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Personal Style


Sky Blue Tail Bangle
Sky Blue Fillet
Sky Blue Wing Silks
Sky Blue Silk Sash
Sky Blue Leg Silks
Sky Blue Arm Silks
Sky Blue Silk Scarf
Gloomwillow Guide
Frigid Crown
Glowing Blue Clawtips
Winter Wind




3.85 m
2.77 m
114.26 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 22, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



ENF4NJH.pngL E G E N DHcLmuty.png
An old legend tells the story of a black hole and a shining comet who fell deeply in love. Whenever the black hole was away from the comet his heart ached, whenever the comet caught a glance of the black hole her trail would shine brighter. They cherished their brief shared moments more than anything.
But every time they reached out for each other, the comet was swallowed by the black hole’s power and disappeared to some faraway place.
Nevertheless she would travel space - sometimes for years - to reunite with her beloved again, only for the few moments she had before she was swallowed once more. Then she would do it again. And again.

A kind goddess had witnessed the starcrossed-lovers’ futile attempts to be together and, moved by their unwavering love, took pity on them.
With a whisper and breath she transformed the black hole and the comet into dragon eggs to be hatched in the Southern Icefield and finally be able to reunite once and for all.
But the transmutation had erased the dragons’ memory and, having forgotten their common past, they grew up not searching for eachother.

And so they lived their lives as dragons, unaware of each other’s existence, but with an unshakable feeling that something was missing.


The Big Move ~ Part #1 _____________________The Escape Plan

“ The Southern Icefield ~The massive, frosted expanse of the Southern Icefield once enveloped the entire lower hemisphere, rivaling the size of the continents watching from above. The Icewarden and his brood now resist northern threats from the glacial prisons that they maintain at the bottom of the world. This harsh landscape has embittered generations of its denizens over time, lending to increasing hostility towards outsiders as the landmass continues to shrink. “

Frost stood on the banks of the Snowsquall Tundra, looking out over the water to where they would have to start their travels...around The Twisting Crescendo. They would need to meet with Windsinger, the reigning god at the Zephyr Steppes as he had promised Shiji they would before continuing their jouney to the Sunbeam Ruins.

Not only was it festival time, so they would have to travel fast, but most of the dragons in Frost’s flight had never participated in the ritual at Sundial Terrace. He had been promising for years, but this year was different. The continuing hostility towards outsiders had become personal for him. Every time he ran into a dragon in trouble, he took them into his lair. He had many outsiders in his clan, and therefore was somewhat looked down upon.

Of generous nature, and since he was one of the few feeling no hostility towards outsiders, he took it upon himself to deliver food and things that were needed to the dragons in the prisons. There he met Indigo, a beautiful light dragon. She was very young, and had no parents to help her. She had been looking for a home and had wandered into The Southern Icefield, captured and imprisoned. After months of visiting with her, he felt fatherly towards her and had to help her if he could. He didn’t mention this to her as he needed a plan.

Frost felt sorry for a lot of the dragons captured and kept in the glacial prisons, except those that were rightfully there, and decided that he was going to help those he could.

He met with Zavos, leader of his warriors, and asked that he help. Zavos was saved from death, fished out of the fast moving river when he was only 3 days old and adopted by Frost. Frost waited for months thinking that they would be looking for him, but no one came. He assumed Zavos had fallen from the cliffs of the Shifting Expanse and presumed dead. Zavos, an outsider himself and never really accepted agreed to come up with a plan.

Zavos met with Patel, a kind hearted beast that worked in the prisons, and the only one that had access to the prisons locking mechanism. At this point, only the 3 of them were in on the planning. Patel agreed that they needed to make haste and outlined an escape plan for Zavos to take to Frost. Patel would not leave the prison until the plan was put into action.

The Big Move ~ Part #2 _____________________ The Plan

Frost and Zavos met in an abandoned ice cave, to assure not being heard.

“Frost, Patel and I believe we can release just those that you have requested via the intricate locking mechanism. Patel said he knows how to release just those you feel should come for the journey.”

Frost hands Zavos a list. “These are the dragons that I feel would be able to make the journey and deserve release. They did nothing wrong other than wander into our lands from the outsiders realms.”

Zavos looks over the list. “I will give this to Patel so he can complete the planning with the lock mechanisms. Have you got the rest of the plan figured out, and when are we telling the others?”

Frost thinks for a moment “Yes, I plan to tell the rest of the clan tonight starting at 6pm now that I know its possible. We will meet here in the ice cave in groups of 10 so as not to draw attention. Please meet me there as I will have you stay through all the meetings. Thank you for your help. Everyone will need reassured that you are with us to lead the warriors for our protection.”

Zavos leaves with the list to meet one last time with Patel.

