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Personal Style


Gossamer Wing Silks
Prismatic Wing Silks
Pastel Rose Thorn Wing Tangle
Moondust Starsilk Circlet
Spellwrought Halo
Pristine Rose Thorn Stockings
Rainbow Starsilk Circlet



Scene: Armory


20.46 m
22.55 m
7586.58 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 09, 2017
(7 years)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245



It was long ago when the gods of this earth roamed freely, corporeal bodies held together by magic and will alone. They were mighty, larger than anything anyone could ever know. As the world knows, however, the gods have left this plane to protect it from the Shade, hoping to keep their many followers safe from its poisonous touch. Few dragons know of the Splinters and even fewer still have encountered them in person. These creatures are shrouded in a dragon's skin, though their soul, their very core is splintered off of something much greater. Some come from gods, others the mighty Shade that once plagued this plane. Paeros and his Mate, Serani, are both in full knowledge of these Splinters- because they both have the shared heritage of being Splintered from Arcanist. It took many years of confusion and dubious searching before the pair found out why their souls burned so brightly within them, but having found that knowledge finally they find themselves more at peace. And more importantly, they find themselves having a purpose.
Dull magenta eyes blinked at the statue before him, slowly coming into focus and sharpening. The clearing was empty save for a sharp gasp from the male, as his dulled eyes suddenly flashed with a brilliant light. His glowing eyes turned to his mate, who was not similarly affected by the particular statue standing in their path. Her demeanor was one of caution as she took in her mates sudden change, silent as ever as she watched him with narrowed eyes and ruffled feathers. His head tilted back to the statue and the youthful dragon began speaking, in words of a long forgotten language that he somehow just knew.

"Η άγνοια είναι ευτυχία
ποιοι είναι αυτοί?
Ο άρρωστος
χτύπησε με τύφλωση
Ανοίξτε τα μάτια σας και δείτε
ανοίξτε τα καπάκια που αρνούνται
Κοιτάξτε στα βάθη
& θα βρείτε
Η ίδια η γνώση των θεών"

With the words spoken aloud, his eyes faded back to usual before rolling back in his head, the dragon promptly fainting before the worn down statue of Arcanist, landing sprawled in a heap at the gods feet. Magic buzzed in the air around him palpably, the laughing statue seemingly alight. A vast plethora of knowledge coursed through the ageless dragon as he lie there. Eons and eons of knowledge, of conversations, of laughter bounced in his head. He was Arcanist's Charm.
Hypnotic Scallop Scarlet Mussels Sakura Moss Fluted Conch Exotic Arcanist Idol Morganite Brilliant Feather Cluster Rose Quartz
Not long after joining the Concealed Ashes clan, Paenos had a dream in which he saw four other dragons. All varying ages, from hundreds of years old to just a young hatchling. The hatchling he recognized quite easily- she was the daughter of the Particians Master of this clan, young enough for her wings to still be soft and dewy. They were all five gathered in a circle, sitting upon faded pedastools a few meters above some fog. He had the feeling if he should leap down from his pedastool, there would not be anything under that fog; but there was no way he was testing that out quite yet. Instead, he settled himself forward, talking amiably with the other four and finding their names. It took some time, but he came to realize that all five of them were residing in the clan. The soft-spoken tundra named fate, the amiable Imperial named Olvette, the inquisitive young Guardian named Dahlia. They were all finding a home in this growing clan and not only that but, all five shared one thing in common.

Bright, inquisitive fushia eyes.

No sooner had they come to this realization than did the fog start to glow a soft pink, ever-shifting in hues of purple and white as the fog slowly thickened even more. Images swirled in the thick smoke, weaving them a tale of a lost Oracle and a clan that was breaking the strings of fate. They all watched in hushed silence as their god slowly wove this tale before them, some shocked and others simply quizzical. Magic coiled around their legs as they leaned over to view the images, covering the eyes of the youngest dragon as they delved into the future to come. Horrible destinies where laid out before them and Paenos was shocked when he too, had his eyes covered. The magic coiling in front of him kept him blinded for several long minutes, or possibly hours. When it finally disappated, he found himself looking around at his comrades, seeing four of them were shaking their heads to be rid of the coils. Only one remained, her eyes wide as she continuously stared down at the now empty fog before her.

