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Personal Style


Sky Crystal
Green-Edged Claw
Golden Starswirl
Golden Deepsea Bulb
Cloak of the Cosmos
Moonstone Dinosaur Helmet
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Belt
Jolly Jester's Tail Bell
Sky Blue Silk Sash




3.22 m
2.49 m
91.89 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 30, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Spiral
EXP: 406 / 5545




  • none



Caelestis Viridis Clan

36993671.png K V A S I R
{ KVAHSS - eer }
name meaning is unknownxxxx
Nickname(s): Kite
Fortune Teller
The Valley Of Stars
by Ivan Torrent

"Fear not for the future, weep not for the past." - Percy Bysshe Shelley



Birth Element

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Once you enter a more quiet part of the lair, a few yellow butterflies catch your attention. They come from a hole in the wall which is too small for most dragons to fit through. Suddenly, a Spiral’s head pokes through the entrance. It devours two of the pretty yellow butterflies. "Sorry, they're way too tasty to pass up. Don't tell anyone I hoard them here", the presumably male voice giggles. He leaves his cave and shoos the other butterflies back into the hole, before pushing a stone plate in front of the entrance. "Did you come to learn about your future? I am Kvasir, this clan's fortune teller. Please be my guest", he says in a friendly voice. You are not sure if you can trust him, but he radiates a feeling of positive energy.

37016042.png Kara - Mate
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1506243.png Name - Relationship
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1506243.png Name - Relationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.


"Amandeep" { Um - Mun - Dheep }, is a male Crystal Carrier. He's a beautiful and mysterious creature. Kvasir believes he dreamed the fish into being, but no one knows exactly where he came from. One cannot touch Amandeep, but everyone can see him clearly. The fish is very protective of his orb and will disappear into thin air should someone try to touch it. He loves the sun and prefers to come out by day. Unlike many other familiars in the clan, Amandeep strongly dislikes interacting with dragons.

Caelestis Viridis familiar keepers do not really consider him an actual creature. He doesn’t need to eat, doesn’t sleep and feels no pain. Kara has told Kvasir she believes Amandeep is a memory which came to life. To be exact, the memory of the orb Kvasir used when he was still in the shadow circus. That thought is a good possibility of how the fish came to life and could be a part of Kvasir himself.

Amandeep always circles Kvasir’s real magic crystal ball or his tail. He is mute and doesn’t listen to any commands. Either he wants to follow or he doesn’t. When it is dark outside the little orb he’s circling will glow brightly and work like a lamp. Amandeep can transform his fins to different forms, but will rarely do so. If he’s in danger he will disappear.

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Kvasir was born in a Light aligned clan. He hatched only minutes after his brother and only a keen eye could tell them apart.
While both of his parents belonged to his birth clan, neither of them played a huge role in raising Kvasir. His arcane-born, Spiral father wasn’t too invested and had hatchlings with other females whom he cared more about. His lightning-born, Wildclaw mother tried to bond with her children, but the small, fragile Spirals weren’t what she was used to.
Other dragons took on the role of mentors and caregivers for the young Spiral. Kvasir learned about his inherent light magic and what he could do with it. At this age he was extremely active and loved to play pranks on other dragons. He was playful too and interacted with everyone frequently. Kvasir always apologized if someone felt hurt by a prank and he knew not to cross certain lines, at least at that time.

But where there is light, there is shadow.
Kvasir grew restless. He started getting visions. Those visions scared him at first. No one believed him when he told another dragon he was able to see the future. Until he predicted an accident. A hunter was gravely injured in a fight and it happened just like Kvasir had seen in his vision.
The clan leader cursed Kvasir and told him off, treating him like he himself injured the hunter. Kvasir was extremely hurt by his clan mates' reactions. Doing as he was told to, young Kvasir left everything behind he had ever known.

To get by, Kvasir advertised himself as a fortune teller.
While he was able to see the future, he only did so in his visions. At that time, they weren’t very frequent. They happened maybe once every four months. Besides, he only saw horrible things happen. Things he did not want to talk about. Things which scared him to the point he denied they could be true.
He earned his keep by fraud. The more he did it, the less he cared about the morality of his doing. He was like your stereotypical fairground fortune teller.
At some point Kvasir started travelling with a shadow aligned group of dragons who worked in their own circus of oddities.
Among them was Kara. Who Kara is? Only the love of Kvasir’s life. Well, at the time he met her they weren’t exactly on friendly terms. At a young age she was an adept ice magician already and well-versed in witchcraft. Kvasir wasn’t bad at magic, but not an expert either. He was impressed by Kara’s abilities and begged her to teach him. She told him off countless times until she really lashed out at Kvasir. After a full on blow of sharp icicles to the face, Kvasir finally got the hint and kept his distance from her.

