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Personal Style


Ebony Antlers
Carapace Arm
Solidscale Chest Guard
Tarnished Steel Belt
Buccaneer's Seaspray Boots
Chasmcrawler's Arctic Coat
Buccaneer's Eye Patch




6.19 m
6.11 m
621.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 05, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 11 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 3109 / 34264





Zilch Cleanclaw
Top Spike • Buzzard
Maybe Immoral, We'll See • Cocky • Egotistical • Disdain • Audacious

"Look at me, and face the light."
Lightweaver Marble Bust Darkwood Titan
Rusted Crown Wasteland Collector
Aesthetic: Morbi sapien nulla, dapibus et blandit finibus, semper quis augue,Theme?? morbi ornare facilisis luctus.
Likes: Quisque, neque, turpis, gravida, vel, est at, Or maybe this theme?tincidunt, elementum odio.
Dislikes: Duis, eu ligula, elementum, nisl tempor, tincidunt.
Vivamus volutpat, elit a placerat ornare, velit lacus vehicula lorem, vel tincidunt lacus risus sed sapien. Proin maximus dignissim dolor vitae consequat. Pellentesque efficitur tellus diam, vitae pretium sapien faucibus at. Sed gravida quam id orci efficitur, a convallis diam scelerisque. Vivamus porta dapibus est at tempus. Nullam posuere enim et magna pellentesque interdum. Donec sit amet nisi ac erat feugiat dictum. Nunc commodo facilisis ex. Sed malesuada porttitor elementum. Vestibulum quis lacus eu orci varius posuere id lacinia dui. Nunc ultricies pretium sapien, id sagittis nulla dignissim id. Vestibulum leo metus, molestie eu iaculis sed, sollicitudin et nibh. Cras ut fermentum nibh.

Sed neque purus, condimentum eget faucibus nec, bibendum eu nisi. Curabitur rutrum ipsum lectus, a mattis justo dictum sit amet. Duis placerat mi diam, a mollis leo varius ac. Proin facilisis, nisi vehicula vestibulum iaculis, sapien orci gravida felis, id blandit neque ex eu orci. Nam aliquam vel metus eget eleifend. Vestibulum semper volutpat purus, vitae consectetur lectus tincidunt sed. Sed ut ante eleifend mi scelerisque placerat. Curabitur venenatis tincidunt dictum. Sed efficitur finibus magna, ac pellentesque lacus pellentesque eget. Aenean malesuada metus sed cursus semper. Sed mollis enim arcu, vitae vehicula nibh elementum quis. Sed porta pretium iaculis. Sed quis sem sit amet mauris vehicula pellentesque. Vivamus metus nibh, sodales egestas laoreet in, fermentum sit amet enim.[/url].

Nunc dapibus lorem sit amet nisi iaculis eleifend. Vivamus nec felis ac nulla pretium venenatis. Ut nec orci erat. Vestibulum in posuere ligula, tristique bibendum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi quis pretium lacus. Vestibulum placerat magna in ex molestie, sit amet mattis risus euismod.

Phasellus dapibus tincidunt urna, vitae mollis purus rhoncus ut. Aenean facilisis justo vel semper maximus. Nulla eget sodales risus. Nullam ut augue fermentum, interdum mauris id, bibendum dolor. Maecenas convallis justo a sapien cursus interdum. Suspendisse ultrices arcu ac erat blandit, vel pellentesque diam aliquet. Nullam aliquet varius elit at semper.

Proin vehicula faucibus metus sed sollicitudin. Nullam pretium consequat nisl nec sagittis. Sed consequat ac turpis a pulvinar. Quisque vehicula, turpis a fringilla euismod, est risus dignissim diam, tempus elementum diam augue quis quam. Nulla condimentum nec metus a condimentum. Suspendisse ullamcorper mattis arcu, non commodo turpis vestibulum ut. In ac rhoncus justo, a efficitur velit. Donec massa ipsum, commodo at ornare id, dictum in ipsum.
profile code by saturne #101073


Mindless self Indulgence- This Hurts

-Zilch comes from a wealthy family from Gas Town. As a young skink he had the opportunity to leave the town and live on his own in an effort to start his own hive/clan.

-Top Spike
-His clan is the one that clashed with Zaszthma's clan
-Often uses his high-minded position in the clan to make sure he gets the finest pulls from raids and scavenges.
-Strives to build his hive into the fourth power town. (assuming there are only three?)

-Descendant of a gen 1 Imperial on his father's side. Hey that's pretty cool (And it's still active)
-Same exact coloring and genes as his grandfather, Carcass. (Except for the cream opal)

-Zilch's Buzzard profile

-Light Headcanon: Dragons who heavy worship or rely on the belief of the Lightweaver talk much like the Carja (HZD). "Face the light" is said by the warrior killing his enemy on the battlefield in the name of the Lightweaver.

Flygo72 wrote:
"If you are hurt, you can suck it up and press on."

"Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It doesn't matter where we come from or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world was what it should be, to show it what it can be."

Airplanefoxx wrote:
"Oh Zilch," a voice from the shadows begins. "You're a rather unique dragon, aren't you? I've never seen one quite like you." The voice faded out, but resumed sharply. "They call you a buzzard? But that's a scavenger. No, you seem more like a fearless warrior, smarter, faster, and stronger than the rest, leading your clan to victory. What is your story, who decides your fate? What made you who you are today, a champion? And whatever happened to your eye?"
The shadows appeared to almost be growing as the voice paused, saying no more than "I'm all ears."
39280629p.png Zilch paused considering how to weigh his words.

Zilch cleared his throat as if preparing for a speech.
"My parents were wealthy business peoples from the south. Seeing as Gas Town is one of the three super power cities in the vicinity of the wastes, and my parents wanting me to grow up to do something spectacular with my namesake and training, I yearned to help expand my family's empire by striking out on my own. After a few years of lying low as a skink, I was able to gather a following and start my own hive. Hm, not as complicated as I seem to remember."
He chuckled under is breath.

"My eye however is definitely a simpler story. As all buzzard clans hunger for clashes, I provoked the top spike of another hive and lead them into a trap--One quite deviously sprung if I do say so myself. Her hive never stood a chance. I knew what I was doing and my warriors are of the most resilient in the Wastes. She put up a fine fight though, I'll admit, but it was I who rung victorious in the end. I might have lost an eye in the battle but trust me, she lost far more.
Zilch couldn't help but grin deviliously as he finished. He leaned forward, propping an elbow on the roundtable and setting his chin in his palm. "You're quite the nosy one, aren't you."

By FaronWoode

Solidscale Tail Guard
Studious Healer's Calling

Possible Names:
Zilch -DOne diddled but might change

The one who's been soaking your sparrow skulls in rum
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