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Personal Style


Cloudgazer's Arctic Boots
Cloudgazer's Arctic Gloves
Cloudgazer's Arctic Bags
Cloudgazer's Arctic Coat
Cloudgazer's Arctic Tail Cozy
Golden Starswirl




7.66 m
8.42 m
965.55 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 24, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245


jack of all trades
━━━━━━━ past ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Aldwyn lived a happy and fulfilling childhood, though, eventually, the time dawned on her contented lifestyle to fly the nest. Travelling the lands of the Lightweaver, she eventually crossed other territories to reach the home of these dragons, a pocket of air for weary travellers, diving into the lava, magma, rock-filled and swelteringly hot land of the Flamecaller. Upon finding this place for herself, she found the Coatl, similar to herself in a lot of ways, Dwight. She spent a year or so in his company, bearing a claw full of his offspring. All but one of the few departed for greener pastures, away from the hostility of this place, for a more tranquil and peaceful life. Aldwyn has always possessed a fascination with the opposite gender to her own. This caused her infidelity to her partners, always dropping one for another. Eventually, she became more than disinterested in Dwight, taking on a Ridgeback as a new mate, without ushering a word about it to her previous one, and bearing his dragonets. Clearly showcasing her unfaithfulness to Dwight, causing them to part from one another. This Ridgeback left her with three daughters, fleeing while the going was good. Onyx is the only one of the three that still remains here.


━━━━━━━ present ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Aldwyn has built herself a solid reputation for taking on and just as easily disposing of lovers. Though some perceive this as wrong and evil, she sees it as her trying to experience all she can, leading her to become knowledgeable in many a different subject. Her interest with those passing though this place has contributed massively to the range of subjects she knows about. A jack of all trades, she is regularly called upon by other inhabitants of this place to attempt to solve and crack problems that none of the others may know anything about. Making herself quite the multipurpose tool. She has been known to regularly bear dragonets, and usually, like a cuckoo, leaves them in the care of those who take on the roles of caretakers for the young newborns and sick, or to care for themselves.


━━━━━━━ art ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

By Miint



Old Writings (A.K.A: Try to forget I ever wrote this.):
Aldwyn sat in the corner of the hatching cave, she blew flames onto the wall and created little images using soot. She caught the sight of one of her sibling's tails, she playfully lunged for it. she caught it her sister twisted around the minute she sunk her talons into it, she hissed at her, 'Stop it, minor! You'll never be perfect.' she scoffed and turned away, her muzzle and tail held up proudly. 'Eh, she's no fun, anyways.' muttered Aldwyn, she went back to her soot painting.

Aldwyn continued to burn the rock on the wall of the cave. Her mother lay in her moss and feather nest at the mouth of the cave, along with her four other siblings. All of a sudden, a male white coatl burst into the cave, he was followed by two other coatls all carrying little eggs, some with cracks in them. The three coatls set three eggs into a nest, lined with special warming materials to aid in the hatching. A female coatl paced around the eggs anxiously. A loud crack echoed around the cave, Aldwyn tilted her head in curiosity. A small bundle fell out of one of the eggs, the female coatl who remained in the cave covered them with her body. Aldwyn slowly approached them.

The female coatl felt Aldwyn's presence, she whipped her head around and hissed at her menacingly. She used her tail to gather her remaining other eggs nearer to the refuge of her stomach. Aldwyn backed away from the coatl. She curled up on the cold, stone floor.

Aldwyn woke with a start she felt claws ripping through her flesh, her four siblings were piled on top of her, shredding her. She attempted to shake them off, but she was unable. 'I'm awake, I'm awake...' She began. 'You're going to Acceptance.' her mother stated. Her mother signalled with her tail for her siblings to get up off her. She was grateful for the weight to be off of her. 'A-acceptance, already!?' she questioned. 'Yes.'

Aldwyn gazed up at the balcony where the judge would come from. She gazed around at the crowd of coatls, all of them were almost identical to the next. The seating for the crowd were carved from a white marble, both sides were identical, just like the dragons they held. She was in some form of coliseum. She could barely hear herself think over the racket of the crowd. Two armored guards stepped from the shadowed chamber she stood in front of with her siblings holding their heads and tails high.

All of a sudden a bright flash of light came from the direction of the shadowed chamber, although, it was no longer shadowed. Aldwyn shielded her eyes from the radiant blast. When the light cleared, a dragon of pure white hovered above the balcony and chamber. His eyes opened, they were glowing white, trails of light originated from them. He was draped in golden silk and pure gold ornaments. He slowly lowered himself onto the platform below him, the crowd went dead silent.

