
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Silver Ferret
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Strawberry Plumed Mantle
Strawberry Plumed Cover
Strawberry Plumed Anklets
Strawberry Plumed Tuft
Crystalcourt Halo




7.14 m
5.91 m
406.62 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 02, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245



Infectious Dreams Hatchery Lore

When the world of Sornieth was new, all of the clans lived seperated. All divided by either race, or the deity they served. Each element, constantly pitted against the others, in a never ending circle. the wars raged on, and on, and it seemed like it would never stop. Somewhere, in all that hopeless despair, a small light of hope continued to shine, deep within the heart of a single young dragon. The young dragon, soon learned that her hope was something she alone had, and everyone else had already given up, and forgotten what having hope felt like.

She refused to let the others succumb to such perminant sadness, and dispair. So she started doing small simple things, for others. Learning of the simple things they wanted in life, and helping them to reach that goal. And each time she did, she relit the light of hope within each of the dragons she helped, and it gave her life purpose. She sooned learned, that she was a *Dreamer*. She dreamed of a world of peace, and harmony. Where all the elemental clans could live in unison of eachother, without dispute, without judgements. She dreamed of a world, where every dragon got what they dreamed of most.

All the dragons she helped regain hope, spread the word about her. Soon she was requested all over sornieth. And as she begain her journey, she knew it would be the last time she seen her home. She left without hesitation, and went across all corners of the land, giving hope wherever she went. She taught more and dragons about hope, dreaming, and how to give others dreams. Slowly but surely her dream started to come to life, and other’s dreams as well. However, she knew she had an even greater task at hand, and it would be her most challenging yet. However, one day she simply vanished, her memory fading more, and more each day. Decades went by, and even though no one could remember her name, her goal became the ideal for many dragons. Some even took on her cause, naming themselves the Dreamers.

Dreamers, the kind of beings who make the things some of can’t even picture, become reality. Dreamers believe without dreams, dragonkind will cease to exsist. They come in all colors, no shade or variation exclusive. They were mostly Light, Wind, and Water dragons, but other clans could indeed be dreamers as well. The only limit a dreamer has, is the limit they choose. Dreamers travel across the world, sometimes settling into clans, and making it their home. They taught the clanmates who were interested, new ways of doing just about anything. That anything was possible, And that helping others, was the greatest feeling of all. Life flourished and prospered. Things were far better than ever before. It seemed, life could not improve anymore. But as it turned out, there was a large faction of elements that had gone completely untouched by the dreamers influences.

They say, you are always a product of your enviroment. Nothing could be more true of the clans in plague and shadow elements. From the minute their hatchlings emerge from the egg, they are told to destroy and consume. Taught that having close ties with others is weak, and that they are meant to serve, and absolutely nothing more. It is no wonder that the world of sornieth was bleak. But it was bleakest, for the dragons who lived alone, in this way.
These elemental clans, were known to the Dreamers, as the *Infection*.
They spread cruelty, hatred, violence, and darkness wherever they went.

By chance, a young plague dragon had hatched all alone, and had wondered into the Windswept Plateau. There, he was found by a young and beautiful skydancer.
She was so happy, and full of life. He went with her, to her home clan. And even though he was plague, because he did not show the characteristics of his element, he was allowed to stay, but only for a short time. The first night, they sat around the fire and told stories of wonderful dragons known as *dreamers*. And he had never heard anything more wonderful.

The young skydancer taught him, what it meant to have a dream, and then taught him how to teach others how to dream. She also shared with him the greatest lesson, any dreamer could.
*Helping others dream, is the greatest gift you could ever give*. She also warned him, that he did not have to be what his parents wanted him to be, that he could be whoever he chose.

That night, as they laid in the cave, he heard whispering. He pretended to be asleep, but heard what they were saying. "If we survive the night, I will be surprised. We should never have allowed that hatchling into our clan. They will surely contaminate us all."
He fell asleep with those words in his mind, and dreamed of horrible things. He was surrounded by blackness, rotting flesh, and screams.........

He woke up hearing the screams, and in horror reliezed he was the reason. His nightmare, was reality. He had spread his plague into the cave, and dragons all around him were dying.
He looked for his friend, and found her nearby. She was near death, but spoke weakly.
"I know" she said softly. "I forgive you." she sighed. Tears rolling down her eyes, she looked at him weakly. "Remember what, I taught you. Teach them...." She closed her eyes, and was gone.

He felt his heart break, and with tears pouring from his eyes, he ran. He ran back to where he had come from. There he was found by his parents, who quickly told him what it meant to be a Plague dragon, and that he was meant to be nothing. The words of his friend echoed loudly in his mind. And He knew in that moment, the reason she had given her life to teach him.
*Helping others dream, is the greatest gift you could ever give*.
He promised silently, that he would repay her kindness, and the lessons that she taught him. And he would teach those same lessons, to other dragons like him.

The Infection were not used to doing anything to serve others, only ways to help themselves. Due to this the Infection was fearful of the bright dreamers. They wanted the dreamers gone.
Factions of The Infection had been taught to dream, and their loyalties were undecided.
They were known as the "Infectious".
Soon a war broke out, between the oldest memebers of Infection, and with the younger factions of the Infectious. After warring, without either side gaining ground, They soon reached a truce. The Infection realized something. When the Dreamers shared their dreams, thoughts, and ideas, things seemed to thrive. Even in the rot that surrounded them, dragons were happy. Due to this, the Infection surrendered. They asked something no side before would’ve ever seen coming.

Both sides chose to unify, creating the Infectious Dreams. Here dreaming is the normal, and spreading and sharing dreams is essential. Without sharing dreams the way of all life would be for naught. The dragons chose to have their children allowed out of their tight knit community so that other clans could have such creative free thinkers and loyal rule followers into their ranks. They, however, are always taught of their noble roots. They go onto be what ever they wish, but always make sure they dream big, and spread their thoughts.
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Exalting Brhyvir to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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