
Level 1 Skydancer
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Fallout Streak
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Koi's Breastplate
Koi's Tail Guard
Scout's Tail Twist
Mage's Ivory Overcoat
Mage's Ivory Socks
Koi's Leg Armor
Mage's Ivory Gloves
Teardrop Pastel Spinel Necklace
Celestial Attendant
Igneous Iguana


Accent: Igniting Feathers



3.63 m
4.09 m
414.9 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 25, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Adolin’s gaze lingered on the trees from the Starwood Strand. They had taken root here, in the territory of the Gladekeeper, just like he had. He still remembered the arguing and superstition from the druids. Some even said the ground was cursed. Pink crystals were growing from the earth, reaching high into the sky. Warped by the Arcanist’s magic they said, and made the sign against the evil eye. Yes, it was true, he had brought something of the Arcanist’s magic with him the night he fell from the skies, but it was neither evil nor twisted. Adolin sighed. He still shivered every time he came close to that ancient beech tree at the center of the Sanctuary, maybe the druids felt the same here? Maybe they couldn’t see the beauty of the trees which blossomed at night, their tiny flowers shimmering softly in the moonlight. Instead, they only saw something alien, something that didn’t belong here, something foreign. Adolin himself still felt like a foreigner sometimes, an outsider who didn’t belong here. And yet, the trees from his homeland who grew and prospered in this earth gave him hope. If they could thrive here, so could he.

The priestess suddenly appeared beneath a tree, the blue light illuminating her pale skin eerily. He hadn’t heard her coming but one rarely did. Her blue eyes followed his gaze to the trees and she smiled knowingly. “You do belong here, Adolin.” she said softly. “You were destined to be here. Never doubt that.” Adolin breathed in deeply. “And was I destined to be a cripple, too?” he responded, not even trying to hide the bitterness in his voice. His fall from the skies had left him broken. He would never fly again, never journey to the stars again. “Oh Adolin,” the priestess whispered “You made a choice. You travelled to the stars and you came back. You knew there was a price to pay and you went anyways. I sat with you while you burned with fever and your body was wrecked by unstable magic. And again, you made a choice. You decided to live. I’ve never seen someone fight as hard as you did to come back to the word of the living. We all have to live with the choices we made.”
Adolin looked away, suddenly ashamed of himself. Self-pity didn’t suit him, there were others who suffered more than he did. Adolin felt the priestess cold paw on his arm. He looked up into her eyes. She smiled at him. “You are a sorcerer, one of the most powerful I’ve ever met.” Adolin sighed. “You know as well as I do that magic cannot restore my broken wings. The crystallization itself is not natural.” The priestess shook her head. “You don’t understand. You may not be able to rely on your wings for flight. But there are other things that you can bend to your will.” Still smiling, the priestess padded him softly on his cheek and retreated into the night. Adolin looked after her with furrowed brow, what by the Eleven had she meant by that? And then slowly, hesitantly his mind made sense of what she had just said.

The next morning Adolin stood at the edge of the Cliff and looked down at the Gladeveins. Emerald-green meadows crossed by hundreds of small and great streams glistening in the sun lay more than a thousand feet beneath him. The wind tugged at his clothes and ruffled his feathers. A fall from this height would kill him. But he hadn’t come here to end his life, he had come here to begin a new one. Adolin closed his eyes. He reached out to the swirling winds, wild and untamed. They struggled against his grip, rebelled against his control. Elemental magic was one of the most difficult branches of magic to master as the elements seemed to have a natural resistance to anything that would take away their freedom. But Adolin was a powerful mage and he was determined to succeed. Sweat dripped down his brow onto the ground and his breathing quickened as he finally threw himself from the cliff. It was now or never. He spread his crippled wings as he rushed towards the ground. With immense effort he forced the winds to heed his will. The warm upwind stopped his fall and he hovered in the air. Like a leave he danced and floated in the winds only unlike the leave who was at the mercy of the wind’s currents he commanded them. As he soared higher into the skies Adolin cheered. He would never travel to the stars again for there was no wind in the void but the skies were his again.
arcanev2.png Information
Name // Adolin

Role // Sorcerer | Elementalist
Adolin is a highly skilled mage and has specialized in elemental magic. The element he is most attuned to is air but he has a knack for manipulating water, too. Elementalists are rare and Adolin’s reason to even try to force his will unto something as wild and untamed as the winds was his love for flying. His desire fueled his magical abilities, steeled his will. Against all odds he gained control over the most elusive element of all.

