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16.8 m
20.74 m
12342.83 kg


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Tertiary Gene


Feb 23, 2018
(6 years)



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Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Eyes match wings a bit.
The rest is pastel-y.

[center][size=7][b]Jakian Q&A:[/b][/size] [size=2][b]Question credits: LegallyInsane, UsernameHere, UsernameHere.[/b][/size] [size=5][b]Inside the Borders:[/b][/size] [b]Do Jakians celebrate any sort of festival or event? If so, what is it, how does it, roughly, work? Who's most likely to attend? Does the current ruler have to supervise it, or are they not required to even be seen there?[/b] There is only one consistent event in Jakian culture. This event is where a new leader is chosen. It is required that all able overlanders attend. [b]Do Jakians have any sort of royalty or nobility? If so, how does it work?[/b] The new leader is chosen by the current leader once they reach 150 years of age. The new leader must be between 50 and 100. [b]How does the ruler actually rule? Are they absolute or is there also a sort of council they have to go through?[/b] The leader is often referred to as the Alpha or simply the Leader. This individual is in charge of the laws and can choose whether or not they want the next ruler to keep their laws or not. The Leader can do anything they want with no repercussions. Though they have an adviser, the adviser is usually ignored. Because of the system being flawed, most Leaders are corrupt and hold to the laws that J'nere set. [b]How do they choose a partner/spouse/mate? Are they permanent? One-time? ... Do they have to do any sort of ritual/dance? (Akin to certain types of birds?)[/b] Males and females live separately in most cities and only interact when put into the same workplace. Some form bonds and mutually accept each other as comrades. The male often moves into the female's home after he is accepted by her companion females. [b]What sort of jobs are available? Are certain Jakians unable to do certain ones?[/b][/center] [LIST] [*][b]Overlanders[/b] [LIST] [*][u]Misc shops[/u] The Jakians incapable of magic run food and supply shops. Since the currency system is broken, the Jakians running the shops mainly do trades for essentials. [*][u]Upkeep[/u] The magic lined streets need constant attention from those skilled in magic. There aren't many Jakians left skilled enough to keep the magic flowing through the Phychoreactant buildings so most are left to rot. Usually green and blue magic Jakians are put into this job. [/LIST] [*][b]Metal Mine Dwellers[/b] [LIST] [*][u]Transporters[/u] Jakians with light blue magic are forced into this extremely dangerous task. They have to use their magic to transport large chunks of metals up out of the mines. This task is what has made light blues so rare. [*][u]Brutes[/u] Magicless Werewolf and Saber mutation Jakians are placed as guards in the Metal Mines. Though they are quick and strong, they are often braindead and only follow commands given by Overlords. [*][u]Overlords[/u] Overlords are put at every entrance and major intersection in the Metal Mines to ensure that none of the workers escape. Each one has a Brute that they command. Overlords are the scrawny but headstrong individuals that are loyal to the current leader and believe in the system that J'nere put into play. They are often targeted by outskirt raiders. [*][u]text[/u] [/LIST] [*][b][/b] [/LIST] [center] [b]How do outcasted Jakians deal with being outcasted, overall? Mostly geared towards the Werewolf and Saber mutations.[/b] Outcasts are often so worn down by the time they are working age that they willingly go to the Metal Mines to spend the rest of their lives there. Others escape the borders to join an outlander clan. [b]What do Jakians think of LGBTQ+ relationships/Jakians? Fine with it? Hate it? Tolerated but generally frowned upon??[/b] Due to the rapidly decreasing population, Jakian culture cannot allow homosexual relationships. There's nothing the leader can do about it, however, so it happens anyways. Homosexual Jakians are treated rudely and told that they are 'killing the species'. Some abandon city life to avoid the harsh treatment. [b]Do males help out mothers and their own children or do they have no part in raising them? Are there exceptions to this?[/b] After cubs are born, the male is not allowed back into the household. The pair may still stay together during and after the cubs grow up but the male is not allowed contact with them until they mature. The only exceptions to this are the Jakians living outside the borders. [b]What happens to orphaned Jakians? Left alone? Taken in?[/b] If there are no females left in the young Jakian's household, it's left to its own devices. If a young Jakian is found by a female outside the borders, it is taken into the outskirt clan. If found by a male outside the borders, it is killed. [b]Are some Jakian children treated differently due to patterns and/or mutations? Or does that only come up once they're adults?