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Personal Style


White Protective Eyewear
Mysterious Mantle
Silver Steampunk Wing Armor
Navy Aviator Satchel
Silver Steampunk Tail Bauble
Simple Iron Bracelets




3.08 m
3.16 m
359.85 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 21, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Nightcloud never liked fighting. Even rough-housing made him nervous. He wasn't scared of Sunweaver or of his sisters Gaz and Branchtail because they like to fight. He just doesn't like seeing a fight. Heck, he even gets anxious when he hears angry shouts! Sunweaver calls him a "kindred spirit" for it, but he feels as though it's a backhanded compliment.

He had always found comfort in his father's company. The older dragon, who Nightcloud knows wasn't as old as he looked, liked to take slow walks around the re-purposed, old buildings of the former mining town their clan called 'home' in the mornings before the sun made walking on the loose dirt too painful for bare feet. Salem liked telling stories about his travels and of funny moments that he had witnessed throughout his life, and joke about the past along their walks. Nightcloud liked this about his father. He liked the slow, peaceful life his father lived. This is what he wanted from life. Not fighting, or bloodshed, but a slow walk and memories of the good times in life. Nightcloud was happy with his life...

Until Salem told Nighcloud and his sister, Fori, that they would be practicing fighting with Sunweaver that afternoon.

Fori had complained about it, but Nightcloud felt sick. His stomach dropped to his feet and he felt like he was going to throw up. Not a word of protest came from his mouth as he stared at the ground, trying not to hurl. Why? Why is this happening? I can't do that. I just can't! Nightcloud's thoughts raced as he imagined the worst possible sequence of events that would end with him getting hurt or, of course, death.

"It is just to make sure you both know how to protect yourselves from other dragons. Your sisters went through the same training, and Sunweaver won't let any harm come to either of you," Their father said. It had already been scheduled. No going back. Nightcloud couldn't move.

The practice came around, and if Fori was going, she was going to drag him with her. Great! Fori had gone first and had gotten the basics down in no time. Nightcloud wasn't watching, though. He had crept into the corner and pressed himself against the wall in an attempt to hide. His plans were foiled when Sunweaver called his name.

"It's your turn. I promise we'll take this nice and slow," she lowered her head so she was eye level with him, and his father motioned for him to move.

Forcing himself forward, Nightcloud got into his instructed stance and looked at Sunweaver for further instruction.

"Good," Sunweaver smiled at him. She didn't mean too, but, to Nightcloud, it was a total 'I'm not going to eat you' smile. "First, I'm going to show you how to doge. Since Tundras are a small species of dragon, you shouldn't have much trouble with this bit." Sunweaver raised to her full height and moved about three Guardian sized steps to Nightcloud's right. "The main thing is to keep an eye on what is going to hit you, and how fast it is coming towards you. If an enemy draws back their fore-paw, you can expect a slow, heavy blow from the...(blah blah)"

Nightcloud wasn't paying attention to what Sunweaver was saying. She had been using her claws to demonstrate the different types of strikes, and he was fixed onto her long, sharp claws. Oh no, I'm going to die. I can't do this. I REALLY can't do this! Make this stop, please! his mind was racing and he could feel himself shaking. His mouth felt like sand, and he felt bile rising in his throat. He couldn't take anymore.

"N-no! STOP! Please! more..." Nightcloud crumpled to a pile on the training room floor as he pleaded not to be killed. Graceful. Very graceful, Nightcloud. But he didn't care how he looked. His sanity was shot, and all he could do was tremble and sob.

Nightcloud doesn't remember passing out, but he does remember his father whispering, "I'm sorry, Nightcloud," into his ear before waking up in Mallow's sickbay. His head hurt, and his eyes felt tired, probably from crying like a baby, he thought.

"You're awake. Thank goodness." It was his father's voice. he turned his head and saw Salem set a cup of something hot on the small table next to the pile of furs and hay where Nightcloud lay. "I made you some tea. Mint, and just the way you like it, with honey and sugar." Salem sat down next to his son and laid his body down so they were closer to eye level.

For a moment, Nightcloud just stared at the steaming cup on the table. So many thoughts went through his head, but he chose to ignore them. There was something he needed to say. "Dad? I'm not a fighter. I'm not like Gaz or Branchtail. I couldn't even handle looking at Sunweaver's claws..."

Salem put a hand on his shoulder, "I know, son. I'm not a fighter either. I just wanted you to know how to protect yourself. Today's plans fell through, but I did discover something that you can do." He looked at Nightcloud with a sly smile.

"Like what? Have a massive breakdown while I cry like a big wuss?!" Nightcloud felt completely useless.

"No, son! Running!." Salem beamed at him.

He didn't understand.

"You don't remember bolting when your sister and I tried to pick you up off the ground? Or when we finally caught you, you flapped your wings so hard you lifted Kyjin almost two meters off of the ground?!" Salem was sitting up now, making big motions with his paws as he told the story. "Nightcloud, you are not a fighter! You were not built to fight. You are built for speed!"

