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0.93 m
0.97 m
1.25 kg


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Tertiary Gene


Feb 19, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Fae
EXP: 707 / 27676
Shining Acuity Fragment
Shining Acuity Fragment


trans male // descendant of naomi // cursed // from another dimension

Once upon a time, there was a Consciousness. The Consciousness was the only thing in the universe, until he decided to create two other beings. He called them Moli and Noah. However, he controlled these beings, so they were more like drones. But he didn’t care, for he knew not better.
Moli was the moon. She was a sirukai (seraph), and looked like a marble horse with huge wings. Noah was the night sky, and he was also a sirukai, though he looked more like a snake. They loved each other, and every night Moli would swoop down, pick up some dust, and throw it over Noah’s robes. Then she would cover herself in her own hair and fall asleep. They loved each other so much that they had two children. Their names were Sycamore and Paintbrush.
One day, Moli and Noah decided it was time there were other life forms besides them and their children. They created a host of new animals. Moli created the equine and feline life forms, who took after her in their love of the moon and of the wild things and of meat. Noah created snakes and lizards, who were meant to look like him. And they created a host of new sirukai. However, these sirukai almost always went to serve Noah as his “Night-runners.”
Soon, Moli developed a will of her own. Slowly, she broke free of the Consciousness’s grasp. The Consciousness made Noah trick Moli into thinking he was free of the Consciousness’s grasp as well. Noah convinced Moli to enter a small realm where they could shelter from the Consciousness. He put Paintbrush, who annoyed the Consciousness more than Sycamore did, in with her. Then he locked her in the realm and became the ruler of the world. He even created a trial to create new night-runners and promote the Consciousness. This is when the first lunar eclipse occured.
The mother and the daughter turned it into their paradise, called the Realm of the Moon, but it was not enough. There had once been others living here, but they could not read their scriptures, and they could not be happy in the strange land they were trapped in. Scheming, Moli and Paintbrush schemed to escape the realm. Moli decided that the only way she could escape was to rip her soul into two and hope the two pieces met once more. Paintbrush would have to do the same. In the attempt, Paintbrush died, and Moli was thrown into the mortal realm. Half of her soul had all of her memories and her physical form but had no personality and no powers, and the other half had none of the memories and was a human but had Moli’s personality and power. The half with the memories was called Monira, and the half with the power was called Serkaralka.
Noah saw this happen with a newfound power called the Sight, which the Consciousness gave him. He ordered Sycamore, the leader of the Night-runners, to track down the pieces of Moli’s soul and bring them to the Consciousness so they could be destroyed. Running from the Night-runners, Monira collided into Serkaralka. Meeting again, their souls became one again and they plotted, in secret, to go back to the Realm of the Moon, lure the Consciousness there, destroy him, and save Noah’s soul.
But the Consciousness was furious with Noah. He used a sword of darksteel to destroy Noah, who screamed in agony to escape but couldn’t. He took Sycamore and bound him in a prison to punish him, and tightened his hold on the Night-runners’ souls.
Though small, the Consciousness knew that he could defeat Moli, and he flew into the Realm of the Moon...straight into the clever sirukai’s trap. With a single bound, the enraged Moli raised her long sword of magic and cut off the Drone Blight’s head, power swirling around her in the moonlit-white sky. His blood spattered all over Moli’s clothes, which is when the first Blood Moon appeared in the sky.
Moli came to free Sycamore, but he was gone. She cried, assuming that he was dead, and the first rain fell on the earth, creating the first rains. Then, when the night sky came again, Noah’s soul returned to the world, free from the Consciousness’s grasp. Moli’s rejoice was so substantial that the sun appeared in the sky, which became a part of her soul so that she could be with Noah during the night and the day. The sun became known as Ariya. And for a very long time, Noah and Moli were happy, just like this.
But Moli was not quite content. She wanted to go back to the Realm of the Moon once more and explore the records left there by people who had once lived there. With Noah, she took a “vacation” and attempted to read the records. She could only read one record, located in the most house-like building of all, and it contained the following text:

Dear Lorin,

It is too late now. The Shade grows in strength, and our power is nearly diminished. There is no possible way we can destroy the Shade with the power we have left, even if Orro and I put our entire souls into the task. And there is not much of our souls left anyways. Orro and I plan to put our souls into torpor and hope that one day we shall be woken up by some kind soul. I had had a vision yesterday, in my sleep, of a pair of older souls waking Orro and I up from a long, deep sleep. They pulled us up out of an all-consuming darkness and brought us to the light. One of the souls glowed white and pink and gold, and her deep eyes showed us emotion and personality. The other soul radiated a calm, sparkling darkness, and his eyes revealed to us the secrets of knowledge and memory. I have a feeling that the two of them, whether they be so far in the future or just a few days later, will be the ones to save us, even though they are opposites. Oh Lorin, I also do hope that my correspondence with you will also not be destroyed, let alone our world.
For those that may be reading this, the soul of my soulmate Orro and my own soul are hidden in the bunker below this building. To reach the bunker, slide the bookshelf to the side and go down the staircase revealed to it. In this small room you will find two sleeping creatures. All you must do is whisper in our ears, and we shall awaken.
Goodbye, Lorin, and goodbye, world. I shall hope to see you soon.

Yours, Wola

Moli and Noah decided to do what the diary told them to do. They came across two other sirukai - one white-blue and wolf-like, the other tan and with iridescent scales. The wolf-like one introduced herself as Wola, and the tan one said that his name was Orro. Just like the dictionary entry had promised.
The four of them returned back to the main dimension, and Noah gave them divinity status. Orro became the god of the land, and Wola became the goddess of the sky. And for a long time, they were happy.
Until the Night-runners came back.
The Night-runners hadn’t died with the death of the Consciousness. They had a new leader now. This leader’s name was Dorian, but many called him Acrioa, meaning “the soulless one”. His two assistants were a female and a male, but no one knew their names. Generally they were called Rilani and Silan - “cruel lady” and “cruel lord”. Rumour had it that Rilani had two children, a male and a female, who did her bidding for her, but it was not a true rumour.
Well, on one night when Orro was in a “theater” - an invention by Orro’s creations, men (who had bonded with Wola’s wolves and created dogs, but that’s another story) - Dorian and his two followers creeped up on him and chased him and Wola away from each other. Then, when Wola looked down to find Orro, Dorian stabbed him in the chest, killing him instantly. His blood spattered on the ground and was reflected in the grieving natural world, creating the first autumn of the world.
Wola’s screams were so resonant that they still echo today, creating the wind we are all familiar with. Dorian noticed her and cast a curse on her. It was a tracking spell. So the moment Wola went to find Noah and Moli and tell them about Orro’s awful death and the reappearance of the Night-runners, Dorian, Rilani, and Silan pounced on them and kidnapped them.
The next thing they knew, they were in a large dark room. A writhing dark shape was above and all around them.
“Who are you?” cried Moli. “Why have you killed Orro?”
The being laughed. “I am the Shade,” he said. “I devour, I kill, I am the one who destroys all that is created. Including the divinities. But there are new divinites now, aren’t there? There’s Dorian, and Rilani, and Silan. My explorers. And of course, there’s me, the Shade. Though I presume you know me better as the Consciousness.”
Noah screamed. For he was deadly afraid of the Consciousness; after all, his soul had been imprisoned by him for nigh on ten thousand years.
“Oh no, you’re much too resilient for me to possess you all,” said the Consciousness. “It’d be much easier to just kill you. But no, that’s not satisfying enough. I’m going to strip your power from you and teleport you to a lesser world. Including Sycamore, and Paintbrush, and Lorin, and Lorin's children, and Orro’s dead soul, and Dorian, and the Ethereal Souls.” (Lorin was Rilani and Sycamore was Silan, but they didn’t know that until a long time afterward. The Ethereal Souls were a large group of mysterious figures that nobody knew anything about.)
And before they could react, they had vanished.
Where had they gone?
They had gone to Sornieth, of course!

Naomi > Willow > Mara > Alexis > SpiritSeeker > Graphite > Leshii > Sinclair > Leheetkomema > Orin
Naomi > Willow > Erroneous > Gadget > Aleka > Leheetkomema > Orin
Naomi > Willow > Mara > Nocnitsa > Imaicol > Orin
Naomi > Willow > Mara > Xaz > Mekat > Iskal > Snijeg > Imaicol > Orin
Naomi > Willow > Thorn > Rivit > Freak > Aella > Tori > Snijeg > Imaicol > Orin
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