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Personal Style


Emerald Deepsea Bulb
Coral Crown
Seashell Mantle
Sunrise Hibiscus
Seapetal Wing Garland


Accent: Day dweller



13.71 m
15.12 m
7052.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 12, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


16033.png Asrani Nitara 16032.png

In her dreams, green flashed before her eyes, taunting her with reminders of home. The gardens and glades flourished around her, and against her flank she felt the warm caress of the dense jungle grasses she never knew. She braced herself as the dream turned as she knew it would, now looking over the ocean at the edge of the Viridian Labyrinth. A beam of light shot out across the water, slowly moving across it before disappearing just as another beam appeared. A thick fog settled around her, and she could feel the thunder in the distance long before she heard it. Bright streaks of lightning tore across the sky as torrential rains pounded down on her, and suddenly, she felt so small. Tiny wings stretched out and wrapped around her, trying to protect her from the storm.

Suddenly, she heard roars of other dragons, only two among them sounding familiar, and once again, green flashed before her eyes, this time the green of her father's wings--a lighter green than the lands around her. They wrapped around her, holding her close, and suddenly, a tremendous wave crashed over them, barreling them down the wide river that was once a gentle, bubbling aqueduct. Her father yelled for her mother as they were swept down the stream--he was a flyer, not a swimmer. Even with his large size and strong wings, he was unable to truly control the direction they went in. Just as suddenly as he and the storm had appeared, they were separated, and she was taken down the river alone, barely able to even keep her head above water.

She opened her eyes some time later, but her body felt heavy and she couldn't move; it took a few minutes for her foggy mind to realize she was mostly buried in a strange, heavy material, it squishy and wet though the more she struggled, the further she sank. Fear gripped her heart as she struggled to no avail, only her head still above the pale, treacherous ground. She chirped in distress, eyes scanning the watery area; debris was strewn about the ground, and she could hear the roar of a waterfall not far from where she was. It didn't take long for her small body to exhaust itself; drowsy and weak, she closed her eyes, shutting out the blinding light that kept her aware.

She jerked awake suddenly, heart pounding. She looked around the unfortunately familiar lair, its stone walls decorated with detailed paintings, sand dusting the floor of it. She groaned and fell back on her bed, frustrated. The same dream kept haunting her, reminding her of the past and things she'd have rather forgotten. She'd been stuck in the Tsunami Flats since that fateful day, separated from her parents and unable to really search for them on her own. Her adoptive clan was nice enough, but she ached to return home to the lush green of the Labyrinth. Soon, her wings would grow strong enough for her to make the trip, but even now she knew she was too young. She had been preparing for a very long time, and was more than ready in spirit.

The Guardians of the clan--of which there were several--told her that when she became of age, she would be traveling quite a bit anyhow. The Search was very important to any Guardian, they said, and the call could not be ignored. But for her family's sake, she was determined to find them first.