And it was true, Nightcloud was the fastest little devil anyone could imagine. While he wasn't the fastest on land (Deathbrand took that title), he was a bolt of lightning in the air. Flying this way and that, he was swift as the wind itself. And, while he was flying, Nightcloud felt at home. He felt like this was exactly what he needed to do with his life. The wind through his fur and the view from above the world made him feel peaceful.

It wasn't long until Vivecca approached him with a position as a courier for his letters to their allies in the Venomshroud. "The Venomshroud is a good distance away," Vivecca began. The tall, slender dragon looked down at Nightcloud, the Skydancer's usual air of haughtiness missing. "It is not the safest trip, but, if you know the way enough, it should be a breeze. You are the fastest dragon Diamoor has, and this job needs the fastest."

He couldn't wait for the Skydancer to finish his speech, "When do I start?"

"Soon," was Vivecca's reply. "I will show you the way later today, and I will accompany you on your trips until you can lead me there without getting lost. Baby steps. This is a job that has its dangers, and I do not want to let you fly the distance without knowing that you whether or not you can complete the tasks."

"I can handle it," Nightcloud mumbled.

Vivecca looked him over, "We shall see."

Nightcloud will always remember his first trip over. To get to the Venomshroud, they had to fly on the edges of the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and he was amazed at how pretty it all looked. It was breath-taking. Nightcloud wanted to stop and look at the view, but Vivecca said that this was no place to rest and picked up their pace. He knew he had no place to argue, so he did as he was told. Somewhere along the way, Vivecca stopped only to give Nightcloud a ventilated mask and told him to put it on, as the air in the Venomshroud was highly toxic to outsiders. As soon as the mask was on right, they were off again. When they finally got to the Venomshroud, Nightcloud was both relieved and nervous. The whole vast landscape was a blood red with massive bones jutting out of the ground from every which angle, and he started feeling sick.

"It's just rock. It's not flesh." Vivecca assured him. When they landed, they were greeted with stares from almost every angle. Dragons of all kinds and some kinds he didn't recognize turned their attention to them. Nightcloud lifted his wings to his masked face as several of the residence dropped what they were doing and approached them, their eyes on Nightcloud. Hoards of questions and greetings mixed together in his head. He couldn't make out what they were saying. The Tundra suddenly stiffened. Who touched me? Please don't touch me.

Vivecca's voice pierced the chorus of inquisitive voices. All of the attention turned away from the nervous youngster. "This is Nightcloud. Son of Salem, the Matriarch for the clan of Diamoor. He is going to be a courier for my weekly messages to the Venomshroud. He is to be treated with the same respect as you would treat me. I expect no harm to come to him." The crowd muttered in agreement.

"Well, look what we have here," A voice, strong and proud, pierced through the crowd. A Ridgeback, clad in black and white, stood up from her resting spot and lumbered over. This new dragon looked tough, and she made Nightcloud look like a hatchling with her size. As she looked at his obscured face, he noticed her eye color was like his. "My name is Aikoun, and welcome to the Venomshroud, Nightcloud! I know it isn't the prettiest place to look at, but we call it 'home.'" Aikoun gave a smile that contrasted the harsh and brutal scenery.

"Th-there isn't much to look at where I'm from either," Nightcloud forced himself to say. He knew he had to say something, at least. "Nothing but dirt, rust and lightning storms." His tail curled around his paws as he talked.

Aikoun let out a hearty laugh, and a few of the others let out a chuckle al well. "I bet you guys are here to see Navani," Aikoun said to Vivecca.

"We are. Thank you, Aikoun," Vivecca spoke to her as if they were family. The crowd trickled back to their original spaces as the two dragons spoke.

"In that case, I won't keep you too long." Aikoun turned her attention to Nightcloud, "We couriers have to stick together." She raised her fist, and he responded by accepting the fist bump. Then, they were off.

Navani wasn't as terrifying as Aikoun first was, but she was VERY intimidating. She inspected Nightcloud thoroughly as Vivecca explained his reason for bringing him here.

"Hm," Navani studied him like a cat would do to a dead mouse. If he lived here, Nightcloud would have a hard time trusting strangers, too. "The fastest flier they have, you say?"

"Yes. Especially for a Tundra," came Vivecca's response.

"Well, if you believe he is capable, that is all the discussion that is needed." She turned to Nightcloud, "The letters you are given are to come directly to me. No one else is to touch them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," Nightcloud swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Well then, I wish you well, little one."

And with that, Vivecca and Nightcloud were off again. Gods! It felt good to be back home! Fori wanted to know every detail.