Personality/Background //
Adolin is determined and strong-willed. Against his parents’ wishes he journeyed to the stars and despite his young age, he soared to the void between them. But as he fell back to Sornieth, the elements surged and interfered with his return. He was tossed around, burned and almost crushed by their violent upheaval. When he crashed down in the Gladeveins, the fall almost killed him. He had aimed for the Starwood Strand but had been knocked off course. Luckily, he had crashed down in an allied Clan’s territory and nursed back to health. The crater which he created on impact became “infected” with the Arcanist’s magic. It was contained eventually by the druids but this small piece of the Starwood Strand in the Gladekeeper’s realm doesn’t please everyone. Adolin is glad however since the crater which he created is destined to be his home.
At first, he was desperately unhappy in his new home. The ancient woods and swampy marshland were nothing like the Starfall Isles. His new clan members with their strange customs confused him. But he eventually settled into his new clan and home.

Friends //
Adolin settled down in the crater created by his impact at the Cliffs in the Gladeveins. The Gladeveins are only sparsely populated as most dragons of the Forgotten Sanctuary prefer to settle in the dense forests of the Shrieking Wilds. But that doesn’t mean Adolin lives a reclusive life. He often visits the Citadel as he is fascinated by its gracile structures. Since another fellow Skydancer, Tachi, took up residence there he is a frequent guest in his domicile. Kieran, the Clan’s herbalist, has become a good and trusted friend. He is fascinated by the plants of the Starfall Isles that grow in Adolin’s crater and has begun some hybridization studies (which are watched over by the druids with barely hidden contempt). Other close friends include the sorcerer and Dawnguard Apollo, the Clan’s High Priestess Usako and Antaris, a mysterious Skydancer that shares his talents for elemental magic.



Hatchling letters

From Falyse, Healer, to Adolin's mother:

Dear Valkyr,

I know you are desperate to hear about your son Adolin but communication is difficult at times like these. It’s been a few weeks now since he crashed into the small forest near the Seer’s Pond, a gleaming ball of fire and smoke. The crater is enormous, it even took a great chunk of rock out of the cliff, but we could contain the fire. Small pink crystals are growing in the scorched earth, our druids are not amused. But maybe this is normal? He is the first of his kind we ever encountered, so we wouldn’t know.
I’m sorry to tell you that he is still not well. His body has been badly burned, all of his feathers were burned or molten away. We are doing the best we can, but I’m afraid his injuries are substantial. I saved his left wing, but he might not be able to fly properly ever again. Fortunately, there is some improvement in his mental health, especially the tokens you sent with our messengers lifted his spirits. When he was first approached by our Wardens, he was stammering something about a “blinding light” or a “flash” that threw him off course. Something about “surging energies” and that he wasn’t supposed to be here. That he was supposed to return home. He was very agitated and we had to sedate him. He speaks in coherent sentences now but seems desperately sad. I’m not sure why he cannot return to you once he is better but he says he has to stay here, where he touched the ground. That this had to be his home now. It griefs me to see such pain in someone so young. He cherishes his father’s tail twist, and that eerie blue lamp you sent. Maybe it’s just all a bit too much for him, I’m sure he’ll settle in eventually.
I’ll write if there is any change, but he is out of the woods now and needs to recover which will take time. I’m sure you are still very worried, but we are doing our best. And you know the Sanctuary isn’t such a bad place to live though admittedly it’s not the safest place at the moment either.

Due to his severe injuries, Adolin cannot write himself yet but he asked me to send you his love and tell you that he misses his family very much.