They kept up their shady business for years. Kvasir became the near perfect liar. He charmed his way up to the best paying customers. Customers who wanted to catch a glimpse of their future.
A shiny orb acted as his fortune telling crystal ball. The orb was imbued with powerful magic and was able to show illusions. A dragon who wished for a certain thing and told Kvasir about their ambitions, wishes and fears would see an illusion formed by the orb and Kvasir’s own magic.
Until one day a particular heiress of a highborn clan came to pay a visit to the travelling performers.
She showed great interest in Kvasir’s abilities, yet she wouldn’t reveal anything about herself to him. Without any information he couldn’t work his magic on the orb and show her an illusion. He tried to stay calm.
“My crystal ball won’t reveal anything about your future.” He tried to explain
“Tch. I knew you were nothing but a group of lowly impostors. A good friend of mine visited you a few weeks ago. You showed her great wealth, love and eternal happiness and told her to elope with her lover who’s a nobody to our families. A lowly knight. Do you know what happened to her?” The noble dragoness hissed, contorting her pretty blue Wildclaw features.
Kvasir shrank to a smaller size, almost doing the famous Spiral knots. He shook his head.
“She was cast out you fool! Disowned by her family. And then left by her lover, because she had nothing left. It wasn’t even true love. You destroyed her life!” She snarled, pointing one of her polished talons at him.

The other group members seemingly disappeared into thin air. Kvasir winced as the noble dragoness took his shiny orb and shattered it on the stone floor. Twirls of magic energy dissipated as they were released from their prison.
“Now, look, you lowlife! That’s what you are. Think about all those dragons whose lives you destroyed.” The dragoness snarled one more time.
Kvasir expected her to imprison him or worse, but as quickly as they came, she and her guards disappeared again.

He was shocked to the core. The stress became too much, so much he passed out.
Seemingly the stress catapulted him into a vision. For the first time in his life it was a positive one.
Kara by his side, they flew, twirling and dancing around one another in perfect Spiral acrobatics. Crossing all the way over the Sea of a Thousand Currents to reach the Windswept Plateau.
Kvasir could feel the fresh breeze, smell life and see the vast beauty of the Tidelord’s Domain and the Windsinger’s Home.

“Kvasir. Kvasir? Kvasir! Wake up. Wake up you fool!” A voice interrupted him in his trance.
Startled, Kvasir opened his eyes, the smell of the sea was still present and the pictures of the air acrobatics still in his mind.
To his surprise, Kara was in front of his face.
“What did you do just now? You passed out and then you suddenly jumped to your feet and took off to the skies. But, you were still, like, well passed out. Your eyes were closed. I was somehow genuinely worried?!” Kara was rarely at a loss for words.
“I, I don’t know. It was like, like a dream. A vision. But a good one.”
“A good one? Maybe it was a dream, but a dangerous one. Who knows where you would have gone off to. You could have fallen into water or worse…”
“Are you really that worried about me Kara?”
“Well, I kinda started disliking you a little less than those cowards.”
“Ugh, Kara, I’m the biggest coward of them all. And a liar. And a fraud. And the one who destroyed…”
“Stop it Kvasir. What’s done is done. Doesn’t help anyone to mope over the past. We need to move on. Preferably far from here.”
“We, wait. You said we need to move from here?”
“Yeah. Someone has to keep an eye on you and keep you out of trouble. Now get up slowpoke. If you can’t keep up with me, you’re on your own.”
Kara took off like lightning. Kvasir was a little dizzy from the whole situation. He chased after her, but he was too slow. Kara chuckled to herself and decided to match his pace.

A few months later.
Kvasir and Kara became good friends during their travels. She finally gave up and started to teach him.
He learned to control his magic better, learned new spells and polished his old ones.
One day, Kara and Kvasir lazily flew around when Kvasir touched her back while looping around her. Like an electric shock, a pulse of energy rushed through his body.
Kara looked at him with wide eyes.
“What was that?”
“I saw you. You were cooking something. Like, like a meat stew.”
Kara stared at him with disbelief.
“I never told you. I wanted it to be a surprise for this evening.”
“What? You were planning to cook today? Really?”
“Yeah. I really did. And I know for sure I didn’t tell you.”

What would be a completely irrelevant first “reading”, because seeing someone cook wasn’t a revelation, was the first time Kvasir was able to see the future of a certain being.
After that incident, Kvasir would touch Kara “by accident” to trigger more visions at first, but the bolder he got, the more he noticed it wasn’t because of his new ability and snippets of the future anymore. He wanted to touch her, because he was falling for her.
Kara immediately noticed when Kvasir’s curiosity turned to courtship. She was conflicted, but knew how to gently reject his advances without him realizing it at first.

