
Level 5 Wildclaw
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Grey River Flight
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Humble Apron
Humble Dried Tea
Humble Spare Tea
Humble Tea Cups
Humble Tea Tray
Humble Towel




5.3 m
5.43 m
692.31 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 09, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Wildclaw
EXP: 843 / 5545


Deathbell is an aspiring alchemist, hoping to discover new herbs and spices in the wide world, and meet new dragons along the way. She decided to leave her original clan and visit other clans around Sornieth.

Apparel plan

Her story of travelling through Sornieth
Kaimiiru 287379 (The Mu clan)

As Deathbell wandered the Ashfall Wastes, she came upon a cacti and fauna forest in the middle of the wasteland. Upon entering and drinking all the water she could muster, she was greeted by a coatl named Quince. He asked why she was traveling and warned her not to harm the forest-his forest.

"You want to learn about herbs and spices? I do know my plants." Quince turned his back on her and barked with a whip of his tail near her face, making her flinch, "Come here! I'll teach you, if that truly is your purpose."

"R... right." Deathbell said back, and followed Quince until they had reached the heart of the forest-a giant cluster of cacti with long spikes. As Quince approached them, the cacti's spikes receded so they could enter his lair.

Sensing Deathbell's hesitation, Quince snapped, "Come inside and rest, you fool. I'm not teaching you when you're dead on your feet."

"I am not a fool! And that thing could impale me!" Deathbell protested.

"Do you think there are spikes on the inside of an Ashfall Prickler? You're dumber than you look." Quince walked inside his lair, the crest of feathers on his head never calming down for an instant. Deathbell growled under her breath and debated on whether or not to just leave... but she really was tired, and hungry. She stomped on after him.

Quince had quite a few guest rooms, and the inside was nice and cool. He swung his head to herd her into a room, gave her the softest pillow she had ever felt, and then brought her a basket of dead birds. Deathbell wondered why he was being so kind

"I'm not courting you, if that silly idea came into your head." Quince said, making Deathbell nearly choke on her sparrow.

"Why would I want to mate with you?!" Deathbell snapped. Quince huffed, the cacti becoming greener around him for a moment. The flowers and trees and mushrooms adorning his body seemed to sparkle with vitality.

"Get some rest, brat. I'm going to hammer some knowledge into that birdbrain of yours." Quince growled, and prowled off out of sight.

Deathbell bared her teeth at his back and rested her head on a pillow. Soon, sleep overtook her.

Quince did not wake her up, and she came to wakefulness on her own. She got up and stretched-the room was more than big enough to let her stretch her wings.

Quince walked up to her, his crest somewhat calmer and a basket of birds in his mouth again. His narrowed look dared her to think anything about saying anything about courtship as he set it on the floor before her. Deathbell was less grumpy, somewhat annoyed still, but honestly she had been kind of rude to someone who had taken her in...

"Th..." Somehow, Quince had invoked a sort of pride that made her want to act ungrateful. The words 'thank you' was stilled by a surge of rebellious emotion.

"Eat, get dressed and then we're going out." Quince said shortly.

"Dressed?! I don't have any clothes!" Deathbell protested. Quince was enveloped in a green glow, the cacti shifted, and a bunch of clothes fell onto her head.


"Now you do." Quince said, "I'll be just outside the entrance, brat."

Quince took her on a small tour of his forest. Deathbell got scratched and a few coatl tail-whips for not sticking to the pathway and almost crushing some important plants. She wrote and drew about her findings in her journal:

Manaweed Highland Dryleaf Ashfall Prickler Cindershroom Bonebark Mold Blackberry Carnaval Tulip
Sweet Grass Greenstripe Amaranth Wild Catsup Red Banana

She gradually became more relaxed with Quince as she learned his mannerisms and his limits, but Quince did not seem to trust her still, although he spoiled her almost rotten. If she wanted tulips, he grew her a bunch of tulips, if she wanted to rest, he would patiently wait until she woke up. However, she could not leave his side for any reason.

"Are you alone here?" Deathbell asked one day.

"No, I am in the Mu clan." Quince replied, "I can visit my clanmates whenever I wish."

"Then why don't you visit them?"

"Isn't that obvious? It's because I'm protecting you." Quince spat. Deathbell recoiled somewhat, a million questions filling her head.