The clan also boasted a high number of Pearlcatchers thanks to the proximity to the Sunbeam Ruins; they seemed to enjoy the water as much as the native Guardians did. Of course, there were other stray dragons around, but none so populated as the Pearlcatchers; among them was Strimling, whose mane was brilliant and beautiful. This particular Pearlcatcher was the one who had saved Nitara from an early grave, and she had proven time and time again that her heart was as beautiful as her pearlescent mane. Of all in the clan, Nitara would miss Strimling most.

~~~ *** ~~~

In the following cycles of the moons, peaceful sleep continued to evade her; the dreams persisted with more focus on her limited memories of the Labyrinth itself, and the strange light over the water. One night, the dream had even been just her watching the light the entire time, and it was perhaps the most draining dream she'd had yet. The oracles in the clan seemed to have no solutions for her despite their best efforts.

When she awoke one morning after a particularly draining dream, she had the oddest feeling in her chest, a strange tugging sensation. It pulled her towards another unfortunately familiar sight--the same waterfall she'd fallen down as a hatchling, the one that had pushed her ashore and whose water had buried her in the sand. Was this what the Search felt like? She grabbed her belongings--already packed, as she had been anticipating this journey for quite some time--and ran to Strimling to offer a heartfelt goodbye. The older dragon promised their paths would cross again one day, and hugged her before sending her off with a wink.

Excitement and adrenaline coursed through her, and she set off towards the dreadful waterfall that was unfortunately too close to her. It wasn't quite as big as she remembered--she scaled it easily and followed the river through the Sunbeam Ruins, following the tug in her chest. Her journey was peaceful; she stopped at night to rest, hunted when she was hungry, and found herself only mildly irritated with the imposingly large Imperials she would run across every now and again--'Soon,' she thought to herself--who would ask of her business. She avoided overly crowded clans in her travels, choosing quieter trails and only straying away from the river to avoid another clan. As she traveled, she changed. She grew a little taller, a little stronger, a little faster and a little smarter; small changes as she moved, the moon cycles passing themselves peacefully.

As she reached the eastern seaboard, body and mind buzzing with the instinctive Search, she looked out over the ocean. It was almost familiar thanks to her dreams, but not quite what she was looking for. She turned now and began walking up the coast of the Sunbeam Ruins, glad to be away from the Hewn City; her brief stroll through the area had been more than enough for a lifetime. As she traveled past crumbling structures and pillars and trees began to come into sight, she felt relieved. Some part of her that never even truly knew the Viridian Labyrinth felt so excited at the thought of going somewhere with nothing but trees.

As she walked, she remembered stories Strimling would tell her of the days around which she had been discovered; how storms unlike any other had appeared, ancient monsters had made appearances, and how she herself had died and been reborn with a strong affinity for water. She scoffed at the idea; water was naturally part of her as she was a Guardian, made by Tidelord in his image, but she did not particularly like it. The ideas of trees pleased her so much more. When the oracles lost their sight and the Tidelord went quiet, the clan had become overall depressed. Some theorized that the storm had merely shifted things so that they could no longer properly receive their prophecies, but others worried that Tidelord himself had gone silent. None knew what to do. Scary stories of Lightweaver allowing her children to run amok without supervision terrorized her some nights, and made her all the more edgy as she moved through their territory; she was no match for a three headed undead dragon.

She remembered tales of the ancient storm in the Windswept Plateau going silent too, and how the entire flight was landbound for an entire moon cycle; she couldn't imagine! She was no true flyer like she remembered her father being, but she couldn't imagine being unable to fly at all. Still other stories worried her, like how the Plague and Nature flights were practically at war--she was eager to go to the Labyrinth, but some part of her feared her Search taking her in that direction. The blood that had been shed was on Plague's territory, but the Nature ambassador had not been unscathed; the stories varied depending on who told them, but none of the endings were pretty.

These stories circled in her head as she traveled, and anxiety swelled in her chest as she seemed to get pulled closer and closer to the Labyrinth; the path she walked seemed familiar, and as she looked out over the water, she pondered if this was the way she had come to arrive in the Tsunami Flats. Had the storm really pushed her across such a long distance, or had something else happened? Uncertainty flooded her body. Suddenly, she felt as if she had been jerked from the inside, and nearly tumbled over the edge into the water. As she sniffed the air, she sensed that the Labyrinth wasn't far over the water, and her Search was still pulling her strongly in that direction. She settled for the night beneath the boughs of a large, ancient tree, and for the first time in quite some time, she slumbered peacefully.

~~~ *** ~~~

When she woke the next morning, something felt different. She wasn't quite sure what it was, but it wasn't going to hold her back, regardless. Settling her satchel of belongings within the net that adorned her body so it wouldn't get lost, she took to the sky, going higher and higher before eventually just gliding, letting the air currents carry her. Elder Guardians struggled to fly properly as their body was simply too heavy to do it for long, but luckily she was still young and rather light. Her wings, however, were not trained for long-distance flight, and within an hour she had to perch atop a small island for a break. She sniffed the air, but her gut told her to go down. She wasn't quite sure where, however. Burying her satchel on the island and sending a quick thought to Tidelord, she slid into the water and began swimming; somehow, this felt faster than flying. Before too long, she could see land in the distance, but still felt she should be going down. 'Just a little closer,' she told herself as she approached the land; sweet smells assaulted her senses, and she felt at ease. After doing a quick scope around, she discovered she was on the outskirts of the Gladeveins, and decided this was as good a place as any to settle down for the night; the combination of swimming and flying for so long left her body sore, and she was eager to rest.

Her dreams were more powerful that night than any other; the waves slammed into her body, sending her down a new path this time. When she arrived to the Sea of a Thousand Currents this time, gargantuan dark shadows moved in the water, moving faster than her eyes could truly follow, and suddenly, she was pulled under, forced further down under the water. The water burned, blurring her vision, and the two large shapes continued pulling her deeper and deeper, regardless of how she tried to fight back. The Leviathan Trench was a place she never wished to visit, and yet here she was. A blurry shape moved through the water, coming up from the deep, faster and faster as the shapes released her and disappeared into the darkness below. The new shape let out a static hiss as it approached; thousands of tiny bubbles surrounded her, whispering in her ears and lifting her back to the surface. In the distance, melancholic eyes regarded her as the bubbles whispered prophecies to her, though one stood out to her in particular: "Blue and orange in a sea of green, but be wary; the treasures beneath are not yours to keep."