Eventually, she shook her head violently and looked around at the other five before speaking tentatively to them. She was the only one who had seen the images run their full course, but none of them were to share what they saw until the time was right. All dragons were in agreement with this, though some were more ruffled by this than others. The hatchling herself only agreed after some persistent words from Paeros himself, looking quite put off by the fact she'd seen none of the violent future. They all discussed what this meant further, going round and round before coming to a unanimous decision. They would come together to deal with these visions, to help this clan purge itself of the sickness clinging to it. Together, they would form an ARCANA GUARD, their purpose to protect not only the clan but the worship of Arcanist himself. The god had tied them together and bestowed his gifts upon them, and now it was up to them to try their best to fix what had been done.
Arcanist's Vision, the only dragon who saw the full series of events. Seems to be humbly naive about her role.
Arcanist's Deceit, saw slightly less than Fate. Has rarely spoken since birth, and continues to be quiet and distant.
Arcanist's Hope, saw more than Paenos. Gentle giant, stresses often that they should do their best to save as many as possible.
Arcanist's Wrath, saw nothing. She's grown into a respectable young mage, currently training with Serendipity so she will be able to fight as well.
Of course, before the Arcana Guard was formed, Peanos and Serani had to find the clan. They wandered Arcane territory for many years, quite unsure of where they belonged; only the knowledge that they were needed somewhere in this territory kept them moving. The pair managed to get themselves trapped in the Starwood Strand for quite some time, constantly chasing after stars and streaks of magic in a wood that moved far too quickly. Time was racing along, ever faster the more they tried to find what they were seeking. While they aged slowly,
the world outside of this wood was burning through time. Clans cropped up and disappeared, wars were fought, enemies arose and eradicated lesser creatures. The world lived on without them, as the pair were caught in a dangerous dance with the woods. Eventually, Serani realized what trick was being played and they started to fight their way out of the magic-filled wood that had been tricking them for so long. She managed to find a way out of the enticing forest, dragging her mate along with her back into their reality. The world had raged on around them, and many things were... very different now. The feeling was as strong as ever within them, and this time is was Serani who lead them on their quest to find their purpose. She flew onwards for a few moons before they were pulled to a clan, cropped up right across from the strand where they had been trapped for so long. A scarred Skydancer was the one who met with them, out patrolling restlessly when they happened into the gathering. From the second the two Coatls stepped foot across this boundary, they knew that this is where they were needed- this is where something big was going to happen. The Skydancer cautiously introduced herself to them as one of the clan elders and brought them to meet the empress, though it was far into the evening. Getting initiated into the clan was simple, as Serani simply told the dark empress that they'd been drawn here. Apparently, this was something that happened often with this eclectic clan.
The Empress had called for them to meet in her quarters, rather than hold the usual initiation process. The pair were brought before the gilded royalty, leaving Paenos to explain why they were requesting to join the clan and where they'd come from. It was a long, vague story, and the Empress nodded along solemnly when he mentioned their time in the Starwood Strand. She told them that attempting to fill them in on all that they had missed over the years would take far too much time, however, they could stay as long as they needed to get their bearings. She couldn't quite figure a role for them as they needed no ambassadors or scouts anymore. Paenos found this frustrating but managed to sweet talk the royal skydancer into thinking that he and his mate would be vital to the clan. Or, at least he started to, when her mate appeared out of nowhere. Paenos was taken aback by the looming Imperial, pelt similar to his mate's with... gods, where those scrolls wrapped around his body? The mighty guard before them leered down at Paenos, the stiff looking wings folded over his back shifting in a way that couldn't possibly be comfortable. He calmly requested that Paenos not use magic on his mate, as the usage of nefarious magic against her would mean he had to take action. And Paenos really didn't want to see what happened when the Imperial had to 'take action'. The smaller Coatl swallowed and nodded to the Imperial shakily before continuing on trepidly with his speech. Even Serani at his side seemed to be off-put by this large presence, lip curled slightly in distaste as she studied him. The royal pair were silent all throughout the remainder of Paenos' plea and when he finished, the Empress turned to her consort for guidance. A slight glow eminated from the dragon's narrowed eyes as he studied the Arcane pair before them before he slowly nodded, granting them access. They could live in the clan, as full members of the Concealed Ashes.
  • Paenos can charm any creature or dragon, with few exceptions
  • Neither he nor his mate can remember anything that happened in Starwood
  • Paenos is a born Splinter, as is his mate
  • During the Arcanist's Fate, Paenos saw only a few months of visions
  • The Arcana Guard is the most important thing he's done in life
  • Paenos can eat Seafood, Meat, and Insects- strangely
  • He always carries rose quartz on him. Just in case.
  • Paenos wants a lineage one day
  • He has yet to be able to fool Polias, for some reason
  • He and Serani are not the only born Splinters in the clan

  • "You know what charm is? A way of getting yes without having asked any clear questions"
  • "I'm a handsome man, with a charming personality, thank you very much"
  • "Dear, Arcanist has his eyes on us all"
  • "The woods are simply teeming with intrigue, wouldn't you say?"
  • "Would you like your fate sweet as honey or cold as ice?"
  • "Many a dragon have tried to figure out my mate's secrets... they're all fvckin failures, myself included."
  • "Give me a round of that good shxt, Arabica"
  • "Deimas, not to be rude, but what the fvck."
  • "I don't think that belongs there..."
Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all. Malasintha is going to kill them all.
This is going to be the end of everything, this clan is going to turn red with blood. Water has been poisoned, everyone is blind. There is no hope, there is no hope, there is no hope. Malasintha has sunk her claws in too deep, the Sentinels are worthless, the Arcana Guard is doomed, the Splinters will fall. The King of Thieves knows too much but his deceit makes him untrustworthy, the Guardian of the Heart and the Protector of the Soul are too blinded by shimmering gold they cannot see past it. The Charm is broken, Deceit has gone too far, Vision is blinded by naivety, Hope has been subdued by fear, and Wrath is out of control. The Priestess has risen atop her bony throne and all are doomed under her poisonous rein, the twins of peace will be slain before her, her blackened claws shall be stained with the blood of many. Timelessness is not longer holy, it's a curse. The Right and Left hands are ripping each other to shreds, the Blind is silenced, the Elders Eradicated. This is far more than a deal with the dark mother, this is war. No longer kept cold by icy glares and trickling rumors, it is ablaze with righteous fury. The sky will turn red and black and purple, golden scales whall be painted black with blood, the heavens will weep. This is no deal with a corrupt goddess, this is no simple war. This is an uprising of the most horrid proportions. It's a tangled, corrupt sickness that will kill all that it touches, a horrid curse that will ravage the lands. This is no simple curse among dragonkind.

This is Shade.


Bio Code By: ColoradoBlues, Image Assets By: PoisonedPaper
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