[/b] Most mutations don't show up until the Jakian is mature. Such as Saber, Horned, and Maned. The Albinos and young with wildcat/cluttered markings are pampered and raised with care while the Melanistic and simpler young are put last. Once a Jakian is found to have Saber, they are shunned and/or abandoned. [b]At what age are Jakians considered to be adults? Or does it vary depending on the individual's maturity?[/b] Jakians are physically mature at the age of ten and considered an adult at 20. [b]Do schools exist? Or do Jakian youngsters just learn from those around them as needed?[/b] Young Jakians are heavily dependent on the females of their household as they do not leave the house until they are five. There is no education system or even a written list of the laws that the public can access so they must be shared by word of mouth. [b]Are certain jobs considered 'off limits' to any Jakian younger then a specific age?[/b] A Jakian must be 20 to get any job. [b]You mentioned that local wildlife is usually left alone, though I imagine it pops up sometimes regardless... So are certain types of meat considered rare and even more hard to get, therefore being a sort of status symbol to actually have and consume it?[/b] There is a subspecies of small underground dragon that is rare and sought after for its meat and tough scales. If a Jakian were to catch one of these dragons, the only thing they'd get is a week worth of bragging rights and a tasty meal. Other than that, there aren't any animals that are particularly special. [b]How do rulers pick who to partner with, even if temporarily? Do they only do so with the most highly respected of those available?[/b] The leader does not get a partner nor do they have children. [b]Has there ever been a female ruler in Jakian history? If so, what was she like?[/b] There have been two female leaders in Jakian history. The first was a winged albino named Luscimia. She started a resistance against J'nere's crooked laws shortly after he died, managing to hold the title of leader for a month before being detained and sent to the lowest level of the Metal Mines. The second was Aquin. She had vivid wildcat patterns and the heavy mane mutation. She had the bodytype of a male and actually passed as male for two years before being found out and killed. During her rule, she managed to pass a law that allowed females to hold overland jobs. [b]What are some common laws that Jakians can expect to see used/put in place during normal every day life?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Do some males refuse to breed? Is this a common thing that happens?[/b] Most males don't even get a chance to and others get too depressed after learning that they won't even get to raise the kids that they refuse to breed just to avoid the heartbreak. [b]Why do males kill young Jakians if they find them without a mother around?[/b] No matter what, Jakians will always be at least slightly wild and have their pride instincts. Like lions, if they find a lone cub that is not theirs, they will likely kill it to stop a lineage other than their own to grow. Within the city, cubslaying is illegal. [b]Can rulers not be eligible to rule if they've already had children? How is this known, if so?[/b] The leader is not allowed to have children and if they are found to have children (before or after becoming leader) they will be sent to the Metal Mines. There is a database of mature Jakians and their bloodlines. This is always checked before a leader is approved. [b]Why are males not allowed to help raise their young?[/b] Females are persistently independent by nature and feel that all males, including the father, could be a risk to her and her cubs’ safety. [b]What are relationships with other, off-world, species like?[/b] AnswerHere [b]What do cubs and/or adults in the borders do for fun in their free time?[/b] AnswerHere [size=5][b]Outlands:[/b][/size] [b]What do outlanders think of those inside the borders? Do any of them have a secret double life, sneaking between the two?[/b] Outlanders look in at the people within the borders with either pity or hatred. They very rarely regret their decision to leave but some still do go back and forth, trying to bring more to their clans or save friends from the Metal Mines. [b]Are there more females in the outlands, or off-world, then in the borders? Or is there a more broad population-wide slow extinction of females happening?[/b] There are more females outside the borders than inside or off-world. [b]Do outlanders have different views on LGBTQ+ couples/individuals?[/b] Outlanders are overall accepting and often encourage male couples so that the females aren’t fought over due to imbalances in gender numbers. [b]How do outlanders determine laws? Or is there more of a community accepted thing going on?[/b] The outlanders don’t like the idea of laws so instead, they depend on common decency; don’t kill each other or take someone else’s stuff. [b]Do the outlanders have any festivals/events?[/b] They have an event at least once a year where they pray to their respective deity and request their help. It’s not a mandatory thing and not attending isn’t looked down upon. [b]Are there different jobs in the outlands then inside the borders?