"A... are they dangerous...?" She asked uneasily, somewhat charmed much to her annoyance. Quince radiated power, she had a feeling he could take on a beastclan army in this cactus forest. That he could even trap her here if he wanted...

"Most of them are a troubled sort, and the rest are daredevil punks." Quince frowned.

"And why would you want to protect me?" Deathbell asked. She almost wanted to ask 'are you one of them', but wondered if that would be too much...

"The ones who wish to learn are blessed." Quince said, only making Deathbell more confused, "Now, you came here to learn more about plants, haven't you?! Quit asking questions about me!" He snap-whipped his tail for emphasis. Deathbell couldn't help but flinch, and nodded quickly. The whip didn't leave marks, but it stung...

They spent the rest of the day in somewhat tense and professional busy-ness. Deathbell filled her notebook about the structures of each plant and how the affected different dragons. By the end of the blistering day, she was sweaty and tired, and her claws hurt from writing and walking.

Quince demanded that she bathe, and after that nudged her into one of the rooms. She shivered until he brought her warm blankets that were drying outside. He was determined to teach her until the end, he said, and then left her in peace. Deathbell was too tired to complain.

More days passed like that... until Quince said, "That is all I have to say about plants. When are you leaving?"

"I-I-" Deathbell was so caught off guard, and expected a tail whip to get her mind back on track. But Quince was still. His frown was there, but his eyes seemed almost... sad. His crest even quivered. "I'll... stay until tomorrow." She relented.

"No longer than that?" Quince said calmly, but his tenseness implied something he did not want to say.

"No longer than that..." Deathbell confirmed quietly. Quince nodded, closing his eyes, his crest somewhat lowering. Deathbell wondered what he was thinking.

"You may wander the forest if you wish. You've gained my trust." Quince spoke, turning away.

"I'll stay with you. Let's just walk." Deathbell said, trotting up after him. Quince didn't acknowledge her, but allowed her to follow him, and even direct them to different pathways.

It was a quiet journey, one that seemed to calm them both. Quince eventually lead her back to his lair.

"Get some rest..." Quince sounded tired, and Deathbell caught a glimpse of his crest lowering as he walked out of sight. The image would haunt her for a long while- seeing her strong mentor have such a moment where his strong exterior lowered. The fact that she decided to leave him be did not help matters.

The next day, Quince was gone. Deathbell looked around for him, but couldn't find a trace except for a letter in a room filled with greenery not native to the Ashfall Wastes-

I am off to see my clanmates. Have a safe journey, graduated student. ~Q

Deathbell regretted not saying 'thank you' when she had the chance. An ache in her heart, but filled with knowledge and a determination to continue to learn about plants, she shed her clothes Quince gave her and took to the skies.

o0cosmiclatte0o 218236 (Nyghtsky Clan)

Deathbell flew aimlessly for a few days, stopping only to rest briefly. Quince's departure had affected her more than she would care to admit, and needed some time alone to recover. Finally, when she could fly no longer, she landed in an area near the Wispwillow Grove, desperate for some sort of interaction with another dragon. She considered visiting her home lair, but decided against it, knowing she couldn't fly any longer.

The place that she had landed in, however, seemed abandoned. It seemed as if a dragon had burnt it to the ground, though there were a couple structures made of the pine trees native to the area that were barely standing. Deathbell would rather not have stayed there, because it creeped her out slightly, but it had begun to rain and she did not want to set one more foot on that wet, muddy ground.

Ducking under a small house that had been the least damaged (there was a large hole in the side, but she chose to ignore that), Deathbell attempted to make herself comfortable. The area was a bit damp and smelled weird, and she noticed a few glowing mushrooms that were starting to grow in the floor, but it was the driest landmark she could find. Perhaps she would loot the area later -
some dragon had left many items that could prove useful to her behind. She'd definitely check out those mushrooms; they could be a species she had never seen before.

Deathbell was about to inspect the house further when she felt her eyes drooping and her entire body slumping, and she sighed, dragging herself to the corner of the room and collapsing on what looked like a bed. Letting the rain fall steadily outside, the tired Wildclaw drifted slowly off to sleep.

She awoke hours later to soft light filtering in through the hole in the side of the house in which she had entered earlier, and she groaned, crawling out of the "bed" she had slept in previously. Poking her head outside, she noticed the area didn't seem much different in the daylight - but it definitely seemed much brighter. If she squinted, Deathbell could just barely make out the sun in the distance, though it was shrouded by clouds and trees. The mushrooms by her feet provided the most light - a steady, blue glow that intrigued her.

