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6.58 m
5.28 m
703.01 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Feb 17, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




the truth

"They are impetuous little heathens and I shall not tolerate them in my class any longer!"

The two hatchlings seated outside of the meeting room gave each other a worried look. After all, those were big words, and though they didn't quite understand everything being said, the angry tone of their Imperial teacher made it apparent that the words meant something bad.

"Come now, they are just hatchlings. They do not yet know any better. It is your job to teach them honor and patience, is it not? They will settle in soon, I'm sure. Just give them time."

The siblings' mother had a soothing voice, calm and gentle as a summer breeze.

"No Mimi, I am done." Rumbled the angry elder. "They do not listen, they will not sit still, they laugh at the most inappropriate moments. When they should be writing they read, when they should be reading they color, when it is time for coloring they play, they don't listen! These two cannot even be taught the basics, let alone anything more complex. And definitely not what you request. I cannot teach honor and patience!"

With an angry harumph, the Imperial stalked out of the room and back to the teaching forum. Mimi took her time emerging from the office, smiling at the hatchlings still waiting by the door. "It's okay, you two. Come on home with me. We'll see if your father has some of those treats you both love so much."

Well, that at least didn't seem like they were in trouble. Sharing another look, the sister and brother followed their mother back to their home, already having forgotten the anger of the teacher in their rush to play and chase and race their mother home.

"Dad, what does honor mean?"

Hesitation raised his head from the book he was reading, peering at his son over the binding. It was rare to see the now almost teenage dragon without his sister, but then, it was rare that his son would come to him for assistance. The two siblings were as independant as any adult, so long as they had each other. Most of the time at least.

"Honor means to have a high level of respect for the code of life, the way of the world around you, and to follow that code with every breath."

The younger pearlcatcher frowned, tugging on his just-starting whiskers a bit with a claw. Hesitation could see the thoughts burning through his brain, but he waited patiently, letting the youngster sort himself out.

"Well then, what's the code?"

Hesitation smiled; that was a good follow-up question for his son to have. "Each dragon has their own code, but those with honor have a code that others see as good and just. It could be a code that says no dragon left behind, or one that says even the weakest among us is worth protecting. Honor is something others can see and recognize in another dragon, so those who have it will be recognized by others."

"Can honor be taught?"

"No, son." Hesitation shook his head, straightening a bit. "Honor cannot be taught. It has to be found, deep inside yourself. It is something that comes from your very soul. Every dragon has the potential for honor, but only a few embrace it."
The youngster nodded, looking perplexed, yet did not ask another question. He sat there for a bit, just mulling it over by looks. Before long, he was slipping back outside as quiet as he had entered the study. Hesitation watched him go before smiling again, pulling his book back up to read.

The Wildclaw standing before the group was a knight straight out of their storybooks. Alabaster armor protected much of her inky hide, leaving only a few sections of scales exposed to open air. Even the helmet protected as much as it could, though the deep green of the eyes that marked her as Nature's ilk seemed to almost glow from the helmet's interior. She wore no weapons on this day, though when she had first arrived to teach the youngsters self defense, she had been armed to the teeth. For now, she waited for everyone to settle before she began.

"First law of self defense is to never find yourself in a situation where you need self defense. Always try to work out differences with words before you resort to violence, for once violence has started and blood is shed, reconciliation becomes a dream instead of an option."

The siblings were seated next to each other again, though in the front of the class instead of the back. Of all their required courses, this was the one they felt like they learned the most in. Something about the way the Wildclaw held herself and presented herself to others seemed natural to them, like here was a teacher that was finally speaking their language instead of catering to everyone else in the group.

"Second law of self defense is if you have to fight, then fight hard. Don't hold back. Because if the only answer is violence, then you want to be able to show strong enough violence to end the conflict right then and there. If you must defend your life, then you must be willing to take their life, because they have shown they are willing to take yours."

The two Pearlcatchers shifted a bit where they were sitting, eying each other slightly before going back to watching her. They both knew what the other was thinking, that the second law sounded harsh, barbaric even. After all, just because someone wanted to fight didn't mean that one side had to die, right? Death was not something to be taken lightly.

"Third law of self defense is to have the ability to know when you've won, the patience to allow the other party to realize that they've lost, and the honor to allow them to learn from their mistakes and live on. A fight where both parties walk away stronger and having learned something is worth far more than a fight where a life is forever snuffed out."

It was like she heard their concerns and already had an answer for them. The Wildclaw seemed to even eye them for a moment, may have winked in their direction before she continued with her explanation of the weakpoints in dragon hide. The siblings relaxed a bit, paying attention to their new, favorite teacher.

"Father, what is patience?"