[/b] There are many different jobs for outlanders within their clans. There are the hunters, scavengers, guards, scouts, and caretakers. The jobs are pretty straight forward and an individual can switch jobs with another if they want to. [b]How do households differ between those who live in the outlands and those in the borders?[/b] Households outside the borders are much more inclusive and are generally larger. The males are just as important to the raising of young as the females and they are encouraged to interact with the cubs. [b]Do some LGBTQ+ couples in the outlands adopt orphaned/abandoned Jakians? Are males less inclined to do this then females or is there a pretty even ratio here?[/b] Some male couples do go to the borderlines to search for abandoned cubs to adopt. Female couples do the same as well. [b]Do Jakians have any myths/legends outside of any religion? Like, things akin to spooky stories meant to scare children into behaving.[/b] In the outlander clans, there is a story that if you climb or break the limbs of the Solephine tree, the spirit of Solephiles that lives in it will eat your soul. This is thought to be just a spooky story to keep rowdy youngsters from damaging the tree but no one is brave enough to test it. [b]Are Outlanders any different when it comes to who can have X job when you're X age? Or is it the same as inside the borders?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Similarly to the above, are Outlanders less inclined to outcast their young with certain mutations or care for the ones with less patterns after the ones with more patterns?[/b] Answerhere [b]What sorts of games exist in the outlands? Are cubs not allowed to participate in certain ones?[/b] AnswerHere [size=5][b]Other and Overall:[/b][/size] [b]Do Jakian assassins and/or bounty hunters exist? Fleeing the law and probably literally everyone else?[/b] There are undercover individuals sent by the leader to break up resistances and rescue missions. Other than that, there is only one other hitmen that rarely visits Eneria. They’re a Blue Albino who goes by the name of Ace. They are not registered in the leader’s catalog and cannot be tracked. [b]So. Trans Jakians. How are they treated? I'd assume it'd be considered near offensive if a female so much as tried to attempt to be a male in any way shape or form, due to declining populations, akin to females refusing to breed.[/b] This concept is foreign to Jakians. [b]How do Jakians feel about Poly relationships? Do they exist at all?[/b] Jakians do not acknowledge this concept and so there are no issues that arise because of it. [b]Do Jakians live on any other planet outside of their own? Do some go visit other planets? Or are all but a select few required to stay on their home planet?[/b] Outlanders often catch a ride with visitors to go to other planets. The most common place they end up is Kerenia, a nearby planet with a similar species and climate. The only difference there is that Keneria has a much more understanding and free society. [b]Are there other cities/towns on their planet, with different rulers and such? Or do those things exist, but there's only one overall ruler of them?[/b] The main city within the borders is controlled by the leader while everything outside the borders belongs to the outlanders. The outlanders are much more friendly and are free from the leader's laws. [b]Do some female Jakians refuse to breed? Are they looked down upon because of that, due to an overall low female population? Or is it just... Accepted? Is it the same outside the borders?[/b] Many females refuse to breed and they are treated as bad, if not worse, than homosexual individuals. [b]What is their day/night/week/month/year cycle like? Similar to Earth's? More months? Just a couple extra days? Shorter weeks? Longer days? Less months in the year?[/b] Eneria has fast days but more days in a year. One Enerian year is two human/earth years. So the Jakian's age system relates to Enerian time, not Earth's. This means that though a Jakian can live up to 200 Enerian years, they can live up to 400 Earth years. They do not have weeks or months, nor do they keep track of the day or exact time. They work by the sun (EX: the overlanders have their shops open from when the sun comes up to when it's directly above them and open again when the sun is going down) [b]Do Jakians have any sort of religion? Or is it more of a 'whatever you want to believe, feel free.' type thing?[/b] J'nere is the closest thing to a god that the Jakians in the border know. The outlanders, however, have a few different deities that they follow. One of those deities is Solephine and another is Iblis. The clans do not fight each other because of religions though as their deities are companions, they just have different ways of going about things. The original deity of Eneria was Solephine. [b]Do they speak other languages outside of their native tongue? Is it majorly frowned upon if so or nah?[/b] Jakians within the borders learn different languages from each other and the occasional visitor. The leader has no preference as to what language is spoken, as long as unfamiliar tongues aren't used to conspire or pass secrets. Those outside the borders learn both their native language and Gostian. [b]Does Eneria have different seasons outside of the tropical climate by day and tundra by night?