Deathbell hadn't studied mushrooms since she was a hatchling, but she was smart enough to know that these mushrooms were not the type that you would eat. The edible ones were not as bright as the ones she saw dotting the area, and a bit smaller. She'd have to forage somewhere else if she felt like eating mushrooms. Not like she found them particularly appetizing anyway.

Deathbell was stooping down to pick a few of the mushrooms when she heard a rustling near her, and the Wildclaw jolted up, taking a hostile stance when her eyes fell on the tiny form of a colorful hatchling.

"What do you want?" she hissed, clutching her mushrooms protectively.

The hatchling - a tangerine-colored Coatl - muttered something high-pitched and unintelligible, then scurried away. Though it had fled, Deathbell could tell it didn't seem scared in the slightest. Probably went to go tell everyone there was an intruder.

Sure enough, the hatchling returned, this time with a similarly-colored Coatl and what looked like her other two hatchlings. One stood next to the Coatl that Deathbell had encountered earlier, an angry expression etched across her face as if she was trying to look intimidating. The other, a pretty fiery-colored hatchling, cowered behind her mother, whimpering softly.

"What are you doing here?" the mother asked, wearing a slightly worried expression. She spoke as if she wasn't that familiar with the language that Deathbell normally understood. Perhaps she was more fluent in speaking Coatl. Deathbell only knew two words: "hello" and a particularly vile word that should probably not be spoken among hatchlings.

Deathbell hummed the vile word in response, and the mother stiffened, wrapping her wings protectively around her offspring. "Don't say that near them," she said softly.

Deathbell shrugged, and the Coatl sighed, glancing at her hatchlings warily before beginning to trot away. "You must be tired. Come with me; I think my leader will allow you to stay here for a while." The Wildclaw nodded and followed after her.

Deathbell wasn't sure why she had missed this place before, but as she followed the Coatl she was eventually led to a small, hidden village, its houses similar in style to the ruins she had slept in the night before. Contrary to what she had guessed before, the place that the mother and her hatchlings lived in did not consist of all Coatls, though she conversed with yet another Coatl in an unknown language for a moment before nodding towards Deathbell and leading her to what seemed like a small inn.

"Though we're supposed to be in hiding," the orange Coatl explained, "we still get many travelers. It's kind of a tradition here. My leader says you can stay here as long as you'd like."

Deathbell nodded, wondering why the clan was in hiding, but from the looks of the slightly concerned dragons she had passed on the way here, she was sure she had a pretty good idea why.

"Oh, and I'm Satsuma, by the way," the Coatl said, smiling. "These are Carrottop..." (she gestured to the angry hatchling that was glaring at Deathbell earlier), "Sunrise," (the tangerine-colored dragon that Deathbell had first encountered), "and Flare," she explained, wrapping her tail affectionately around the last timid hatchling she had mentioned. "Flare, would you like to greet our guest?" she asked.

Flare whimpered again, burying her face in Satsuma's tail, and the mother sighed, but her expression read that this tended to happen a lot. "Anyway, have a nice stay here. See you around." And with that, she departed too, and Deathbell was left alone again.

The inn she was supposed to stay in wasn't too bad - definitely a step up from the house Deathbell had stayed in earlier, and quite cozy. The dragons around here seemed... pretty friendly, but she kept getting this impression that they didn't trust her at all. The Wildclaw didn't like that feeling, and after a couple days she decided to take to the skies again.

Lirillith 149136 (Tropical Glade clan)

Deathbell moved on, naturally enough, from Shadow territory into Nature. The wealth of plant life - and fungus, and fauna - in the jungle was everything she'd heard it would be. She wandered for days, combing the undergrowth with excited curiosity; thriving real-life examples of plants she'd only seen sketched in books were everywhere around her, and the only thing that eventually snapped her out of her trance was the realization that her specimens were going to wilt or dry out if she didn't find a lab and a cauldron soon.

That was how she phrased it, when she happened upon a mixed group of dragons gathered around a bonfire in a clearing, and one of the snappers replied "My clan's leader is an alchemist. Would you like me to lead you?" That would have been all the encouragement Deathbell needed, but the fact the snapper in question had several cacti actually growing on her back certainly sweetened the offer.

