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Personal Style


Intense Attention
Blue Sea Slug Cloak
Contrast Aviator Gloves
Voltaic Stormclaws
Highland Scavenger


Accent: A Pearl's Refraction


Scene: Mire


5.01 m
5.39 m
665.24 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 07, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
Max Level


Pronouns: she/her
Gender: lass
Would They Curse If FR Didn't Censor It: yeah, lmao
Profession: steve harvey voice:kill !!! (coliseum fighter). She also helps out with scavenging where she can, and perhaps foraging. She can hunt, fish, and catch insects, however her interests in those creatures are more chasing aligned than gathering aligned, so she prefers to do others if possible.
Hobbies: she loves to make things!! mechanical and electrical engineering are her passions, and she puts them to work around the lair.
Noteable Features: adhd royalty. tends to forget her pearl when going places. she tries to keep it buried deep in her lair, as she doesn't like carrying it where it could end up lost, so she often runs around pearl-less.
Jess on Gabriel wrote:
-thats her best friend your honor!
-spent her trainee days for the coliseum picking him apart like an oyster; beneath that super spiky exterior and bull-headed stubbornness was a loyal friend with a sharp and cunning mind. of course she had to obtain him for her circle of friends
-he's her scrungly. also her ride to places LMAO
Jess on Callisto wrote:
-wife wife wife!!
-loves loves loves her sense of humor, the kinda dry wit with a sly grin. drives her wild in the best way possible
-will defend her and her wife's relationship to other pearlcatchers or imperials to her last breath. she's already not too keen on what she sees as meaningless beef between the breeds, if others want to bring up their specific issues w the relationship she's not hearing it!!
Header Credits: Look Away by The Dear Hunter

Lightning Runestone
NotN Theme: The Trickster



-loves building things with spare parts and bits
-has an innovative brain but too many can't see past her overly excited demeanor to recognize this
-can be short-sighted and impulsive; is thrill-seeking, oerhaps
- mapquest? never heard of it. maps? that neither lmao. follows her head around to find wherever seems the most exciting or has the most potential to make for a fun experience. has decent 'internal compass,', but it's nothing special. Sulmara and Blitz outclass it a million to one on any given day.
-uses speed as her advantage in tricky situations; not as destructively strong as Gabriel or maybe even Saff, but she has contuse as a trump card to pull out against opponents
-really creative on the field; uses her surroundings and environemtn to her advantage, something that caught Evewern's eye when they first held the contest for the coliseum team slots.
-is an unflappable optimist, as well as a cheerful dragon
-where's my pearl?? misplaces her pearl so often and badly that other dragons get real nervouse about her possibly misplacing what's essentially her soul
-clingy, a lil bit. well, more than a little bit. shes v touvhy feely with her friends


[Icemas]Lost in the Permafrost CYOA (closed)
Dragon 1:Jess


Description: Jess loves exploring. Her favorite pastimes are begging her friends to come join her on her adventures outside of the clan, much to the chagrin of those with sensible minds; Jess was good at discovering interesting places, not so good at discovering safe places. Her natural affinity for finding trouble has left some of her friends all adventured out, so she decided to go explore the permafrost caves without them. She had heard stories about the caves from travelling minstrels and other dragons passing through, all of their stories and musings punctuated with a 'it's very dangerous there, a young dragon like yourself should stay as far away from is as possible,', which naturally did absolutely nothing to dissuade her from going. Jess was at least somewhat proficient at fighting, she doubted there would be much in the permafrost caves that could do lasting harm to her, so she wasn't particularly worried about her own safety. Fortunately, since none of her friends were coming, she was joined by two other dragons so she wouldn't be heading there alone.

Dragon 2: Silver


Description: It all boiled down to a bet. Gabriel and Saffron had, predictably, decided against going to the permafrost caverns with Jess, a smart move given the rumors of curses and dark magic at play within. Silver was witness to the fallout, Saffron stalking off muttering about Jess' ambition getting away from her while Jess dashed off after a final defiant closing statement. Silver approached Gabe once the other two were gone, a sly, mirthful grin spreading across his face as he watched the normally morose Ridgeback flip on his back and wriggle around like a frantic insect. Gabriel rolled onto his side at Silver's approach, a crotchety frown curling his lips as he ran his back claws over his shoulder. "What do you want?"

Silver eyed him carefully. His spines were in various stages of regrowth, and his expression could have been in a textbook showing half-spined Ridgebacks. "What did I just see? What happened with your friends?" Gabriel snorted, his eyes rolling.

"Well, let's just say Jess likes making impromptu trips to dangerous places. She's being hare-brained, as usual." He sighed, stretching his wings.

Silver swished his tail, irritation dancing across his muzzle. "So you're going to let her go alone just because it's not a good idea?" Gabriel's eyes flashed with indignation and locked on Silver's eyes, which left his heart fluttering in unease. Silver took a step back, hoping he didn't just provoke a fight with Gabriel.

"What, you think I'd let my friend wander off into dangerous territory without anyone else?" Gabriel spat the words at Silver. "I wouldn't just leave her there without anyone else who can fight." A shiver ran down his body, and he folded his wings back down on his body. "I wish she'd picked a different place, though, this cold is awful," he muttered. He lurched to his feet, shaking off the snow that had stuck to him from his rolling around. "Anyway, I'd better get going. Jess certainly isn't going to be waiting for anyone to join her, so I'm going to head out to try and meet her before she hurts herself in her overzealousness." He shot Silver a grin as he spread his wings wide in preparation. "Bet you couldn't handle being friends with her."

Silver's pulse jumped up a notch, and he stepped in front of Gabriel to block him. "Actually, I could handle these 'adventures' in my sleep, and without complaining about it too." Gabriel raised an eyebrow, and something flickered behind the irate red of Gabriel's eyes.

"Is that a challenge?" Gabriel's voice had a light, taunting edge to it. "I bet a week of coliseum battling that you can't handle her 'adventure' to the permafrost caves." Silver grinned, his mind made up before any second thoughts could surface. He was itching to battle in the coliseum, but hadn't had the chance to since Evewern had been taking the trainees with her instead of him or Candal.

"I bet I could. I'll see you soon," Silver was off the ground, already flying in hot pursuit of Jess. It was only after he'd seen Jess did it occur to him that Gabriel had probably just set him up for this, but it was too late to turn back now. A bet was a bet, and Silver ached for battle more than his better judgement could stop.

Dragon 3: Medoh


Description: Medoh just wanted to make a few friends, they didn't mean to get mixed up in this whole 'exploration' thing. They had intended to befriend Marley, and what better way to do so than with the snow games being held nearby? However, they found themself with an excited Pearlcatcher and a reticent Imperial, staring into the depths of permafrost caverns. They wanted to go back, but reluctantly joined the pair when the Imperial offered them a perch on his horns. The Imperial seemed unperturbed by the supposed dangers of these caverns, and both him and the Pearlcatcher rippled with the tough muscles of fighters, so Medoh supposed it wouldn't be too dangerous with these two around. Besides, going back would mean having to find their way back home, and they weren't familiar enough with this area to do so. They really wished they'd never followed that Wildclaw's directions to get to the snow games, but if this trip led to being friends with these two dragons, then it'd be well worth it.

tl;dr my boy Gabe sets up Silver with a date called Danger, Jess is Jess, and my smol child Medoh wants friends so bad they're willing to join in without knowing what's going on with this adventure
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