The day of his first trip to the Venomshroud alone came at last. His father, mother and sister, Vivecca, as well as a few of his friends were going to see him off. Kyjin and Enes gave him words of support, and several 'don't dies', and Vivecca reminded him to not slow down until he saw the Venomshroud. His parents, however, gave him a whistle to wear around his neck. "If you are ever in trouble out there," his father began, "come straight back and blow this whistle."

"I will," Nightcloud was very confused by their gift. But he had a mission to attend to. This was no time for guessing about an old whistle. Before he set off, he waved to the small group that had gathered to see him off. Before long, Diamoor was a small speck behind him. This is it, Nightcloud thought, I can do this. I can do this. As the desert began to give way to the sea, he decided to have a little fun. He dove down until he was about three meters from the surface of the sapphire blue water. He gazed at his reflection, and how the water seemed to stretch on forever. Now THIS is fun! He went about his business, flying just above the waves until he heard a groan from the water below him.

Startled, Nightcloud shot up into the air, only to stop about twenty-five meters up to figure out what had made that noise. It was almost too late before he realized what had made the noise was right under the surface watching him. His heart dropped as two or three glowing, blue orbs fixed on him.

Nightcloud took off into the air, the sound of something large bursting from the water immediately followed. A blood-curdling roar sent chills through the small dragon as the chase began. Nightcloud was panicking, and he was quickly running out of options. All at once, his father’s words entered his head, “come right back and blow this whistle…” Setting his sights towards Diamoor, his pursuers turned their path to follow. They were fast, but not as fast as Nightcloud was. They were about twenty meters behind him when he saw the Shifting Expanse in the distance.

A bellow came again, a roar louder and as vicious as any that Nightcloud had heard. He could hear the thing breathing. He looked over his shoulder to gaze at the his pursuer. It was one huge, rabid-looking Guardian. They had the most intense hatred in their eyes, and they… they were getting closer.

Nightcloud felt the blood drain from his face. How could they be gaining?! Oh, Gods, I’m gonna die! He turned his head forward and beat his wings as hard as he could. He could almost see Diamoor now. Nightcloud fumbled with his trembling paws until he grabbed hold of the whistle. Frantically, he blew the whistle, unsure of what it was actually doing. He turned his head one final time. They were less than five meters away now. Don’t look back, he told himself. Just fly.

Coming out of the gathering storm clouds, Nightcloud spotted a grey mass rushing towards him. As the shape grew closer, he was able to make out what the thing was. It was his father, Salem. He was charging straight at the Guardian chasing him. The crazed look in his father's eyes scared Nightcloud. He had never seen Salem angry let alone blind with rage. His four long white fangs are bared, and his front paws were poised for an attack. Salem roared like a mad dragon when he and the Guardian collided. The force pushed the large head away from Nightcloud.

Salem tore into the Guardian's face like a wild Burrow Bear. Teeth and claws ripping into scales. The Guardian roared as Salem bit down hard into one of their head fins and started thrashing his head. His father’s claws scratching at the eyes. The large dragon stopped its chase as it turned his attention to the new threat. Nightcloud had never known his father to be able to attack like this. He wasn’t able to watch long as his momentum pulled him away from the fight. Roaring continued as he descended. He was torn on what to do but was already starting to land before he could make his decision. His was shaking so bad he almost fell into a heap on the dry dirt.

His mother was already outside, and a handful of others were gathering, watching the clouds. The roaring came again as Nightcloud saw Sunweaver bounding towards them. “Where?!”

“Up,” his mother’s voice was quivering.

Sunweaver cursed as she began to climb into the sky after Salem. Soon, after Sunweaver vanished into the clouds, other dragons took to the skies to aid in the fight. First was BloodDiamond and Scorch, then Karal and Vivecca joined them. Boog, Tarjella and Myrum called for everyone to go inside, and that the three of them were going to guard the entrances.

Nightcloud went to visit his father in Mallow’s sickbay the next morning. His left arm had been bitten and was heavily bandaged. Other, lighter bandages covered various places, effectively covering minor scrapes and scuffs Salem had received from the battle. Nightcloud felt so guilty about it all. If he had just listened to Vivecca… He swallowed his guilt as he walked over to his resting father. He set down the cup of steaming liquid he had been holding down on the small table. “I made you some tea…” his father’s ears perked up at his words. “It’s mint and just the way you like it.” Nightcloud sat down and choked down tears as he looked at his father’s bandaged body.

Salem lifted his head to look at his son, “With honey and sugar?” His smile was a bright as ever.

“With honey and sugar,” Nightcloud conformed, smiling back. “I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t…”

“It is not your fault,” his father comforted, “We received word from Kaleb and Polihua. There is something very wrong with the sea. Tidelord has vanished, and that may be affecting the Water Flight's residence. Vivecca must map out another path to the Venomshroud. The sea is no longer safe for us.” Salem took a sip of the tea. “Nightcloud, this is perfect. Thank you.”

Nightcloud swallowed another lump in his throat. “You’re welcome, Dad.”
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