'Hello little ones.' He began, in the most regal of tones, 'I am Odin, a being of ultimate perfection.' Aldwyn's siblings gaped in awe at Odin. Aldwyn only looked on at him. 'Now, you, step forward.' he commanded pointing to the sibling farthest from Aldwyn. Their eyes remained stuck fast onto Odin, almost as though Odin controlled him. He did the same, one by one, with each of her four siblings. He surveyed Aldwyn, he then frowned at her. 'Imperfect.' Was all he said while flicking his wrist. She heard the guards in front of Odin's chambers dive down towards her cutting through the air towards her. She felt cold metal hit her hard in the stomach, swooping her up. She saw her mother talking to Odin, what they were saying was inaudible. Aldwyn looked from side to side at the guards carrying her far, far away. She stared at her home, gradually growing smaller and smaller the farther she was carried away.

Aldwyn stretched out her claws towards her home, she began to sob, her tears came in a constant stream. She looked behind her, her captors flew upwards, the clouds rushed toward her, she screamed as the clouds came closer. She opened her eyes, she was above the clouds. She extended her claws and reached out to touch the soft, majestic clouds. Before she could graze them, the head of one of her captors crushed her little talons using his sharp, deadly fangs. She pulled her talons back in suprise and pain. She could see the red standing out like a sore thumb against the white of her scales.

She felt the cold, hard metal of the gauntlets of her captors release her, a wave of relief washed over her, until she looked down, she saw the clouds rushing toward her, she scream pitifully, it was more like a squeak. The clouds parted as she fell to her doom between them. She spread her wings instinctively as the ground rushed toward her. She closed her eyes. She opened them, she was no longer falling. She squeaked joyously in suprise. She slowly lowered herself from the height she was at.

She had been in the air awhile, her wings and entire body felt weak. Suddenly, her wings couldn't take any more. She fell through the air again. She felt her body slam into a high up branch of a tree. She looked down. She could see purple mist swirling around on the ground below her. The leaves above her head were purple. On the ground there were light blue illuminous mushrooms dotted everywhere. She used the last of her strength to climb down the tree.

Aldwyn wandered around the forest for days, she was parched and starving. She had begun to try and eat the mushrooms. She had wandered into a place which was far more open, but prone to violent thunder storms. She found a dragon willing to take the mushrooms for some treasure, he was some kind of Bogsneak. He said to her he wanted to do some experiments on them, but she didn't care, she just wanted some good, filling food. She bought a few bagfuls of clams with the treasure, she was more than happy with herself.

Aldwyn rested just outside of the marketplace where she had purchased her clams. When night fell, she was sound asleep. She woke to find three Mirrors who had woken her with their arguing, they had each taken some of her clams and they were squabbling aggressively who shouold get the loot. Aldwyn lunged at them, as fiercely as she could. She was no match for the Mirror she had lunged for, he just threw her off, then pinned her down as fast as lightning. He threatened her for her treasure, one of the Mirrors found it where Aldwyn had been sleeping earlier. The Mirror pinning her down against the ground swiped at her muzzle before knocking her out.

When Aldwyn woke, she raised herself off of the ground, and fell straight back down. Her left back leg was twisted in an awkward way, it pained her to stand on it. She pressed the leg under her and held it there. She walked back to the market place, she found a dark, damp alley between two marquees. She'd have to find some kind of way to raise some treasure for herself.

Aldwyn picked up her injured leg and tucked it in to her stomach once more. She ventured outside the marketplace once more, she walked up to a small gathering of trees with sparks circling around them, harmless they were but intimidating. She tugged out a vine from the closest of the trees using her muzzle. She tied the vine around her stomach and leg, securing her leg in position. She rested her leg again in a patch of bushes.

Aldwyn sat there for several hours. While she was hidden in the cover of the bushes, she saw a large buck deer come close. She crouched down in the foliage as best she could with her injured leg, and she pounced at him, she caught his jugular in her teeth and bit down as hard as she could. The deer shook her off violently, she was winded after she fell from him. She continued to stalk him through the bushes.

The deer emerged into a clearing in the trees and collapsed there and panted in short, repetitive gasps. As he panted, a pool of a deep scarlet colour gathered at his neck wound. It was a surprisingly majestic sight for Aldwyn, as she thought that, the buck deer breathed his last.

Aldwyn survived in the forest there, she stole from anyone who crossed her path. She became ruthless. She always left them with something, she may have been ruthless, but she did have a heart. As she stole, word about her spread across the territories of the Lightning Flight. It soon spread to other flights, only among those of whom were of lower ranking.