Time went on, Kara pretended to be oblivious to Kvasir’s advances and Kvasir became very good at connecting with other dragon’s minds to see snippets of their future. Such a reading quickly drained his energy and he managed a maximum of three readings per day, otherwise he would pass out and sleep for a day or two.
The two Spirals found shelter with a clan of travellers in the Zephyr Steppes. The clan was big, but the members were frequently changing. Everyone was welcome to stay for as long as they wanted.
Kvasir earned a little treasure by doing readings for dragons in- and outside of the clan. Kara took on a job as a mentor and magic teacher for hatchlings and adolescent dragons.

Kvasir slowly realized Kara would not react to his courting. Despite not being shy, Kvasir couldn’t bring himself to talk to her about it. She noticed when he stopped going out of his way to compliment her, but Kara was still conflicted. Of course she liked him. Was it more than friendship though?
They slowly drifted apart despite both having feelings for each other. One did not know how to talk about their feelings, while the other was too indecisive.

Kara eventually accepted the courting of a gorgeous Skydancer male. While Kvasir was heartbroken, he too had another admirer.

“Zion”, who was definitely a sight for sore eyes. His soft pastel coloring was equally enrapturing as his primal water eyes.
Kvasir was a little intimidated by the pastel koi Spiral at first, but Zion had taken a liking to Kvasir and toyed with him to lure the other male out of his shell.
It was a bit of a cat and mouse game at first, but they started officially dating a few months later. As harmonic and peaceful as the relationship started, soon the effect of the rose-colored glasses would wear off. Zion was slick and he knew which buttons to push in order to make Kvasir jump for him. The pastel boy would also flirt with any other dragon he considered attractive, even if his boyfriend was right next to him. Kvasir wouldn’t say anything, because he didn’t want anyone to think of him as possessive or jealous.

Zion eventually broke up with Kvasir after a few more months had passed. Despite his flirty behavior he wasn’t a cheater, which honestly was only a small consolation.
“Kvasir, I’m sorry, but I want to end our relationship.” Zion opened the conversation after asking for a private talk with his ex to be.
“But, Zion, I thought we were working through this. I started doing those exercises and everything.”
“Kvasir, I’m bored of you. I’d say it’s not personal, but it kinda is. You’re boring. We’re always lounging around the lair, you never want to go out and adventure. I’m done with this relationship.”
“Fine. I guess you already made up your mind about this.”
“I did. I think it’s better for both of us.”

They exchanged a few words of goodbye and parted ways.

The breakup triggered another vision. Not one of his regular, usually darker ones, but a lovely one. With Kara again. “Kara…”, he murmured in his trance.
Like some magnet pulling him forward, he moved towards her chamber. Kara was startled when Kvasir came into the room. She knew him well and she knew right away he was in a vision. For a moment she was very confused when he approached her directly. Once his claws touched her body, he came back to reality.

“Ugh, my head.” He murmured.
“You seemed to be quite set on coming for me this time.” She chuckled.
“Maybe I was.”
“I thought you can’t control your body in a vision.”
“Well, I can’t. Maybe that’s exactly why I came here. Because I can’t control myself.”
Kara’s expression was priceless. Both of them started to laugh.

Now both single again, the two talked about their experiences and decided to shelve the whole “love” topic for a while. Who ever said it was easy to admit you loved someone who had always been close to you…

Both of them decided it was time for another change. While the travellers were friendly, the clan did not feel like home to them.
While travelling the Windswept Plateau as a pair of two once more, Kara and Kvasir bumped into an old friend of Kara.

Hecate, is that you?” Kara called as soon as she spotted the glittering dragon. The Coatl female wore ice-themed apparel and was surrounded by beautiful snowflakes.
“Kara?” The Coatl asked as she approached.
“Wow, it’s been so long since we last saw each other. How have you been Hecate?”
“I’ve been fine. After I left the clan I somehow ended up with a clan here on the Windswept Plateau. I never regretted leaving the Southern Icefield behind. How are you? Oh, and who is your friend there? Sorry for ignoring you. My name is Hecate. Kara and I used to live in the same clan after leaving our birth clans. We became good friends back then.”
Kvasir hadn’t interacted with a lot of Coatls in his life, but he knew quite a few of them talked with a heavy accent or had trouble speaking traditional draconic at all. He was impressed by her clear speech. Her accent sounded cute to him, but Hecate really looked like a force to be reckoned with, so he refrained from telling her so.
“I am Kvasir. Nice to meet you, Hecate.”
“Nice to meet you too.”
“Well, it’s really been ages since I last saw you. We weren’t as lucky as you with our home choices I guess.”
“Why, what happened?”