Unfortunately for Deathbell, they walked the whole way, at a very deliberate pace: that, at least, explained how the cacti managed to stay in place. The snapper, Della, was quick-witted despite her excruciatingly slow movements; although she said she was no alchemist herself, she answered Deathbell's questions with a level of detail that made it clear she was very informed for a laydragon. When the topic shifted to herbalism, Deathbell realized where her real expertise lay.

They'd begun their journey in darkness, but the sun was rising as they reached the roots of the Behemoth. The clan, despite calling themselves after a tropical glade, had their lair built onto, and carved into, the trunk of the great tree. And the lair itself was massive, as she realized when she noticed that a dark Imperial, lounging in the entrance to the lair, was actually dwarfed by the arch of the entryway, which consisted of two palm trees with their trunks wound together. "Brought home a stray, Della?" he inquired, his voice a deep rumble.

"She's an alchemist," Della said. "And an herbalist - maybe you and Kotone can take her out exploring?" She turned back to Deathbell. "There are herbs and other treasures that we only find in areas that are only safe for warriors. Zalitz can take on anything. He'll help you out." Deathbell noticed that Zalitz himself had never agreed to this, but he didn't contradict the snapper, either, and he acknowledged Deathbell's nod and dipped wings with a nod of his own as she passed, following Della inside.

Alchemists, apparently, got the grand tour here: Deathbell was taken to see the storehouse, the alchemy labs, the infirmary, the mess hall, and it was only when she realized that Della had just mentioned the nesting grounds that she remembered that snappers never slept, and had to remind Della that wildclaws did.

It wasn't until the next day, when she awakened well into mid-morning, that she was able to sketch some of her new specimens in her journal, though most were now battered and wilted. She'd have to look for more - and she wanted to speak to the herbalist she'd met in the infirmary, and make an appointment to speak to that clan leader, and make some sort of arrangement with the warriors...

Football Mums Greater Plantain Sandhills Amaranth Green Shoots Lilac Time Sempervivum Quinoa

The herbalist, a tundra, was most focused on healing herbs; once he learned of her goals, he turned her away gently. "I'm more a chemist than an alchemist," he said. "I'm not after weird reactions. I don't want to create life out of slime and rope, or mutate lizards. I just grind up herbs and brew them into potions or salves. I want it as predictable as possible. I can teach you all about medicinal herbs, but you won't learn anything here you couldn't learn from any other healer." All well and good, but it was territory she'd already covered. No doubt he had much to teach a healer, but that wasn't Deathbell's goal.

And the clan leader, she learned, was busy with a delicate experiment that required her undivided attention. That left the warriors.

The Imperial, Zalitz, had seemed reserved at first meeting. His partner was a wildclaw, a female with a right wing and leg apparently replaced with wooden prosthetics, and she seemed positively unfriendly. Deathbell had gotten a look at the type of items the warriors could secure when Della had shown her the storehouse, so while she didn't especially care that it would be rude to ask about those prosthetics, she didn't dare endanger her shot with the warrior party.

She seemed to be testing her luck enough as it was. The pair took her to some ruins in nearby Shadow territory and she was subject to multiple harsh rebukes if she took so much as a step too far in any direction. She bit her tongue and tried to stay in line, no matter how much she wanted to gather scrapings of moss and lichen or samples of fungus. It was only after hours had passed that she understood the method to the madness; they'd been securing an area, and now she was permitted to gather whatever she pleased.

"There, you see?" the Wildclaw, Kotone, said as she wrapped up her finds. "All you had to do was be patient."

Deathbell bristled, but Zalitz intervened before she could say anything regrettable. "Go easy on her, Kotone. We didn't exactly explain our aims."

And so it went. The next day, their destination was far to the south, in the Ashfall Waste. Deathbell kept her curiosity in line, stayed in the spots they selected for her, and kept out of the warriors' way, and while they couldn't secure an area as readily as in the walled-in areas of the ruins, they could keep watch as she harvested plants, and help her into areas that interested her. Kotone seemed less harsh than she had the day before, though she was still brusque; Zalitz helped her harvest fire lilies, proving surprisingly dextrous. They continued their adventuring excursions for several days, until one morning when Deathbell was awakened by a tiny green fae - Serezha was finally free and wanted to meet with her as soon as possible.