Frost quietly meets with each dragon for the first group of 10 and lets them know that they are to come back and each will choose the next dragon to attend.

Zavos slips the list to Patel. “I will be back tomorrow with the rest of the plan and when we will leave so you can prepare.” Patel nods and leaves to go over the list.

Patel looks at the list and has a moment of panic as there are 40 names, but shakes his head, squares his shoulders and begins the painstaking process. Just one panel of the locking mechanism would take him hours to prepare, and there were 10 panels. He would start the process and leave only the date the mechanism would begin until he heard back from Zavos.

Frost is at the cave when the first 10 arrive, Zavos not far behind.

“Hello all. I realize that this is a strange occurrence, but I have known for years the growing unhappiness due to so many of us being ostracized from this community due to our diversity. Last spring when I left for 3 weeks, it was to meet with the reining god Lightweaver and ask his permission to move our clan to Sunbeam Ruins. Several of you also had never, but wanted to attend one of their festivals and had not participated in the ritual at Sundial Terrace.

I have met many in the prisons who do not deserve to be there, so we will be leaving in 3 days time, taking a lot of them with us. Please do not discuss this outside of this cave, and certainly not with anyone outside of our clan.”

“I will now take questions or discuss concernes.”

Frost continued until he had met with all 156 dragons in the clan.

The Big Move ~ Part #3 _______________________ Questions/Concerns

Frost waited expectantly for the barrage of questions and concerns they would all have about the move, but was surprised when but a few stood quietly waiting for him to choose.

He chose Shiji first, as it surprised him that she was quietly standing as she was the most rebellious of them all. He had found her all alone when he was exploring the Cloudscrape Crags a year ago, and invited her to the clan. She still had her cave there, but was a great asset to the community with her beautiful voice. She came every week to sing for them, and her concerts were packed. Usually she had Topaz in tow with his lute to accompany her. He wasn’t with her today so he must be traveling again. (he, a notorious flirt and constantly looking for dragons to woo with his lute)

Shiji came to the front of the group and addressed Frost. “Frost, I agree with this move, and I am thrilled that we are helping those unfortunates in the prison. I have but one request. On our way, if we travel via the Windswept Plateau, I would like to go to the Zephyr Steppes and meet with Reigning God
Windsinger. It has been too long since my youth, and my dragon rites to become closer to the sky.”

“Of course Shiji” Frost said. “We may even have time to visit with others there as I would like to stay for a night.”

Shiji smiled her coy little crooked smile “Thank you Frost, I appreciate it and will let Topaz know. He will be back tomorrow”

Shiji sat down and Frost looked to those left standing. He chose Alchemist next.

The Big Move ~ Part #4 __________________________ Questions/Concerns

Frost is a bit taken aback when Alchemia, Sacrosanct and Blessed all stand with Alchemist.

Alchemist clears his throat. “Frost, we all are thankful for this move. We were so happy when you accepted us into your clan, as we had high hopes that the ice would mute Sacrosancts eyes from fire to a lighter color like ours. We have realized living among you this last year that his eye color should not matter, and doesn’t. We are happy to move with you back to our homeland and we will speak with our reigning lord Lightweaver when we arrive about living accommodations for the clan.”

Frost smiled and realized he had made a wonderful choice when welcoming them to the clan. They had become cherished members of their community and loved by all.

The Big Move ~ Part #5 ___________________________ Preparations

Frost is pleased that all are happy with the upcoming move to light. Somewhat shocked that there weren’t more questions or concerns. He goes back to his lair for a good nights sleep.

Frost sends a note to all members of the clan the following morning.

“One and all! Pack light, but make sure to take extra as there will be 40 new joining us and we have a long road ahead. There are many of us and it may cause some concern along the way, but we have our warriors with us. We will leave in 3 days, at waters edge, at 12pm.”

Zavos meets with Patel, “We leave in 3 days.” Zavos says solemnly, “ We will all pack enough for the 40 that you are releasing and will bring. We will meet at the rivers edge that night as we must move while all others sleep. “I have arranged with The Tidelord, via messenger, enough ships for all to cross.not only here but also across the Sea of a Thousand Currents.”

Patel smiles and says “Zavos, you have no idea how happy this makes me! I am glad to be moving and no longer a part of the prison system! I am a warrior, I know, but my heart is just not in it. I would rather pursue other interests.” I have the lock mechanism ready, and will time it for 3 days from now, midnight and will bring everyone to waters edge.”

Patel pulls the crumpled list from his pocket and gets started.


When Zavos gets back to the clan, everyone is quietly packing and preparing things so they can leave. He quickly goes to the the clan’s warrior citidel to meet with the other warriors. They will not pack light as they have a clan of what will be 200 to possibly defend in their travels.

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