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Personal Style


Burnished Filigree Helmet
Burnished Filigree Banner
Burnished Filigree Breastplate
Burnished Filigree Gauntlets
Burnished Filigree Boots
Burnished Filigree Tail Guard
Burnished Filigree Wing Guard


Skin: Amber-Trapped Fae



0.45 m
1.33 m
2.27 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 24, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245


Fire opal subspecies

The fire flight has seen many wars over time, but one of the most known was nature versus fire. Nature used to have many forest expanding outside of their home boarders into every other flight. There was one also in the fire flight land where nature dragons and non native wildlife thrived against what the natives wanted. It was considered a threat to the fire flighters and more fire eyes grew mad as the forest continued to expand. One day the natives snapped and organised an army to finally burn the whole forest to the ground. They gathered all kinds of dragons ranging from different sizes and shapes with the one intention; burn the forest. Hundreds of wings flew at the same time as those who couldn’t flew charged and flicked the ash into an ash storm. Nature wasn’t going to win today.

They went in and started torching everything. Trees were on fire, animals were fleeing for their lives, the nature dragons that lived there tried defending but once a couple had fallen they decided to retreat with the animals. The land turned red, orange and black as they stampeded through what was once green. But little did they know that the gladekeeper had caught wind of its plants burning and suffering. The gladekeeper grew furious and decided to punish the dragons for their destruction. The gladekeeper hummed a very loud command that reached the plants that were burning away and told them to start exploding their amber on the dragons. It came as a surprise to the attacking dragons as they became covered in a sucky substance. Many took this as a sign to retreat but the smaller dragons suffered greatly. If a fae was hit by the amber it’s body was almost immediately covered by the sticky substance, hardening around it and being trapped still forever. As tried to desperately get away from the exploding plants, one particular fae attacked named Malkum was hit by a splash of amber and stuck him to the ground he desparately chucked his battle armour off in an attempt to stop most of his body from being covered but his wings were almost glued to the ground, preventing flight. More and more flicks of amber hit his body and his thrown armour until nothing was left uncovered, sending him into an eternal slumber.


Granith needed to take a vacation. It wore like she was forced to take a vacation as she had never taken one before and her partner was pleading for her to relax somewhere, so she headed off to the northern side of the ashfall waste and tried being normal up there. She wanted to do some solo hunting as one of the many scorched forest was located that way and she had a craving for some jackalope right about now. No beast here could take her down as she ran through the ruins and slashing at her prey. She was having a heap of fun and getting a good feed at the same time! As she was poorly stalking a owlcat (she wanted it to know she was there(you know for fun)), something shiny could be seen of the ground next to a well charred tree. Could it be someone’s treasure, her treasure? She decided money was worth more than meat so she walked over to it and saw what it was. She dug up the ground and carefully lived it to her eye. It was any type of gold, it was a dragon; more specifically a fae! Now Granith had dealt with many weird things in her life, considering her clan literally keeps accidentally bring back the dead and all the beastclan resident that roam around freely; but she didn’t know what to do about a gold hovered fae. Was it real, a robot, a toy? She wasn’t going to wait there any longer and do nothing so she carefully clutched it in her claws and flew black home.

“Granith! You were gone literally two days! That’s not a vacation!” “I know Scivil but look.” “... Why do we keep finding weird things.” “Probably to stop less experience getting their hands on this stuff.” “Is it even alive?” “No idea. I’m taking it to the doctor. Perhaps she’ll know something.” “It smells nice.” “It’s amber, it’s tree guts.”

“Hey doc! So I found this fae and I want to know if it’s alive.” “Why and where do you two even find this things.” “Where is easy to answer, it was at the scorch forest on the north side of the ashfall, as to why... because we’re probably cursed.” “Well firstly yes it is a living fae... or was a living fae. It’s been encased in amber for a long time, probably for centuries.” “Can you help it?” “Probably. I’ll need to get some potions ready and I’ll need to call in a mage friend of mine. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

It was about a day later when Granith was called back to the hospital and saw the very small fae laying on its stomachs, blinking. “Hello!” “Hello guardian. You were the one to find me?” “Yep! How did you get trapped in amber?” “To make a long story short: don’t mess with the gladekeeper.” “Good answer.” They waited in silence until the doctor walked in and started explaining the faes medical status. While they were able to remove most of the amber, a lot of it bonded to its body and became one with its flesh so it’s forever looking like that. It also needed to eat to eat sap to keep his body from deforming or lacking the nutrients to stay together along with the diet of bugs. “All in all this could’ve turned worse, you could’ve been dead or not revivalble so I guess be happy.” “Thank you doctor.” The doctor waved and left them in a room. “So I guess you need a home. Don’t worry we have one set up for you already!” “Thank you guardian.” “The names Granith. Yours?” “My names Malkum. Was once a fire opal but now tree sap.” “Oh a subspecies from the old days! There’s another one of your kind so don’t fret too much on being alone. First thing we need to do however is to get you some armour or clothe. While I don’t usually care if someone prefers nakedness, some others do and well, your new and weird looking so best to get something on.” “I’m a warrior, bring me armour if you can.” “Good choice! No more nakedness for you.... Also your home isn’t near any trees.” “Thank the flamecaller.”
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