[/b] AnswerHere [b]What do Jakians use for light after the sun goes down, inside and outside the borders?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Are there different things used to store goods/belongings inside and outside the borders? If so, what's the difference?[/b] AnswerHere [b]What are common things found in Jakian homes? (Ex: Kitchen, beds, playroom for cubs, etc. etc.) Does this differ between homes with males and homes without them? How big are they on average?[/b] AnswerHere [b]What are generally commonly found heat sources during the night inside homes? Or do all Jakians kinda just dog pile with the cubs somewhere safe in the middle during the tundra nights?[/b] AnswerHere [b]You mentioned Deities before, are there any others outside of those two mentioned? What, in old and/or current culture, are the Deities like?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Do Jakians have/buy/produce music? If so, what's the most common?[/b] The Jakians within the borders have no concept of music. The outlanders, however, have their own instrument similar to a flute. [b]Art! ANY. ART. Writing/Books, painting, singing, live action plays, you name it! What's it like in Jakian culture? Does it exist in the borders or only outside them? (Music was covered above.)[/b] AnswerHere [b]How do Jakians feel about water? ... Or more like, how do they feel about swimming and/or possibly fishing?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Do Jakians own pets at all? If so, what're the most common?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Do weapons exist? What're they like, inside and outside the borders?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Do some things exist that are considered uncommon? (Ex: Clothing, wedding style rituals/practices, technology obtained from other, more advanced worlds, etc. etc.)[/b] AnswerHere [b]Do some Jakians wear certain things as accessories? (Ex: Bones from kills, flowers, jewelry, etc. etc.) Are those with the Horned mutation more likely to do this, if it does happen, due to a more convenient place to show these things off from?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Are ghosts a thing in Jakian culture? What about self proclaimed psychics/'I'll tell you your future!' types?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Have Jakians advanced to the point of being able to make and wear scents-I.E; Perfume? If so, what're common scents? If not, then does something like this exist with indivduals wearing flowers/fruits to get a similar result?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Do Jakians have/own/maintain gardens at all?[/b] AnswerHere [b]What are common keepsakes? Do Jakians even have things they pass down to their children?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Are Jakians able to produce fabric? If so, what are common patterns for things like blankets? If not, do they buy it from off-worlders?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Are there any sorts of food staples? I.E: Common food items(Rice, beans, that kind of thing.) that most families always have on hand?[/b] AnswerHere [b]What do Jakians do to show affection? (Ex: Hand holding, tail twining, nuzzles, etc. etc.)[/b] AnswerHere [b]What, specifically, do males/females do to attract potential partners, male or female? Outside of coat patterns and mutations, anyway.[/b] AnswerHere [size=5][b]Health/Hygiene and Mutation Related:[/b][/size] [b]How do Jakians age? Similar to humans? Slower? Faster?[/b] As far as how fast they mature, it only takes five Enerian years for a Jakian to be independent and ten for them to be physically mature. A young Jakian's judgement is not trusted until they are 20. [b]How long do they usually live for?[/b] Most Jakians live for about 200 years. The oldest Jakian ever recorded was the first Blue Albino leader Kesindu who lived for 325 years. [b]Being that there's a feminine male and masculine female variant, are they treated any differently from their counterparts? Like, are feminine males generally considered to be less of X thing then their non-feminine male versions? Or is this just purely for variants in art?[/b] That's mainly for customization as I can understand that the drastic differences in the male and female bodytypes can make or break a species. These variants may be expanded upon and put into lore in the near future. [b]How is heterochromia treated outside of the Blue Albino mutation? Exotic and therefore kinda sought after? Or is it more of a taboo thing? Is it treated the same inside the borders of the main city as it is outside them?[/b] Heterochromia is a very charming trait. [b]What happens to Jakian children who have impaired vision and/or motor skills?[/b] Young Jakians that cannot function are left by the border to be taken by the outlanders. [b]Do some Jakians have longer and/or sharper canines than others, OUTSIDE of the Saber mutation?[/b] The canines and piercing tooth of most Jakians are uniform. [b]What determines if a Jakian has magic? Is it a genetic thing that's just ended up dying out? Is it tied to those with Glowing markings?