Yours faithfully,
Clan of the Forgotten Sanctuary


Response from Adolin's parents Valkyr and Eosphorus, Clan of Obsidian Hollow to Adolin:

Dearest Adolin (& Falyse),
Stay strong, young one. you took The Journey at an unheard of age. It is a wonder there is anything left at all. Once you have grown, and your magic is stable, a visit is in order. Your father, siblings, and I have been awaiting word back from your voyage. I dreamt of the blinding streak that cut the sky when you plummeted back to this earth. Who could have foretold your thwarted fall? But- such is the ways or the nature of Arcane. It is a balm on my weary heart to know you still take breath into your body, though broken it is, it will heal. Your father and brothers send their love, and enjoy yet more gifts, our lofty son.
Falyse, we are ever grateful of the care you have given our son. I am ever sorry for the trouble our passage has wrought your druids, remove the crystals quickly or they shall take root- alternately, plant Hallowed Ivy around the effected area, it will stave it's spread.
Indeed we are worried over our child, but we trust in your skills, and in your clan. Adolin may return, but not until his magic has stabilized, for if he were to, there could be an.. shall I say.. explosive reaction. This is not something one can measure. First, he must recover. I know of a way, that may help him heal, though, the possibility of flight may never return, this will ease the pain and embolden his body to heal much more than one would think. Take Adolin to the spot he landed, lie him there, and leave him, no soul must see him until the morning. Leave him once under a moon full, and once under a moon new.
Take the stones,
White as Moon Glow
Black as the Velvet Sky
Lie with him
A Brittle Horn
An ethereal Carved Gem
A Sprig of Pine
A Dose of Vapor
Adolin would be no safer here, in Obsidian Hollow. We have faith in you and your clan. We are overjoyed he has found such a lovely place to live.

Warmest Regards,

Valkyr & Eosphorus
Obsidian Hollow


Letter from Adolin to his parents:

Dear Mother and Father (and Brothers if you are still there),

I’m so happy that I’m finally able to write to you myself; my condition has improved greatly. I should have listened to your advice, but I was overconfident and foolish. I see that now. And I have suffered and paid for it. But I hope that something good will come of it.

The healer Falyse performed the ritual as you instructed. By chance (or fate) the closest full moon was also a Blue Moon. She was worried but the druids told her it would most likely enhance the spell and not harm me. I have little recollection of that night; the whole Can was celebrating this special lunar event high above on the top of the cliff. Though they were hundreds of feet away, I could smell burning wood and incenses, feel the pounding rhythm of drums and hear entrancing chants. And sometimes I would catch a glimpse of dragons painted with clay and mud, dancing around a fire. But I couldn’t have seen that, or could I? Was it even real? That night left me feverish and weak, everything is a blur until the second part of the ritual, performed a fortnight later on a new moon. The cool night’s air soothed my burning body and mind. As the sun rose the next morning, I felt like being re-born. The fever had gone, the wounds had closed. I was overjoyed to see downy feathers growing on my wings though I will most likely never be able to fly again.

I’m feeling more at home here now, the druids (one of them is from Plague, can you imagine such a weird thing?!) agreed to contain the growth of the crystals by planting Hallowed Ivy around the crater. But they are allowed to grow in the crater and the cave. Their softly shimmering lights remind me of home and I have taken residence in the cave my … sudden arrival ... created. It has been enlarged and furnished, and I even get visitors from time to time. Some blind coatl named Kieran keeps popping in, bringing seeds and plants from here and the Starfall Isles. He says he wants to study hybridization. According to him, this crater is the perfect place. Strangely enough, I enjoy his company (though he seems a bit weird sometimes) and it makes me happy to see some plants from the Starfall Isles taking root in my new domicile. Kieran even managed to get hold of a Fallout Streak whom he presented to me as a gift. He said he hoped that this creature from the Arcanist’s Observatory would cheer me up. I named him Sky, after the thing I love most but which is most likely lost to me forever. But I don’t despair, there is always hope. I’ve been to the stars and moons. The ancient magic of our bloodline is still running strong in me. I’m a survivor.

Lots of love,
Clan of the Forgotten Sanctuary

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