The story was told. How they had ended up on the Windswept Plateau and what had happened in the past few years.
Hecate then offered to introduce them to her clan’s leading matriarch and patriarch. Without hesitation the two Spirals accepted.

Eulalios and Eudoxia welcomed Kara and Kvasir into the clan. The two were very happy to be accepted.
The only problem was the clan’s lair space.
“I’m afraid we only have a single chamber left.” Eudoxia sighed.
“Uhh, that’s not a problem-” Kara chimed in. “We can share.”
“If you two are both fine with that solution, I guess that’s fine by us.”
Kvasir quickly agreed.

The prepared chamber was cozy. It would have been too small for most dragons, but the two Spirals managed just fine.
During their first night, Kvasir rolled to his other side. In the process he accidentally pushed his snout into Kara’s. It could hardly be described as a kiss, but it was enough to make Kara snuggle against Kvasir.
That night marked the silent beginning of their romantic relationship. It took them a few more months to openly admit their feelings to each other and the rest of the clan.
By now they are extremely invested in their relationship. They love and cherish each other and especially Kara is very protective over Kvasir. While there is no need for jealousy, Kara always worries for Kvasir’s safety whenever he has visions. She will never be far away from him and only ever leaves for her teaching lessons with the younger dragons.

They still have their chamber from when the two joined the clan, but enlarged it and redecorated it to their tastes. Both of them also each have a private room where they practice their magic and relax. Kvasir’s room is also used as a safe room when he has a vision to protect him from flying off and injuring himself.

Over the years, Kvasir really matured and grew into his role as a fortune teller. He is much calmer than your average Spiral. Quite a few dragons who meet him, assume he underwent a breed change, which isn’t true of course. He loves being a Spiral and would never want to change his appearance.
When he is with the clan’s other Spirals, he is much more active and more true to the breed's character.
His visions have proven to be true most of the time, yet Kvasir doesn't see them as a gift. They always come with a terrible headache and sometimes even paranoia. They do not give him any warning signs before coming around. Whenever a vision hits him, other creatures will notice him behaving strangely.
Sometimes he moves towards objects or takes off to another location. For Kvasir everything feels real. He will feel pain and emotions during those visions. Usually one or two clan mates will follow Kvasir if he enters the "delirium" state to protect him from harm or he will be trapped in his room to keep him safe.

The visions can last from a few minutes up to around half an hour and they usually occur every eight to twelve weeks, but he may be without them for half a year at times. If the vision lasts too long, basically everything longer than 15 minutes, he will pass out after it is over and sleep for up to three days. Afterwards Kvasir needs a few days to get better and get rid of the headache.
He had learned to live with them, but in recent times looked into ways of controlling them a little better if possible.

Fortune telling is his way of making up for some of the past mistakes he made when he was younger and didn’t care as much. He has built up a high moral code for himself and still suffers from the thoughts about the dragons he defrauded.
In secret he also collects and breeds butterflies. He especially loves certain yellow ones he will hide from everyone, even Kara.

Sometimes he will take some extra time to read to the hatchlings of Caelestis Viridis and tell them all kinds of stories. He loves to inspire their fantasy worlds.
Kvasir would certainly be a great father, but much to his and Kara’s dismay, none of the eggs of their clutches ever hatched to this day.
When the three eggs of their first clutch wouldn’t hatch, both of them were very sad, but Daphne and Hector told them it was normal, that it happened to many pairs and especially for a first clutch.
But it happened again. For their second and third clutch as well. There was a lot of empathy for Kara and Kvasir, but no pity would take away their pain.

One day, Kvasir came home after helping with a scouting mission, which he did very rarely when he could be helpful, only to find a sobbing Kara.
“Kara, what happened, my love?”
She was only crying harder.
Kvasir settled down next to her and pulled her close.
“I, I, we, had another clutch of eggs. I…, I hid them from you, because I know you would love to be a father and I wanted to spare you the pain should they not hatch.” She was still sobbing while Kvasir gently rocked her.
“Kara, my love, you shouldn’t have to carry that burden alone. You are hurting just as much, if not more than me.”
“I love you so much Kvasir. I.. I just wanted it to work this time.”
“I love you more than anything in this world, Kara. I don’t want to see you cry. It’s not your fault.”
He cradled her in his arms until she stopped sobbing and eventually fell asleep.

After that, Kvasir refused to try again. He couldn’t bear to see Kara so sad. For the moment they had to cherish the children of their clan mates.

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