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Personal Style


Valkyrie Blade
Tarnished Steel Tail Cuffs
Tarnished Steel Gorget
Ranger's Quiver
Tarnished Steel Gauntlets
Tarnished Steel Boots
Surgestream Coat
Simple Iron Wing Bangles
Icicle Chains




6.52 m
4.13 m
631.63 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 28, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
Max Level




  • none



a team nickelklaus dragon

lightning flight representative

quality quality quality

xxxx In an empty part of the wasteland known as the Shifting Expanse, the wind uncovered a peculiar object. It was oblong and heavy, with a pattern much like that of a fulgurite. An egg. Unlike those found in tended nests, however, this one did not spark with the potential for life that marked a lightning hatchling-to-be. Yet.

Hot summer days make storms brew up and sizzle with potential. The winds that exposed the dead egg fed power into the storm above, the dust devils of blowing sand adding sparks of static electricity to the very air above. Distant heat lightning became nearer as a certain charged deity took notice.

Today was a rare day. The Stormcatcher was bored. Everything that needed tending had been tending and his clans were out scavenging for materials and waiting on shipments of supplies to continue their experiments. He hated days like this when the world around him didn’t need a Boss. The egg caught his attention not because of the life it had contained, but rather because of its unchanging entropy. While the wind and ground around it shifted and changed, the egg did nothing but settle deeper as the sand danced away. In a system containing no kinetic energy, what would happen if I were to introduce some? Would it be enough to activate the process that would lead to life in this vessel? He drummed his claws against his desk as he thought. Tiny sparks jumped with each impact. He shrugged. The only way to find out is through experimentation.

The Stormcatcher picked up the egg and examined it. The shell was completely intact, with minimal scratches from where the sand had etched it. Holding it up to the light, he could see the barest hint of a form, like the nucleus of an atom. Focussing his power, he sent a jolt of electricity into this center. He started small at first, hitting the target, then waiting and observing to see what happened before repeating his actions with slightly higher voltages with each test. At first, no changes were visible. Then slowly, small ones appeared. Light appeared first, at brief intervals, followed by colors, then heat. As more and more energy was added, the egg began to spark. The Stormcatcher made note of what happened at each step as he continued to add energy. The intermittent lights became a constant, pulsing glow that combined with the sparks to send waves of static electricity across the egg’s shell. Finally, to the Stormcatcher’s astonishment, the little nucleus began to move on its own.

Over the next several days, the Stormcatcher continued to watch over the egg. He wrote down his observations as the nucleus grew and changed to resemble first a generic embryo, then the defining features of a dragon: four legs, wings, tail. He was absurdly proud of the little thing. He spoke to the egg as it sat on his desk, between visits to his employees to ensure they weren’t slacking off during his absences. He wasn’t sure if the growing hatchling within the egg could hear him, but it always moved a little more when he spoke.

As the hatchling grew until it filled the egg, the electricity around it increased, throwing sparks of lightning with every movement of the hatchling. The Stormcatcher moved it to a sort of nest made from wrapped cables in a corner of his office. He continued to make notes on its development. For Science! He thought.

Finally a day came when the Stormcatcher saw what he had been waiting for: a miniscule crack appeared in the shell. It grew wider as the hatchling within struggled to escape. The egg threw off waves of electricity, making the office at the peak of the Tempest Spire spark violently and making St. Elmo’s Fire appear throughout the Lightning Farm far below. With a crack of thunder that echoed across the Shifting Expanse, the Stormcatcher’s project emerged.

What the Stormcatcher saw brought tears to his eyes. Between his claws, shaking her head, was a beautiful little pearlcatcher the color of the copper wires that stretched across her adopted father’s territory. Electric-blue eyes stared up at him in wonderment that the deity returned with equal parts amazement and curiosity. He watched as she ate the charged remnants of her eggshell and created her pearl. What is this feeling? I have not felt like this since creating my children. Pride. Yes, that’s it. The Stormcatcher smiled.


The Stormcatcher’s employees found that their Boss was trying a new management style: more hands-off. This was not due to some leadership seminar or motivate-your-employees retreat, but rather because Bossdad was training an assistant. The little pearlcatcher created by the deity’s experimentation was efficient, organized, and interested in making others more so.

For every hatchling, the time comes when it is time to leave the nest. The Stormcatcher’s hatchling was no different. The proud adopted father offered his daughter a final gift as she made ready to leave. “My daughter, though not of my flesh, you are mine. I have trained you to the best of your abilities to be a leader. I give you two gifts before you depart my office. The first is a name; I give you the name Czarina. This is a name of power and responsibility. It is the name of a leader. I know you’ll live up to it. The second boon I grant you is a purpose. I know young dragons always seek a reason for their being, so here is one for you: spread word of my work and that of your birth Flight. Remember what you have been taught, be constructive, and GET TO WORK!”

Czarina saluted to the Stormcatcher and swung her pack over her shoulder. Both parties had tears in their eyes (though neither would ever admit to them) as the pearlcatcher headed out to spread the work of her father across Sornieth.



a labor of love brought to you by:
CelestialBlue (artist) | PastCat (lore writer) | Soviett (trainer)
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