Looking up from the map of the ocean, Hesitation was a bit shocked to see his daughter standing before him. It was not often that she came to him for advice, let alone showing up without her twin. Those two had been nigh inseperable since they were hatched, having created a bond that no one else could really understand, even if they could see it. But her brother wasn't with her now, and she was watching him with that light in her eyes that said she needed an answer that made sense to her. He took a moment to really think it over before he answered.

"Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances without becoming cross or angry or upset. It's the ability to suffer for long periods of time without becoming hateful, because in the end you know the cause is just and the suffering worth the lesson it teaches. It is the ability to achieve your goal calmly without giving in to the difficulties that might have happened along the way."

She seemed to sit back on her haunches more, tail curling around her pearl a little tighter. "Can patience be taught?"

"No, patience is something that is already inside of you, something that each dragon has to find within their own self. It cannot be taught, it is something you already have."

She nodded slowly, then reached out to poke the map. "That should be your new destination."

Hesitation paused, then looked over the new area she had pointed out. She was right, that would be a perfect destination for him. He hadn't been down there before, and with every new area there was a potential for new dragon clans to be found and...

He didn't notice as she slipped out.

It was the biggest day in any hatchling's life.

The twins gathered a bag of rations and waterskin each. As a pair, they made their way to the entrance of the clan lands, taking a small gift from every dragon lining the path. The last dragons they met were their parents, as was tradition. Mimi had tears in her eyes, seeing the last of her brood finally ready to take their first steps as adults. Hesitation beamed with pride. If anyone thought that the twins stepping out on their first adult day together was odd, no one spoke. After all, they had been each other's closest companions since they hatched. It only seemed natural for them to take the next big step together.

The clan leader came to the forefront, voice carrying enough for all to hear. "On this day, the most sacred of days in a hatchling's life, we bring forward two hatchlings ready to be hatchlings no more. Take your first step into the world as adults, my young dragons. May the road lead you not only to a destination, but to teachings and life lessons along the way, so you may arrive at your new home knowing who you are and why you stand."

Hesitation came forward, resting his claws on his son's shoulders. "May you go forth, my son, and make your family proud. Remember what I have taught you."

"I will go forth with honor, father."

At the same time, Mimi stepped forward, hugging her daughter. "May you go forth, my daughter, and remember what you have learned."

"I shall go forth with patience, mother, as you have taught."

And so, the two pearlcatchers, no longer hatchlings and yet not quite adults, stepped out onto the road. They knew they would not be home for a while, that it was up to them to decide when they had become more than hatchlings.

The road was long, and the pair faced trials they had not expected. The first meeting with an angry Serthis mob had not gone well, though both managed to escape with their lives. The self defense training that they had assisted with helping them to defend themselves. But in the fight, the female pearlcatcher had been injured, and was barely able to limp to safety with her brother's help. The blade that had but knicked her hide must have been laced with a powerful poison to bring her down so fast, so hard.

The following weeks were agony for the pair. She became so weak, she could not move. Leaving the cave was no longer an option, and he was left to gather and fend for them both. She didn't laugh or joke, just slept most of the time, moving between burning fever and freezing cold chaotically. He endured, keeping both fed, looking for a cure, finally going so far as to approach strangers for help. Luckily, one was a healer of great renown, and she was able to aid in returning his siter to full health.

When she was finally able to walk again, they moved on.

It did not take long for them to find themselves face to face with the Serthis horde again. This time it was the Serthis caught unaware, and the pearlcatcher siblings knew what to avoid. The battle was longer than it had been, and the dragoness found herself face to face with the one that had poisoned her before. She fought bravely, biting and clawing and avoiding the blade before she found herself the ideal moment, that one opening where every warrior knows that the strike would be the killing blow. In that moment, with victory guaranteed and revenge at the tip of her claws...

...she pulled back. The move was odd enough that the Serthis even stopped fighting, backing away warily. The one in front of her was wide eyed, watching the dragon like she was some kind of six-headed tundra or the likes.

"Why? You had the clean kill. You would have won."

The pearlcatcher regarded the beastclan for a long moment before replying. "It would not have been honorable to kill those protecting their eggs. There is not a good reason for death here." With a nod to her brother, the pair walked through the Serthis unhindered, continuing down their path.

It was fate, then, that they found themselves at the door of the clan holding the healer that helped them. She recognized them, invited them in, and asked for their names as she served tea. She did not ask about the blood speckling their hides, or the wounds they had, though she managed to heal them without the siblings noticing. Instead she waited for an answer to her question, offering comfort and cookies for the travelers. After a long look at one another, the pair answered in unison.

"Honor and Patience."
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