[/b] In the earlier years of Jakian civilization, there were two colonies; those with magic and those without. Those with magic had glowing runes while the ones that didn’t lacked runes altogether. Over time, the two colonies merged and interbreeding occured, resulting in magicless young from a magic lineage. Because of interbreeding and lack of someone to teach the magic, it began to die out. Some individuals can still use their magic but they are self-taught and unable to reach the greatness of their ancestors. [b]What causes certain markings on some Jakian to glow? Does it help them in any way or does it hinder them?[/b] Glowing runes are a result of magic lineage and usually means the individual has the ability to use magic whether they know it or not. The glow of the runes does not hinder them too much unless they are attempting to hide in the outskirts forest at night. For this reason, those with glowing runes are not allowed to hunt or scout at night. [b]How often do twins(or more than that) occur, if at all?[/b] Jakians often have two or three cubs. Four cubs to one mother is very rare. [b]Do mutations or patterns or anything of the sort determine status/class? Are certain ones more sought after then others when looking for a partner/spouse/mate?[/b] Jakians with more markings are more attractive than ones without. The favorite ones are wildcat and cluttered markings. The exception to this is a pure white Jakian with simple runes. As far as mutations go, Primal Saber, Horned, and Albino are the favorites while Saber and Melanistic are frowned upon. Only the Werewolf and Saber mutations change a Jakian's chance to get certain jobs; Saber is unsightly and impedes speech, thus a Jakian with Saber cannot run a shop. Werewolf completely changes the Jakian's structure, making them physically incapable of completing certain tasks. [b]What's causing the decline in the female population vs the males'? Could it be prevented with a move to a new planet or technology that allowed more females to be born, if they got that advanced?[/b] For every three males, there is one female. That is how it is and always has been. It is unlikely that Jakians would ever be able to make technology on their own that could fix their population problem. Moving planets would only hurt the species more. [b]Are there other, smaller, subsets of Jakians who might not have specific mutations, but more a product of allergies?[/b] If you mean strange allergies that stop them from functioning, then yes. Some are in fact allergic to sunlight (very rare but mainly occurs in Albinos). [b]Do Jakians get allergies just like most species? (EX: Allergic to flower pollen.)[/b] AnswerHere [b]What are Jakians' thoughts on death, inside and outside the borders? Is it a respected thing, with rituals and such or is it just there?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Do any mutations cause heath issues? Though speaking of, Saber is mentioned to impede speech and eating somewhere above, how severe can that be health wise?[/b] Many mutations can cause health problems. Saber is, by far, the most troublesome as the rapidly growing fangs can lock with each other and stop the Jakian from opening their mouth. Saber often pierces the individual's lip(s) as well and it's common for the lip to split and never heal. This is not only painful but also increases the risk of infection. Maned can also be a hassle and increases the risk of overheating. Jakians with the maned mutation are usually nocturnal to avoid the extreme heat. [b]How are injuries and illnesses treated? Are there hospitals? Do medics exist? How often do injuries and illnesses result in death, inside and outside the borders?[/b] AnswerHere [b]Are some Jakians born without fur? Is this a major concern when/if it does happen?[/b] Furless Jakians are extremely rare and when they are born, it's seen as a bad omen. [b]What're common place products for cleaning virtually anything? (Ex: Homes, cubs, themselves, etc. etc.)[/b] AnswerHere [b]How do Jakians feel about missing parts of their body? (Ex: A leg, an arm, a couple fingers, etc. etc.)[/b] Most tend to stay away from others that are missing body parts as they are a sign that the individual isn't afraid to pick a fight. While inconvenient, missing limbs are a thing worth being proud of; it means that they lived to fight another day. Missing ears, however, are a shame thing. When a Jakian gets into a fight, they will often go for the ears in an attempt to strip the other of any rank they may have. [b]Can... Can Jakians purr like cats, at all?[/b] Purring is a thing that they're capable of and it's usually used to reassure a cub or comrade. [size=5][b]Silly/Hypothetical:[/b][/size] [b]If given the chance or if somehow humans/humanoid species discovered Jakians, could they learn English?[/b] Yes, they are capable of speaking English, though no matter what they do, they will have a heavy accent. This accent is a result of the large piercing tooth that stops them from properly pronouncing 'th' and 's' [b]If laser pointers were brought to their planet or they somehow invented them, would they go after them akin to cats?[/b] The cubs would go full cat mode while the adults would be quite puzzled and possibly scared. Lights aren't foreign to Jakians but small red dots of it are. [/center]
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