Speckled Fire Lily Siltvine Blacktongue Pepper Deadweed Barkback Root Floating Maiden

Deathbell wasn't exactly thrilled when Serezha greeted her with "Oh, good. You look big and solid. Zae's great, but she can't exactly move a cauldron." But the grunt work she was roped into doing was accompanied by running explanations from Serezha, delivered in a flat tone that would have put her to sleep if she hadn't been moving heavy equipment. It was surprisingly educational despite that.

That was what she told Zalitz, when, to her surprise, he met her outside the lab at midday with a dead wallaby and a fresh sample of deadweed. "She can't help the tone," he said. "Serezha used to be a fae." He'd been with the clan even then, when it was just a small, mismatched family - literally small, he said. "I was still just a hatchling, barely able to fly, and I was nearly as big as Brik." Deathbell didn't care about the clan, but for some reason she got drawn in as Zalitz reminisced. She wasn't used to seeing him so animated, or hearing him speak for so long.

He was there to meet her again when she stumbled out of the lab at the end of the day, long after the sun had set outside - they'd missed the usual evening meal time, "typical of Serezha," Zalitz said - and he'd brought her some cooked food, roasted poultry of some kind with peppers. She was about to object to the plant matter when she tasted the spiciness they brought to the dish and wolfed down the rest of it. She was reminded of Quince's strange kindnesses, but Zalitz, she suspected, was courting her. And she didn't mind. In fact, she welcomed it.

Blue Entoloma Grove Fern Sage Shell Succulent Spears Lace Lantana

Their courtship and her alchemy apprenticeship both took their course, and soon enough they were clearing a space for themselves in the clan's nesting grounds, watching over the two eggs she'd laid as they grew to a massive size. Their offspring would be Imperials, clearly. Brooding over a nest made her irritable and jumpy; she felt an instinctive need to be the one watching over the eggs, but Zalitz was clearly the stronger protector, and besides, they were safe and well-situated. There was no risk or danger to her young if she left the area to continue her work in the lab, yet she felt uncomfortable every time she did so. And then she was just as reluctant to leave the lab to return to the nesting grounds, every time. Serezha offered her leave to focus on watching the eggs and then the hatchlings, but she refused it. She couldn't stand the idea of giving up her studies, even temporarily.

Besides, she sometimes felt extraneous as a mother once the early days had passed. Her two sons were as big as she was in no time, and while she played with them, told them stories and explained her work in terms they could understand, they were active, rambunctious hatchlings, and they could bowl her over when they roughhoused. They clearly relished their freedom to climb all over their father, gnawing on his wings and yanking his beard. And Zalitz, somewhat to her surprise, relaxed and grew playful whenever he was with the boys.

It was sweet. She loved to see them that way. And she was beginning to feel that they'd do just fine without her when she'd learned all she could here.

Hahoe 344501 (The magical clearing)

Deathbell missed her sons after she left, but there were dragons she missed even more. Dragons she has known since she was a mere hatchling. And so she decided to go back to her original clan and revisit all her good friends to tell her stories from all those months she was away.

She travelled all the way to the Starfall Isles, only to see the lair abandoned.
"What happened here?!" Deathbell whispered worriedly to herself.
The lair didn't show any sign of a struggle though, so perhaps it wasn't the worst scenario that passed. After further investigation she found a dirty note lying in the corner.

"To any who it may concern,

We have moved our clan to the Southern Icefield in search of Arcane mysteries. For any pressing matters, you can find us in the Cloudscrape Crags.

Greetings, Jyrryntes"

Deathbell let out a sigh of relief. So nothing bad happened to her life-long friends after all. She lifted up and took course to the Southern Icefield. Seems like she wasn't the only one busy travelling in the past few months.

After days of flight she finally arrived in the region of the Cloudscrape Crags. The temperature sure took some getting used to! After flying around for a bit, she spotted a familiar face.

"Deathbell! I can't believe it, it's been so long since we've seen each other."

A pink drake flies through the air towards her. It is Enigma, one of the clan's warriors, most likely out on patrol.

"It's so good to see you too Enigma, I missed you all so much."
"In that case you probably want to see the others too then! Here, follow me" Enigma says as he flies away.

It only took around a half hour, but then they finally arrived at the clan's lair. Jyrryntes came out to see which dragons were approaching, ready to defeat his clan in case they were enemies. After recognizing Deathbell, all his hostility left him.
"It's been a while, Deathbell."

Owners I've Had:
Hahoe 344501
Kaimiiru 287379
o0cosmiclatte0o 218236
LabSister 246719
Lirillith 149136

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