanderer, I showed up a little late.' She stammered on a little frightened of what actually awaited below.

'Come then, you should not fear, if you are a wanderer feel free to join us.' He mused as he looped around her and tilted down to land, his giant frame gentle as she noticed when he landed.

Cautiously she landed as well and moved in quietly, it was loud here. The many dragons looking over their wanderers before a massive blood imperial strode out. 'Tonight, we should have a feast, all wanderers as it seemed arrived and departed safely. We shall be thankful for doing what we could.' He bolstered.

Lothlorien nodded and rumbled in agreement.

It was well into the late of the night that the feast was over and the dragons rested but sadly due to the overburden of dragons Lothlorien offered if Calypso might take a stroll to allow the few to find her a spot within the cavern.

She agreed, and it wasn't a stroll but a lovely flight. They skimmed over the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and danced upon the alluring winds of the Windswept Plateau. During of which as they tilted and twirled in the sky Lothlorien asked to learn more about her, she agreed. It was refreshing to tell her tales to a good listener.

As the sky grew too dark Lothlorien offered her to sit between his shoulders as they glided out over to Starfall Isles. Atop a lonely ridge they watched quietly as the small arcane sprites glowed dimly in the night hovering around the Observatory and watching the star glitter overhead.

He spoke low in a gentle almost lulling rumble about his own tale. It was saddening almost lonely. She grew close.

The week went by as it seemed so quickly, and she grew intimate with Lothlorien, eventually they received a 3 egg nest. He urged her to stay before her late depareture to rest with their newest hatchlings, which she admired deeply. Three beautiful male pearlcatchers.

Most of them took after her, and only one reflected a minor bit of the massive imperial that watched over her. She admired the soft yips and growls of the hatchlings nearby her as they rolled around and fumbled against each other between her stomach and her tail creating a minor boundary of where they could wander.

During this faint bonding moment with them, she noticed Lothlorien had been missing for most of the day, even Tui a lone pearlcatcher in this lair.

Only when it was late did he return with a faint limp. Alert she attempted to get up but he reassured her as he moved nearby and within his hand that he was limping from he produced 3 glistening pearls. 'No pearl catcher should be without one. Tui wanted to help me find the perfect ones.' He looked like a bit of a fool but she felt honored that he would find their hatchlings their own pearls.
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