One night, Aldwyn spotted a group of bounty hunters in her forest, she snuck up on one of them, and knocked him out. She then went to get the other two, a third one snuck up behind her and pounced on her, wounding her badly, Aldwyn fought well against him. The other two hunters heard the two fighting, and aided the dragon attacking Aldwyn. Together, the hunters overpowered Aldwyn and knocked her out and stole everything she had taken.

When she woke the next morning, she found that her front leg was injured along with her back. She wouldn't be able to get up. It was over, where she was her deathbed. She had survived one too many times.

Aldwyn was left where she was for weeks, she collected water from the morning dew and from the leaves above her head when it rained, her ribs where showing clearly from her body, every bone was visible. Aldwyn was near death, if her wounds didn't heal soon or something happened, she'd die. She heard dragon steps nearby, she couldn't call out to them or anything, she was too weak to even move.

She saw a Fae fly into her clearing. It flew back out. It had ignored her. She was to die. It came back to her, with a Skydancer, Pearlcatcher and Guardian at her tail. 'Hello, we're gonna help you.' instructed the Fae. Aldwyn looked suspiciously at her the Fae then turned to the Guardian. 'Hobson, try look for some herbs,' commanded the Fae, she then turned to the Skydancer. 'Tailse, go try find some food for this one.' she then turned to the Pearlcatcher. 'You too, Lorenda.' the Fae then turned her attention back to Aldwyn, she smiled at her. 'I'm BloodMoon. You can call me Blood or Moon if you want.'

Soon, Aldwyn found herself in the Ashfall Waste, part of the Silver Celestials. Soon after she had joined, another Coatl had. Dwight, he had the same origins as her. From the Light Flight territory. 'Hello.' said Aldwyn, as she met the new Coatl. 'I'm Aldwyn, you?' 'Dwight.' he replied.

Written by Milohilay:
“Why hello," a female Skydancer says, her calm voice drifting across the gentle breeze. The dragon looked as if a tree was growing from her, and she had wings of a bee. "Welcome to the Volita Clan, will you be staying with us?" Aldywn hesitated but nodded. She had ventured to the Wind Flight's domain to relax, and luckily she had now found a place to stay. The Skydancer beckoned to Aldywn, waiting for her to catch up before walking quietly beside the Coatl. As they walked through beautiful gardens, more and more dragons began to appear from the flowers. There was a twisting wine colored spiral who appeared to be practicing an act, a flustered Coatl covered in purple, and numerous others. A tiny blue and purple Fae silently walked up to the Skydancer, a smile on her face. She gave the Skydancer a small pink flower, much to the larger dragons delight. "Oh, Valerie! It's beautiful, thank you, dearest," The Skydancer exclaimed, tucking the flower into a bracelet on her wrist, "I'll cherish it forever." As the Fae flew off, Aldywn caught sight of her face and grimaced slightly. The Fae's eyes were dark pits that seemed to drip a thick goo. The Skydancer noticed Aldywn's frightened face and gave her a look, before speaking. "Do not be afraid of what isn't normal, child, it will give you a lifetime of fear." She gave Aldywn a quick wink before bringing her to an Imperial and Skydancer, both dressed in white with butterflies flitting around them. "Ah, Sequoia," the Imperial spoke, "Who have you brought to us today?" Her voice was kind and clear, but there was something behind it Aldywn couldn't quite figure out. The Skydancer, who was apparently called Sequoia, gestured to Aldywn with a gentle smile. "Why, this is Aldywn, a visitor from afar." Aldywn looked at her, a bit shocked. She hadn't told Sequoia her name. Sequoia only gave her another wink. The other Skydancer stepped forward to greet Aldywn, "Welcome to our humble home," he told her, his voice deep and smooth, "My name is GlowWorm, and this is my wife, Angelic." He gestured to the much larger Imperial who seemed a bit zoned out, staring off into the distance with a strange look on her face. "She and I lead this clan, and you are welcome to stay for as long as you please." Aldywn thanked the two before Sequoia lead her away to an empty hut made from wood and bamboo, the breeze flowing through the walls. "You may stay here for the duration of your visit, or forever, if you so choose," the Skydancer said, gesturing to Aldywn's wings, "You would fit in nicely here." Aldywn smiled and shook her head, "Thank you for the offer, but I have people at home waiting for me," she said, before a confused look crossed her face, "How did you know my name was Aldywn?" Sequoia only shrugged, smiling mischievously, "Just a guess, the name seemed to fit you. Anyways, make yourself at home!" Aldywn was about to say more , but the Skydancer had already left, leaving a few pale pink flower petals in her wake. Well, she needed to rest anyways. It had been a long journey.
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