A cold sensation woke her suddenly, jerking her from her dreams. She splashed around in the water cluelessly for a moment before gaining her senses and pulling herself ashore again. How had she gotten so close to the edge? Nearby, a young Ridgeback regarded her with deep blue eyes before another called for him, making him scamper away after a moment's hesitation. She shook herself lightly, clearing the disorientation from her head. Her dreams and the face of the young Ridgeback stayed with her as she slowly moved down the coast, following the tug in her chest while her mind raced, trying to figure out why he'd been there.

~~~ *** ~~~

The next several days passed without incident; her mind was consumed with thoughts of what her potential charge could be as she walked on land or swam by sea. Naturally, she started counting the charges of Guardians she'd met--some had important dragons, or just a simple dragon; some ended up mating their charge, which she found sweet in some way. She also thought of some of the sadder charges--a pebble, or a lonely location. Others were doomed to a piece of technology they had no knowledge of, or worse, had to protect a dragon they despised. She stopped and straightened her back at these thoughts, vowing to herself, 'It doesn't matter what or who my charge is! I will protect them with my life and more.'

With that done, she marched forward, determination in her chest. She was buzzing with energy, her heart becoming warmer; in the distance she saw a strange building. Stone on the bottom with a glass room on top, overall it was a dilapidated, foreign structure. With the way she felt, her charge had to be near; she bounded towards the structure, excitement pushing her to arrive as quickly as possible. She slowed down, her heart feeling as if it would burst as she stopped in front of the building. Gently running her claws against the crumbling stone, she felt another rush of energy. This place had a positive history, it seemed.

Carefully shouldering her way inside, she looked around slowly; research materials and papers were scattered about, most of the equipment seeming new. A faint scent clung to the stale air inside; another dragon, and if the tiny feathers decorating the floor were any sign, likely a Coatl. Beautiful stones and water samples decorated the nearest shelf, followed by samples of different plants--beyond dry by now, though she wondered how they were still alive at all--and then small bones. Spending some time looking at the history of this place, it was clear someone was definitely doing research here. But of what?

More hints and clues pieced themselves together like a puzzle. The buzzing of her energy had waned, allowing her to think properly. This wasn't research of just water, but the ocean. But why would anyone care about the ocean? It was an endless expanse of water. Thoughts spun in her head as she sat and turned a smooth stone over in her claws. Then it struck her; why wouldn't someone be curious about the ocean? Who knew what was across it, what lay beneath its surface, the secrets it held...

She continued her exploration of the small building--she came across a set of steps that spiraled up and discovered a small switch on the wall at the base of them. She flipped it, and upon hearing a small whirring coming from above her, she tilted her head and began climbing the steps. At the top, she found the glass room that had a large...contraption in the middle. It was moving, spinning, and as it turned towards her, a bright light flickered, blinding her. As it turned away, it continued flickering, the beam of light shooting out over the ocean. Blinking and trying to regain her vision, she looked out the glass, surprised by the beautiful view the room offered. As the beam of light struck the light layer of fog that sat on the water, it hit her like a stampede of Ridgebacks; it was as if this had been taken straight out of her dreams. "Did you lead me here?" she asked aloud. "Have you been sending me that dream all this time?"

The light spun slowly, flickering over her form before she heard a crack and the light went out though its contraption continued to spin; a crack had formed across its face.

She sighed heavily and went about inspecting the room. Oddly enough, there were no research materials up here and it was pretty bare aside from a few crates and baskets; as she was about to head back down the stairs, she felt a strong pull to the basket she stood beside.

'A basket?' she thought hopelessly as she sat and pulled it closer to properly look at it. Something rattled inside as she moved it however, and she curiously opened it. Inside was a small collection of shells, most of them tiny and insignificant but the main one being a large, flawless conch, pale as the sand but streaked pink. Her mind went blank for a moment as she stared at it; when she came back, she found that her eyes were watery, and the shell was held delicately between her claws. The shell seemed to be whispering; as she brought it closer to her ear, she could hear whispers indeed, the soft murmurs of a sea.

She sat in the same spot for the remainder of the day, listening to the shell. Waves crashed in her ears, spilling ancient secrets and unlikely possibilities of what could be. She envisioned gentle ocean creatures dancing in the waves of this ocean she couldn't see, singing to the depths. In these soft moments as she listened, the rift created between her and water healed itself as she accepted the nature of her charge. As the moons rose overhead, she placed the shell carefully back in its basket and carried it downstairs in her tail, flicking the switch off again. The ocean whispered from the basket as she walked, her eyes seeking something that would help her carry her charge more efficiently before she remembered her own mantle. She spent the rest of the night carefully weaving her treasure into the net, securing it once, twice, and then a third time, wanting to ensure it would not come apart. 'This is temporary,' she assured herself and her charge. 'I will not allow harm to befall you,' she swore.
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